
Ch. 86 Orders and Results

An unnoticed purge had begun in Britain. Geri was a very talented individual. Even without ever going to Hogwarts due to her father, she was able to become among the best of the of the werewolves. She was a true beast when it came to combat, due to her ridiculously trained instincts and specialization in the field. So I rounded out her skills as a magical combat. Made sure she knew how to fight and just ditched standard coursework in favor of my true combat magic. Spells I've designed for maximum effectiveness and lethality. And the number I created only grew the more I took from Voldemort last year. I made the dark arts useless to me by simply making better spells from the light or neutral systems. And I taught them to her. I took her instinctive combat and had her taught systematically as well. Trained by her life, honed by expert, taught by my own hands. I probably turned her into the most lethal woman alive.

But I am not a monster. Everything she learned she chose to. I gave her opportunities and she chose to make herself my hidden blade. If I trained Oliver Gunn as a true warrior, to fight on the frontlines and help me defend this country, then she is my assassin. Through it all however, I made sure not to turn her into an emotionless tool. I would never walk that path. Scott and I showed her how to live in both worlds. Introduced her to leisure activities, hobbies and places to have fun in. Let her experience what it's like to be a normal woman or witch. I didn't want a tool, i wanted someone I could trust and who would chose to fight for my vision.

And now it was time for her to use that sharpened edge for my will.

Within the week I received her notice that she had started subjugating some less dangerous individuals and busting a few drug ring or illegal potion markets, while silently getting rid of my designated targets. No priority targets were to be attacked yet. She would follow my orders to make sure it would not seem like there were actual targets.

The Ministry hadn't really caught any wind of this, simply because they don't care about some criminals disappearing. It happens all the time. And we got Elaine some nice arrests simply because those arrested just thought hit wizards did it.

We made people from the dark side of the wizarding world think that the Dark Moon mercs were either doing missions or waiting for one just as they had before by using polyjuice potions and scripted contracts. Investigated every target thoroughly, then neutralized them in perfect manners and made sure to conceal the participants appearances, heights and weights by constantly rotating the members in action. Not letting anyone even come close to identifying any of the mercs or shadows.

It was quick, efficient and deadly when required. Everyone acted like trained professionals.

The reason I had Geri target people outside of Death Eaters is basically two fold: muddy the waters and reduce ennemies.

The muddying of the water is fairly easy to understand, I don't want people to know I'm doing this. To achieve that result, we are either framing other groups or individuals by copying their M.O, targeting groups with known rivals or ennemies, or simply having them disappear. Therefore making the underworld think they're taking each other out for as long as possible, and hopefully having them helping as misunderstandings grew. I could already see some movements hinting that it might happen. We've also added actual law enforcement in the mix as Elaine and her team are given credit for some takedowns, and I've actually gotten her to do a few to add more variables into the equations. All of this, then helps mask the movements of Geri as she goes for real targets.

The reduction in ennemies is clear as well. Voldemort didn't just take over and impose martial law on magical Britain with the help of like 30 known followers. He used dark wizards, dangerous creatures, ministry traitors, and all the bigots he could find. So I'm going to severely limit who he can even enlist, to either hamper or completely derail his attempts at growing his power. So killing criminals and dark wizards who could be tempted through rewards or threats is an excellent idea, which also helps with reason one when done properly.

My order to take down priority target families if they are in the way is something I struggled with for a long time myself before steeling myself to include it. I've thoroughly investigated every one of the death eaters I've given the kill order on.

The Carrows were a pair of incestuous blood supremacists who supported Voldy during the first war. Although they didn't look for him due to truly believing he had died, they were amongst the first to return to him, showing their loyalty to him and the ideals they hold.

Both generations of the current Avery family have been staunch supporters of the egg since their school days, the elder being a member of the Knights of Walpurgist. Extreme loyalty and bigotry, no idea how they are not in Azkaban.

Yaxley was a man very skilled in the Imperius curse, making him dangerous for most people, and he managed to avoid Azkaban after following the same pattern as the Carrows.

Jugson was pretty much just one of those wizards with connections to a dead noble family who fought for V, but was young and wasn't particularly noteworthy so he avoided Azkaban, even if he was a purist and joined up with the man soon after his return.

While his son is in Azkaban, Mulciber was one of the very first Death Eaters, making him have a very obvious history of atrocities and somehow avoided following his son. I think he might have pushed all his crimes on his kid.

Selwyn wasn't actually a death eater during the first war, simply because he was too young. But from what I found, the man dreamed to be one. He a fanatical blood-purist and is already active in the magical underworld since he's been a suspect in many muggle killings.

Warden Macnair is an easy case. One of the first Death Eaters as well and is excited by thoughts of being able to kill other beings. He got away with the Imperius defense, and if that wasn't bad enough, he got a job at the Ministry to satisfy his urges legally.

Almost none of these men have families, because they would need to find women just as bigoted as they are, which is hard since Bellatrix isn't here to pop out new death babies with Voldycunt. So they mostly live alone with only one having a son living with him, who's also a death eater. The only reason the command was given is just in case they have distant relatives over, and believe me, any relative who would live with one of the people by choice is no angel either. But just to be sure, even if they are absolute monsters, I avoided those with clear families like Malfoy, Nott and Travers, while Goyle and Crabb are still in jail.

So with a timely release, the five above will most likely show up for the man's resurrection.

The rest will die.

And the only reason the others are spared is because they are safe in Azkaban or are too important at the moment. Everyone else is expandable for me.

With my order already taking effect, I was free to do as I wish until my OWL results showed up.

So I decided to go pick up Harry. Since he didn't join the dueling club, his skills haven't had a chance to develop more, but I'll whip him into shape. I get that Dumbledore wanted him to experience 'love' in some twisted form or another, but never teaching the boy how to properly defend himself was just hoping for the best.

This made it time for my second visit to number 4 Privet Drive. I hope those pigs don't say anything too bad, because i might lose some control again if they do.

"Yo Boss! Here for another drive?" Scott asked as I arrived at the house.

"Yeah, to Harry's neighborhood. Same deal as last time." I say to the man with a smile.

I decided to dress simply in a black t-shirt, dark blue jeans, and white nike sneakers. It let my hair contrast against my shirt and let it become more apparent as it was in a high ponytail today.

We got into a classic mustang this time so Scott could 'introduce me to having real muscle under me' as he said. It is a cool experience to be able to ride these cars I had only seen or heard about in my last life. They each have a unique experience.

I quickly reached the Dursley household and knocked on the door.

The one to open it was a very frightened Vernon this time.

'Is it me, or is he getting fatter when the families supposed to be dieting in 'support' for the baby whale they call a son.' I thought when I saw the man.

"Hello again Mr. Dursley, it has been too long. Can I come in? I've just come to check on Harry and bring him out for the day. I think the same arrangement as last year will do, don't you?" I say with a bright smile, helping the man snap out of his horror.

"Yes yes, of course." He mumbles in agreement as I walk in confidently.

"I'll just be in the living room while you get Harry." I say politely this time. "It seems you've gotten a new car as well. Promotion at work? I'm sure you're very pleased. I hope you haven't let it go to your head and started to oppress Harry again. That would be less fortunate." I say in my still polite tone as I make the man start to sweat.

Everyone knows what type of man he is. He would try and imprison Harry in the house and stop any possible leaking of his 'weirdness' to not risk his image.

But soon enough Harry came downstairs after Petunia and Blubby locked themselves in their rooms.

"Aedan! Why are you here?" The growing kid asked to me in surprise.

"Well I thought you'd like to continue with the same general thing we did last summer. A bit more advanced of course, but it's up to you." A say with a kind smile to the boy.

"Of course I'd want to! I've got so much to ask!" He said immediately.

"Of course you do. Go get the usual and we will be off." I chuckled as the kid rushes upstairs.

"Just so you know Mr. Dursley, summer homework is just that, homework. The kids just have to write things they learn from books like any other school. It's simply a different curriculum. So as long as you just let everything that has to do with it in Harry's room and just make it so it doesn't exist in your mind like you already do, no one will ever know and no troubles will come. Easy no?" I say to the man as I give him a pretty obvious hint at how to act during the summer.

Harry now rushed back down with Hedwig, assignment list and wand, looking at me with anticipation.

"Thank you for your hospitality. I will be off now. I believe that how things went last summer was the best for everyone, so no one should have any issues with the same happening now. Have a pleasant day." I say as I walk out with Harry.

And when we got far enough he could no longer wait to ask questions.

"How did you kill the Basilisk?" Was his most urgent one.

"A special tool a prepared due to its magic resistant nature. Actually why I wanted the beast, I'm currently getting a duster coat made of its leather and dragon leather. It'll be perfectly suited for combat." I answer patiently.

"Really?! That's brilliant!" He exclaimed excitedly.

"Maybe I'll save some for you and get a coat made for your own 17th birthday. You should've have pretty much stopped growing by then." I say as the thought passed trough my head.

"You'd do That? But why?" He asked with some happiness, but not understanding.

"It never hurts to have one more person wanting to give you a gift. It's a little belief of mine." I say in my own jovial tone.

"Wicked. Thanks Aedan." He said sincerely.

"Well it will be in another 4 years so no need for thanks now. What were your other questions then?" I asked the boy to sate his curiosity.

"How could you beat Voldemort so easily?" Was the next big one.

"Couple reasons. One is that I am actually very strong, knowledgeable and skilled. The second was that at the age of 16, Tom Riddle had no experience in dueling, whilst I can take on three Aurors at the same time when I'm following proper dueling rules. Three is because I got in his head so badly it reduced his abilities to think, plan and stopped him from properly using his skills. And lastly it was because of the very nature of his presence; it was only a part of him using Ginny to survive, hence a lot weaker than the actual Tom of the time." I explained step by step.

"Wow." He simply answered. "Oh right! How did you even get into the chamber? The entrance needs a parseltongue, it had collapsed behind and you appeared in a burst of fire. How d'you do it?" He quickly asked, excited for the answer.

"Phoenixes have the ability to travel through space by utilizing fire as a medium. It works similarly as apparition, something you'll learn in an optional sixth year course offered at Hogwarts and need a certification for due to its risks, but a lot less restrictive. No one really knows how to block a Phoenix, and those who are bonded to one like Dumbledore and I, can use their gift to travel alongside them." I patiently inform the boy.

"Can I get one then?" He asked with stars in his eyes.

"Unfortunately not. Fawkes is actually the only known truly domestic Phoenix until you reach Asia I believe. With no one knowing about mine of course. They are incredibly rare and bonding with one is near impossible. Not sure how the Headmaster did his, and mine is extremely personal, so no asking about that." I say with an amused smile as Harry gets disappointed.

"Alright, no mopping. We are hidden enough so grab the chain. You remember how this works." I then tell him as he nods he prepares.

The familiar feeling tugs at us and then we land in my backyard.

"Your doing better Harry, barely stumbled on the landing. I'm sure Hedwig appreciated hit." I say with a grin.

"Well then, let's get started." I excitedly announce as I drag the kid inside.

So began a peaceful month for me. I taught Harry and Susan, letting them do their homework as I advised them. Got him into a routine of proper workouts and taught him more on dueling and defense against the dark arts. While Susan was more focused on potions and Herbology. I also handled my own duties as the heir, and started working on my Charms and DADA mastery projects again.

And all the while, the result of my orders were making many in the underworld afraid as conflicts were erupting and people were disappearing. But no one noticed that one Mulciber had quietly vanished.

This was my routine for the next month, until an owl arrived one day with an envelop.

'It seems like the OWL results are in~' I thought to myself happily.

I grabbed the envelop and excitedly opened it to see my grades.

But even I wasn't expecting the results.

"Haha! Even better than I thought I'd get!" I exclaimed in happiness.

'Ordinary Wizarding Level

Passing Grades:

-Outstanding (O)

-Exceeds Expectations (EE)

-Acceptable (A)

Failing Grades:

-Poor (P)

-Dreadful (D)

-Troll (T)

Aedan Micheal Bones has achieved:

Ancient Runes: O++

Arithmancy: O++

Astronomy: O+

Care of Magical Creatures: O+

Charms: O++

Defense Against the Dark Arts: O++

Divination: O+

Herbology: O++

History of Magic: O+

Muggle Studies: O++

Potions: O++

Transfiguration: O++

Due to Aedan Micheal Bones' display of skill and knowledge, thought impossible to reach at his age. He has been recorded to have already surpassed examiners in their understanding of the subject matter and awarded special grades and automatic qualifications to undertake NEWT testing for O++ graded subjects.

Congratulations on your great success.

Professor Griselda Marchbanks

Governor. Wizarding Examination Authority

Yeah, he’s that good. Was tempted to make up an entirely new letter for some of those, but i thought this would be good enough.

Also we have an explanation of how he wants things to be handled is good since it basically explains what’s going to happen in the background.

I was also really really really tempted to only have the results posted next chapter.


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts