
Harry Potter and The Legacy of Magic

When a 24-year-old gamer wakes up in the body of a 10-year-old after completing Hogwarts Legacy for the second time, he finds himself within the Wizarding World of the original Harry Potter books endowed with the powers of Ancient Magic. Klein Salvatore embarks on the journey to become something more than just a mere player in the game, to unravel the mysteries of magic and improve the wizarding world. However not everything seems as it is... *** I do not own anything from J.K Rowlings books only my ideas and creations, I made this purely for fun and I'll be uploading at random intervals. PS. This is my first novel [Using Chatgpt for grammar and improvements, English isn't my first language]

TheFoolButBusted · Bücher und Literatur
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Chapter 3: Talent Point

Chapter 3: Talent Point

The curtains fluttered gently in the cool breeze that wafted through the open window, casting warm sunlight into the room, a rare sight in London since it's usually cloudy. The tranquil ambiance stood in stark contrast to the usual eerie and dirty feeling of Knockturn Alley.

Klein lay in bed, sound asleep, seemingly without a care in the entire world.

Alicia let out a soft sigh.

The events of yesterday had left her with many questions.

She had always prided herself on being observant and cautious, traits that had served her well during her years in Knockturn Alley.

However, she had failed to notice her son's magical talent.

Reflecting on what Klein had revealed, she experienced a mix of pride and concern.

Pride, because her son had shown incredible potential at such a young age, effortlessly casting a sixth-year spell after seeing it for the first time.

It proved that those pompous pure-bloods who had called her a 'Mudblood' over the years would have to eat their own shit, as their supposedly 'pure blood' made no difference in magical abilities.

And concern because she realized that Klein's newfound abilities might attract unwanted attention from those who sought to exploit him or use him for their own end.


She was silent for a moment before she went and shut the window and closed the curtains, then opened the door and looked at Klein one last time before deciding to surprise him with breakfast.


"Ugh... What the fuck," I groaned in pain, my head throbbing as I slowly opened my eyes. Blinking away the haze of sleep, I found myself lying on my back, staring up at the ceiling. It took me a moment to register my surroundings, the unfamiliar room feeling oddly disorienting.

"Oh wait. it's my room, ha..." I still hadn't gotten used to this feeling, even though I was 'Klein' it still felt weird.

[Ding! You've completed the emergency quest: New Beginnings, new troubles!]

[You've acquired talent point 1.]

// Note for every talent point consumed to increase talent, the next rank is doubled by amount required //

Pushing myself up into a sitting position, I winced as a sharp pain shot through my head. It felt like someone had drilled a hole into my head, though I've got no clue how that actually feels.

I stared ahead in a daze, trying to numb the pain by rubbing my temples.

Which didn't actually do anything, but probably made me more self-aware of the pain and increased the headache rather than reduced it.

"Status" I muttered under my breath feeling a little hoarse.


Character: Klein Salvatore

Age: 10(24)

Bloodline Ability: Ancient Magic, Combat Mode(Lv.1)

- Talents -

Points: 1

[Transfiguration: 6]

[Charms: 4]

[Dark Arts: 9]

[Potions: 3]

[Herbology: 2]

[Ancient Runes: 4]

[Alchemy: 0]

[Mind Arts: 2]

[Divination: 0]


I examined the single talent point I had acquired through a near-death experience, feeling somewhat puzzled. As far as I understood, each additional talent point I invested would double the requirement for the next rank.

For instance, if I applied one talent point to Divination, raising it to rank 1, the subsequent rank would demand two talent points, and so forth.

Now that I think about it. Why the fuck is my [Dark Arts] at 9?

It's not like I have a problem with this, it's just this shit usually happens in those mtl's, What was that joke again?

Sorting Hat: "Azkaban!"

I chuckled inwardly, before deciding to focus at the task at hand.

Redirecting my attention to the holographic screen. Mentally, I concentrated on the [Combat Mode (Lv.1)] Bloodline Ability, prompting relevant information to flood into my mind.

Previously, clicking on it hadn't yielded any response, likely because of the (?) that had been attached to it. However, now that I had activated it for the first time, the symbol had changed to (Lv.1).

Did this mean I could enhance my ability?

There was only one way to find out.

[Combat Mode (Lv.1)

Description: enhances the player's combat capabilities by dulling their emotions to a certain extent, granting a third-person perspective that warns of incoming attacks, and increases spellcasting proficiency during battle. This ability is automatically activated when the player enters a fight.

(The player's body currently lacks the physical conditioning necessary to fully utilize this ability. It is recommended that the player engage in regular exercise to improve their physical fitness and maximize the effectiveness of Combat Mode.)


So that's the reason why I am in a shit ton of pain, probably because I overexerted myself beyond my limits.

I mean I'm still a 10-year-old boy who did cool and complicated dueling moves which, I for one don't understand how it is probably thanks to [Combat Mode].

I sighed to myself, I would've probably died had it not been for this ability.

'Nevermind that, I should head down.'

As I descended the stairs, the aroma of breakfast cooking wafted through the air, filling the house with a comforting smell. Alicia was standing by the stove, flipping pancakes with a look of determination on her face.

"Morning, Mom," I greeted her, a small smile playing on my lips despite the lingering headache.

Alicia turned to face me, a surprised expression crossing her features. "Morning, Klein. How are you feeling?" she asked, concern evident in her voice.

"I'm okay, just a bit sore," I replied.

I didn't exactly want to talk about what happened yesterday so I decided to subvert the topic.

"What's with the breakfast? Not that I'm complaining, but it's not something you usually do."

Alicia chuckled softly a hint of embarrassment coloring her cheeks. "Well, I thought I'd surprise you today. Figured it's about time I tried my hand at cooking again," she explained, flipping another pancake with practiced ease.

I couldn't help but smile at her sincerity. Despite her lack of culinary skills, the gesture meant a lot to me.

"Thanks, Mom. I appreciate it," I said sincerely, moving to set the table as she continued cooking.

As we ate, I noticed Alicia stealing a few concerned glances in my direction. It was clear that she was worried about me, and I couldn't really blame her. After all, I had just been through a pretty tense experience, and the effects were still lingering.

I tried my best to put on a reassuring smile, hoping to ease her concerns. "Mom, I'm fine, really," I said, reaching out to give her hand a reassuring squeeze. "I know I scared you yesterday, but I promise I'll be more careful from now on."

Alicia nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "I know you will, Klein. Just promise me you'll take it easy for a while. You've been through a lot," she replied, her voice soft and filled with concern.

I nodded in agreement, understanding her worries. "I will, Mom. I promise," I reassured her, I didn't really want hear to worry.

As we sat down to eat, the tension from earlier seemed to dissipate, replaced by a sense of warmth.

It would take some time before I went to Hogwarts, but it's a good idea to start training early, since shit will only get harder from here on out, whether it's magic or physical training, I decided I'd start early.

This is the beginning of my journey.

This is where it all starts.

Chapter end.

// Power stones are highly appreciated :)