
Ch. 165 Dancing around Tyranny

These decrees from the ministry rocked nearly the entire student body.

It was just too easy to watch the pink hag drive all these students against her, and as a result she would push their parents to be against the ministry's actions. Her stupidity, need for superiority, authoritarian views and blind belief in the ministry's meager power is continuously driving nails into Fudge's time in office without her even realizing it.

Just the dismissal of all extracurricular activities made everyone hostile. And the woman was very much cracking down hard on anything which either has practical applications and training or is involved with people she deemed undesirable/dangerous. Meaning all the places where students could actually become competent or build their skills for their future careers just disappeared. No more Quidditch games. No more Dueling. No more enchanting or charming. No more potions. And no more Exchange.

Then she decided to make things worst for herself by going around and enforcing every little thing she thought was inappropriate or didn't 'follow the rules'. So just like canon she walked around fixing uniforms, breaking couples apart, stopping people from having fun, confiscating anything unrelated to school or studies, and just sucking the freedom and joy out of everyone's lives. All things which made Filch follow her around like a love struck puppy.

It's all technically in the rules, but teachers understand that they're kids and need to have fun or have some freedoms. Umbridge does not agree with that, but at least she hasn't tried to pass those stupid decrees about it like canon. I honestly don't know how the ministry could even begin to explain passing laws forbidding Hogwarts students from having their hands in their pockets. Any other governing body would laugh at England even harder than before if they even caught a whisper of that nonsense.

Her little routine was getting on people's nerves already, except me since I couldn't give any less of a shit about her little decrees. These things are pretty easy to play around if you think about it.

-mini flashback to emergency meeting for faculty.

"They can't just do this Albus! The Ministry is going against an entire millennia of dependency!" A furious McGonagall said as she barely held herself back.

"I know Minerva, I know. But these decrees appearing means the board of Governors has approved. My hands are tied." Dumbledore responded with a great sigh.

"Perhaps our esteemed Lord Bones could enlighten us on our dilemma." Snape then suggested with his signature sneer.

"To inform you, all capable members vehemently opposed these so called decrees. I was barely able to rally some more members to modify decree no.23. They originally wanted to give her absolute control over punishments and allow her to modify them as she pleases. The difficulties we had to stop that idiocy were far too many for such an important issue, leading me to believe that the governors are being pressured once again. As a result, I am currently having my people look into things at the moment." I somberly explained as I showed an annoyed expression.

"By Merlin. They wanted to give that horrid woman the authority to punish anyone in anyway she pleases within the school and make us unable to stop her." Gasped Professor McGonagall at the revelation.

"This is starting to get out of control Albus. I will not allow this woman to tyrannize my badgers, Ministry be damned." A huffy Professor Sprout declared.

"But I am afraid that going against these decrees would allow the ministry to do precisely what it is aiming for." The Headmaster responded with another sigh as he sank into his chair.

"What do you mean Headmaster?" A serious Flitwick asked.

"Because it would give the Ministry the excuse it needs to try and dismantle Hogwarts." I answered grimly.

"Exactly. If the faculty begins to ignore or retaliate, it will give the Ministry the opportunity to claim whatever they need to justify either taking my own position or yours and then place whomever they deem fit as replacement." Dumbledore followed up, making the teachers look like they swallowed flies at the thought.

"But we can't do nothing Albus. That would be surrendering before we've fought." The deputy-Headmistress responded after a moment. "And to allow her to cancel the Quidditch Cup completely is simply preposterous. The tournament has been in place nearly as long as the school itself, to stop that is to take away a part of what makes Hogwarts what it is."

'I forgot how much she actually cares about that sport. She was apparently quite the player during her time as a student, until her final year and she received rather severe injuries from nasty foul Slytherin committed which decided that years final victor. A concussion and several broken ribs from a foul, and as a result she became driven to have Gryffindor slam Slytherin. That's why she helped Harry get on the team during his first year and bent the rule on firsties not having their own brooms.

The things you learn when you look into people can be illuminating sometimes.' I thought as the talk about Quidditch surprised me.

"I do not believe our guest will allow the Dueling club to continue as well. Even if it is still new, the positive impacts spoke for themselves." A crestfallen Flitwick added.

"I do have some thoughts on that front." I said, making the smaller Professor look at me intently.

"Please do share Professor Bones." He then responded as some hope appeared.

"How about instead of it being a club run by students, it became a supplementary class guided by a teacher?" I suggested as my little devil inside showed a bit.

"You mean..." Flitwick stated as he thought through my idea.

"...using the wording of the decree against itself." Dumbledore completed with his eye twinkle showing itself.

"Exactly. All that's forbidden is the clubs and teams and the like, but they can't stop teachers from giving some additional 'classes'. And if those classes just so happen to be specific with their content, there would be nothing wrong with that." I added with my smile turning more mischievous by the word.

"I also believe using certain rooms already prepared for certain subjects would already be available as well." Dumbledore followed up with his jovial tone.

"But that still doesn't fix the Quidditch teams." McGonagall lamented.

"It does if we have Madame Hooch organize 'advanced flying classes' which welcomes all years and spectators." I countered at the same time my little horns would appear on top of my head.

"Yes, yes. And if these lessons just so happen to award points and have an overall superior class being rewarded, then it wouldn't be strange at all." Muttered a new side of the Professor I've never thought possible.

'Who knew McGonagall would care so much about the damn sport she would decide to dance around the so-called rules? Hermione would break if I told her.' I thought as I watched the elderly witch.

"I am sure many would love to attend my arts and craft classes as well." Professor Sprout said with a happy smile.

"And I have no doubt quite a few students would appreciate some dynamic and creative use of charms." Flitwick then said with his voice squeaking in excitement.

"A few supplementary lessons to watch for Mars is just what a few of my students needed. Thank you for the suggestion Professor Bones." Professor Sinistra said as she jumped into the discussion.

"Hmph, I guess making sure we have fewer dunderheads in this school can count for something." Snape then said as he somehow decided to actually be somewhat helpful.

"And I'm sure students will be quite excited to find me returning to the exchange." I added as everyone decided which club they would be 'teaching' from now on.

-now back to why I was thinking about that meeting.

"What are you all doing here? Do all of you wish to be expelled?" The Inquisitoad asked as she look around the Exchange.

"I don't know what you mean Madame Inquisitor, why would we be expelled?" Cedric then smoothly said as he walked up to her with his charming smile.

He's obviously in on this since he was made the leader of the Exchange.

"Mr. Diggory, I believe the Educational Degree was clear. All student organisations, teams, societies, groups and clubs are to be disbanded, and it is up to myself to decide if such shall be allowed to resume afterwards. And if my memory is not failing me, I have not given this little gathering my permission." She smugly said as she looked around.

"You certainly haven't Madame Inquisitor." Cedric happily replied with a bright smile.

"Are you planing on going against the Ministry's decrees Mr. Diggory? If so, I am sure we can have your father involved. As a loyal member of the Ministry he should, of course, support its decisions." She then said as if it would bully him into submission.

"Umbridge, why are you interrupting my class again. I thought I told you already that unless you have actual classifications stay out of the way." I then said before she annoyed me too much and I accidentally murdered her.

"You! What do you mean class?! This is clearly your little Exchange." She spat out in response to my appearance.

"No, this is an open class to help review material for students. The Exchange was disbanded as per ministry decree. I just decided to use the room because it was very convenient." I lightly answered with my own smile.

That got her to start turning redder than her stupid outfit real quick since she didn't have a comeback.

"Now please go bother someone else. I am sure a young couple enjoying each other's presence is plotting the downfall of the ministry somewhere and must be separated by our esteemed High Inquisitor." I then said with a dismissive tone and hand wave.

This time the hand wave was actually a modified version of the Locomotor charm which makes Umbridge float out of the room without her noticing since she's too emotional at the moment. Only snapping out of it after the door slams in her face.

But that was only the start of her bad time after maybe a week of her abusing her authority to feel like she actually matters.

What came after her encounter with me was hilarious to hear about from various sources.

She burst into the Dueling club and tried to give them all detention for not disbanding, but then Flitwick told her he was doing a class on charms and their various uses since some many showed enthusiasm for the subject. He even invited her to be his partner, which made her run way real fast.

She tried to get Snape to close the potions club, only to be encased in a sound cancelling bubble and ignored after he said she was interrupting his remedial lessons.

Her attempt to cancel the Gryffindor Quidditch practice resulted in McGonagall giving her a lecture on the benefits of the class while Hooch just took off with the team, leading to Umbridge trying to escape Minerva while chasing after people flying away on foot and yelling stuff at the sky.

Professor Sprout just gave the women some knitting needles and told her to join in for her lesson. With similar results when she tried to stop her other art related clubs.

I couldn't stop laughing at that last one and wished I could have gone down that route too, but I hate the toad too much.

What followed was so predictable that it wasn't even funny.



That was interesting to still see, but it was an attempt to do twice the damage with one decree. On one hand it theoretically stops teachers from doing anything beyond the classroom and on the other we can't talk about political happenings.

In practice I got another round of smiles from the professors when I told them we were basically already doing that. Flitwick was technically teaching people charms, Hooch was teaching how to fly better, Snape was teaching how to brew various potions, Sinistra was doing Astronomy, Professor Sprout just had to change her stuff a bit so that they mainly use plant material to make color pigment for paint or create a suitable fibre for knitting, and then there's my subject which I could make almost anything sound like it would be useful to defend yourself against the dark arts. Charm? Here's how it can help. Transfiguration? That's how you use that spell to stop a curse. Potions? Ever use a botched boil cleansing potion to incapacitate someone? History? I can tell you the story of four dark lords, a few wars, the history of curses and then tell you how the underwear industry caused deaths to prepare you for the struggles ahead.

So yeah, that decree became a joke to those with some form of lawyer in them. Loopholes are the best when it works to your advantage.

It was during this time of faculty vs Inquisitoad (Ministry), that something unexpected popped up.

"Aedan, we're really grateful for your teaching us how to fight, but do you think it's possible to add some people?" Harry asked me after one of our training sessions with the Orderlings.

"Not to say no straight up, but why? It's not like anyone else is going to actively be fighting Death Eaters if I'm being honest. Plus I'm already training pretty much everyone who would truly stand against them without having to be convinced. I've got you lot, Cedric, Luna, Neville and Susan. Who would you include outside of that?" I asked the teen.

It's not like I don't like anyone outside these ones, it's just because I don't want to deal with people unwilling to really fight and having to convince them to do it. I've already formed many plans and only the worst of the worst outcomes involve having students fight a fucking Death Eater army like canon. That would mean all my preparations in the Ministry failed, my inside forces failed, my own men all died and then I'd have to be completely out of other options.

Plus the situation is different from the 5th year canon in general. With me as the DADA Professor, students are learning and improving at a rapid pace, removing the dissatisfaction over Umbitch being a blank void of a teacher and the fact that a good amount of the more courageous students are already in the still running Dueling club also removes more possibilities regarding who would need this.

"Well, some people aren't liking what the Ministry is doing and believe that something is wrong. They've also seen you stand up against Umbridge over and over, plus you're a great teacher, and we all want to be able to help more. It's not fair that everything is happening and none of us can do anything about it, so we gathered people who think the same." Harry answered with a fire in his eyes.

"And who are these people?" I asked the trio standing in front of me.

"A few people from the club want in. Especially Daphne, Padma and Hannah, they couldn't not join after they saw me improve." Ron answered first.

"Then Astoria heard her sister was joining so she insisted as well. The Creevey brothers jumped at the opportunity, as well as asked if they were allowed to take pictures. Pavarti Patil, Dean Thomas, Michael Cormer, Anthony Goldstein, Ernest Macmillan, Terry Boot, Sue Li and Theodore Nott from our year. Katie Bell, Marietta Edgecombe and Cho Chang from Sixth years. And Angelina Johnson, Lee Jordan and Roger Davis from the Seventh years." Listed out Hermione as she read from a piece of parchment.

"So you all basically want me to teach about thirty people how to fight?" I asked back in response.

"That does sound like a bit much when you say the number out loud." Murmured Hermione as a result.

"Didn't say I won't do it, but I can't take my time organizing such a mess. With all teachers having to be present in clubs relating to their teaching material, we've become busier than usual. Plus I still have Tory waiting for me at home. So if this is something you three want to have happen, you need to organize it. I can obviously offer some advice or pointers, but the rest will be up to you." I seriously say to the trio.

'This will probably trim down the list a bit due to too many conflicting schedules, but those who actually want to learn will make it work on some level.' I thought as I looked at the trio talking amongst each other.

"Alright, if you agree to teach everyone then we'll figure out how to organize it." Harry said in agreement after a minute.

'Wonder if fate will make what I think is going to happen, happen.' I thought as the trio left with determined steps.

So I am pretty sure my loopholes would hold pretty well under scrutiny.

Then I am teaching Professors how to get around stupidity, which is good.

A little Umbridge slapping which is better.

And lots of names from actual characters, which might lead to a lot of Googling.

Oh well, I think this chapter was fine.


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts