
Ch. 50 Meeting the old man

When the buzz about the troll incident was fading and the excitement for the Quidditch season was rising, I was finally free from being the center of attention.

Only two things of importance happened during this time period. I gifted the body of the slain troll to the goblin king as thanks for his constant support and friendship, something considered to show great care for another as I sent the corpse of a strong enemy defeated in single combat. He was so honored by it that he offered to smith me a full set of armor, which I had to decline, but I did ask him to make me a set of transformable bracers. The idea was to make a pair of extremely spell resistant bracers which covers the back of my hand and forearms, capable of being in the form of a fitted metal bracelet which would be bonded to me completely, almost making it a part of me. Let's just say he was very interested with the challenge and was raring to go. Second interesting event was the golden trio showing up to the Exchange. Apparently Harry had been busy with Quidditch practice, trying to get used to the brand new sport, and Ron just dreaded having to do any work, so it took Hermione a lot of convincing to get them there. When they showed up and i noticed the two looking around with curiosity at the place, while Hermione was trying to explain the various rules and opportunities. I decided to welcome them in.

"Hey you three finally made it. Thought you didn't like me or something." I say in a chuckle. It made Harry look awkward because he felt bad about not coming sooner, Ron just kept looking around and Hermione was back at being flustered when seeing me.

"Welcome to the Exchange." I say with an wave of my arm, sweeping across the room. "The one place in Hogwarts made by students to help students, with positive results on grades of pretty much everyone who's participated."

"Is that a practice range?" Asked an unsure Harry.

"Why yes. It's where people who know how to fire some combat spells do actual practice. We've also got an area to practice the less combative spells over there." I answered the boy.

"He's right Harry. It's been very helpful to be able to practice spells here, since a lot of the seniors here are very helpful as long as you ask politely." Chirped in Hermione, finally breaking out of her silence.

"I'm sure Hermione has talked about this place at great length already, so I'll just assume you have a general understanding. But this is just a student help center, where students help students to improve themselves." I say to the trio with a smile and I was about to continue, but I was interrupted by Ron.

"What are those slimy gits doing here!" He hissed aloud ironically enough.

A lot of people in the room froze at hearing that and saw me standing next to them. All present knew full well my feelings about this subject and understood I would take care of everything, so they got back to whatever they were doing after shooting a glare at Ron.

"Ron! You can't say those things here!" Said a now very tense Hermione because she knows my rules too.

"But there are snakes here!" He tried to defend himself.

"Yes there are. And why is that an issue?" I then ask the very biased boy.

"They're all gits and will turn dark as soon as you give them a chance." He Declared.

"That is a very biased and unforgiving viewpoint Ron. From your statement, we should then lock up anyone who joins Slytherin house." I then say seriously to the boy.

"Obviously." He just answered without even thinking about it.

"Did you know Merlin himself was a Slytherin." I simply drop a bomb on the boy and his shocked expression was funny to see.

"Yeah. The wizard everyone swears to, the most respected and powerful in British history, was a Slytherin and according to your views Ron, he should have been locked as a child for being sorted into that house without any other reason." I continue to the slack jawed trio. "It's not bad to have ambition, hell i have quite a bit myself, but my thirst for knowledge is much greeter. But a lot of people have been put into Slytherin because the hat knows the consequences if it doesn't. Those kids will be disinherited, or beaten, taken out of school or sometimes even ended dead if not put in that house. Something you should honestly sympathize with because, honestly speaking, what would your parents do if you weren't in Gryffindor?" Making Ron be a bit angry at my comment, but he can actually imagine the scenario of his mother yelling at him for it.

"This place accepts anyone from any house and every year. No one is rejected unless they bully, judge or look down on others. If any of you have a problem, I'm not stopping you from leaving, and I'm not making others leave for you." I simply declare. "Oh and Harry, even your captain comes here to stay on top of his homework, I'm sure it'll help you keep on top of yours too."

"What?!" He was very surprised by that revelation.

"Yeah, Oliver is over there by the bookshelves right now, getting help on his Transfiguration assignment." I say as I point to the guy and make the trio look over.

"So, if you need any help, ask someone who's free, look at the ressources provided, or even ask me since I'm pretty much here to do that and keep the peace here." I say as I left the trio to there own devices.

The three of them sat down to start working with a very unwilling and uncomfortable Ron. From that day on, Harry would try to come to the Exchange more often, but because of his friend Ron's constant rejection of working and any place with snakes in it, he was finding very difficult to come at all.

A few days after they had shown up, I finally received the call I was waiting for. Dumbledore finally called me into his office for a chat. As I reached his office door and was about to knock, he decided to be cliche.

"Come in young Mr. Bones." Sounded his elderly voice from behind the door. But when I got in, he wasn't even at his desk.

Without the headmaster, I decided to take a good look at the famous man's office. The interesting circular room was filled with a variety of enchanted devices and alchemy tools, making little sounds or movements. I could see the portraits of the various Headmasters and Headmistresses who had held the office before, sleeping in soundly. I stopped the sorting hat and finally came Dumbledore's own Phoenix.

"Well, I think my Sol looks better than you. Her eyes are prettier and her feathers look like they feel much better to the touch." I say to Fawkes, to which he responds with an insulted chirp at the comments.

"Oh you don't agree do ya?" I then asked the bird, teasing him and getting the Phoenix equivalent of the cold shoulder.

"You don't have to be so immature you know. You're an immortal bird and you're acting like a kid. My Sol is much better, acts like an elegant lady." I continue and I swear the bird stuck its tongue out at me.

"It seems you've met Fawkes, and are quite comfortable with him" said the headmaster as he finally showed up from wherever he was observing me from.

"Just comparing yours to mine." I reply lightly.

"And your assessment?" He asked with his childlike curiosity.

"My Sol is much better." I nod with certainty.

"Well, it seems you are very proud of your own Phoenix." He replies with a smile, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

"Yes I am. She the one closest to me." I reply to the mans statement.

He paused for a second, which I'm guessing has to do with the fact him not questioning the man knowing i have a Phoenix and that it should be secret for me since I've never shown it off.

"Why don't we have a seat and we can talk about why I called you." He gestured towards his desk. We both sit and get comfortable before the headmaster started.

"Lemon Drop?" He offered politely.

"Sure, why not? I prefer strawberry flavored ones, but lemon isn't bad either." I say as I pop one in my mouth with no hesitation. This surprised him greatly apparently and I could guess why. With Snape acting like a douche version of Batman and McGonagall have being so serious all the time, I doubt either of them have ever agreed. Flitwick might've taken a few, but that's it.

"Not enough people enjoy a good lemon drop these days." He says jovially as he takes one himself.

"True, too many people can't find joy in their lives and a little bit of candy can always bring a smile to their faces." I agree with the light conversation. "But I think it's about time we get to why you've called me here Headmaster. I doubt it's for us to exchange opinions on candy." I then seriously say.

"It's nothing too important my boy. I just thought it was about time I meet the boy most professors in the school have been calling the best we've ever had, and from your results it's hard to deny it." He stated with his grandfatherly smile.

"So that's how it's going to be is it?" I sighed at the mans predictable response.

"Whatever do you mean dear boy?" He asked back.

"I know of you too well to believe what you've said Headmaster, and would have respected you more if you had spoken straightforwardly about the real reason you called me up. But you've decided to try and play this mind game to let my guard down and make me feel comfortable around you." I answered a bit harshly, which he almost completely brushed off.

"And what reason do you believe you are here for them?" He responded with his smile on his face and twinkle in his eyes.

"Because you are scared of the past repeating itself." I stated plainly.

The headmaster immediately lost any trace of his smile. He now looked very serious and I felt him brush against my Occlumency defenses.

"It seems Hogwarts professors have a habit of trying to attack and read the mind of its students. I pardoned Professor Snape the first time because I know the mans nature and his past, he his a very intelligent man and knows danger. But now the Headmaster himself is trying to look into the mind of noble heir and I think this is getting a bit too much no?" I said in an ice cold voice.

"You truly are gifted in the mind arts, my boy." Said Dumbledore quietly.

"I had to be to stay alive Dumbledore." I responded, loosing my respectful use of his title.

"Yes, yes you did." He answered with some sadness in his voice.

"So is this all you've called me up here to do? Give me candy and try to break into my mind? Because if so, I believe this conversation is over and I'll have a formal complaint about the school and it's practices by tomorrow." I say with a cold voice while standing up.

"Please Mr. Bones, let me explain." Suddenly asked Dumbledore.

"Explain what exactly? You know everything I've told Moody about my imprisonment from when we met at St. Mungo's. I know enough about you to know why you've called me here. So what's there to explain? I can put two and two together myself you know." I replied quickly.

"Then would you please tell me what you believe you know? There might have been a misunderstanding." He tried to say.

"A misunderstanding you say?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes. I do not want you to get the wrong idea my boy." He answered, trying to reassure me.

"Oh, so I'm misunderstanding you by assuming you see me as potential sequel to Voldemort." I say in a light tone of realization, causing everything in the room to suddenly get quieter. Leaving Dumbledore frozen completely unsure how to respond to answer he clearly didn't expect.

Haha. Yes it’s a cliffhanger. Suffer at the whims of my authorship. Mwahahaha.

Also, I know a lot of people want to bash on Ron and Dumbledore, and probably for me to kill the two somehow. But for Ron, I’m basically giving my OC a chance to change him from his biases and try to get him to improve himself at least. Dumbledore is not an evil person in this fanfic, so I might not be with him, but I’m usually not going to be against him either.

Anyway enjoy.

Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts