
Ch. 71 Getting the year started

The next day saw the start of pretty much my whole year understanding why fifth year students are always extremely stressed, that being because the professors kick it up about four notches above what they were accustomed to. Still no problem for my group, especially with our homework quills and our cooperation when it comes to helping each other.

I knew that nothing should happen until Hallowe'en, with Mrs. Norris' petrification being the first incident. So until then I wanted to get a few things out of the way; giving Christian the Blackbolt and asking a favor from Dumbledore.

Even with his new prefect duties, Christian was still participating as the best chaser on the team. There were even some rumors about him being captain next year, but knowing the guy he'll refuse that post. Christian is many great things, but he knows he's not someone capable of actually leading people in a discipline manner. He lives too freely and doesn't like forcing himself unto others, even in a team sport.

James and I decided to call him to the Quidditch pitch during our first month back, bringing Victoria along. Even if she wasn't interested in Quidditch or brooms in general, we still wanted to see the fruit of her temporarily secret boyfriend and best friends efforts with her own eyes. No matter your feelings on the sport, two students developing such an advance broom is incredibly impressive.

So we waited until Christian came running into the pitch.

"Hey mates! What did you guys want to talk about? And why here? I know you guys support me, but I know none of you are actually into Quidditch." He questioned while scratching the back of his head.

"It is very simple Christian. Aedan and I have a gift for you which needs to be used here." Answered James with a smile as he tried to hid his own excitement.

"We've been working on this for a while so that you'd know how much we support you in your passions, like you do with ours. And it was fun making it." I say with a bright smile on my face.

""So we present the Blackbolt!"" We say in unison as I take out the broom from my pouch.

I present the sleek black broom, with goblin-made silver and completely customized enchantments.

Christian takes it in his hands as if he's holding a newborn baby.

"You guys made me a broom?" He asked emotionally as he looked at it, lightly caressing it.

"Mostly Aedan, but he brought me into the project and we worked on it together when I could help." Answered James very happy with how touched Christian felt.

"Well what are you waiting for? You're only going to know how grateful you should be after flying the thing!" Suddenly yelled Victoria at our wild friend, snapping him out of it.

He then mounted the broom in one swift motion, not doubting the two of us for even a second, and kicked off the ground to suddenly shoot right into the sky while giving a surprised yelp.

"Show us how a real Quidditch player flies Christian! Show us why you're The Beast of Ravenclaw!" I yell out to him excitedly.

He seemed to have taken my word to heart as he begins to not so much fly in the sky, but dance in it. His movements were so fluid that when one ended the next had begun. He weaved through the hoops, in the stands and through the sky. Performed complicated maneuvers and dives. Flying around the sky like he owned it, until he finally came down and ran up to me and James, hugging us both with all his strength.

"You guys are the greatest friends i could ever ask for! You made me the best broom I've ever ridden. And I'm sure it's the best out there too. Even if it's not, it doesn't matter because it's the best to me. No contest!" He declared really trying hard to tell us how grateful he was for all of our efforts.

"It actually should be the best broom for chasers out there. That's what we made it for. It might also be the best so keepers, but I'll have to wait on that. But this brooms sibling will be the best for seekers and beaters." I explained to the guy.

"What do you mean? There's another broom as good as this one!?" Asked a surprised Christian.

"Aedan partnered with a man setting out to make the best broom in the world, so he got together with him and they both made their own brooms. They will be sold as a new brand to completely crush any other out there. The manufacturing should be underway already and sale will begin next summer." Explained James with a sense a happiness seeing such a successful result.

"Yup, and this is the very first Blackbolt. It has the identification number 0, because the others will all be made by others and this shall be the only one made by its creators." I added proudly.

"First my necklace and now that broom. Are you trying to make everyone fall in love with you?" Sarcastically added Victoria with a teasing smile.

"I love you, but only like a brother. I'm saving myself for someone special, so I'm sorry but I can't accept your feelings. I'll keep the broom though, it did nothing wrong." Was Christians response as he did his best to look apologetic as he talked.

"Why you little bastard? You planning on breaking my heart?" I jokingly answered, getting a laugh out of him.

But as he laughed I approached Tory and whispered into her ears.

"I'll show you just who I love next time we are alone." Getting her to turn an impressive shade of red as she fidgeted on the spot, letting me get a good laugh myself at her reaction and a pinch from her soon after.

Suddenly Christian spoke up seriously.

"I know i joke around a lot, but seriously thank you guys. I'll do my best to answer the support you've shown me with this. I'll fly circles around those chumps and make everyone drool over the broom you've made me." He said with a very determined face.

"We know you will Christian, but you're our friend, no need to stress yourself out. We just wanted you to be able to have as much fun as you can up there." Replied our saintly James.

"We know you'll do our efforts proud mate, so fly. That's all we want. For you to fly with our broom supporting you." I added with my own gentle smile.

"You guys can make people cry with your level of brotherhood, it's actually touching." Said Victoria with some teasing, but we could tell she was feeling emotional.

So we were finally able to give our work to our friend. We were all very excited to see it in action during the first game he would play on it.

My second task before things went sideways this year, was having a chat with Dumbledore, something he's granted.

During the last weekend of September I walked to his office.

"Sherbet Lemon." I say to the gargoyle protecting the stairs and head up.

As I reach the door, I here the old man call me in.

"Aedan, please just come in." He said with his jovial tone.

So I enter and join the Headmaster as he was reading some documents at his desk.

"It is quite rare for a student to request a meeting with me, and even stranger for you to do so when nothing urgent is happening. So what is it that you need help with Aedan? Or what is wrong?" He asked with his usual curiosity.

"This as to do with a serious problem I've noticed with myself Headmaster." I answered gravely.

"How serious?" He asked, losing his jovial tone.

"I believe it has to do with what I experienced as a child." I answered straightforwardly.

"What has happened Aedan, tell me." He gestured to go on in order to understand.

"I've been experiencing bouts of aggression and volatile feelings going against my usual philosophy and ideals. They come when I feel challenged on a personal level or feel some levels of anger, clouding my judgement and leading me to act in a predatory manner. I strike at weak points or fears in a persons mentality and almost break them down. Thankfully nothing physical has really happened, except for that incident with Arthur and Lucius, but that was a light one with it only influencing my choice on how I would handle it, and nothing after that." I tried to explain in detail what I've deduced during the last month of self-reflection.

"That is serious for someone of your physical and magical prowess. If you lose yourself in that feeling it could be dangerous. So why did you come to me? You are undoubtably brilliant and you must have ideas on the matter." Accurately guessed the headmaster.

"I believe this is happening because of me going through puberty, with my physical and hormonal changes causing a reaction or activating the beast parts integrated into my body. So I need to know the two rituals they put me through. I need the documents on it to understand exactly what they did to me and stabilize it. This is the best way I could come up with to fix this as quickly as possible." I answer with full honesty.

"This is dark magic Aedan, very dark indeed. I do not want you to go through this path." He said with clear concern over the idea.

"I never wanted to go back to anything that has to do with that place either sir. But there is something wrong happening in me and the answers are in my past. What they did to me was unpolished and my survival was a fluke, and me surviving the second one was a downright miracle. But I need to know what they did wrong to understand how I can make myself right. So I am asking you Headmaster. Will you help me fix myself?" I finally ask the man, with hope in my eyes.

It took some time as the Headmaster was thinking deeply about my request. I was asking him to help me study a very dark path of magic: blood rituals. A path to great power and even greater costs. But he finally gave me his answer.

"I will Aedan. Like you've told me before, I chain myself to the past and fear it being repeated. Prove to me you can break that fear of mine Aedan. You are the one who's already shown me my mistakes, prove to me this will not be one of them." He answered sincerely.

"Thank you Headmaster. I swear to you that I will not fall to what I will find nor myself. I swear to you!" I answered with unyielding determination.

"I will wait to see you triumph." Was his response as he gave an encouraging nod.

Yup, just going to ask for help. Developing Dumbledore and Aedan’s relationship some more.

And Christians reaction to the broom.


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts