
Ch. 87 Happy Day

Even for me, the results were a bit ridiculous. 4 O+ was already mind blowing to pretty much everyone. Hell one of them would be enough to peg someone as the next prodigy in that field. But those were my lowest grades. I've never seen O++ recorded anywhere before. And I got 8.

"What's wrong Aedan? I heard you yell from the common room." Asked a curious Harry.

"Ha! I think I just made history!" I answer with some pride.

"What? How?" He confusedly asked as he looked at me.

"Check out my scores for my OWL's." I just say with a grin as I hand the letter over.

Harry reads through the paper but the his eyes widen and his jaw hung open. He looked from the letter to me, then back to the letter, then back to me.

"Yup." I just say with the biggest grin I've ever made.

"I didn't even know you could get an O+. Much less an O++." Said the now dazed Harry.

"Never heard of them either. I think they made this one up because I just did too much for just Outstanding with distinctions. Hermione is going to break when she hears there are now two grades above outstanding." I say to the boy with a hearty laugh.

"That does sound like Hermione." He admitted with a smile at the image in his head.

"Bro! Why are you laughing so much!" Yelled Susan from outside since she was tending to the garden.

"Suz! Come and see how even the Ministry acknowledges the awesomeness your big brother has!" I yelled out excitedly as I wanted to show off to my little sister.

She rushes to the door as she takes of her Herbology gloves and takes the letter.

"Haha! You broke through the roof big bro! Congratulations! You're still the most awesome brother in existence!" She happily yelled out as she hugged me.

"You sound like you doubted me! For that one you get punishment!" I say in mock hurt and anger as I grab the threw her up in the air, causing her to giggle uncontrollably.

I've done this a lot, and even if she's almost a teenager i can still have these moments with her because we're close. She can be free around me and act spoiled.

Harry watches how we act and smiles a bit with a shake of his head. He's seen me pamper and care form Susan a lot before. But there was also some sadness in his eyes, since he also wishes to have something like that. Someone who would care and spoil him a bit just cause their family.

That was until Susan and I noticed the boys melancholic mood and mischievously looked at each other before nodding.

While the kid was in his own little world, we snuck up on him, and in one quick motion we sent some light tickling charms on the boy to make him start laughing.

"Hahahahahaha! What? Hahaha! What are you doing? Haha!" He tried asking through his laughter.

"You looked stuck in the bad thoughts Harry." Started Susan.

"And that's how we take care of those thoughts in the Bones family." I continued.

""We make each other laugh."" We finished in unison.

"What?" He asked completely not getting it.

"You aren't the only one who's lost someone Harry. Both Susan and I only have aunty left for a reason." He said gently.

"Yeah, but we were lucky to have each other and aunty, oh and Tilly." Added Susan.

"Everyone in our family's been through the feeling of loss. But we don't want to lose ourselves in it." I continued softly as pat Susan's head, making her smile a bit more.

"And if we can't get out of it ourselves, we help each other to do it and smile again." She finished the explanation.

"It's easy to focus on what we don't have, what we've lost, or what others have gained. It makes you focus on the wrong things in life. Everyone has had happy moments, times they've smiled without restraint, people who've warmed their hearts. It's all about which one you choose to dwell on. I think it's one of the true keys to happiness." I say to the kid as I ruffle is always messy black hair.

"So try to remember the good things, it might just change you're outlook when you need it." I finish gently.

"Hehe. You always try to help others bro." Said a happy Susan, with a bright smile at having such a brother.

"Only those who need and accept it. Can't always help everyone and the key is to accept that. But i believe i can help you Harry. So stay strong. Even if your life didn't start off well, the future is for you to shape. So keep walking with hope and dreams in your heart Harry, and find that reason to smile everyday." I finished as I take my hand away from the kids head.

"That was more serious than i intended, so let's have fun by making a show with magic!" I declare as I took out my wand and started casting creatures made of light, dancing around us and exploding in colorful manners.

The two weren't nearly skilled enough in that area of magic, although Susan might be able to make something akin to muggle fireworks through potions, so it turned into a one man light show.

It did however get the kids smiling.

'Even with all I'm doing in this world, this is what I love about it. It can just be filled with so much wonder.' I thought to myself as I made my Phoenix Patronus fly around the two, letting them laugh as the feelings of happiness and safety envelops them due to it.

With a pleasant afternoon over, aunty arrived at the house looking a bit tired. We then proceeded to have supper with Harry today, getting him to eat some proper food instead of that stupid diet crap. Although the kid has been growing well, putting on some muscles and weight, we still don't want him to go through it.

He's basically been only spending his nights and sleeping over at the Dursley's, but I've reassured Dumbledore about the secret modifications made to the houses safety measures and that secrecy is the best defense, since only those people and my family know he's here most of the time. Ron and Hermione know, but they promised not to tell and they don't really know the potential danger he's under. Plus, who would be crazy enough to attack the home of the of head of the DMLE? We have Aurors protecting the house, on top of the wards, and her personal skills as well. She can still compete with active senior Aurors at her age! So unless people have a death wish or a dark lord backing them, no one would dare even try to get into the place. Plus it's not like aunty doesn't understand and keeps this under wraps. That and she also feels like Harry is a lot like me and Susan, so she has a soft spot too.

But during supper, it looked like Susan couldn't hold it in.

"Aunty, Aedan's OWL results came in today!" She excitedly burst out, getting me to smile a little at her behavior.

"Oh. And how did the go Aedan? As good as you believed, or have you slipped up somewhere?" She asked with a little tease.

"I believe I did pretty well." I reply as I hand her my letter, while Susan giggles and Harry is looking at my aunts reaction with a smile of anticipation.

As Amelia reads, she becomes even more shocked than she thought she'd be. So much so that her mouth opened slightly and she dropped the fork she was still holding. Making it almost fall on the floor before I just use a bit of wandless magic to lift it up and put it back on the table. No one noticing cause the kids were waiting to see her next actions and Aunty was not computing.

"Is this real?" Was all she managed to ask in almost a whisper.

"Yeah. As far as I know, those are my Ministry certified grades. Came in with a Ministry owl and everything." I replied with a gentle smile.

"Then all I can say is that I am unbelievably proud of you Aedan. I am proud that all of your hard work has born fruit like this." She said with the gentlest expression I've ever seen on her face.

"I told you aunty. You did right by us. Now I'm going to make the entire world know it." I reply softly the our mother figure.

"It doesn't matter if they know. I know and that's enough." She replied, wiping tears from the corners of her eyes.

Susan looked over at the scene, even more determined than ever to become great too. While Harry saw this and felt it was very touching. He had some longing sure. But he thought about what I had said in the afternoon, so he instead wanted to better himself and his own situation to make that longing a reality.

I saw the looks from both of them and smiled.

"Tilly." Then said Aunty, as the little house-elf appeared. "Prepare Aedan's favorite deserts, his success deserves at least some celebrating." She commanded to a cheer from the kids. Cause although the food is always great, desert is a rarity in the house due to Aunty being a bit strict on the stuff.

So that night was filled with happiness all around, we even got Harry to stay the night today just because it was too late and we didn't want to test his houses tolerance on these things.

The next morning itself, after breakfast and getting the kids set up, I finally ordered to begin the stocking of my four new books at BonesWorks and Flourish and Blotts.

'Let's see how they'll react shall we?' I thought with a smile of excitement.

Just a simple, happy chapter. Filled with care and love.

No need to always have important stuff always happening.

Happy is good.


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts