
Ch. 77 Club Rules

The entire castle was feeling very alive right now. Many became very interested in the club, but there was a limit to how many people we could reasonably accept, so it was made to be by first come, first served. We would basically accept a certain amount of students from each year first, and if some years don't fill the given spots, they will be redistributed to the lower years. It was the fairest way we could think of.

Unfortunately, it was around this time that Justin Finch-Fletchley was found petrified alongside nearly-headless Nick. This made the castles lively atmosphere go down the drain very quickly and more people than ever were convinced Harry is the heir attacking everyone.

'Even when I make such an explosive event happen, it's still him getting petrified huh. Tom must have done it on purpose to draw eyes to Harry so that he can continue without any scrutiny.' I thought to myself as I heard the news.

With that, the golden trio was pretty much spending all of its time away from everyone else. Hermione even stoped coming to the Exchange because of some funny looks, but one cough from me made people remember how things worked.

But, I was rather pleased when the kids approached me about the situation. Made me feel like they were trusting me more

"Aedan, could we talk to you please?" Asked a fidgety Harry.

"Of course Harry. What's up?" I asked with a gentle smile.

"Could we talk somewhere more private?" He clarified, not comfortable talking in the hallway.

"Sure, let's head to the Exchange. No ones there right now." I say as I lead the way for the very serious looking trio.

A minute later, we were inside the room.

"I don't get to see you much anymore, but I guess that could be understood. But if you do need help you can talk to me." I said with a little chuckle.

"Um, Yeah. Professor Dumbledore said you'd probably be one of the only other students who doesn't think I'm the heir. But he didn't explain why. Even I know I'm suspicious because I can talk to snakes." The kid said, looking very down on himself.

"Mate cheer up. We know you aren't the heir." Tried to comfort Ronald.

"He's right Harry. You were us the whole time, so how could you have even done it?" Tried to explain Hermione.

"I for one must say I'm quite jealous of your gift Harry." I suddenly said in a jovial tone.

The three of them looked at me in utter shock and surprise.

"You what? You're jealous of me being able to talk to snakes?" Questioned Harry.

"But that's mental! Only the darkest wizards could talk to snakes! Only they would want too! Ah, no offense Harry. I know you're a good guy." Shouted Ronald, before realizing his friend was stuck with it.

"Why would you say that Aedan? From what I know of you, just talking to snakes wouldn't really interest you." Asked the curious Hermione as the other two waited for my answer.

"It's very easy Hermione. It's because I'm the heir of Slytherin." I say with an evil smile and threatening voice.

That caused them to go pale in horror and get very nervous. Until i burst out laughing anyway.

"Hahahahahaha! You should have seen your faces! That was priceless!" I say between laughs.

"That wasn't funny!" Yelled out Hermione, feeling both annoyed and relieved.

"Not to you, but at least it cut the 'I'm carrying all the world woes' vibe around Harry." I say casually, getting a surprised look from the kid. "But yeah. I really don't for one second believe Harry is the heir."

"""Really!?""" They exclaimed all together.

"Well yeah. Honestly, just your alibis are rock solid with witnesses for every attack so far. Kinda hard to attack people when you're in front of others." I simply say, making the three get a look of realization on their faces.

"Then why do people still think it's Harry?" Asked a confused Ronald.

"Because people will latch onto the easiest possible reason for something to happen Ronald. It is human nature. And unfortunately, witches and wizards do it even more." I answer with a sigh.

"But surely someone must have thought about it like you did." Exclaimed the girl in disbelief.

"They might have, but then they are cowed into following the masses opinion on the subject through peer pressure. It is very common nowadays. Only for people with either loyalty towards you, the courage to denounce falsehood, the intelligence to know it is false and the cunning to prove it, will see the situation more clearly." I explain with a smile. "The rest are those who've decided to not think and just follow the flow of events, just as many have done since humans gathered into large numbers. It is simply how most of us are."

"What kind of idiots are those?" Snorted Ronald.

"You don't realize it do you Ronald?" I asked the boy calmly.

"What?" He said with a confused look.

"You and your family do the exact same thing." I answered plainly.

"I dare you to say that again!" He shouted standing up in anger.

"Calm down Ron! I'm sure Aedan will explain why he said that!" Quickly shouted Hermione.

"Yeah. He isn't the type to just insult people like that. Just let him explain." Added Harry, as they succeed in getting a very huffy Ronald to sit down again.

"Thank you. This isn't an insult, just an observation for you all to be aware that you do it too. Your family Ronald, is just a very clear example in my eye. To prove my point. Do you really think all of your family really fits into Gryffindor or were they told that's were they fit?" I ask the boy serious.

"Of course were Gryffindor. Weasleys have never been anywhere else!" He shouted without thinking.

But that wasn't the case for Hermione.

"Actually Ron, I think i see what Aedan actually mean. It's not that he believes our house isn't good, it's just that your brothers are very different from one another and should have fit into other houses ideals much better." She said very seriously, thinking about it objectively.

"What!?" Was Ronald's very surprised response at their groups brain.

"What do you two mean?" Asked a curious Harry.

"Well, just think of Percy. Does he act like the brave of heart, daring or chivalrous sort to you?" I ask, immediately shutting Ronald up. "Of course not. He's clearly a Ravenclaw by nature. Then how about the twins? From what I know, Fred is more of the prankster between the two and George loves to make the pranks. The former would fit more in the house of the cunning and the later with the intelligent. And you yourself Ronald actually hold many traits deemed to be valued more in Slytherin than you would admit, being ambitious and of pureblood descent. I know you hate me saying that, but it's just true." I explain, getting some very thoughtful looks at what I just said to the three. Ronald looking very lost.

"Then why were they all put into Gryffindor? The hat must have seen something to put them there?" Asked Hermione, hitting the very important question and making the boys look at me for an answer.

"That is because it was its only choice." I reply with a sigh, then looked at the red-head. "Tell me Ronald, how would your mother or father react of any of you made it into others houses?"

"She'd go mental and probably pull us straight out of..." He couldn't finish the answer because it dawned on him what I was trying to say. It dawned on all of them.

"You're saying the hat put them there because they wouldn't be able to stay at Hogwarts otherwise!" Exclaimed Harry this time.

"Indeed. The hat looks at who you are and then some possibilities of your future at Hogwarts. So it puts students in the houses where they'll be able to get a proper education, learn lessons, have the best future or even just survive in. Hence why so many wizards families are almost exclusive to one house. It's because the child would be pulled out of school, disinherited or maybe even flee or kill themselves. It does the best it can and the rest is up to us. That is why I said your family does the same thing. They are so ingrained into the idea that Gryffindor is the house of the good and other houses show you aren't truly good, especially with Slytherin being full of evil. A thought most of the wizarding world enforces on a bunch of children." I finish with a sigh.

The three were truly thinking about what I had said. It was complicated, and challenged their understanding of how they viewed the world so strictly as good and bad. But it would help them mature if they can learn from what I said.

"To be fair, there are plenty of gits in Slytherin. But there are intellectual bullies from my house, peer pressure enthusiasts in Hufflepuff, and some overzealous 'defenders of justice' from yours. So try to judge the person instead of the house or origin and you'll be fine. As simple as that." I say with a smile, making them relax a bit.

"But back on topic. I got two more reasons why the Headmaster and I don't believe Harry is the culprit. First is that this has happened before, when Hagrid went to school here and was expelled, the rest is his story. The second being that your best friend is a muggle-born and you were raised in the muggle world, so when in the world would you even learn about any of this stuff and why would you care? Last year when you were busy trying to stop Quirrellmort? Or because you suddenly want to be evil? I think not!" I declare with a smile. "So try not to let it get to you. Your innocence will be proven soon enough." I say with me ruffling his hair.

"Now get! I have to prepare for the dueling club." I say as I guide them out of the room.

"Right! Can we participate?" Asked Harry with some excitement.

"I have no problem with it, but you'll have to sign up in time. Ronald would not be allowed because his broken wand is just too dangerous to others and himself, sorry. And I don't really think Dueling is Hermione's thing." I say in response, getting understanding looks from the three.

They thanked me for the talk and headed to have whatever adventure laid in front of them.

On my end, I posted the established rules for being a member of the club and some changes which would occur because of it.

1. Any duel on school grounds must take place in the dueling club, with proper supervision.

Any members of the club will only duel within the club. If any are found to be dueling outside, they will be suspended from all club activities in addition to proper punishment. Any further infractions could lead to being banished from the club. Any student conflict can now be solved by applying for a proper duel. Any personal duels will be held in the club room as well.

2. One can only duel members of the same designated skill level to encourage proper improvement and discourage others from crushing aspiring duelists.

Members will be tested upon admission into the club and separated into various levels: Beginner, Novice, Intermediate, Advanced and Expert. The results will not be tested on year, but skill.

3. A supervisor and referee must always be present.

Any duel will require designated supervisors to oversee it and have a referee to ensure fairness. Any tampering or interference with the two required officials will lead to fitting punishment and automatic loss. Supervisors and referees will be designated amongst responsible and skilled members of the club. Any head of house can fit the requirement for a supervisor if the conflict has been deemed important or severe enough.

4. All official club activities will be happening on Saturdays and Sundays, 7:30-9:30 pm.

Any other use must be approved by the club supervisor, president or head of house/Headmaster.

5. All official junior dueling rules and regulations will be followed strictly.

If any student is found intentionally injuring, maiming or using excessive force during duels, they will be punished severely and may be forced to leave the club.

6. Monthly tournaments will be held to examine a members progress within their classification and if he/she is ready to advance to the next level.

At the end of the year, the best student will receive an award for outstanding dueling prowess.

7. Any Hogwarts student is welcomed to enter the club.

No House is to be excluded. Any with a problem with that has been warned. Any harassment of fellow club members is strictly forbidden. This is a club to learn the art of dueling and hone oneself against peers of any age or house.

'That should be good enough to get things started in a proper direction.' I thought with a nod as i posted the club rules.

So I finally got that talk with Ron. I know some people really don’t like the character, but I’m still trying to teach him a few things.

I think I got the rules of the club down pretty well. Plus anything I might have missed can be added too later i guess.

Less exciting chapter than the last one, but oh well.


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts