
Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

A young man reborn into his favorite world. He was granted some request after his death, but the problem was that the granter had no control over how those request were to be granted. Watch as he grows from a single boy in the dark to a protector who wishes to light the path forward for the magical world one step at a time. ———— I just couldn’t read other fanfics cause this idea just kept ringing in my head. It’s my very first time writing or posting anywhere. And I obviously don’t own any of the settings, but so what? I’m doing cause I felt like it and for the fun of it.

Alexander_the_grey · Bücher und Literatur
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206 Chs

Ch.166 Draco-nic talk

(Yes my title is a pun today, I couldn't think of a Good title and this made me smile for some reason.)

"There we go. Now I'll know if that annoyance goes too far." I said as I finished modifying the new addition to the wards.

This particular add-on was a ward to detect more serious curses used in the castle and pain detection. In the short run it'll help me make sure that Umbitch doesn't do anything to any students, and if she does I'll know when and where. And in the long run it will allow the staff to know when someone has taken things too far or find any student suffering pain above a certain threshold. A good anti-bullying ward basically.

The reason I added this little precaution was because I could see exactly how unstable she was getting from her attempts failing. Her latest scheme was that stupid Inquisitorial squad she made in the canon, but that failed splendidly without me even having to do anything. Biggest reason being the much better inter-house relations due to my presence. Even if a few were interested, they realized that this position of 'authority' would mark them as power hungry and turncoats, hence isolating them from everyone else and losing whatever friends they had. Plus no one even thought the toad had any real power at this point except for being a pain in the ass and giving out ridiculous punishments for doing anything she didn't like, that being the case because the faculty was just using loopholes to keep Hogwarts a good place to be in.

"Time to go home." I said to myself as walk out of my office with a smile on my face.

As I lock the door and start leaving, I hear the sound of someone running towards me, making me turn to see who could be in such a rush.

Interestingly, it was one Draco Malfoy.

"Professor, could I speak with you please?" He asked as he caught his breath.

(Just so no one flips out prematurely, I made Malfoy be polite towards Aedan for a few reasons: first being the fact that he's a legitimate lord, Slytherin's respect him and are still very much trained by Victoria, he's not Harry or being humiliated so no daddy talk, and another upcoming reason.)

"Certainly Mr. Malfoy. Is this a quick matter or should this be discussed in my office?" I responded with a polite smile.

"In your office." He answered as he looked around in caution.

"Alright then, come on in." I simply said as I unlocked the place and headed in.

My office was done in my style, just like prior DADA professors. But unlike Lockhart's him themed office and Moody/Barty with his detection devices, mine was filled with various books on the subject in bookcases, diagrams of various dark creatures on open spots of wall, two couches with a coffee table in front of my private fireplace, a nicely crafted mahogany desk with a comfortable desk chair and two guest chairs in front.

"Take a seat on one of the couches Mr. Malfoy. Would you like some tea?" I cordially ask the teen.

"No thank you Professor, I just need to ask you a few things and then I will be on my way to the Great Hall for Dinner." He politely said as he sat down with a slightly uncertain expression.

"Then ask away." I simply said as I seated myself on the opposite couch.

He didn't immediately begin his questioning, his face telling me he didn't know where to begin and was having difficulties deciding what he should actually ask now that he was here.

"Why did my mother tell me to come to you for aid?" He finally asked as he looked at me.

"Because, like many, you are going to be in a position which would either cause your death or turn you into something akin to a slave. This is something she wishes you could avoid." I answered with what I believed is the truth, especially after talking with the woman.

"But why would mother say to come to YOU? She never mentioned knowing you and father hates you for the repeated humiliations, so why you Professor?" He asked again as his emotions became a bit more erratic, showing me his confusion.

"That would be because Lady Narcissa Black has come under my protection before the school year began." I answered calmly as I watched the young man.

"That's preposterous! Mother went to vacation in France!" He immediately denied as he stood from the couch.

"Draco, how much do you know about your mother and father's marriage?" I then asked, ignoring his outburst.

"What?" He responded in complete confusion over the change of topic.

"What do you know about their marriage and how it was before you were born?" I asked again and further specified.

"It's like any other proper pureblood family; find someone of suitable status, start a dialogue to see if the other party is agreeable to the match and then both sides form a contractual bond, later developing the relationship further. And father always stopped mother from talking about before I was born." He responded in an uncertain manner.

"Well, let us start from the beginning then shall we?" I say as I gesture for him to take a seat again. "This information comes from your mother directly, so if you have any doubts you can ask her later.

The brief version would be that during the last wizard war, your mother expressed some interest in your father when they were still attending Hogwarts. During this time, the Dark Lord was building his forces and more pureblooded began to join his cause. Your father was an avid supporter in his school days, alongside other students who primarily resides in Slytherin. This was near the time when the Black family was looking to join the cause as well, while also going above and beyond to prove their loyalty to their new Lord, resulting in the brilliant idea to marry off the three Black sisters to other devoted families. They tried to arrange a marriage between Andromeda and the Goyle family, but she eloped with her current husband, Bellatrix was sent to the Lestrange's and your mother to the Malfoy's.

Turns out your mother and Bellatrix should have followed Andromeda's example in the end though." I said as I began my explanation.

"You have to be joking!? Mother should have followed the example of that blood traitor!? She would never do that!" Draco vehemently denied as he stood once again.

"Do you want to know the reason why she believes this now or are you going to leave?" I asked with a raised eyebrow as I looked at the emotional teen.

Draco looked at the door for a few moments, but ultimately decided to remain as he sat down.

"The reason she said this is because of how the contractual bond was made. Your mother and Bellatrix weren't wed using traditional wedding contracts between nobles. For them there was no way out. The contracts were basically rewritten servant contracts indicating that they must obey their 'husbands', they must create an heir obviously, they had to help increase the status of their new families, etc.

For Bellatrix, this meant climbing the ranks of Death Eaters and making the Lestranges status rise through their Lord. Her success led to her becoming the hand of her lord, behaving as a fanatic and the ability to command the man she hated and married.

Your mother supported your family financially and politically, developing the Malfoy's to the position they now hold from your father's shadow. She avoided the Death Eater cause and built everything so well that even your father was able to walk a free man after everything he's done." I explained as Draco became thoughtful over the revelation.

"But that doesn't explain why mother left and wanted you to protect her Professor. Even if she was bound by a contract, it doesn't mean she didn't love me or father." He said as he looked at me for an explanation.

"Let's begin with the fact that your mother only had some interest in the man before marrying him. That would have been a rough enough start for any 18 year old. But then his actions began to sour the relationship even further. From what your mother told me, she was subjected to physical and magical punishments whenever your father decided or when she disobeyed, a display to show off his so called strength/power/authority, she was forced to act however he wanted, all of her efforts were always portrayed as his achievements, and he never gave her any kind of love because your father is apparently a homosexual. All in all, it doesn't help a woman fall in love does it?" I laid out without any subtlety, leaving the poor guy with a very torn look on his face.

"My father never even loved her? Not even a little?" He desperately asked as he looked at me with a lot of emotions in his grey eyes.

"Is preference would have made that rather difficult, but even then he never treated her as a friend or confident, only a servant or tool. I am sorry Draco." I answered with some pity for the teen.

"Then what about me!? Was everything she did for me fake? Did she even care or was it always because of that contract? Did she ever even love me?" Draco asked as his emotions turned chaotic due to the revelations.

"Your mother truly cares and loves you Draco. She even wished to be more involved in your upbringing and childhood, but was forced to let Lucius do as he pleased. She even requested I take you under my protection as well, hoping you wouldn't become another servant for the Dark Lord and lived a happy life." I answered gently, making the young man's tense body and mind relax as I spoke.

"Then what about my father?" He questioned.

"I honestly don't know Draco. All I know is that your father is not a good man and I honestly don't know if he was anything close to resembling a good father to you. I know you hold him in high esteem, but that is all. And your mother's words have made my opinion of the man sink even lower than it was before." I honestly answered again, making Draco shift to a very thoughtful expression.

I let him digest everything I told him patiently. I may not have high hopes for the teen in front of me due to what I've observed during the last 4 years, but my efforts managed to turn Ron around and I can't not give Draco the same chance.

If I look at him objectively, Draco is quite a capable young man. Putting aside his blinding obsession with Harry, his grades are in the top five for his year, he's creative enough to manage to work around the Hogwarts wards in canon, he skilled enough to fight Harry in their sixth year and he later became a highly respected banker as an adult. So there should be hope.

"What should I do Professor? I'm not strong enough to go against everything we stand for. My whole life, father told me we were better and should rule as only purebloods could. I was raised to be his heir. But I've seen how some things are and I'm scared. My father said it was an honor to serve the Dark Lord, but I can see how much he fears him. I heard the screams when he's angry and even sometimes a body being taken out of the manor. I don't want to end up like that." Draco finally said as he even unknowingly let slip that Voldemort resides in Malfoy Manor.

"It's perfectly normal to be scared Draco. Most witches and wizards in this country can't even say his name due to the fear they still have of him. But if you do not want to be a part of what he represents or even if you just don't want to live your life as a fearful servant, I will protect you too." I gently said to the scared teen.

I could see the exact memory he was talking about when he talked about them. Draco was realizing what being a death eater truly entailed bit by bit and his mother leaving seemed to have been a trigger alongside Voldemort choosing to hide in Malfoy Manor earlier than canon.

"But why? I thought you hated purebloods. Why would you help me? I know you never had a positive view of me and Victoria certainly didn't either." He questioned, but I could see he was looking for hope in his questions

"I don't hate purebloods Draco. If I did, I wouldn't be engaged and in love with one. What I hate are the ideals some believe in. I have no problem with someone being proud of their families past and current achievements. It is completely understandable is certain families hold greater amounts of power than a random wizard with no backing. It is true that families which have been magical for a long time do have stronger Magic cores and can develop certain gifts. I will not deny any of that.

What I hate is suppressing others based on birth, actively killing and harming others because someone believes themselves better, wanting power but not properly taking care of the responsibilities which come with it, and the constant hate such ideals spread.

But if you believe that you want to change and don't want to follow in your father's footsteps, I'll be right there to help you or anyone else in the same situation." I said to him with a calm smile on my face.

That seemed to have surprised him greatly.

"Um, i think I need some time Professor. And maybe a talk with mother if possible." Draco said to me after thinking for a moment.

"I'll arrange for a secret meeting for the two of you. It'll happen during the holiday break, so try to think of an excuse for your father." I responded without skipping a beat.

"I'll do just that. I don't know what good it'll do, but I feel like I have to do this." He said as the teen stood up from the sofa with a heavy sigh this time.

"Just take your time and think everything through carefully. Look back at what you were taught and look at everything with an objective eye. You'll find the answers you are looking for Draco." I say to him with a peaceful smile.

"Thank you Professor, for your time." Draco then before he started to walk to the door.

"No problem at all Draco. And don't forget that if you ever feel over your head, I am more than willing to lend a hand." I said to the young man as he walked on.

"I'll keep that in mind Professor, thanks." He said as he opened the door and walked out.

'I hope I helped him.' I thought to myself as I watched my door close.

But then I noticed the time and became quite nervous.

"Shit! I didn't tell Tory I was going to be late! No time for the proper way now." I hurriedly said as I burst into azure flames and vanished from my office.

Here’s a surprise Draco visit.

I thought that Voldemort being in his house and Narcissa being gone should actually affect Draco. Plus she is keeping in contact with him even if she’s under protection.

Hope this wasn’t too forced and that I can actually make this development somewhat believable.

Also, has the story gotten boring lately? Kinda getting worried.

Anyway, enjoy.

Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts