
Ch. 134 Back on the job

After a magical evening for pretty much everyone who attended the ball, many new couples could be seen wandering the castle as they enjoyed their newfound feelings for one another.

And of course many were gossiping about Victoria accompanying me and our dance, but we didn't care that much since we were already packing our stuff.

Since we weren't in a rush, our departure time was set to be an hour before lunch, giving us the chance to eat as a family once we got home. I already had everything set up with the Headmaster way ahead of time, making sure his office's fireplace was connected to the Floo network.

It's a lot better to do things through official channels instead of unnecessarily causing a fuss by using my own methods. It's not like I couldn't fuck with the anti-apparition wards, use the vanishing cabinet or use Sol to get back home, so everyone agreed that instead of trying to stop me, it was better to just do things the easy way. Plus I'm sure it reassures Dumbledore that I care for my family that much even after my rise in strength. Even if we have a healthy relationship, I'm just too strong to overlook and the rest of the wizarding world barely had a clue, that being my showcase against the Dragon.

Anyway, Susan and Victoria met up with me at the appointed time and we simply went to the Headmaster's office. They were curious about the place since they don't come here much, if at all. Tory's been here a few times but Suz is experiencing it for the first time, making her look around the place in wonder whilst I chuckle a bit at her behavior and answered any questions she had about the portraits and gadgets all over the place.

Dumbledore soon arrived and opened the Floo network for us, so with a quick thank you and a few flashes of green, we were back home.

I arrived last and saw mother hugging Susan and Victoria happily, talking up a bit of a storm as she checked if everyone was alright and if nothing crazy happened at Hogwarts lately. You know, besides having dragons there not too long ago.

"Oh Aedan there you are!" She said with a warm smile as she gave me a hug. "I can see you took good care of the girls last night. I'm sure you kept Susan from doing anything foolish as well."

"No worries Mom. Suz just had fun with some friends and I made sure no undesirables could do anything." I said back very seriously.

"Good. Now let's get you all fed. I know you all didn't eat yet and Tilly has been very excited with you all coming over." She said with a satisfied nod as she led us to the table.

The food was heartwarming to eat. Even if it's not mother's cooking, it is still the food I grew up with and love, making it the best. No food ever truly beats what you were raised on.

But mom had some things to talk about when we were eating as well. Pretty reasonable worries in general.

"Dragons for Merlin's sake! What was that daft imbecile even thinking? Making 17-18 year olds facing bloody dragons! I'd make him go to Azkaban as he should have been after that stupid stunt. And gambling on who would win? On top of being severely in debt. How is that completely incompetent nitwit the head of a ministry department?" She ranted as one could almost imagine fire being spewed.

"It's alright mother. Although the dragon thing was too much and Bagman is an idiot, I made sure everyone could pass without anything bad happening. Plus now no one will be able to question my position as Lord." I tried to placate her by saying my piece.

"And you think I want to see my child facing a dragon for that? It doesn't matter how strong you are, I'll have those who threaten my children in front of the Wizengamot. And anyone who has an issue with becoming the head of our house has several screws loose." She harrumphed in response.

I'm not gonna lie, that's nice to hear.

"Thanks mom. I appreciate it, but as soon as I'm out of Hogwarts it'll my turn to protect the two of you." I say with a smile.

"Ahem!" Interrupted a glaring Victoria.

"We both know you'll try to beat me up before you let me protect you Tory." I said to her with a cheeky smile.

"True, but it's still nice to hear your boyfriend say he'll protect you anyway." She hummed as she was playing around.

"Alright alright. I'll make anyone who tries to hurt you go through hell as well. Good?" I replied with a little eye roll.

"Better." She answered as mother smiled at the two of us and Susan was holding back her giggles.

So with smiles back on our faces, the meal tasted all the better.

But being who I am means duty called. Meaning lots of reports and paperwork.

Tory was actually curious about what 'Micheal Folster' had been up to and decided to bring the research notes she was working on to accompany her in the office.

I certainly didn't mind having a beauty to look at while I worked, so no complaints there.

Breaking Grounds decided to focus on the northern parts of Africa and The main hubs of Europe as it expanded and stabilized itself in the two regions. The plan was to firmly establish the shops into those important magical communities and spark some improvements in the field of potions, whilst also offering the best at reasonable prices. We don't screw anyone over and everyone is welcome to try and improve a potion. The company was built on that very ideal and sales were mostly secondary. Even if they were astronomical.

Natural Cultivation was seeing a good amount of activity as well, with it being my largest company and all. We had been negotiating with herb producers in the hope of bringing them under our wing so to speak, letting us expand without having to start from scratch in every region. This has had good enough results in most difficult areas such as Africa and colder countries such as Finland and Sweden, but the more prideful families in places like Spain and Italy refused. This wasn't a big deal in all honesty, we just wanted to save some time and money at the same time as we didn't want to ruin other people's businesses. They would now be competitors instead, but our stocks are far above anyone else's due to our advancements and special projects.

Speaking of which, the aquatic farm project has been seeing immense increases lately, mainly due to the influx of merpeople assimilating into the developing underwater city. I'd even started pitching in and sending wizards to help the construction efforts down there, with slight hopes of making a real Atlantis. (Never found any records of Atlantis truly being a thing, so let a guy dream.)

The Herboligist Paradise project was also seeing further development as the ecosystem was starting to stabilize after the introduction of the agreed species of creatures we brought in. This was also turning the place into a Herbologist's and Magizoologist's paradise, since both professions were able to study and work with everything on the island. The Centaur tribes present on the island have opened up a fair bit with my people as they helped build proper homes for them, while the Centaurs continued exchanging knowledge with our experts. Even I had to admit I was impressed with some of the stuff I found in my reports, and Tory was ecstatic after reading about new ways to heal others.

The side project for creating a reserve for endangered species to recover their population was also underway, but this was under Christian's lead so I kept my hands away from it. I provided some funding and experts to help him out, while also giving him a hand when he was trying to acquire the island he needed for the project. The rest was up to him, but I believed he would make something incredible from what I've seen of his plans.

Fortress Protection was actually expanding its reach at the moment, basically making it their goal to form a sort of barrier against dark wizards and criminals. They had been very happy with the Sanctum wards I managed to send them and had started to track down a staggering number of psychopaths. I decided not to open new branches at the moment, simply because Moldy was going to rise soon and I didn't want to spread my forces out too much. I decided to authorize negotiations with the surrounding countries in order to send members there and make the branch in Bulgaria a headquarter for the area. This method only being available because it's Central Europe and countries are so close to one another.

"You really have your own military force of wizards?" Victoria asked as she rested her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around me from behind.

"Yeah, pretty useful too. The world just doesn't have enough people capable of fighting those who would harm others for their own gains. So instead of focusing on grades too much, we train them in house and let them gain experience with senior members, letting their own accomplishments tell us if they should stay or go." I explained to the woman as I gave her a peck on the cheek.

"How has no one tried to shut you down? It's a power no ministry controls?" She curiously asked as she responded with a peck of her own.

"Well we basically only take security jobs and help in detainment. We never refuse inspections from authorities, have strict standards, created a stellar record, and we can be hired for jobs which fit our rules. The Bulgarian Ministry has even given us many benefits in the hope that we don't leave, and even in the UK my men have been getting hired by nobles, business men and some department heads for additional security." I tried to answer as I thought about it for a second.

"Yeah, but i can't see everyone agreeing. People will also want to use your men." She seriously said in response.

"I know what you mean, but it's actually too late for that. I've properly spread out my men to give the illusion that we don't have enough forces to threaten ministries. We've built good relationships with many powerful and wealthy individuals, and we are impossible to spy on because of intensive counter-measures." I replied as I moved on to my next report, getting some playful nibbles on my ear in response.

It seemed that Sherry was having a splendid time as her web was expanding well since Fudge's continued scares during the last six months. The man had to deal with a 'warning' and a 'riot' one after another, making him very paranoid and scared. He even hired some of my men from Fortress to move away from corrupt ministry employees, which will help him get away from every other powerful individual besides me. This gave us information about everything the man did. She was also isolating and identifying various spies and brided individuals within the ministry and my own companies, working counter-intelligence and limiting those not with us. Many people were very invested in finding out who Micheal Folster truly was, making her have an interesting job of protecting someone who didn't truly exist. That actually made her job easier, and even she was amazed at how she couldn't find any real information. She was truly a great find and ally.

Elaine was back on duty after taking time off to reduce the target on her back, meaning the nightmare for Britain's underworld had returned. She kicked off her return to active duty by arresting an entire drug ring operating with the help of some Ministry of Transport officials, making a high profile case out of the whole thing by taking out people who actually helped Death Eaters in the past. She also used some of her 'sources' (my network) to coincidentally link some annoying people to cold cases, making some people very nervous indeed. Her team was also kicking ass and taking names all over the place, working with some of my guys and our facilities to properly make criminals serve time since Azkaban would be difficult to swing for some of these crimes, usually resulting in some fines or some other wimpy punishments if these new jails weren't a thing.

"Wow. You even have the famous Golden wand under you. How is she really? I heard she can make a dark wizard crap himself with a glare." Tory asked with some excitement in her voice.

"She's pretty cool. Very different when she's off duty though. Kinda like a messy aunt/older sister vibe. But she can probably beat most Aurors when it comes to a fight, and hunt down assholes like a hound once she's given the proper scent. I just help her on those fronts and she helps me keep an eye on our friendly hit-wizards." I answered her as I thought about Elaine.

"Really? Hard to believe a witch like her could be like that." She said in doubt.

"Let me put it this way. First time we met she challenged me to a duel, I beat her bad, and then she offered to fuck cause I looked to wound up for a young guy." I replied with a chuckle as I remembered that day.

"The bitch said what now?" A cold Victoria said as her aura leaked out a bit.

"Relax love, i was twelve and nothing was ever mentioned afterwords. About 70% sure she was joking anyway." I said as I tried to disarm the situation.

"Hmph. Fine." She simply said as she pinched my arm to get some frustration out and I went back to my reports.

The Herald was doing fantastic after we bought the WWN and started owning more and more shares of the Daily Prophet. Our new programmes were being received very well, making sales for radios and music take a massive leap upwards as well. Our paper was spreading wherever one of my businesses had appeared and we were starting to look at adding more branches in various countries to increase our amount of information on everything happening. We were basically taking steps to bring news from around the world to our readers, no matter the country.

"And now you are the only source of news, just like the Prophet used to be." She said after she decided i was punished enough for not sleeping with someone.

"Yes, but I want a rigorous standard. Plus I would actually be quite open to a proper paper like ours appearing. I want people to know how their world truly is, and competition will help make new things come to light." I answered as I defend myself against the implied comparison.

"It's still impressive. Knowing all the angles in the light and the shadows. You're even making money with it. Pretty sexy when I think about you basically being the unseen hand behind the curtain." She said as she nibbled on my earlobe a bit.

"Yes, but some things are dangerous to know. I have to keep my people safe." I replied as I let her do as she pleases and turn to a more lighthearted report.

The Muggle Toybox was doing well enough. We decided to push for various regulations and permits in order to modify some more muggle stuff, trying to expand in the direction of cars. This is difficult since they don't want people to fuck things up and screw the statute of secrecy, but we don't really want to do anything close to that. We just want to offer properly enchanted cars by mildly basing ourselves off of the Knight Bus. The goal was to make something similar but for private use. Meaning no flight, but it would have constant muggle repellant/invisibility, means of avoiding detection and impact, and a variety of other bits and pieces. We'd have to see how things would turn out before putting anything out there. Scott was very excited to see that little project.

FIRM was getting more and more influential within the country right now, especially when more and more people started realizing just how broken the system governing them truly was. Aside from muggle-borns, half-bloods and many beings or half-beings, some open-minded pure-bloods who survived the last war decided to also support our ideas. We've also been getting a lot of influential people upset over our actions since we are threatening their power. Many do not wish to lose their unfair advantages as they see them as birthrights for 'proper' wizard families. Well, fuck those cunts. Let's see how they'll feel when some proper protest started.

"And you're even a political activist. Not even out of Hogwarts and you can already make the entire country dance to your tune. Do you know how hot that is to my little Slytherin heart?" She whispered as grabbed my arm and made her soft assets very noticeable.

"Yeah, the Sorting Hat said I would do well in your house. But I'm way too brainy and love knowledge too much, so Ravenclaw." I answered with a little chuckle and then give the temptress beside me a proper kiss.

"Hmm. You're really making me a happy little snake." She said in response as she kissed me back and started to let her hands wander across my muscled body.

That made it harder to concentrate on my next report, but I'm nothing if not a talented individual. So I groped her perfect ass in response, getting a light moan as I played with it while I read my most impressive bit of progress lately.

Even if the partying after the World Cup finals was ruined by the presence of those inbred cucks, the performance of my companies brooms, as well as the fact that the winning team was riding them, made BonesWorks an international hit. We started negotiating with countries around the world as requests for branches were coming from the countries themselves. We received generous offers to bring our new and creative products overseas to the USA, South America, Asia and the Middle East. We were now in the process of deciding where to begin and planing how to do it properly while setting up our supply chains to withstand the new markets. We would not go to places and not be able to supply our products to them. That would kill my companies reputation. So things were being negotiated through my aides and subordinates.

"And now you're also stretching your influence to overseas. I'm liking this a lot. All those inbred fools can't even really make their influence spread throughout their home ground, but you're going international through legit means. You're just perfect." She said through her heavy breathing and light moans as I continued to play with her sensitive areas.

"Quality products well made will always find willing buyers. But it is gratifying to see my efforts not go unrewarded." I say as she started going for my own sensitive area, which seemed to be responding quite actively to her touches and moans.

"Oh. If it's a reward you want, I think I can help with that." She said with an intoxicating whisper in my ear as her hands unbuttoned my pants, slid in and start caressing my member.

"That's making me very anxious to finish my work. You're rewards are always mind blowing." I said with a smile as my own hand started playing with her wet slit.

"Hmmm. Then finish those reports quick, cause I'm not waiting." She said with an audible moan, making me wave my hand to seal the room completely.

That actually surprised her a great deal since I don't really use my wandless skills much around people, even if I never stopped practicing it.

"Ok, that was just sexy. You've got to teach me how to do it." She said with fire in her eyes.

"Give that reward and I'll show you." I playfully said as a little bit of my predator side kicked in.

"You better be able to read those reports quickly cause I'm not going easy on you." She replied as she knelt between my legs and took out little Aedan. "Is it just me or did you get bigger?"

"Did I? It's hard to tell sometime." I answered with a proud smile.

I mean, which guy doesn't like hearing that?

"Yeah, I think you might have grown a quarter inch." She said as she used her moist lips to tease my member.

"So I'm now 9 and 3/4?" I asked a bit amused.

"Hehe. All aboard." She said as she opened her mouth and swallowed my cock, starting her reward.

I quickly tried to go through my next reports as I could feel her wet mouth engulfing my little friend and her tongue playing with the spots she knew excited me.

All I could get was that Geri was done with her list of targets. The Carrow twins were no more, leaving the twins of the same name at Hogwarts as the most likely successors, even if their mother had run away from the house to marry her husband. She also managed to finally find Selwyn and make the little shit disappear. So Geri was now taking a little vacation as I had promised her, before returning to manage her merc band.

"Definitely bigger. You're harder to get in my throat than before." I heard Tory say between breaths as she licked all over my dick.

"You're making this really hard you know?" I responded as she throated me, making me feel the tightness engulfing me pleasurably.

After a few deep strokes she released me and looked up between my legs with a naughty smile as she got her breath back.

"That's good. Means it's a proper reward. But your helping me after this cause I don't think I've been this horny before." She declared as she went back to business with renewed vigor.

My last report was from the werewolf community. It indicated that everything was going fantastic. The quality of life was improving greatly through my companies trade and businesses. Many were finding proper employment. The education program was ongoing and Remus was making it form at great speed. The vaccine was showing excellent results as no cases of rejection, allergic reactions or varied efficiency were reported. Three more lycanthropy resistant children had been born from couples, one from a couple with a werewolf and normal witch, giving us another win. The place was becoming a beacon of hope for werewolves and the vaccine was still being tested in the ministry.

After that I honestly couldn't focus much more since the pleasure I felt from my girlfriends movements was just too great.

So I put my papers down and look at the beauty who's lips were wrapped around my wand, getting her to look at me.

"Well you wanted attention and now you've got." I said with an excited look on my face.

She let my piece go with a little gasp and said, "Then claim your reward. Make me fell that bad boy."

"Open." I simply commanded as i grabbed her head and she obeyed.

I proceeded to show her how to really use her pretty mouth and how her throat should be used when squeezing around my little brother.

I kept going as she let me use her mouth for my pleasure, pumping for some time until I finally unloaded directly in her throat. Giving her no chance to reject my release.

I slowly pulled out from the hole I just used, letting every bit of my friend gradually come out until it was finally free. Leaving a gasping Victoria starring at it with lust.

"If you don't make me cum I don't think I'll be able to stop." She said through her heavy breaths.

I simply pick her up and lay her on the desk as I take off her pants and panties, then spread her legs in front of me.

"Get ready cause you might faint from this." I said you a devil's smile as I planned out how much I'd make her cum.

"Bring it." She simply responded as she pushed my head towards her soaked pussy.

With a little chuckle, I began what would be a two hour long session of Victoria cumming her brains out, and with a lot of fun exchanges between the two of us.

Both of us were glad I knew how to properly seal and clean a place though magic, but we were even happier with our time together.

Longest chapter I’ve written so far. Over 4000 words.

Wanted some family time and some ‘family time’ if you catch my drift.

Also wanted to make his usual reports a bit more fun than usual and then bam.


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts