

Arcturus Black apparated to the Black Castle in York where he had called a family meeting. The Black Castle was a splendid one that stood majestically. It was made during the time of the great Aries Black who was the first Black to come to Magical Britain from France.

As he went inside his personal house elf Mippy greeted him and informed him that all of his family members had arrived and were waiting for him in the office room of the castle. Arcturus thanked Mippy and started going towards the office when he noticed all his grandchildren being watched over by the Black family's house elves.

His grandchildren were Phoebe Lestrange(2 years old) who was the only daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black and Rudolphus Lestrange, Valerie Malfoy(1.5 years old) and Draco Malfoy(1.5 years old) who were the twin children of Narcissa Malfoy nee Black and Lucius Malfoy, Nymphadora Tonks(5 years old) who is the daughter of Andromeda Tonks nee Black and Edward 'ted' Tonks, Eleanor Black(1.3 years old) and Hydrus Black(1.3 years old) who were the twin children of Sirius Black and Marlene Black nee Mckinnon. Regulus Black had not yet married anyone.

Arcturus's mood improved seeing his grandchildren together. Sighing and scolding Sirius mentally he went to his office to see his entire family chatting. The office was a splendid place itself furnished by the best furniture and richest decorations filled it. As soon as he stepped in all the members attention went to him. Only Sirius was not present as he was unceremoniously thrown to Azkaban wizarding prison for supposedly betraying the Potters. Arcturus knew that Sirius would rather die than betray his brother in all but blood and cousin James Potter not to mention his close friendship with Lily and him being the godfather to young Hadrian or Harry as his family and friends called him. 

Arcturus took his seat and the head of the table along with his wife Melania Black nee Delacour, the seat signifying his position as head of the Most Ancient And Noble House Of Black and him being Lord Black. All of his family members greeted him and he started the meeting.

"Greetings my dear family members I have called upon this meeting to discuss the illegal incarceration of my grandson Sirius who also did not receive a trial and the placement of young Hadrian Potter who is a member of our house on the doorstep of Lily's filthy muggle relatives on the orders of the Minister Of Magic Coroban Yaxley who we all know is a death eater sympathizer. We need to work on gaining the custody of Hadrian so that he can be raised with the love and care he deserves. I have to confess, you all know that Euphemia Dorea Potter is alive, she was saved by Fleamont Charlus Potter in his last moments that sent her to us. My sister is actually in a coma for now and we don't know when she will wake up but I do know that she would not like Hadrian growing up with Lily's relatives." Arcturus told in a clear voice.

"But Lord Black wouldn't Potters have written a will since that is what Lords of every house do once they ascend their Lordship, hence Hadrian's guardianship shouldn't be a problem" asked Bellatrix and all the others agreed.

"Yes Lily told me and Alice that she and James wrote a will where it's specified that in no condition should Harry be placed with the Dursleys" said Marlene.

"Yes I thought about it but the minister sealed the Potter's final will and only the next Lord or the minister himself can unseal it" Arcturus informed them.

"Alright we will do our best to fight the matter of the guardianship in wizengamot" Regulus stated and everyone agreed to it.

"Everyone on to the next matter of how to free Sirius from Azkaban as we all know he would rather die than betray the Potters. Using my influence I was able to get Sirius a trial next week that is on 9th November 1981, we need to find solid proof of his innocence else he will be thrown back into Azkaban. So if any of you know of some information that might help free Sirius do inform me about it now itself" said Arcturus

"Sirius informed me and Marlene that he managed to convince the Potters to make Peter the secret keeper in the last minute as he thought it would be a perfect ploy to fool Voldemort, I think Peter was the one who betrayed them." said Andromeda.

"But Peter is dead the aurors have made a report that Sirius blew up the street" exclaimed a frustrated Narsicca.

"James, Peter and Sirius were all illegal animagi. James took the form of a ethereal stag, Peter was a common garden rat and Sirius was a Black furred Grim." Marlene informed to everyone.

"Then I will ask some of my friends and contacts to search for a garden rat . Now the meeting is adjourned, let's all work hard to free Sirius" Arcturus told everyone and then one by one all started leaving the room.

Arcturus along with Melania discussed some matters over tea and then went to contact his friends and allies to start the search for Pettigrew.

A Week after the meeting on 1981/11/09 court room 10 was full to brim as anticipation for the trial of supposed traitor of the Potters that is Sirius Blacks trial was due to begin in half an hour. The galleries were filled with public who wanted justice to be served and all of magical Britain newspaper's reporters and International newspaper's reporters were present to no doubt cover what would be a sensational article to increase their sales.

The entirety of the Black family except for the kids were present and waiting in guest area and the Lords And Ladies of various houses including the Blacks, Malfoys, Lestranges, Bones, Notts, Longbottoms, Greengrasses and others took their respective seats as a bang of gavel signaling that the trial was about to begin was shot from the Chief Warlocks Albus Percivial Wulfric Brian Dumbledore's wand.

"Good morning Lords and Ladies of Wizengamot, fellow witches and wizrds today we are here to oversee the trial of Sirius Orion Black Heir Presumptive of the Most Ancient And Noble House Of Black. Aurors bring in Mr Black into the courtroom." ordered Dumbledore.

The aurors brought in Sirius Black and made him sit on the chair in the middle and when he sat on it, shackles automatically appeared and bound him to it.

"Who is Mr Black's defendant?" Dumbledore asked.

"I will be representing Mr Black today Chief Warlock" came the voice of Ted Tonks.

"Objection Chief Warlock, as Mr Tonks is the husband of the cousin of Sirius Black, he shouldn't be allowed to represent the criminal Black" an old man said. This was the current Minister of Magic Corban Yaxley.

"Objection overruled minister seeing as Mr Black during his auror service killed your son Ryan Yaxley who was a confirmed death eater during a raid this case may also be viewed as personal on your part so Mr Tonks may represent Mr Black and who is prosecuting the case?" replied Dumbledore.

"I will be the prosecutor and hopkins will be the court scribe Chief Warlock" came the dry voice of Bartemius Crouch Sr The Head of DMLE(department of magical law enforcement).

"Noted let us begin, Sirius Orion Black you have been charged with the betrayal of the Potters and murder of Peter Pettigrew and 13 other muggles by blowing up the street. How do you plead?" Dumbledore asked.

"Not guilty" Sirius replied

"Noted, prosecutor you may begin." Dumbledore told.

"Chief Warlock The Potters had gone under the fidelius charm when they got to know that He who must not be named was targeting them and they made Mr Black the secret keeper, not a week after the fidelius was placed the Potters were attacked and Late Lord James Potter and Late Lady Lily Potter tragically lost their lives, Mr Pettigrew who found out the truth tracked down Mr Black and shouted that "JAMES AND LILY SIRIUS HOW COULD YOU BETRAY THEM" and in the altercation Mr Black blasted the street along with 13 poor muggles, hence this case doesn't require a trial its and open and shut case" Crouch told them all.

Just before Ted could reply, "Objection Chief Warlock" a voice said.

"That chair recognizes Lord Frank Longbottom" Dumbledore intoned.

"Thank you chief warlock, Mr Crouch A Trial is a basic right given to a human being since the time of the last magical king Arthur Pendragon, Morgana Lee Fey and Merlin themselves, who are you to throw someone to wizarding prison without a trial, you do realise that you broke one of our foundational laws which must not be broken or removed?." Frank stated. Crouch internally was feeling a bit nervous now as he realised the consequences to his actions. Crouch was also internally seething as he just listened to the Minister and threw Black behind the bars, now he realised his political life and career were all but finished as he was sure Lord Black would come after him with his full might.

"Chief Warlock My client Mr Black was not the secret keeper but it was rather Peter Pettigrew" Ted told the wizengamot and he was explaining their animagus forms and that it was Peter who Murdered those muggles and betrayed the Potters.

"What story is this and we suppose you do not have any other proof except your words " Crouch exclaimed incredulously.

"I was getting to that Mr Crouch, Chief Warlock I request you to grant access to bring Pettigrew into the courtroom" Ted asked. Now there were murmurs filling the court room.

"Permission granted, please bring Pettigrew in" Dumbledore ordered.

Some aurors brought a rat in a magically sealed cage and performed animagus reversal spell and the entire room was shocked to see Pettigrew well and alive except for missing a finger. It seemed Arcturus had managed to track down the rat after all.

"Chief Warlock since Pettigrew is officially dead he can not deny the use of Veritaserum, hence I request the usage of Veritaserum on both Mr Black and Mr Pettigrew" Ted requested after which the motion to use veritaserum was passed. 2 Department of mysteries workers came in and gave both of them the correct dosage of veritaserum.

Dumbledore asked them the trial questions to check if the serum had come into effect, after it was confirmed ,Pettigrew admitted that he was the secret keeper and he was the one who murdered those muggles.

"Those in favour of clearing all the charges" Dumbledore asked.

The court unanimously decided to free Sirius and paid him 10,000 galleons per day spent in Azkaban.

After which the punishment for Pettigrew was decided to be given a dementors kiss by gaining 70% votes, Dumbledore and his faction and some dark lord supporters voted for life in Azkaban.

Voldemort's wand was taken by Arcturus before the trial who snapped it in half and then burnt it.

Arcturus was able to remove Bartemius Crouch from the position of head of DMLE and he was demoted to head to International Cooperation but the minister was not impeached and he escaped impeachment by a borderline amount of votes. The Blacks, Bones, Longbottoms tried to get the custody of Hadrian Potter but were blocked citing the blood wards. Hence they were all frustrated.

After reaching the Black Castle, Arcturus cast many stinging hexes on Sirius for his recklessness, on the other hand Dursleys were not happy seeing a one year old "freak" dumped on their door step.

AN: so guys how was the chapter and thanks for reading through the entire thing patiently.

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