
Harry Potter and the Malfoy Girl

INTRO or TRAILER: •••One day I smiled. The next day I was filled with hatred. I buried you alive! will you forgive me? Will you forgive me? Can you forgive me?••• "Zarin I LOVE YOU", he said What did I say, "I... I don't know whether I love you, Harry. Sorry" Can a sinner like me love, Do I deserve the word LOVE, especially for you Harry? "Do you don't love me Zara??", He asked me in a trembling voice, his voice broke but he remained smiling, those green eyes which always calmed me were now filled with pain. I don't know what to say..., but I said, "You know the reason, Harry, no matter what we both can't be together. Maybe in the next life..." "F*** this life", he muttered and stormed off Astronomy Tower. Tears were just coming off my eyes as if nature was feeling my agony it started raining. And I started singing my song out to the rhythm rain made... 'Once a Devil fell in love with an angel and the angel also loved back but the only disturbing thing is she is a devil, he is an angel. So the angel decided to become a devil for her and the devil decided to become an angel for him, and they did shocking the Heavens and Hells. In every angel, there is a Devil hidden and In every Devil, there is a angel hidden' 'Life is a song. Your thoughts are the music. Now play beautiful music and sing a wonderful song.' 'Life is a song and it's up to you and your heart to write lyrics LIGHT FLASHES ( Scene changes ) "AVADA KEDAVRA", A distant voice said. "No...", Someone shouted. "Zara..." a voice said. "Harry...." another voice whispered. "It's not what you think it is, Harry." "Zarin... you," he said "I'm sorry I don't know how to explain, just forget me FORGET EVERYTHING." Saying that she raised her wand at Harry. "I'm sorry" with that she whispered a spell. LIGHT FLASHES ( Scene changes ) A girl was crying, "What's wrong?", a boy asked "It's because of that stupid prophecy I can't love him or live a happy life," she said. "Don't worry sis, everything will change once he defeats him.", he said reassuringly but deep inside he is also afraid of the outcome of this war. What is gonna happen in this war? "Harry Potter the Chosen One to defeat The Dark Lord but a Girl from the death eaters' side is to help him... The girl who is SHE... She has her secrets, pain, and suffering but being a death eater will she help him despite the fear of Life... Will they fall for each other?? How will Harry react if he comes to know that the girl he loved is a Death Eater?? ONE TO LIVE OR DIE WHILE ONE TO SACRIFICE... What does it mean??? " LET'S SEE IN THE STORY... ... Check Auxiliary Chapters... Being edited..✍ My English and grammar will be horrible but I will try to improve... The real story starts in the 4th year... 1st 3 years are just an intro... I don't own Harry Potter. My grammar isn't that good and this is my first book. I don't even own the pictures or the songs.

_HP_Elsa_ · Bücher und Literatur
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21 Chs

6. "Wand"

Zara's POV :

I was running in a corridor filled with hundreds of chandeliers which were glowing dimly, suddenly I came to halt in front of a statue. That statute was an angel who looked gorgeous in a white gown with blonde hair and her huge white wings are not to be missed and a demon who was devilish in a black and red gown with black hair and black huge wings who looked into each other's eyes it was placed on top of a round platform. I walked over to the statute and stood in between the statute and said in Russian her voice like a sweet melody,

"В кабинет начальницы" ( To the headmistress's office.) as she stood there touching the statute. The statue replied in unison, "как хочешь" (as you wish).

After a weird sensation of warmth and cold the girl landed perfectly on the floor she looked around and saw a man and woman kissing each other.

I said, "Eww... Gross" and cleared my throat.

Startled by the sound the couple broke the kiss and looked around for the source of the noise, though the man looked expressionless, the woman looked calm and composed as if nothing happened.

I just raised her eyebrow and asked, "So you called me here to show how Lovey-dovey you both are here?!?! " She said in a perfect British accent.

The couple looked at the girl's dark blue eyes which looked like an endless deep ocean with millions of stars in it, she had silver platinum and black hair which was tied into a wavy ponytail, and she wore her school house uniform which had a black skirt with long black boots and white shirt inside with black coat outside with the school emblem on the tie which said "Koldovstoretz". Her beauty mark shone brightly, and she wore her usual star earring on both ears.

"You see I came from the main hall to your office, just tell me why you called me and why dad is here Auri ? ", I asked with a smirk

"Call him dad but not call me mom" the woman muttered under her breath.

"I can hear you, if you want me to call you mom then marry dad," I suggested.

"That's a good idea, Zara, you see since my school years I'm pursuing your dear father but he is resultant of not marrying me. Even the kiss I had to take forcibly." She said in a dramatic voice.

"Hem.Hem. I think you both have forgotten that another person is in this room. And Zara I want to talk with you." said the man in a stern voice with an expressionless face.

I grinned broadly and hugged the man and said, "Hey! Dad what's up".

Well, you see that man is my godfather Severus Snape, Potions Master in Hogwarts who I call 'dad', and that woman are my god mom Aurelia Cornwell, Headmistress of Koldovstoretz (A Russian Wizards and witches school).

"You will be attending Hogwarts from tomorrow onwards, I brought every book and other things you need, Aurilea even arranged your luggage. Now you only need a wand, so we will be leaving at 9:00 pm.", he said

"Oh. mm OK, I just wanted to clarify one thing. Will I be staying with you in your house or with my parents " I asked raising my eyebrow?

."It depends on you but Narcissa was asking me to let you stay with them." He said.

Aurilea sighed. I just simply nodded.

"OK, dad I will meet you here at 9," I said and left the place.

Snape and Aurilea were in a deep conversation after I left.


After changing my uniform, I was walking to the main hall but was lost in thought.

I met Clary on the way. She handed me my result letter to me.

"hey, You are looking confused," Clary asked. I just smiled in return.

"What's wrong," she asked me in concern. I remained expressionless

I just sighed and said, "I'm gonna attend Hogwarts. It's confirmed"

Clary just chuckled and asked, "Congratulations, so you don't want to leave your friends here."

I said, "No..no. It's just I'm not on good terms with my father."

"Me too, Just forget it and I have heard Hogwarts is a wonderful and the safest place in this universe. Don't forget to write letters to us " she said.

I chuckled, "Yeah, Write letters to me as well. What time is it?."

"Oh, 9: 00 pm" Clary replied.

"What?!?! it's getting late," I said. And I handed her Three letters. "Just give this letter to whom it is addressed." I just ran back to Aurilea's office again. Leaving a confused Clary back

The three letters were for Rose, Alya, and Clary.


In Aurilea Office:

"Shall we get going?" Dad asked me I nodded. I even changed my dress. I was wearing a panel short - sleeve A-line dress with my hair tied in a messy plat, I was wearing a black gloves on both of my hands and earrings, and finally butterfly heels.

I nodded and held my dad's hand and said bye to Aurilea. And we apparated to the Knockturn Alley to buy my wand.

In The Knockturn Alley:

The two walk towards a less crowded part of Diagon Alley. I noticed how the area around them grew darker and fewer Wizards were walking around.

Dad looked around, putting the Hood of his cloak over his head.

" Normally I would have taken you to Ollivander's .... but I know for a fact that a Premade Wand will not work for you Zara..

Which is why we must go to Knockturn Alley. Place your Hood on and don't look at anyone, all right? " I nodded, placing my Hood over my Head, and walking close to Dad.

Auri had told me about Knockturn, Esmeralda's(DADA Professor in Koldovstoretz) Vodoo teaching having me made more curious about the Darker Arts.

Also, many of the items I usually needed could not be found at Flourish and Blotts .....

After all, I wanted to read nothing but the truth, and books written by those who have achieved victory never held much of it.

The two entered a small Shop and a middle-aged Witch with roots from the Middle - East stood behind the counter. Her Raven Black hair was braided, part of it in a Headband, and she had a Piercing in her nose, a pair of Green eyes staring at them.

"Hello". Dad greeted, taking his Hood off.

"Snape, You want a customized Wand, I assume?" She asked, at which he nodded.

"For the Girl? " He nodded once more, at which she gave a single nod, turning to me. "

" Alright Missy, come to the table. I'll Blindfold you and place a couple of things in front of you. You just gotta stretch your Hand out and let your Magic guide you to what you feel the most comfortable at. " She said, and I nodded, taking her Hood off.

The woman rose an eyebrow at dad and looked at me, humming."Are you a Veela? "

"Half. " I briefly answered, the woman nodding, satisfied with the answer

" Veela usually has very curious Wands Once had one that had a Mix out of Four Woods and Two Cores. " The woman said binding the cloth around my eyes.

3rd person POV :

She then took out different Wood types placed down in front of her, and watched as Zara's hand moved over them ... She noticed the Ring with the Symbol of the Three Deathly Hallows on her Middle - Finger but decided not to say anything.

All the while Zara could feel the different Woods respond to her Magic ... Some were more responsive than others but none spoke to her ... Until she reached the very End.

" Yew and Elder Wood ... Not bad. " The Witch said smirking, before taking the two Woods and replacing everything else with different Core types, Zara's hand once again made its way across the table, this time stopping multiple times

Humming once more the older Witch picked up everything Zara had stopped and said. "Dark Phoenix Feather, Thestral - tail - hair, Basilisk Venom Dementor's Cloak and Horned Serpent Scales Core. Tricky but I love the combination, makes it sound dangerous Oh, you can take the Blindfold off now. " Zara did as told, handing the woman the piece of cloth back

"Now last thing, which Hand do you use more? " She asked, a measuring tape lying next to her.

" I'm Ambidextrous. " Zara simply answered.

" Kay. Both arms forward then. " Zara did as told, the Tape measuring her arm length, before flying back ."15 inches it'll be then ... "

" What will the Price be and how long exactly will you need to finish it? " The young girl asked

" Hmm ... Normally I would've charged extra for the rare Woods and Cores, but I like you, Missy. So how 'bout Twenty Galleons Wand Holster, Wand Polish Set included it'll take me about two hours to finish. "

" It's a good Price, especially concerning the fact that you have some of the rarest Core types of all" Snape said, agreeing with the Price.

" That would be all right," She said, taking twenty Galleons out of her pouch and handing them to the older Witch, who bit down on one of the coins to see if they were real

"We'll be back in two hours then, come on out then Miss Malfoy. " Snape said, making sure her Hood was up before exiting the Shop not noticing the Witch smirking as she heard the girl's last name.

" A Malfoy Girl, A girl in the Malfoy family, eh? " She muttered, before turning around, ready to get to work.


"Zara are you hungry ?" Snape asked.

"No dad " Zara replied. Snape nodded and the two roamed around Diagon Alley for two hours and went back and got her wand which was so beautiful.

And Snape and Zara apparated to Malfoy Manor Since Narcissa said she wanted to meet Zara.

TO BE CONTINUED --------♥♥---------

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

_HP_Elsa_creators' thoughts