
Harry Potter And The Lost Love

After a devastating betrayal leads to their untimely deaths, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger find themselves given an extraordinary second chance. Reborn as their 11-year-old selves but with the knowledge and memories of their former lives, they return to Hogwarts with a singular mission: to rewrite their destinies and secure a better future. }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.

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19 Chs

Marriage and Mayhem

The stern professor was almost blushing as she left them alone, Harry was gobsmacked, "Hermione Jane Potter, what was that all about? You know we're both eleven and that wont be happening for a while yet."

She kissed her husband, "Harry if we want to be taken seriously it starts now, what we do is our business but I intend to remind them we are married at every opportunity. If we behave like children, then that's the way we will be treated, they're certain to start leading us in the direction they want us to go, claiming as adults they know best but we both know they don't."

"Yeah but we're still too young for that, right?"

Hermione's smile was a beautiful thing that Harry didn't think he would ever tire of seeing, "Love I understand we have to grow into our bodies, I even have my big teeth back, but between the tent and our time in Australia we've lived together for about a year and a half so this should be no different. I expect my husband to kiss me goodnight and to wake in his arms every morning, the other stuff will sort itself out with time."

Harry held her closer, "Just remember that even as an eighteen year old I was still clueless, look how long it took me to ask for your hand, please hit me with a beater's bat if you need to draw my attention to something I should be doing. I'm so lucky to have you and never want to disappoint my beautiful wife."

This earned him another kiss, "Mr Potter you're doing just fine, when do you think the redheads will get here?"

"I don't know but you can guarantee they'll be mad, we better be ready for anything."


Molly Weasley wasn't mad, she passed mad a long, long time ago, her legendary temper had erupted but the police officers paid it not the slightest notice, with her hands cuffed behind her back and no wand, Molly was powerless to do anything but rant. That rant was the reason she'd spent the rest of the day in a cell, had she been calm and explained the incident away as a misunderstanding, the whole family would have been out of there within the first hour.

Instead, she had screamed like a banshee, promising retribution on all who were involved, and hardened the attitude of the police officers who began to dig deeper and found nothing. They had no records of the entire family, no way to contact this supposed husband who apparently worked in some capacity for the government. Combined with no records of any kind existing for the five minors apparently in her care, this set professional alarm bells ringing in the police station as other agencies were drafted in to assist.

September the first is one of the busiest days on the magical world's calendar so nothing was picked up as being wrong until Albus floo-called Arthur Weasley, this finally set the ministry wheels in motion. The obliviators were kept very busy as all record of Molly Weasley ever being in the police station had to be erased as well as quite a few memories, then it was off to child care services to collect the kids. Even the animals had been taken to a rescue centre but worst of all was Ron, Molly was in tears as she looked on at what these bloody muggle torturers had done to her boy. Harry would be delighted to discover that he had indeed broken Ron's jaw, his mother found him in a hospital bed, recovering from having his jaw surgically wired.

The family looked on in disbelief, did the muggles think Ron was a werewolf or vampire who would to bite to treat him this way? Wiping out the hospital records and some more memories was then followed by a trip to St Mungo's to have Ron unwired, the poor boy would have starved to death in a few days!

Thus it was that Molly's fuse was even shorter than normal as she led her brood into Hogwarts next morning, on entering the great hall her eyes immediately scanned the room before locking onto her target. That little shit was going to get a personal howler delivered from a distance of six inches while she held him by the throat, Molly rushed straight at him.

The Potters were sitting eating their breakfast while discussing the timetables McGonagall had just handed them, as the conversation began to die around the pair, Hermione glanced up just as Molly was about to make a grab for Harry.

How she kept that curse to a 'petrificus totalus' she would never know, the temptation to hit the bitch with a 'reducto' was almost overpowering. As it was, a petrified Molly crashed into the table where Harry had just been sitting, face first into his half-eaten porridge.

Percy Weasley was one angry young man, he'd spent the entire time since receiving his badge dreaming of strolling through these hallowed halls proudly displaying to the school that he was a prefect. Instead, he missed the feast, sorting and leading the first year Gryffindors to their new home. Now a first year had just cursed his mother, Percy drew his wand ready to extract some retribution. Unfortunately for Percy Hermione's wand was already in her hand and he found himself in the same predicament as his mother, without the aid of porridge to break his fall.

Harry had moved just as fast as his wife, while petrified Molly was falling past him, Harry's wand was in his hand, he gave the twins time to reach for their wands before casting the same curse as Hermione. He switched his attention to Ron and wasn't sure if the boy was more upset about his mother being cursed or the porridge being wasted, not knowing any magic, he let out a roar and charged at Hermione.


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