
Harry Potter and the House of the Snake

[Completed/Dropped] By a strange twist of fate, or perhaps a schemed turn of time, Harry is sorted into Slytherin. Will the famed house be able to bring out Harry's untold potential? What new friends and adventures await him in the proud house of the snake? Follow the story and keep tabs on a Harry who has grown to differ not only in personality but also in abilities.

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24 Chs

Expulsion - Potter

A day before the famed FLIPENDO

"Hey Flint! I wanted to discuss the practice times." Terrence Higgs, the Slytherin Seeker stopped playing chess with Cassius to talk to a sulking Marcus: "You see. I don't think I can make time this Sunday."

Marcus, who was already busy and exhausted with his history of magic essay, barked at him: "What do you mean you can't make time?"

Higgs, sensing his change in attitude, raised his voice too: "I have a foot long essay to submit by monday! What do you want me to do, lose house points?"

Marcus snapped: "Look, Higgs! If you care so much about your stoopid essay, then fu*king do it in your free time instead of hanging around with this loser." He pointed towards Warrington who smiled back sheepishly: "I don't care what magic you do, I need you to be there for the sunday practice."

Marcus breathed twice to calm down and continued writing his essay.

"And what if I don't?" Terrence asked calmly: "It's not like you'll bench me?"

(bench, meaning he won't let him play in the matches)

"What. Did you say?" Flint asked in a scary tone.

"Yes, it's true. You don't have another seeker apart from me anyways." He stood up to leave: "Shift the time of the training, Captain. Or lose your seeker."

Marcus was left fuming with anger when Warrington started reassuring him: "Don't worry, Marcus. I'll talk to him."

Just then, Gemma entered the common room with her prefect's diary: "What will I do with this, Potter?"

"What happened?" One of her friends asked.

"What is the use of being good at everything if you're going to lose us points anyways?" Gemma complained.

"Well, what do you mean?"

Marcus hurriedly opened his diary to see the magical entry:

-10 points for dangerous and unsupervised flying - Professor Minerva McGonagall from Harry Potter

"I saw him myself." Gemma said: "He's good on the broom. But what's the use if you're going to lose points because of your talent."



"Don't." Marcus Flint told Cassius Warrington.

"What?" He couldn't understand.

"I'm saying you don't need to talk to Higgs." Flint smiled.


Cassius Warrington and Terrence Higgs were always like the brothers each of them never had. They were flying buddies from before they remembered or even cared to remember. "I swear we're going to be like the twins from the Chudley Cannons." Cassius had proclaimed.

And when Terrence made it on the team but Cassius did not, he reassured him howere he could: "It's not that you are not good. The others chasers are about to graduate, so Cap wants to give them their last chance."

But Cassius knew it deep down. He just wasn't good enough.

But that was not the case with Terrence, his best friend. He was talented and had rightfully gained his spot. More than his sadness for himself was his happiness and joy for his friend's success.

But there was someone who took away that joy too. Cassius would give him a good fight, if that's what he wanted.

Even if Harry was good with a wand, he could never overpower him in close combat. There's no way he did any sort of physical training, he had thought.

But when his punch was blocked and he was sent flying, he knew it. Harry would never lose, even if he was bigger than him. Unlike before, Harry hadn't even used a non-verbal spell, but a simple Knockback Jinx.

To him, the eleven year old Harry had managed to become a natural enemy even without Diablo's help.

'But what now, Harry. You will be expelled and Higgs will have his spot back. These minor injuries are nothing compared to what you will go through now.'


"Are you sure that you heard the voice from behind Quirrell's head?" Albus stroked his beard gently while listening to Hagrid's story in his hut. So, you are already this powerful. But how did Harry know about it, Dumbledore thought. Quirrell's erratic behaviour could always be guessed but the nature of the philosopher's stone was another matter.

'No matter how I think about it, there's just no way for Harry to know that it can't be destroyed easily.' This was something even Dumbledore did not know up until now. If Harry wasn't there, it could have very well ended with the Dark Lord coming back with all his might.

"Thank you for your efforts, Rubeus. Have some rest for the time being..." Dumbledore stood up and said: "And don't mention this story to anyone, Hagrid. Young Harry already has a lot going on."

It would be for the best if no one, especially not the folks from the ministry, heard about it. That would bring unwanted troubles for Dumbledore. Of course, it would be good for Harry if word got out but Dumbledore couldn't have that.

'It might get to his head.' He had reasoned.

And when he reached back to his office, it already had visitors. Harry, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape were standing in his office uninvitedly.

"I'm sure I told you to call Harry by 2 PM, Minerva." Dumbledore said calmly.

"That was to be the case, headmaster. But there is a matter that requires your urgent attention." She replied with a frown.


Dumbeldore sat behind the desk to listen to their story.

"Before you give a verdict, headmaster. I think it's best to tell you that both of the subjects are from my house-" Snape interjected: "-So I would like for Professor McGonagall to please step back and let me handle this by myself."

'No matter how I see it, Harry did nothing wrong. I can't let them antagonize him because he's a Slytherin.' Snape reasoned.

"I would also like to clarify, headmaster-" McGonagall started: "That as the deputy headmistress and the highest authority present at that time, it is my right to have a say in all of this."

'I have already heard rumors of how Severus is openly against the boy. I can't have him punished by the devil -separately so at that.' She resolved.

"Now, now. Seeing how the matter has been brought to my office, why don't the two of you let me decide what to do?" Albus snapped, trying to remain calm.

'Obviously, Warrington was in the wrong since he assaulted him but I can't leave him with something light. His magical prowess needs to be restrained lest he becomes uncontrollable in the future.' Albus was about to give his verdict when the door opened again.

It was the Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge: "What is with this commotion, now?" He said happily.

'Why is he here?' All four began thinking.

"I received a tip, Dumbledore." He said, turning serious: "It seems you will have to fire that son of a Quirrell."

'How did he come to know?' Both Dumbledore and Harry shared a moment.

"You're right on that one, Cornelius. Another Defence against the Dark Arts professor who couldn't last the term." He said.

"Has young Harry been called for his reward?" Fudge asked, looking at the two professors.

"That-" McGonagall was about to reply when Dumbledore interrupted: "Right again, Cornelius."

'It's already a good thing that he's not reprimanding my negligence. Let's deal with Fudge, for now.' Dumbledore decided to leave Harry if it had indeed come to this.


The whole of the Slytherin was gathered in the common room. It was because all of them were anxious about the decision of the professors. The result would be relayed in the Prefects' diaries. If Harry would be expelled, they would know it soon. But if they decided to leave Harry with just losing some points, they would know it only from the diaries.

"I swear I'm going to kill Warrington when he recovers." Flint announced, sending shivers down the first-years' spines.

"Calm down, Marcus." Gemma smiled at him as she held out her diary.

"How the hell... did you pull this off, Harry Potter?" Marcus was amazed and opened his diary wide to show them all.

It read:

+50 points for a chivalrous and good deed for the school - Headmaster Albus Dumbledore to Harry Potter