
Ch. 159 Moving Out

(Just read the next part without the hundred comments about MC being whipped. Pretty much every wife/girlfriend would act like this and responding like an asshole does not make you manly. And I just know saying this will make people say I am a simp too.)

"So you have a new job and it's as the next DADA Professor?" My lovely raven haired fiancé asked.

"Yeah. It's more than doable. I can finish all my other work pretty easily and I already have my lessons planed out. Plus our place is in Hogsmeade." I answered her as she looked at me before sighing.

"You knew this was going to happen and built our place there on purpose didn't you?" She then asked with some judgement in her eyes.

"I mean, I wasn't 100% sure." I answered carefully since I couldn't be sure if she was mad at me for forgetting to tell her about it.

"And when did you figure out that there was a big enough chance of it happening, making you decide to build OUR home there?" Victoria asked as she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Well, um, right after the minister started to slander Dumbledore and I got my masteries." I answered as I got a bit nervous.

"And why couldn't you just tell me about it? I feel like our talks about where to live were completely pointless now." My glaring Tory asked blandly.

"I didn't think it was good to try and argue on a point I wasn't sure about, plus with us being able to go anywhere with apparition, portkey, Floo network or house-elf, it's not like it matters much where we live." I answered, bringing up one of the major reasons as to why there aren't more magical communities.

Who needs to be close to one another when you can teleport anywhere?

"Alright fine. Like you said, it's not a big deal. I'm just annoyed you didn't talk to me about this before." She finally said with a cute pout.

"Come on, no need for that. I promise I'll talk to you about things I believe are likely to happen in the future." I say as step very close to her and bring my face right in front of hers with a small smile.

"Good. I don't like when you just keep everything to yourself." My beautiful Tory said as her face started getting a bit red at my closeness.

"Then why don't we have a little talk now?" I asked why a little devil's smile.

"What are you-" she tried to ask something but I just stopped her by giving her a soft kiss on her lips, making her stiffen for a moment before melting as I wrap my arms around her slim waist.

"I am just having the face-to-face conversation my fiancé wanted to have." I said as I went in for another kiss, but this time going deeper as I gently caressed her tongue with my own, making her react on instinct and let out a small moan.

We then lost ourselves in each other's embrace for some time, enjoying the tender touches and loving kisses, only breaking apart when she needed to catch her breath.

"Haa haa, you know that's not fair right?" She asked with a bright red face as she caught her breath.

"Hehe, but you can't say you don't like it." I cheekily replied with a happy grin, getting an embarrassed head turn in response.

"If you two are done, I would like you to finish moving your books and work station." Mother said from a now open door to my room with a smile on her face as Tory turned even redder from being caught.

"I've already packed everything I'm taking with me. The rest I was planning to leave for Susan, letting her read whatever she wanted from them and letting her have her own work place." I answered after looking away from the amusing sight of Victoria trying to calm herself.

"I don't mind and you two are more than welcome to come over anytime. I am sure Susan will be happy with it too." Amelia said with a nod as she turned and left.

"Looks like alone time will have to wait." I whispered in Victoria's ear, making her face redden once again at the thought and making me chuckle at the reaction.

"Stop teasing me! Do you know how embarrassing it is to get caught?" She responded as she gave me another glare, which was just adorable to me since she was so embarrassed.

"Don't worry too much. Pretty sure mother did that on purpose to get me back for teasing her and Sirius when I caught them." I said with a hearty laugh.

"Oh Merlin, you actually caught them?" She asked with a surprised look.

"Yeah, came back from a late meeting and they were helping each other relax in the common room. Never seen mother so flustered before." I explained with a smile at the memory of her face when she got caught. (They weren't doing it there, just a drunken make out session and some over the clothes stuff.)

"No wonder she looked so pleased to have interrupted." Victoria said in response to the revelation.

"Petty victory, but she is right about us having to go. We did invite people over to celebrate moving into our place." I said with a quick peck on her soft lips.

"I hope Winky is doing ok with Dobby, the two of them can be quite emotional at times." Tory said with a bit of worry over our two house-elves.

"They'll be fine. I asked Tilly to over see them and help them acclimatize to their new jobs." I reassured my fiancé with a warm smile.

"Yes, I doubt Tilly would let anything go wrong when her young master is involved." Said fiancé responded with a small giggle.

And yes I did hire Dobby to be my house-elf, something he agreed to since he could get a proper pay, family and I was a known close one of Harry Potter. The little guy was quite happy to be introduced to proper clothing and learning how to serve properly under Tilly. I did hear a lot of rather creative insults coming from the kitchen at times though and learned that Tilly really thought Donkey's didn't belong in the kitchen. That really made me question if she and Gordon Ramsey ever actually met once again.

Then I also brought in Winky, the ex-Crouch family elf, who was kicked out after the events at the World Cup and became quite depressed. It took some convincing, but I managed to bring her out of her stupor by giving her a chance to help lessen her guilt at failing her master. The little elf felt guilty for her young masters actions and the death of her master, so I suggested she help me since the young masters actions took away my parents. Kinda felt bad doing this, but the elf was literally drinking herself to death at this point and it served as an escape.

So now I have a quirky ball of energy and a still mildly depressed one as house-elves. It was going to take a while before everything started clicking properly, but that was ok.

"Alright, we better go and get ready. Don't want to look sloppy when our guests arrive." I then said as I held out my arm for Tory to grab.

"Lead the way." She replied with a smile on her face.

The moment she firmly grasp my arm, our two bodies were wrapped in azure flames and we vanished from the spot.

-Ministry of Magic, level 1, Minister for Magic and Support Staff, Office of the Minister for Magic. (3rd person POV)

"Damnit! Dumbledore was able to find someone and we can't touch him!" An irritated Fudge said as he threw the report he was reading onto his desk.

"That Bones child again. What would you like to do Cornelius? I can put some pressure on people to make him look too young for the position." The pink abomination asked in her sickeningly sweet voice.

"We can't afford to touch him right now Dolores. We are finally making progress against Dumbledore, if we antagonize the Bones it could put us on the back foot with ease." The minister said with a great sigh as he ran his hand through his thinning hair.

"But we needed to have a presence in the school. If not, the devious old man will always have too many supporters." The toad said with pursed lips, showing her displeasure at the situation.

"That doesn't change the fact that the boy is untouchable. We also can't have the Prophet saying he's inadequate when he went through even stricter standards than usual. The boy has too many accomplishments and no blemishes, making some up from nothing would ruin any semblance of credibility we have. We need another way into the school. Maybe pressuring one of the other teachers into retiring early." A tired sounding Fudge said with a deep sigh.

"The old coot would never let that happen. But, one of my aides did say something which gave me an idea to solve our problem." Umbitch said carefully.

"Oh? Go on then." The minister said as he turned his attention towards her.

"Well, the ministry was under some scrutiny over the lowering standards at Hogwarts not too long ago, so I thought creating a position to oversee the current teachings at the school on the behalf of the ministry would be perfect. Someone who could see who was adequate and who was simply ruining all those poor children. This way we can show parents that the ministry cares for the new generation and we can root out the Dumbledore supporters." The bitch in pink smugly explained.

Fudge was silently contemplating the idea with a serious expression on his face.

"Yes, yes, it could work. No I could definitely make it work. Lucius would be very supportive of this effort to undermine Dumbledore, the majority of members who would vote for this have young family members in the school and the prophet can do the rest." Fudge said with slowly growing excitement.

"Then should I move ahead Cornelius?" The toad asked as she felt triumphant.

"Yes. Immediately. We need to get this done before the school year begins." The now energetic minister said.

"As you wish Minister. I'll have everything ready shortly." The monster said as she turned and left.

"Let's see Dumbledore try and take my position after this." The delusional Fudge said as he leaned back into his chair.

-Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire, London

"It is good that Fudge continues to do our work for us. The fool cannot imagine the effort he is saving us by weakening Dumbledore's position so much." A happy-ish Voldemort said as his faithful ass-kisser reported the Ministry's latest movements.

"Yes my lord. Fudge has asked us to support his effort in eroding Dumbledore's power base at its source. Do we have your blessing to continue?" The unknowingly divorced Malfoy asked.

"Of course Lucius. While the old fool deals with this, we can focus on bringing my loyal servants back home. But I have heard he has been able to find someone through ministry pressure. Who has taken this post? It might be another opportunity for us." The dark lord asked after giving his servants permission to harass Dumbledore.

But only silence met his last question due to hesitation.

"Why do you not answer me?" The dark lord now asked with a cold voice, making his servants flinch slightly.

"Um, my lord, it seems Dumbledore has brought in the Bones child." One masked Death Eater answered nervously.

"I see." Was Tom's response as an oppressive silence engulfed all those present, making them primed to react in case their lord erupted in fury.

But the entire room suddenly shook and glass was heard cracking from the windows and cabinets, with a heavy pressure bearing down on those in the room.

*Hissssss* was suddenly heard as a large green snake came into the room.

Whatever he heard from the snake, it made Voldemort calm his rage at this new news.

"Yes, you're right Nagini, it is only a desperate attempt on Dumbledore's part. Severus, tell me of the boy." He then ordered as he contained the humiliation temporarily.

"Although the boy is close to Potter, he seems to hold too much pride to follow Dumbledore. He has again refused to join his Order, just like his aunt, due to a difference of belief and the death of his parents. He is still a petulant child in that regard, even if he is stronger than most." Snape answered while carefully choosing his words.

"Is the boy a threat and will he stand with Dumbledore?" The grey man questioned again.

"He seems to have more information about the ongoings of the ministry due to Amelia and he has offered properties he has bought through his business as well, but he is alone and his ego stops him from truly joining. This is the extent of his danger level my lord." The spy answered as he kept a blank expression.

"Lucius." The dark lord suddenly said.

"Yes my lord." The long haired man said immediately.

"I want you to keep an eye on the boys movements in the Ministry. He might become a threat if he is allowed to grow in the chaos. If any opportunity to remove him arises, inform me." Voldemort ordered with an absolute tone of voice.

"As you command." Lucius said as he kneeled on the floor.

"And you Severus, I want to know where these properties are located. We cannot allow Dumbledore and his followers to have holes to hide in." Tim continued as he simply turned his face towards his spy.

"Of course my lord. I shall hand you a list as soon as possible." The man answered with a simple and polite tone.

"The rest of you will continue with our preparations to assault Azkaban." The head snake commanded to the rest of his servants before taking his leave with Nagini.

Feels weird going to a more normal length chapter after my last few, but here we go.

A little bit of mushy, reactions to ministry plans and voldy’s side of things.

I thought about making Voldemort flip shit, but maybe making him less unstable would be better since it’s not about his obsession with Harry and Dumbledore.


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts