
Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter AU A young man from our world wakes up as Harry Potter but with a big twist. He's not the famous 'Boy Who Lived'; that's his younger brother, Charles Potter. Armed with memories from his past life and all the Harry Potter stories he knows, he faces a magical world that's both familiar and full of surprises. This Harry is on a secret mission, using his knowledge to quietly change things from behind the scenes. It's a story about a hidden hero, making big moves, in a magical world full of adventures and challenges. Release Frequency - 1 Chapter/Day Disclaimer - I do not own the characters and the plot of the Harry Potter Universe. Support my work at - https://www.patreon.com/TalesByJaz

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Chapter 42: “Legacy of the Potters Part - 1”

Over the next few weeks, Harry found himself visiting Black Castle often. He was fascinated by its mysteries and enjoyed exploring both the castle and the island.

Today was particularly exciting for Harry because Lord Black had promised to share stories about his grandparents, especially his great-grandfather, Charlus Potter, a man surrounded by intrigue.

Sirius was absent from the castle that day. His duties as an auror, those challenging and dangerous tasks that he performed to maintain the peace and security of the wizarding world, had called him away. 

Lord Black, prepared to delve into the story of Charlus Potter, after whom Harry's younger brother was named, invited Harry into a lavishly decorated room. This room, filled with artifacts from the past, seemed to echo with centuries of history.

They settled into ornate chairs, and Lord Black began his narrative, giving life to the tale of Charlus Potter.

"Charlus, your great-grandfather, and I shared our formative years within the hallowed halls of Hogwarts," Arcturus began his voice a blend of nostalgia and respect. "He was a proud Gryffindor, through and through, while I, as fate would have it, was sorted into Slytherin. Our paths, seemingly divided by the deep-seated loyalties of our respective houses, rarely intersected in those days."

"Charlus was a unique individual, markedly different from the Potters I had been cautioned about in my youth. He did not carry the air of arrogance or boastfulness that was often attributed to your family. Instead, he was genuinely intelligent and had a natural affinity for magic, which seemed as effortless to him as breathing. Sometimes, I questioned whether Gryffindor was truly the right house for him, given his complex nature," Lord Black continued, his voice tinged with admiration.

Harry listened intently, finding this new insight into his family both intriguing and refreshing. It painted a picture of his great-grandfather that was in stark contrast to the brash, bold figures that had often been described in his family's history. 

"Charlus was admired and envied by many for his magical talent," Lord Black went on, his voice filled with the depth of years gone by. "He wasn't just a duelist, Harry; he was a warrior in the truest sense. Taught not merely to duel but to fight. His proficiency with a wand was born not of traditional dueling lessons, but of rigorous combat training under his father's guidance."

"Imagine, Harry, Charlus was so skilled that even Albus Dumbledore, known as a pinnacle of magical ability in magical Britain, would think twice before dueling him. The very thought of such a confrontation is something that I often mused about," Lord Black shared, lost in thought.

Harry was amazed. The thought that his great-grandfather could have matched Dumbledore in magic was both shocking and inspiring. Even though Harry had his issues with Dumbledore, he recognized the wizard's renowned power.

Lord Black's story went on, bringing the past to life with tales of Hogwarts, a place of fierce house rivalries yet where these didn't always prevent friendships. "We didn't cross paths often, but when we did, it was unforgettable. We were in some classes together and faced off in school dueling contests. I must admit, with no small amount of respect, that Charlus made me, a wizard of considerable skill in my own right, appear amateurish in comparison."

Harry felt a deep sense of pride swelling within him as he listened to the stories of his great-grandfather's courage and skill. 

This connection was a rare feeling for Harry, who had lived another life before being reborn. Over time, he had embraced his identity as Harry Potter, the memories of his previous existence fading into the background. The memories of past life just remained to act as a guide for his new one.

Lord Black, his face softening with a hint of a smile, reminisced about those days long gone. "We were not friends in the conventional sense, but there was a mutual respect that transcended the boundaries of our houses. Our interactions were often limited to passing greetings in the corridors of Hogwarts, yet those brief moments were marked by a sense of mutual understanding and regard."

The sound of the ancient clock chiming in the background of Black Castle lent a timeless quality to the atmosphere as Lord Black shared more about his and Charlus's shared history at Hogwarts. "It was in our fifth year when our paths truly intersected in an event that would forever alter the course of our lives," he continued, his voice gaining weight as he delved into the memory.

Arcturus leaned forward, his eyes reflecting the intensity of the tale he was about to unfold. "An incident involving Dorea Black, my beloved sister, was the catalyst. On that fateful day, Dorea found herself unwittingly cornered by a group of rather malevolent seventh-year Slytherins. Their intentions were less than honorable, and it seemed as though she had no escape."

Harry listened, his interest piquing as Arcturus delved into this dramatic encounter. "It was Charlus, brave and valiant Charlus, who emerged as her unexpected savior. His arrival was timely and his intervention was nothing short of heroic. The display of magical skill and sheer bravery he exhibited that day not only earned my deepest respect but also sparked something special between him and Dorea."

Arcturus's voice took on a softer tone as he recounted the blossoming relationship between his sister and Charlus Potter, a union that was, in many ways, a defiance of the societal norms of their time.

"Their relationship though looked upon with disapproval and skepticism by many, grew stronger with each day that passed. My attempts to dissuade them, to protect our family's reputation, proved to be in vain. Dorea was as headstrong and determined as Charlus, and their bond seemed unbreakable, forged in the fires of adversity and mutual admiration."

Arcturus's voice held a note of admiration, tinged with the wisdom of hindsight, as he recounted the years that followed their graduation from Hogwarts. "Charlus joined the dueling circuit after Hogwarts and his fame there rose meteorically. His victories were not mere wins; they were a testament to his extraordinary prowess. Every duel was a spectacle, a display of his mastery over magic that told its own story."

As Lord Black shared more, the room seemed to become smaller, as though the walls themselves were leaning in to listen to the history being told. "The rise of the dark wizard Grindelwald cast a long, ominous shadow over our world, threatening the peace and safety we had known. Charlus stood firm against those who rallied under Grindelwald's sinister banner. Stories of Charlus's bravery spread far and wide, his magic a light in the darkness that Grindelwald was trying to spread."

Arcturus paused, lost for a moment in thoughts of those difficult times. "I, as the heir to the Black family, chose a path of neutrality, a stance that seemed most befitting at the time. Yet, deep within, I couldn't help but admire Charlus's unwavering resolve and courage in the face of such overwhelming odds."

He sighed deeply, the weight of the past evident in his expression. "The war, though it remained largely unofficial, claimed many lives. My father was one of its numerous victims, falling in a skirmish that echoed the larger conflict. Charlus's father, fueled by a determined resolve to confront Grindelwald, met a tragic end. This loss only served to deepen Charlus's commitment to the cause, to actively engage in the war against darkness."

Arcturus's pause allowed the magnitude of the war and its impact on both their families to truly sink in. "Charlus's involvement in the war deepened with each passing day. He was not merely a participant; he became a leader, his magic a living testament to your family's enduring legacy."

Harry sat, utterly captivated by the tales of his great-grandfather, a man whose life was an intricate tapestry woven from threads of bravery, love, and defiance against the forces of darkness. "In those turbulent times, Charlus Potter was more than just a wizard; he emerged as a symbol of hope, an embodiment of the courage and resilience that defines your family," Arcturus concluded, a note of pride in his voice.