
Ch. 62 Chats for the Summer

I arrived at the infirmary ahead of Dumbledore and was having some small talk with Madam Pomfrey about some rare injuries, diseases and maladies as a way to have an excuse for being there and actually get information on the subject. Win-win.

Dumbledore arrived in a rushed manner and laid Harry on the bed and explained that Harry had stoped someone from trying to steal what was being protected on the third floor. He avoided Quirrell and the Stone, and Pomfrey didn't ask since she was too busy fussing over Harry. Dumbledore had a sad expression on his face as he reached to pull out his wand, but then he finally noticed me waiting off to the side and froze in hesitation for what to do. He knows I'm very strong, especially my mind and if I'm guessing correctly about what he's going to do, then he can't do it against me without a fight breaking out.

But then i surprise him by lightly gesturing for him to go on as I wait. With a hesitant expression he waves his wand over Madam Pomfrey's heads, casting a powerful Confundus Charm over her to heal Harry but only remember the new injuries and ignore the old. He then looks at me with uncertainty and I simply gesture for us to head out to talk.

We walked and headed for Dumbledore's office before we can finally speak.

"Why did you not question my actions Aedan?" He finally asked.

"Because I already know why you did it Headmaster." I answered evenly.

"What possible reason could you think I have to force poor Poppy to be subjected to such a spell?" He asked with guilt all over his face.

"Your definition of Harry's safety." I answer again.

"My definition is it? And why do you say these words Aedan? What do you know of Harry's situation?" He now asked seriously.

"I could tell a lot from the first time I saw the kid Headmaster. From the very first day I saw him walking into the Great Hall, I noticed so many things wrong with him. You know I'm a healer Professor, Poppy has probably reported to you my progress in the field. I'm a healer in all but tittle and near master at that." I answered the man with a sigh as I continued. "Clear signs of almost extreme malnutrition, with his face, wrists, hand and collarbone showing me everything I needed to know about that. Signs of continuous physical abuse could be gleamed from how he was behaving subconsciously near large groups of people, due to his bodies automatic reflexes to people's eyes and sudden loud noises. But it wasn't until he took part of my Exchange that I noticed psychological abuse as well, since I could see the kid was smart, but he was stopping himself from learning without even knowing it. The evidence I could tell from simply observing him showed he's barely treated as a human with his muggle relatives, much less like family." I say as I finish my explanation, after a slight pause I speak again but this time with a cold anger in my voice.

"If they are anything like I'm guessing they are, then it's pure luck Harry didn't develop an Obscurus." Resounded my voice as my power hummed in the air.

"I did not want to leave poor Harry there, but it is the only way to assure his safety until he is 17. As long as that place is his home, he will be safe." Said Dumbledore sadly, imploring for me to understand.

"That's why I said it is from your definition Headmaster. That place is not a home to Harry, it is a prison cell with abusive wardens. It is a place which will beat him, oppress him and take advantage of him in every way possible. And after experiencing Hogwarts, there is absolutely no way the kid will ever think of that house as his home, or the people responsible for his abuse as actual family." I say to the man coldly.

"But there is no choice. As long as his blood lives on that house he shall be safe." Was still his only reply, not budging an inch.

"Then how about this Headmaster. I will heal Harry over the course of the summer. I will do what I can for him to have a pleasant or at least manageable summer while still living with those people. And I will even make an oath so that I'll keep quiet about all this if you want." I then propose to the headmaster, calming my anger and trying to be rational.

"Why would you do so much for Harry, but still agree to let him live in that place?" Asked a curious Dumbledore. And he's right to be since it is very contradictory.

"Because i empathize with Harry. The only difference between us is that I've escaped my jailers and have healed. I want to help him get the same chance. It's the very least the kid deserves after being put trough so much." I answer sincerely. "And I trust you have your reasons Headmaster. I do not approve of what you did at all and even hurts your image in my eyes, but I know you at least have a reason. It's just like this years events, I know everything was done by you."

"So you knew. How much?" He asked with a slight sigh, but his expression improving from the pure guilt it showed before.

"Pretty much everything I think. The Snitch, the trials, The Forrest I'm not sure about, I'm pretty sure you'll help Gryffindor win the house cup and Quirrellmort." I listed simply. But that last one did stun him.

"How?" He asked and i knew what he was referring to.

"Sir. I have some of the most sensitive senses in the world and I am an incredibly powerful mind art practitioner, I could sense something was wrong with Quirrell from the beginning. It felt incredibly dark, so I extremely carefully took a peek and saw a second mind in the man, His mind. So I made sure he wouldn't notice and left. I then paid close attention the man's actions and noticed everything he did. Tried to make Harry fall, tried to get everyone's attention with the troll to get the stone, going out into the Forrest and his final attempt today." I explained to the increasingly shocked, impressed and worried old man.

"You entered his mind?" He asked quietly.

"Only Quirrell's for a moment since he couldn't put up any defenses due to his cohabitant." I answered.

"You knew about the stone?" He then asked with curiosity again.

"Well, I got curious at what Tom would want so bad he attacked Gringott's and now possessed a teacher to get. So I made my way through the trials, and honestly the difficulty made it really obvious that it was made for Harry instead of defense, only yours would actually stop the man." I answered with a bit of a friendly jab, trying to improve the mood.

"I was quite proud of my choice. So what did you think of it? And more importantly, how did you find out what was in it?" With a little chuckle of pride and curiosity as he asked again.

"Well I know this sounds bad, but that's one of the thoughts I picked up when I was in Quirrell's mind, it was all he was thinking about. But as for getting the stone, that actually required a bit of soul searching." I explained carefully.

"And what was the answer you found in that search?" He asked expectantly, slowly regaining his more energetic appearance.

"I found what I truly desire, and I was happy with what I saw, but the stone was not part of it. The reason is simple: my pride will not let me use the easy path made by another. I will make my own path to reach my dream or it would be worthless." I declare with certainty.

"As for the mirror, it was a very clever piece of intent warding and enchantment. Do you mind if i either use it as is or modify it in the future Headmaster?" I asked with a smile.

"Please do. I am curious as to what you will come up with." He chuckled happily after the heavier conversation.

"So I have your consent then?" I asked to have the final conversation.

"Yes. I will be in your debt if you could heal poor Harry and keep this a secret. You have shown that you can do so and i trust in your abilities Aedan. It will be quite the show when you reveal the depths of your abilities to the world." He responded with a smile.

"That is what I'm counting on. I will make people believe and support me through sheer ability not dominance. And thank you for your trust headmaster. I will keep quiet to Harry about many things, as you have. I will simply try to give him a productive summer with some pleasant memories if possible. And make those muggles lighten up on the kid." I say as I get up from my seat.

"Please do. It seems i must write to them about this as well." He said seriously as he saw me out.

With everything settled with the Headmaster I head to see Harry in the infirmary.

I arrive with Madame Pomfrey done treating the new injuries and a pile of get well soon presents nearby.

"Oh Aedan, done with your talk with Albus?" She asks still slightly out of it.

"Yeah, the headmaster just asked me if I could check up on the kid during the summer. You know, to make sure he has no lingering injuries or hidden ones flaring up." I lie gently to the matron.

"Oh, that's very responsible on his part. I guess he's finally understanding the importance of proper care." Was her happy answer.

"I'll wait for him to wake up so I can talk to him about how it's going to work. I'll also take care of the infirmary while I'm at it. So you should take a break Poppy." I say gently.

"Oh thank you Aedan. So useful to have such a responsible and skilled student helping around. You know what to do if you need my help." She said loosening up a little as she left.

So I waited for Harry to wake up. A few people wanted to talk to him, but seeing that he was still out of it they simply left their gifts with the others.

A few hours later Dumbledore joined me as we both saw Harry eyes struggle to open until he just shot up and looked around in confusion until he saw the both of us.

"Well look who's up. Feeling ok?" I ask with a bright smile.

"Um yeah. Professor what are you doing here?" Then asked Harry.

"I'm here because I know you will have questions. And don't worry, young Aedan happens to know everything. Quite the extraordinary young man as always." He said in a chuckle.

"Thank you Headmaster, always nice to hear from the second coming of Merlin." I reply with my own chuckle.

"Yes, they do love those kinds of titles don't they? But now Harry, what is it you wanted to ask?" Smiled Dumbledore as he turned his attention back to Harry.

This was the canon questions, about the stone, Quirrell, Voldemort, why he couldn't touch him, Snape and some other miscellaneous questions until he was satisfied.

"But what are you doing here Aedan? And if you knew about all this, why didn't you do anything?" He asked me understandably confused.

"I'll start with the second, that being that after seeing the Headmasters defenses, i simply believed Quirrellmort wouldn't be able to get the stone." I answer simply.

"Quirrellmort?" He asked with a weird face.

"I was rather curious about that as well. You used the term in my office earlier." Interjected Dumbledore in innocent curiosity.

"Well you know, it was Voldemort in Quirrell's body so Quirrellmort. No ones afraid of such a ridiculous name are they? Never could understand why people would give the cunt the satisfaction of fearing his name. There are so many ways of messing with it without triggering the taboo. I actually made a game of it when I was a kid." I answered with a cheeky smile.

"Hahaha! That there is. I wish I would have thought of it earlier." Agreed Dumbledore as he gave a hearty laugh, while Harry had a small smile on his face.

"It has been too long since I've been able to laugh like that. Thank you Aedan." Said a nostalgic Dumbledore, losing himself in happier times.

"No problem Headmaster, no problem at all." I reply with a knowing smile.

"Ah, but onto your first question Harry. I am here to inform you that I shall be visiting you during the summer to fix the frankly saddening amount of damage your body has suffered in your life. I will do everything I can to make you as fit and healthy as every other kids your age, maybe more. The Headmaster and I have also decided to give those muggles a reminder of what being family actually entails. And i shall also try to help you experience a bit more of a proper life if possible. The Headmaster has decided to trust me enough on that." I explain in a gentle voice, as I learned to do with patients.

"You'll what? You're going to help me with the Dursley's? But why do you even care?" He asked with hopefulness in his eyes, as the possibility of not going back and living like he's not supposed to exist.

"Because we've lived through very similar things Harry. But the only difference is that you've been left alone for too long and I want to help with that." I answer warmly and sincerely, because it is true. The only difference was that I've suffered extreme pain and torture for a relatively short period of time, whilst he has been suffering continuously for years under horrid people.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." He kept saying as tears of relief flooded out of the boys eyes.

I look over at Dumbledore to see the look of sadness and guilt he's showing as he finally realizes just how bad this situation has been for the boy. We look at each other and nod in understanding of what we'll do.

"Alright Harry, it's alright. We'll make proper plans after you've returned. And I'll come over as early as I can ok. So I'll need you to be brave for a few days while I handle everything on my end." I tell him to prepare and encourage the boy.

"Yeah alright. Sorry about that Aedan." He said as he was embarrassed due to his display.

"Don't be Harry, it is good to let those feeling out from time to time. Now rest up properly, nothing else is going to happen till tomorrow's feast, but I'm sure Ronald And Hermione will want to visit you anytime now." I say to the kid with a warm and reassuring expression.

"Alright. But thanks again." He said as he laid back down and closed his eyes with a relived mind.

"The let's get started Headmaster." I say to the old man besides me.

"Yes, it seems like I've overlooked this for far too long." Responded an angry Dumbledore.

I thought a good Dumbledore discussion would be good instead of trying to hide everything from the man and making him suspicious.

I can know heal Harry, yay!

First year being pretty much over is good too.

Hope you guys enjoy.

Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts