

Number four, Privet Drive, is large house It has a low garden wall in front, a garden behind with flowerbeds. It was a normal house that looked beautiful and well furnished from the outside but the people living inside it were the most rotten people who wanted to appear as perfectly normal people to the outside world. In fact they hated anything that showed them as abnormal. Hence they hated their one year old nephew who was dumped on their doorstep on the middle of the night 6 years ago. In fact they tried constantly to get rid of him by placing him in orphanages but Dumbledore convinced them that providing Hadrian with shelter would protect their home from unsavoury people, hence they allowed the boy to live with them but that did not mean they left the boy alone they made his life practically as miserable as possible.

Vernon Dursley who is Hadrian's uncle is a big, beefy man with a large purple face. He had thick, dark hair, a bushy black moustache (half of which he tore out through frustration on two occasions), with hardly any neck and mean little eyes that narrowed to slits when he was angry.

His wife Petunia Dursley nee Evans who is Hadrian's aunt is a thin, blonde-haired woman with nearly twice the usual amount of neck. Several times she is called horse-faced or horsy, words which are used to describe someone with a long face, lantern jaw, and large teeth. Fittingly, she is also said to have like teeth and had large& pale eyes.

Dudley Dursley who is Hadrian's cousin on the other hand had watery blue eyes and thick blond hair. Growing up, Dudley was extremely fat, at least four times Harry's size. Harry often thought Dudley looked like a pig in a wig, and he had reached the size and weight of a young killer whale.

Hadrian was a near-spitting image of his father James Potter, having inherited his untidy, messy jet-black hair that could not be tames at all. However, his almond-shaped startlingly emerald green eyes were identical to those of his mother Lily Potter nee Evans. Harry's physique as a boy was small and skinny, with a thin face and knobbly knees, this skinniness was due to his poor quality of life in his childhood which was caused due to the neglect and abuse suffered at the hands of the Dursleys. The Dursleys let him sleep in the tiny room in the cupboard under the staircase while their own son had a room for himself and another room for keeping his toys in. Hadrian would be woken up early in the morning by his aunt and made to go make breakfast for all of them while he would receive only a small portion of breakfast leading to the bony and thin state of his body. After making breakfast he would be made to garden the flowers and until he finished it he was not allowed into the house, after that he would be made to clean the house spick and clean so the house would appear spick and sparkly. After that he would make the lunch and then he would do the dishes for the entire day and after that he would be made to go to his room and when he was out of his room he would be hunted by that whale of his cousin Dudley. In the evening he would make dinner for the entire family which he was not allowed to have so every night he was forced to sleep on a starved stomach. If he made any mistakes during the chores or Dudley blamed him his uncle would get angry and would hit him with his fists or belt and sometimes even leave cigar marks and burn marks on him.

It was so bad that when he was in class on his first day of junior school when his teacher asked his name Hadrian called himself "freak" as that is what the Dursleys would call him. Suffice to say his teacher was not amused when he said this and when Hadrian tried telling his teacher that his relatives would hit him when he asked for his name, the teacher then complained to Vernon who gave him a sound trashing and starved him for 4 days continuously. When the first report card arrived the Dursleys were not pleased as Hadrian got the first rank in the class while their poor dudkins failed the test, as a result that day he was beaten and forced to sleep out in the lawns that night in the cold weather. Needless to say fearing retribution Hadrian dumbed himself and started doing poorly in class, his teachers who noticed it questioned him but Hadrian did not answer as he di not trust a single adult since the incident of the teacher asking his name.

Such was the hellish nightmare the life of the Wizarding world's saviour Hadrian James Potter. The Dursleys many times scolded Hadrian's parents in front of him called his mother a whore and calling drunk and that they both died in a car accident and left the "burden" Hadrian on such honest and hardworking Dursleys. Many time Hadrian wished did his life would end and he would go to his parents, despite what the Dursleys told in his mind his parents were perfect, loving and caring. The Dursleys did not celebrate his birthday or give him gifts during Christmas while Dudley got a minimum of 30 gifts for either occasion. Such a life continued on for around 5 years.

Today was Dudley's sixth birthday and he was throwing a tantrum that the number of gifts he received were not greater than what he received previous years, his parents were trying to console to brat by telling him that they would buy him extra gifts today. A angry Dursley who wanted entertainment went to Hadrian who was standing on a stool to reach the height of the gas stove and was making bacon for breakfast and pushed the stool as a result Hadrian fell with pan on top of Dudley who started weeping as an act to get Hadrian in trouble.


Hadrian was nervous as he had never seen his uncle this angry so he slightly stepped back and stuttered, " Uncle Ver- Sir but it was Dudley who pushed"

"Shut it boy stop blaming everything on Dudley, be a man and take your punishment properly" Vernon yelled.

What followed was Vernon kicking Hadrian hard in ribs that caused it to shatter and smashed the pan Hadrian was holding on his head causing Hadrian to suffer a huge amount of pain and he was on the verge on fainting, Vernon not satisfied took Hadrian's hand and then proceeded to shove it into the fire in the fireplace after which he stabbed him with a sharp hunting knife. Hadrian who was feeling himself fading away sensed he was about to die and was happy that he would escape the Dursleys at last. What he did not realise was he was going to live and be saved by a majestic green bird

In outer space a majestic green bird who could traverse through space and time felt a sudden pull towards earth specifically in Little Whinging No 4 Privet Drive. This was the king of all the types of birds and phoenixes. It could feel that a bond was formed between itself and a dying child and it immediately teleported to No 4 Privet Drive.

When the bird appeared in the home it was appalled at the condition of the injured boy it was bonded to, it immediately attacked the Dursleys and forced them to retreat to the upper floor of their home. After that it went and shed some tears on the stab wound to stop the blood loss but it knew that would not be enough as the boy would need proper care. The bird also could feel the boy' bond with some house elves and immediately teleported the boy and itself to their location and to gain the elves attention it started thrilling loudly.

The Potter head elf Tipsy who had come outside of the Potter's castle to see what the commotion was about was shocked to see her young master Hadrian in an almost dying state next to the king of all the birds. Tipsy immediately called the other elves who knew healing and transported Hadrian to the medical wing of the castle which was near the ley lines that had higher concentration of ambient magic that would help Hadrian's magic in some self healing and keeping himself alive, the elves were startled when the bird teleported into the medical wing but soon went back to using some of elvish magic to start healing Hadrian. After 8 hours of hard work from the elves Hadrian was saved from critical condition and his health and magic became stable, but the elves realised they couldn't remove the dark abomination of the soul piece from their young master's scar, for that Hadrian would have to pay a visit to the goblins. But for now they allowed Hadrian to rest by feeding him a dreamless sleep potions, they were able to remove mot of the scars and repair all of the broken bones and fix the burnt skin. The elves were at fury at who would do this to their master while the bird was relieved that the boy would live and not die. Elsewhere Dumbledore felt the Blood Wards raised on the Dursleys collapsing.


AN: End of this chapter hope you enjoyed it and constructive criticism is appreciated and than you for patiently reading through this.

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