
Ch. 161 New Staff at Hogwarts

It is a good thing I made all those still attending Hogwarts buy the necessary supplies for this year in advance, the week leading up to the wedding had been quite a hectic one after all.

The kids were quite excited to have someone they were close to as a teacher, the lot of them were enthusiastic about calling me Professor all the time. Even the twins were looking forward to my classes, but I'm guessing for slightly different reasons. Going to have to be careful.

It was also good to see my friends again and hear about how they were doing. We exchange letters through Vanishing Boxes, but it's just not the same.

James had to leave the morning after the wedding because Fleur was beginning her final year at Beauxbatons as well, but he promised to come visit Tory and I during the year. The two were officially a couple after Fleur introduced him to her family, something which he said had some issues.

Her parents were worried about Fleur having to struggle in life due to James' muggle-born identity and the state of English governance. It wasn't discrimination against James, it was a father's worries about his little girls future after he watched her suffer through having to deal with her heritage and not being able to help as much due to his job as Minister for Magic in France. Fleur's mother tested James with her own allure as a half-Veela and was happy to find my friend capable of completely ignoring it, receiving her approval almost immediately afterward. But it wasn't until he proved his abilities to take care of Fleur through his skills did they both feel completely at ease with the relationship. Gabriel on the other hand was simply happy to have a new big brother who would spoil her, so not an issue there.

Aside from the classic drama of the young upstart getting the blessing of the Noble beauty's parents through skill and charm, James was also picking up more Alchemy in France due to its more predominant presence in the country. He said something about being excited to find a completely different way to create things and threw himself into his new studies. He's also funding his stay and studies by selling something he crafted from time to time, either through pure smithing or from his alchemical training.

Christian on the other hand gained a few new scars from his project, which is becoming a deadlier version of Jurassic Park at this point. From the reports I've gotten, they've brought three different breeds of dragons, some herds of unicorns and thestrals, bicorns, near extinct Erumpent, Graphorn, a few griffons and Hippogriffs, and even a Sphinx and Cerberus. That's not even counting the wide variety of less dangerous or precious creatures which lie low on the food chain.

My friend says he's having the time of his life creating the place and loves being able to interact with so many creatures while learning more about them. Apparently Hagrid was really jealous about having to go visit the Giant tribes in Italy when they brought in the dragons, but what can you do? His own parents have also been helping by capturing rarer or endangered species in pairs, hoping to let them grow their populations out in relative safety. Then we have the fact that he thought it was a good idea to bring Luna and her father because they were looking for one of their undiscovered creatures. And finally, he tried to hatch a damn basilisk on the island because he wanted to properly study one, which ended with me giving him a smack across the head, Tory joining in, his parents also agreeing it was a bit much right now and then even Newt Scamander joining in.

At least both of my good friends are having fun following their passions, hard to wish for more.

"I hope you're ready for the welcoming feast. Can't show up looking sloppy after all." Victoria suddenly said from the living room as I was remembering our little reunion.

"Yes dear, I'm ready to go." I answered as I fixed up my tie a bit.

I decided to basically wear a navy colored inner suit, with a white shirt, covered by a navy robe this time. Nicely dressed with a wizard flare.

"You're sure you'll be coming back home tonight? I don't want to have moved here, only for you to stay in the castle all the time." My emerald-eyed fiancé said as she looked at me hopefully.

"I promise. I'll only stay at the castle later than intended if I have a patrol to do. Every other night I'll be right here with you for supper." I answer with a small kiss on her lips.

"Good. I'll drag you out of that castle if I have to, so don't you break your promise." She then mumbled in my chest as she hugged me.

"Of course my lovely wifey." I reply with a little chuckle and give the top of her head a quick kiss before heading outside of our house.

As I stepped out, my ride was there waiting for me.

A 1994 Harley-Davidson Heritage Softail. Black frame, shining chrome engine, smooth leather seats, and enchanted up the wazoo to offer the best ride possible.

It can't fly like the bike Sirius gave to Hagrid, but it probably the fastest, toughest, smoothest and safest bike in the world. Enchanted for comfort, charmed to protect me against whatever weather comes, theft protection from muggles and wizards, nearly indestructible with James' help, runs on custom runes creating the combustion needed for the motor to run, and has the nifty ability to ride on any flat enough surface if needed. I also have some portkeys to specific properties for ease of travel, installed in dashboard.

(Gonna post a pic here cause I can't describe a motorcycle for shit. Just thought it would be cool to just ride that to Hogwarts so he can still live with Victoria.)

I quickly mounted the bike and turned the powerful motor, making roar to life in one smooth action.

"Don't drive like a maniac just because there's rarely anyone on the road to Hogwarts. I will tease you to oblivion if I hear you crashed on the way to a feast as the new Professor." Warned Tory with a smirk as she leaned against the open door's frame, wearing one of my white t-shirts alongside some comfortable black shorts which showed off her long smooth legs.

"Haha! I'll make sure to be careful then! See you later love!" I reply with a hearty laugh as I put my helmet on and take off towards the castle.

The road to Hogwarts wasn't the best, but with my bike it just didn't matter. It felt great to feel the wind as I rode on though. Made the weather protection charms work to basically allow most of the wind to flow through at a comfortable temperature, allowing me to still feel the wind.

So I enjoyed myself as the castle came into view and offered me a splendid view as it always had. With a smile I drove through the gates and headed to the carriage arrival area.

My arrival to the drop-off area caused everyone's head to turn in my direction, mostly because of the sound, then because of my 'muggle transportation', and lastly because I came to Hogwarts on it.

I turned off the bike, dismounted, took off my helmet and put it into my expanded bag.

"Hey kids, glad to see you all doing well. I'll see you all in the Great Hall." I nonchalantly say as I adjust my clothes and head on inside under the stunned looks of nearly everyone there.

As soon as I passed them I could hear people snap out of their stupor and animatedly talk to each other, but I simply smiled and walked on as I reached the entrance.

"Ah, Mister Bones or should I now say Professor Bones, I am pleased you have managed to make it before we began." A slightly smiling McGonagall said from her position awaiting the new first years.

"I have no doubt you'll be a model of professionalism as always and I can't picture myself calling you anything other than Professor McGonagall, so probably not changing anytime soon." I cheekily say to my new colleague.

"I see. I do hope continue to show the excellence you exhibited as a student during your tenure here, we all have high hopes that you will be capable of beating the so called curse on your new position." The transfiguration mistress politely said with a nod.

With a small smile and bow, I walk past her and enter the great hall, heading to the head table as only a few of the students who have made it so far look up in shock as they see me.

I see most of the staff is present already, Snape usually showing up at the last minute and Hagrid apparently having the canon problem of his half-brother to deal with, hence his absence in favor of who I could only assume was Professor Grubbly-Plank.

She was an elderly witch with short grey hair, a very prominent pointed chin, brown eyes, and wearing a rather typical dark brown witch outfit. This was the first time she was invited to the castle as opposed to the canon which would have her come last year as a substitute, mainly because Christian, Hermione and I have managed to properly train Hagrid into a rather competent and well liked teacher for CoMC. That and the venomous article Rita Skeeter would have written about him during the Triwizard tournament was never allowed to see the light of day.

'That reminds me, she should be desperate enough now. I think it's about time for Micheal Folster to make an offer to her.' I thought as my more devilish side popped up.

And finally, the most hated woman of the canon. Bellatrix Lestrange was a psychopathic, murderous zealot, who tortured Neville's parents to insanity, killed countless and Sirius, was the most loyal supporter of Voldemort, and still she beaten to the title. Dolores Umbridge, in all her pinkness, sitting with that stupid look that screams 'I think I'm better than you', sipping on a cup of tea.

'Don't kill her. You need her to make sure the ministry falls to your advantage. Just don't kill her yet.' I thought to myself as I maintained a calm exterior at the sight of the horrid toad.

So with me finding my chant, I sat down in the open seat besides my old head of house.

"Ooh mister Bones, I am so thrilled such a promising young man has joined our faculty. Your achievements this summer have garnered much prestige for Ravenclaw. If you need any assistance do not hesitate to come to me. A senior should guide the younger generation when they can after all." The almost always jovial Professor Flitwick said to me.

"I'll be more than grateful for any advice should it turn out I need it. But for now I'll believe I can succeed and any failures will simply be a chance to learn and improve." I humbly reply as I appreciate his willingness to help.

"No problem at all. You will probably do much better than most anyway, with you almost teaching the course when poor Gilderoy held the post." Flitwick then said with some regret over how that year went and how the flamboyant man ended up in the long term care wing of St. Mungo's.

"Thank you for the vote of confidence Professor." I responded with a nod.

"Oh, do call me Filius. We are co-workers now after all." The man said with his squeaky voice.

"Then I'll thank you in advance Filius." I then said in minor self correction, getting a satisfied nod from the man.

I then look around and see that most tables are now almost full and all of the faculty has arrived, the headmaster having just sat down. It seems my presence was causing quite a stir in my former schoolmates, with all the not so subtle stares and whispering going on over not only about me, but the two other new faces at the table.

Then the doors to the hall were dramatically opened, showing McGonagall guiding the new first years.

'It kinda makes me feel old seeing this from a teachers perspective. But the nostalgia really hits hard in a good way.' I thought with a warm and gentle smile spreading on my face as I watched all the nervous kids look around, trying to absorb every detail they could.

What followed was fairly standard, the only exception was the hats song emphasizing unity against the coming dangers, then the feast.

Apparently teachers get better food than students, but no alcohol is permitted due to obvious reasons. Doesn't send the greatest message when a teacher gets plastered in public.

And now it was finally time for the welcoming speech.

"Welcome to one and all. It is a pleasure to see the new faces joining us and to see the returning ones as well. Now that we have all been fed and watered, I would like to make a few announcements.

As usual, the Forbidden Forest is, as its name implies, forbidden to any student who does not wish a most unpleasant of experiences." He said with a knowing glance to those most likely to break the rule before continuing.

"Our caretaker, Mr. Filch, as brought to my attention that many new items have been added the list of forbidden objects this year. For those who wish to enlighten themselves, the list can be found outside of Mr. Filch's office or one can simply ask our young Weasley twins." That one getting knowing smiles from the students who knew full well why so many products were being added to the list this year.

"Now, as you have no doubt noticed, we have a few changes to our faculty this year.

Firstly, it is my pleasure to introduce our substitute Care of Magical Creatures Professor, Wilhelmina Grubbly-plank. She will be staying until Professor Hargrid can return from his important trip abroad.

Secondly, we have someone I believe the vast majority of you are quite familiar with the young man returning to our halls, Mr. Aedan Bones, who has agreed to take the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor." Surprisingly my professorship actually got a round of excited applause which was started by the twins and the golden trio, then really supported by my old house, finally spreading until even Slytherin was at least clapping out of either respect or politeness.

In response I then stood up and gave a bow to the room as my thanks, then sitting down. I could almost feel the sneer on Snape's face when this was happening, the happiness of Flitwick for the support his house gave and Umbridge was doing her best to maintain her usual expression as her rather weak Magic fluctuated.

'It seems the information about her being a poor excuse of a witch weren't exaggerated after all. If that's the limit of energy than it's surprising she managed to get to where she is at all.' I thought as I noticed her weak strength and control.

"I am quite happy you are showing such a welcome to our new Professor. It warms this old man's heart.

And now for our final new member this year, I am pleased to introduce Dolores Umbridge. She has been sent from the Ministry to observe if our illustrious school has not lost its touch. I am sure we can all wish her good luck in fulfilling her duties.

Finally-" Dumbledore tried to continue his welcoming speech and announcement when he was suddenly interrupted by the toad.

'She held it in longer than I thought. Guess she wanted to be introduced first.' I noted as I still tried to stop myself from subtly killing the woman as she took over the podium, something Dumbledore simply acquiesced since he likes seeing a good performance.

"Thank you, Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all your bright happy faces smiling up at me. I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends." She said in her sickeningly sweet voice, giving a nod to Dumbledore before turning to the students below.

She seemed to completely ignore the bad impression she's giving through her condescending tone of voice and her interruption of the Headmaster, as well as the looks and scoffs from students as she powered through her own speech.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizard of vital importance. Although each Headmaster has brought something new to this historic school..." She said as she once again looked at Dumbledore and then turned back to the audience," progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected and prune practices that ought to be prohibited."

The speech only got some rather forced and scattered applauses from the students.

"Thank you Dolores, for that truly illuminating speech. But, I believe that will be enough for tonight and that all students would rather head to bed than continue listening to me speak, so I will simply say good night to you all." Dumbledore said in a jovial tone, as if she actually said something useful, and dismissed everyone for the evening.

With that said, the Prefects began gathering the first years as the rest began to head for their dormitories. Various professors wished each other a goodnight as well, with the head of houses heading for their own houses. (Yes that's on purpose.)

I bade everyone goodnight and steadily walked out of the castle, got on my bike and drove off into the night towards my home and loved one.

I barely had time to get off my bike before I heard her voice.

"Welcome back." She simply said, making me turn around, seeing her warmly smiling at me from the open door, wearing the same outfit as when I left.

"I'm back. Hope you weren't too lonely." I reply with my own warm smile.

"Better now. Come on, let's get to bed. We both have early mornings tomorrow Professor." She then said with a small smile.

"That we do." I responded as I then princess carried her into the house, getting a small surprised yelp, used some magic to close and lock the door, then mentally activated the house wards as I laid her down on our bed.

I quickly undressed and used a quick cleaning spell, then joined her for a night of peaceful sleep as we held each other.

No sex yet. Kinda keeping that for until they’re actually married, even if they’re both comfortable with other things.

Decided to use the movie speech for Umbridge since I think it still fits Ministry objectives, even after Aedan’s actions.

I also want a harmonious life for my two OC’s, makes me happy writing them just enjoy and wanting to be with each other.

Anyway, next chapter we got first classes.


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts