
Harry Potter and the Malfoy Girl

INTRO or TRAILER: •••One day I smiled. The next day I was filled with hatred. I buried you alive! will you forgive me? Will you forgive me? Can you forgive me?••• "Zarin I LOVE YOU", he said What did I say, "I... I don't know whether I love you, Harry. Sorry" Can a sinner like me love, Do I deserve the word LOVE, especially for you Harry? "Do you don't love me Zara??", He asked me in a trembling voice, his voice broke but he remained smiling, those green eyes which always calmed me were now filled with pain. I don't know what to say..., but I said, "You know the reason, Harry, no matter what we both can't be together. Maybe in the next life..." "F*** this life", he muttered and stormed off Astronomy Tower. Tears were just coming off my eyes as if nature was feeling my agony it started raining. And I started singing my song out to the rhythm rain made... 'Once a Devil fell in love with an angel and the angel also loved back but the only disturbing thing is she is a devil, he is an angel. So the angel decided to become a devil for her and the devil decided to become an angel for him, and they did shocking the Heavens and Hells. In every angel, there is a Devil hidden and In every Devil, there is a angel hidden' 'Life is a song. Your thoughts are the music. Now play beautiful music and sing a wonderful song.' 'Life is a song and it's up to you and your heart to write lyrics LIGHT FLASHES ( Scene changes ) "AVADA KEDAVRA", A distant voice said. "No...", Someone shouted. "Zara..." a voice said. "Harry...." another voice whispered. "It's not what you think it is, Harry." "Zarin... you," he said "I'm sorry I don't know how to explain, just forget me FORGET EVERYTHING." Saying that she raised her wand at Harry. "I'm sorry" with that she whispered a spell. LIGHT FLASHES ( Scene changes ) A girl was crying, "What's wrong?", a boy asked "It's because of that stupid prophecy I can't love him or live a happy life," she said. "Don't worry sis, everything will change once he defeats him.", he said reassuringly but deep inside he is also afraid of the outcome of this war. What is gonna happen in this war? "Harry Potter the Chosen One to defeat The Dark Lord but a Girl from the death eaters' side is to help him... The girl who is SHE... She has her secrets, pain, and suffering but being a death eater will she help him despite the fear of Life... Will they fall for each other?? How will Harry react if he comes to know that the girl he loved is a Death Eater?? ONE TO LIVE OR DIE WHILE ONE TO SACRIFICE... What does it mean??? " LET'S SEE IN THE STORY... ... Check Auxiliary Chapters... Being edited..✍ My English and grammar will be horrible but I will try to improve... The real story starts in the 4th year... 1st 3 years are just an intro... I don't own Harry Potter. My grammar isn't that good and this is my first book. I don't even own the pictures or the songs.

_HP_Elsa_ · Bücher und Literatur
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21 Chs

14." Flying Classes"

1st cat: Why do witches fly on Broom???..... because Vacuum cleaners are heavy (Laughs like a fool)

2nd cat : *Please turn him into a toad*


[ In the morning, Zara, Pansy, Astoria, Maratha, Draco, Theo, and Blasie were in their Flying Classes. That afternoon, outside the castle, the students, Gryffindor and Slytherin, are lined up in two rows with brooms by their sides. The teacher, Madam Hooch, comes down the line. She has short hair and hawk-yellow eyes.]


Hooch: Good afternoon, class.

Class: Good afternoon, Madam Hooch.

Hooch: Good afternoon, Amanda, good afternoon. 

[to the class] 

Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well, what are you waiting for? Everyone steps up to the left side of their broomstick. Come on now, hurry up. Stick your right hand over the broom and say, up!

Class: Up!

[After Zara and Harry said "Up"! in unison, the broom immediately flies into his hand.]

Harry: [amazed] Wow.

[Hermione stares at Zara as the class continues.]

Draco: Up!

 [broomstick flies up and Draco smugly grins and looks at Zara .]

BLASIE: Bloody hell, Up. (Broomstick flies up to him.)

HOOCH: With feeling!

HERMIONE: [as her broomstick slowly rises] Up. Up. Up. Up.

RON: Up!! 

[His broom immediately shot up and whacked him on the nose] 


[Harry laughs] Shut up, Harry. 

[Ron then seemingly starts to laugh after he recovered]

HOOCH: Now, once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. And grip it tight, you don't want to be sliding off the end. [the class mounts on their broomsticks] When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment, and then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle...3...2...

[She blows the whistle. However, Neville's broomstick somehow lifts him off the ground. Neville immediately lifts off. He looks quite frightened.]


HOOCH: Mr. Longbottom.

ZARA: Neville, what are you doing?, Calm down.

STUDENTS: Neville...Neville...

BOY: We're not supposed to take off, yet.

HOOCH : [Neville begins soaring away uncontrollably] M-M-Mr. Longbottom! Mr. Longbottom!


HOOCH: Mr. Longbottom!

NEVILLE: Down! Down! Ahhhh!

HARRY: Neville!

NEVILLE: Help!!!

[he immediately skyrockets towards the sky]

HOOCH Come back down this instant!


[He flies uncontrollably in the air and hits a wall, conking along it and then swooping off. All the while, he is screaming. He begins to zoom back toward the group of students. Hooch quickly holds out her wand to stop him.]


HOOCH Mr. Longbottom-!

 [However, the students quickly stand back as Hooch dives out of the way, allowing Neville to fly right through. Neville goes through the scatter and up a tower.]

NEVILLE: Ahhhh! Whoa! Ahhh!

 [zooms past a statue of a man with a sharp spear. Neville's cloak catches on it. He has flipped the room and hangs it there.] 

Oh. Ah...help! 

[He wavers, then the cloak rips through the spear, and he falls. But his cloak catches on a torch, making Neville slip off from his cloak a second later and fell to the ground.]  Ahh!

HOOCH: Everyone out of the way! 

[She runs through the group, and they scatter.] Come on, get up.

PANSY: Is he alright?

(Whispered only her friends heard her.)

[Hooch is helping Neville up; he has broken his wrist after he fell.]

NEVILLE: Owowowow.

HOOCH: Oh, oh, oh, oh dear. It's a broken wrist. Tch, tch, tch. Good boy, come on now, up you get. 

[Draco reaches down and grabs Neville's Remembrall, which has fallen from him. Hooch begins to lead Neville away with her.] 

Everyone's to keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing. Understand? If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say, Quidditch.

 [she leaves for the hospital wing.]

DRACO : [snickers] Did you see his face? Maybe if the fat lump had squeezed this, he'd have remembered to fall on his fat arse. 

[He and his goons laugh; Harry approaches him.]

HARRY: Give it here, Malfoy.

DRACO: No. I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find.

 [he hops on his broom and soars around the group, then through.] How about up on the roof? 

[soars off and hovers several feet above the grounds.] What's the matter, Potter? But beyond your reach?

[Finally having enough, Harry gets on his broom, and Hermione stops him.]

HERMIONE: Harry, no way! You heard what Madam Hooch said! Besides, you don't even know how to fly. [Harry flies off to face Draco, ignoring her.] What an idiot.

ZARA: Trust me mione, They both are idiots. I have confidence in Draco that he could fly, but Harry...

[Harry is now in the air, across from Draco.]

HARRY: Give it here, Malfoy, or I'll knock you off your broom!

DRACO: Is that so? [Harry dashes him, but Draco twirls around his broom in a 360.] Have it your way, then!

[Draco hurls the Remembrall into the air, like a baseball. Harry zooms after the ball, speeding towards a tower. Just as he is about to hit a window, from which McGonagall is working, he catches it. McGonagall notices this and looks surprised as Harry begins to fly back down to the grounds. The students all cheer as Harry lands back on the ground at ease. They run to see him.]

BOY: Good job, Harry!

BOY 2: Oh, that was wicked, Harry.

[McGonagall appears on the grounds.]

McGonagall: Harry Potter? [Harry notices her] Follow me. 

[Harry sullenly follows her. Draco and his goons snicker in delight.]

[McGonagall and Harry arrive outside of Professor Quirrell's classroom. He is inside, teaching, holding an iguana.]

Quirrell: An iguana s-such as this is...

McGonagall: You wait here.

Quirrell:... an essential ingredient.

McGonagall: Professor Quirrell, excuse me, excuse me. Could I borrow Wood for a moment, please?

Quirrell: Oh. Y-yes, of course.

 [A boy called Oliver Wood, gets up to leave and Quirrell continues.] And the vampire b-bat...

 [as Wood exits the classroom, an eerie roar is heard.]

McGonagall: Potter, this is Oliver Wood. Wood, I have found you a Seeker!


[Harry and Ron are walking through crowded halls. Sir Nicholas and a lady ghost float by.]

NICK: Have you heard? Harry Potter's the new Gryffindor Seeker. I always knew he'd do well.

RON: Seeker? But first-years never make their house teams! You must be the youngest Quidditch player in...

HARRY: A century, according to McGonagall.

[Fred and George approach and walk along with Ron and Harry.]

FRED: Hey, well done, Harry, Wood's just told us!

RON: Fred and George are on the team, too. Beaters.

GEORGE: Our job is to make sure that you don't get bloodied up too badly sometimes, of course. Rough game, Quidditch.

FRED: Brutal. But no one's died in years. Someone will vanish occasionally... 

[They break off from Harry and Ron, who walk across a courtyard.]

GEORGE: But they'll turn up in a month or two!

RON: Oh, go on, Harry, Quidditch is great. Best game there is! And you'll be great, too!

[Hermione, knowing what Harry is talking about, jumps up from her work and comes to join them.]

HARRY: But I've never even played Quidditch. What if I make a fool of myself?

HERMIONE: You won't make a fool of yourself. It's in your blood.

[Later, the three approach a trophy case. Hermione points at a plaque of Quidditch players. One lists Harry's father as a Seeker.]

RON: Whoa. Harry, you never told me your father was a Seeker, too.

HARRY: I-I didn't know.


In the Slytherin Common Room :

BLASIE: Today's flying classes are wicked. Seriously.

(Others nodded in agreement. Except for Draco and Zara who were having a conversation. And then spell around those two so no one could hear what they both are talking about.)

MARATHA: That spell is Complicated and it is not our level

(Noticing the silencing charm.)

PANSY: Not for us. But for her it is easy.

(Said looking at Zara, who had a troubled expression.)


DRACO: I'm sorry.. (he said barely in a whisper)

ZARA: What do you think of doing ??? Flying even after madam Hooch told us not to.

DRACO: I was just jealous of That Pottah.

ZARA: What??? (She looked confused and troubled.)

DRACO: You were just staring at him like he was that well in everything.

ZARA: What?!!!, I'm staring at him (She said to Herself and remembered that she indeed had been staring at that boy often, Clearing her thoughts in her head she looked at Draco and sighed.) Look, (sighs again) my dear baby brother you are more talented than him but behaving like a idiot there is utter nonsense.

DRACO: I know Zara. Wait.....

(Shouts in rage after Realizing Zara's words )

qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par bébé c'est clairement Moi qui suis né le premier ?? (what the hell do you mean by baby it was me who was born first).


DRACO: Je suis l'aîné (I'm the eldest)

ZARA: Only 3 minutes different. Humph (Zara and Draco looked at each other in cold glare and suddenly laughed.)

PANSY: Can anyone explain what's happening?

DRACO: Nothing Pansy, we just discussing who was born first.

ZARA: Yeah, and it was Furet who was born first.

(Pansy, Theo, and Blasie were speechless for a second and laughed. Maratha and Astoria were confused.)

THEO: Di....did you just call him a ferret?

(asked as he laughed.)

ZARA: Duh, I'm serious if you try animagious Draco you will be a Ferret.

(Draco was red as a tomato as Maratha, Astoria also laughed as they understood. Before Draco could say anything a distant yell was heard and the group turned their attention towards the fifth and seventh-year Slytherins who were wearing Gryffindors uniforms.)