
Ch. 4 Changes

I finally woke up, but I don't really know what time it is or more accurately I don't know what part a those shit eaters work is coming next nor how long till it happens. I also realized that my eyes are bandaged and I'm not in a hurry to take the things off, I mean I don't want an infected wound on top of being blind now.

I felt outrage at what they did to me! They just used me and dumped me back into my cell. Experimented on me and left me to rot again.

But anger has to wait, because my body needed to be taken cared of. First problem is that I need to use the bucket. After feeling around for it with my feet as I was walking towards what I think is the right corner, I can finally take care of nature's call.

And apparently I really need it cause from what I can hear I think i almost filled half.

Next up was a complaining stomach. I head towards the opposite direction from where the bucket and try to feel for the door and be extension the tray of food which is supposed to be on the floor near it.

Thankfully there was some, although not nearly enough to feel my massive hunger. I guess it's gonna be a rough couple of days.

After I was done, I did my best to walk back towards the bed and started meditating. I needed to understand what changes and how having two cores is going to affect me. As I tried to understand them I noticed that they were constantly feeding of each other when not being used. Meaning that when they were full, they keep helping each other grow by basically doing continuous exercises on their own. That was a really great piece of news and I really needed a piece of good news to cheer myself up, because not to beat a dead horse here but it really sucks that I got blinded by some freak who probably wants to blow Volde-hitler.

Now what was also interesting is that I started to feel magic as I used it. When I mean feel magic, I don't mean in the way that people generally feel magic flow through them as they use magic, no it's different then when I used wandless magic before. I felt it all around me, felt it caress the pebble I was levitating after I found it, felt it move around and through me as harnessed it.

Tis is when my wandless training really started to pick up. I was able to lift pretty much all the pebbles I could find in the room with relative ease and was able to make them fly around the cell. I tried to think about how to get out of here. How to gain enough strength without alerting those guarding me before it was too late.

I was doing this until I heard some footsteps coming. I immediately stopped my training and waited for steps to pass, but they didn't. I heard the door open and turned my head towards the sound.

"Well well well. Will you look at what we have here. He's alive. The old man will be real happy to hear about this." I heard the voice the deep and slow voice. It's sounded like the big man who brought me to that ass hat last time.

He closed the door and left, probably going to inform that crazy bastard. And a few minutes later he came back, used the body bind and levitation charms and off we went.

I was put down in some kind of chair and then strapped in. Steps went away and a different stepping sound came closer, it wasn't the heavy stomping, this time is was slow and light.

"Here's the little miracle boy, hehehe!" I heard the raspy bastard say in an excited tone.

"You've been out for almost a week. I was starting to worry my success would actually end up killing you anyway. But no worries, no worries. You're here and alive, making it so I can't wait to go further hehe." He continued on as I kept my silence.

"Let's get started shall we?" He finally said.

For the next hour he continually drew my blood by cutting into various parts of my body and never healing any. The pain of slowly getting cut in different parts of your body whilst being unable to even know when or where the next would happen was almost maddening. Thankfully is was able to find a way to obtain a bit of a reprieve. I was able push my conscious mind into my Occlumency defenses, effectively putting a barrier between me and the outside world. Now I could still feel the pain, but at least it was toned down by a good amount and causing the physical reactions to decrease as well.

After old bastard was done with cutting me up like a Christmas turkey, he made me drink a horrible tasting concoction to help replenish my lost blood since he didn't want me to die. They bandaged me saying something about not wasting their time and magic on really healing me and threw me back in my cell.

The first time was the worst. My body aches and hurt every time I moved. I had to try to heal the cuts by channeling magic to them and trying to will my body to heal using the energy. I had some success as I was able to move again without parts of me screaming in pain.

This started happening almost every day after the first time. I was brought down cut up, fed a few different potions to see how they would change me or make me react, with no idea what he was looking for or hoping to do to me.

The few good things happening for me was that during this time my training was giving pretty good results. Levitating wandless no longer really did anything, so I tried to bring them together and form one bigger rock. Unexpectedly I was able to achieve accidental transfiguration by actually combining them into a single solid rock. After that little accident I tried to do it intentionally and finally I was able to make the pebbles go back and forth between the two, which ended being a much better exercise for my growth.

Next big news was that after about a week and a half of training with my new cores I had a thought that took me an embarrassingly long time to think about, as it was only when going back through my memories using Occlumency did I stumble onto a fanfic I had read in my past life which the OC developed what was basically a magical sonar to see where his eyes couldn't. So I started intensely focusing on this to hopefully gain some form of sight again. I tried to make it come out of my hand and feel around the room like I could feel the the objects my magic was interacting with while doing some wandless training. This offered extremely limited and tiring results, where I was basically just firing raw blasts of energy to feel in a narrow cone with short range and duration, but high energy cost.

And I've also found out that I feel a lot stronger and faster now. Not just physically, but also my reflexes. My training in using magic to heal the deeper cuts on me has been useful and it feels like the others heal quicker than they should. So with a mostly working body I started to do some exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, squats and stretching. And since I still remember my time in martial arts from my previous life, I've also started doing some basics to get a proper feel for it and develop a new sense of balance without my eyes.

With my experimenting and my being experimented on, and my workouts in between, time passed quite fast and soon another three months passed.

In that time period a few great changes occurred.

The first being the most distressing bit, and it's that I think I'm actually becoming used to the fact that I'm basically tortured everyday by being either cut up or drinking those concoctions by the insane Voldy sucker downstairs. It help me perfect the protection of mental damage from continuous physical and magical torture though. So I'm pretty sure I won't end up like the Longbottom's or end insane, unless I already am and I really don't know. I think I still have my morales and goals, but it's kind of hard to tell when my only companions are in my memories and the fact that I keep thinking of ways to kill those responsible for my suffering.

Second is that I'm really getting the hang of transfigurations rocks and stone as I basically take some of the wall or floor bit by bit and almost play with it as a form of training. I was also able to make a stone knife that I'm in the process of trying to change it into a real one or at lest make the edge and point able to stab someone. I can't just stay here forever and wait for someone to find me or die, gotta have an escape plan at one point.

Third is that I'm basically daredevil now, or if you're more into the manga scene then comics Neji Hyuga. I was able to figure out how to let out a small part of my magical energy through basically every part of my body. Basically I feel my magical energy interact and bounce off of obstacles to get a feel for my surroundings. So I can now sense everything in my cell perfectly: every pebble, every crack and bump in the walls and ceiling, my bed and bucket, and I'm even able to feel a bit outside the door by letting my energy flow through the openings.

And lastly it's actually something I'm learning at the very moment.

"You truly are my only success. You have muscles strength and flexibility far beyond your age group, even beyond some adults. Your reflexes are almost instantaneous and you possess some innate resistance to magic. Truly a marvel of my ritual." said the Volde-blower sighing at his own work.

"But why did the eyes fail? Why haven't they healed and integrated properly? Everything else went well and there has been no sign of rejection, so why?" He continued in frustration now.

If you think that was my biggest surprise of the day well you'd be wrong. Cause the next moment one of the death goons burst through the door panting and spoke to the old bastard next to me to say in a panic "the dark lord is dead, he's gone!"

"Preposterous! The Dark Lord is nigh invincible, what on earth could have beaten?!" Asked the fan-girl yelling in disbelief.

"They said it was a baby. They're calling him the-boy-who-lived." Answered goon one in a shaky voice.

"Hmph! A baby!? You're telling me a baby beat the strongest wizard in existence?! You're telling me a baby beat the heir of Salazar Slytherin himself?!" Yelled the old man questioning the sanity of the idiot of front of him.

"But it's true sir. They're capturing Death Eaters now and trying for trials. A lot of the others are going into hiding or trying to get out of this." Replied the goon nervously.

"Get the boy back in his cell! I'll find out what's going on immediately! No one is to do anything stupid until I get back! Understood?!" Barked the old fan-girl.

"Yes sir!" Was the only reply that came out.

As soon as I was back in my cell I thought to myself with a large smile on my face 'this truly changes things doesn't it? Now how can I use this to get out of here?'

I quite liked throwing that last little curveball as the real meaning for the title.

Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts