
Ch. 75 It’s time to du-du-duel!

That night, Colin Creevey was the first human victim of the year. This set unprecedented worries through the students, with the prefects and I trying to rein in everyone's fears. Quite difficult when no one knows how this is happening. Well except from me, but you know I'm not telling.

But it was at this time that the announcement I was waiting for finally happened: the dueling club was being reinstated to help students feel safer. Unfortunately, it was still Lockhart in charge of it for now.

'It'll be fun to see him get knocked on his ass by one of the three most powerful combatants at Hogwarts.' I thought with a smile on my face after seeing it.

"I don't think I'll go. Honestly speaking we are way above anything that they would teach at the club. Even more so if that idiot is in charge." Straightforwardly informed Tory.

"I must agree that it would be a step backwards for us. I'll focus on my own club instead and try to teach them there." Said James.

"Yeah... I wouldn't able to let loose and that'd be pretty boring, so I'm not going. Only way I'd go is if I get to beat that blowhard." Added Christian.

"That's more than fine. Was just wondering what you guys thought about it. The idiot aside, I've thought we needed this kind of club for years now and I'm not letting him ruin it. If he can't handle it, I will." I declared to my friends, to which they grin at the possible ass-whooping that peacock of a teacher might get for standing in my way.

"You're tempting me to come and watch now mate." Said The Beast.

"I must say that the man's ego could use some suppressing." Agreed even The Saint. Apparently Lockhart tried to 'help improve' the charm puzzles we had made, which ended up with two of them exploding and another attacking a student somehow. He's then become pretty much the only person in the castle James doesn't tolerate.

"Kick the fool down until he begs for mercy. Thinking himself so good looking when he can't even begin to compare to you in any way." She declared coldly.

"You know I love you guys." I say with my devils smile, getting theirs in return.

Someone looking at himself in the mirror lovingly suddenly felt a bone-chilling shiver run through his body.

The evening scheduled for the club arrived soon enough, with many students present. There was a good amount of fan girls unfortunately, but many wanted to learn the art. Then Lockhart came on the stage with Snape and made all of the guys frown at the sight of him.

"Gather around, gather around! Can everybody see me? Can everybody hear me?" He started off with as a means of making himself feel important again.

Everything else was happening as intended. Snape sent him flying into the wall. He lied again. Then they started to hold duels between all the kids and boy was it horrendous to watch how badly these two twits were teaching the art. No teaching of basic defensive or offensive spells. No one checking skill levels. Nobody supervising most of the duels happening all at once. Letting Ron fight with a broken wand his asking for trouble and Neville will never be able to fight properly with his fathers wand. So they ended up with a room full of hurt students, capable of only taking hits as their defense. Not great.

So I immediately started to run around healing students everywhere. Some noticed and started approaching me for healing. I was ticked off at the two cunts so I spoke out.

"Maybe an example of defensive spell work would help students more than the offensive ones Professors!" I yelled out.

"Ye-yes! Excellent idea my boy! Who shall we bring forward to demonstrate?" He then asked aloud. But seeing a lot of students recovering from this poorly managed shit show, Snape decided to chose.

And so as destiny designed, it was time for the movies fight: Harry vs. Draco.

'I did hammer a good foundation into the kid. Wonder how that'll make Snape and Malfoy feel.' I thought to myself.

"Hey Harry! Remember what I taught you this summer. A proper mastery of the basics will build the foundation for victory. Just do what you know." I shouted to him, getting me a lot of surprised looks, then they looked Harry.

The kid on the other hand relaxed a great deal and got his head into the game after my little reminder. So he waited for the duel to start with confidence.

It wasn't anything grand. Malfoy only had half baked knowledge about the subject, letting Harry dodge his badly aimed spell and make him fly to the end of the stage with a good Knockback jinx. Snape forced Draco on his feet, but this time he was embarrassed so he tried to send out his most complicated spell: Serpensortia. I mean, if it was a large snake sure, or even if he conjured it near Harry's feet. But the kid let a wimpy snake just appear almost as far away from Harry as possible and looked proud about it.

Unfortunately, Harry decided to talk to the snake, letting everything run its course and making everyone think that he is the heir of Slytherin because of his Parseltoungue.

With that event effectively stopping the clubs activity, I decided to approach Dumbledore in taking over with Professor Flitwick, whom I've already convinced to help with this. He was actually quite a bit upset that he wasn't already in charge and that the Headmaster let the idiot head up the club. So together we went to talk to him.

"Hello you two, I can guess why you're here. The club?" Dumbledore started off with a jovial voice.

"Yes Albus. You know I dream of teaching students the dying art. It would have helped so many survive the last war and I've regretted not teaching it ever since. But now you let another do it and I cannot sit still." Said my very determined head of house.

"Headmaster, I was there during the club. I spent more time healing the students then the time they spent teaching them. I want to make it a proper and respected club. Hogwarts has already lost far too much and it has honestly been difficult to claim we are the best school in the world anymore." I sincerely add on.

"I know very well about this. But the Ministry is bent on curtailing dueling. It is difficult to argue against it." He said with a sigh.

"It's actually not anymore. It would have been maybe two years ago when they controlled the only media outlet, but with the Herald becoming increasingly popular I had an idea." I say, making both of them perk up.

"Ho oh! And that idea is Aedan?" Asked a now very curious Dumbledore.

"It would be to get them to print this article of mine." I respond with a growing smile as I handed the parchment to the Headmaster, while Flitwick watched with curiosity.

Dumbledore reads it with a small smile as he does, before handing it to my house head to read.

"How can you be sure they will run it?" He asked with the smile still on his face due to my certainty.

"They owe me a favor and it's a great piece of news for them. They can edit it, but this is going to make a lot of people...excited shall we say." I responded with a grin.

"The Minister will be caught quite off guard." Added Dumbledore with a chuckle.

"And with no time to verify what we are doing, plus if he doesn't want people to dislike him, he won't be able to stop us. Plus I'm actually thinking the older families would be in favor of their progenies learning more things. I think if things go very well, it might take a few off of your back Headmaster." I finished up my proposal.

"Oooh! This is brilliant Aedan, simply brilliant. Intelligence and cunning used perfectly. If this works I'm awarding you 40 points!" Exclaimed my now very excited Professor.

"I will permit your taking over the club then. Filius will be the head and Aedan shall most likely be it's president. I wish you both good fortune in your efforts." Declared the Headmaster seriously, but with a smile at the end.

"Thank you Albus. I will not let this opportunity go to waste." Replies an almost tearful Flitwick.

"I'll do my best to live up to my promises." I said with a slight bow.

The professor and I then leave together, but suddenly remember something and head back in quickly.

"There's something else Aedan?" He asked a little surprised.

"A report about something important that happened during the club sir. It's about Harry." I said seriously.

"Is he hurt?" He asked with concern.

"No, but he appears to be a parselmouth. This will isolate him until these events are resolved Headmaster. I thought it would be better for you to know quickly." I answered.

"Hmm. I understand. You are not going to do the same as the rest I assume." I said with a raised eyebrow.

"I'd actually be more interested in teaching him how to us it properly. I've heard the best healers in India use parseltoungue spells, boosting the effect of the healing tremendously!" I replied excitedly.

"I had a thought you'd think something like that." Dumbledore responded with a chuckle.

"It's a sign of dark magic in Europe because they never looked outside of it to see other uses. If he could learn it, he would be able to save a lot of lives." I say with a small smile of my own.

"Indeed. I won't stop you, but it would be very difficult to get such knowledge as it would be closely guarded. But if that is all, you are free to go Aedan." He nodded and gestures for me to leave.

I nod and head out.

'It's time for Hogwarts to learn how to duel!' I thought to myself with a smile as I returned to my room in order to prepare.

'It'll be fun to see how the article will go tomorrow.' I then thought with my smile turning into a little devils.

Yup. That’s how I’m going to get him to restore dueling in Hogwarts.

The article will be next chapter.

And I’m genuinely wondering if I should bring in actual parselmagic for Harry.


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts