
Chapter 48

Knowing Hermione, she probably wanted to try every flavor but her parents had told her she could only get one and was now having trouble deciding which flavor she wanted to get.

Harry was just surprised her parents were letting her eat ice cream at all, seeing how they were dentists.

"She wanted us to spend most of our time at Flourish and Blotts, but I shot that down as soon as I could." Tracey seemed quite proud of herself for that accomplishment. Lisa and Mister Davis just shook their head. "Can you believe her? Wanting to spend all our time looking at books? Ugh, I felt myself getting bored just looking at that place from a distance."

"There's nothing wrong with reading," Lisa frowned.

"Of course you'd say that," Tracey rolled her eyes. "You're a Ravenclaw, and a history buff. You're, like, a super nerd."

"I should probably take offense to that," Lisa muttered without any real heat. She had gotten used to Tracey putting her foot in her mouth by now. They all had.

"But you don't because you love me, right?"

Lisa shook her head, but smiled all the same. "I see why Daphne's always ragging on you," she said, making Tracey pout and cross her arms over her chest.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, nothing."

"I'm surprised you guys managed to get Hermione to come out here," Harry said, shaking his head in slight amusement at their antics. It seemed almost like Lisa was channeling her inner Daphne for dealing with Tracey. Only she didn't have nearly enough bite to her words and was nowhere near as sarcastic. And she wasn't making fun of Tracey.

"Wasn't that hard," Tracey shrugged as she took another spoonful of ice cream and brought to her mouth. "We just sent her a letter asking if she wanted to come."

"Don't speak with your mouth full, Tracey."

Tracey swallowed her ice cream before sending her dad a sheepish look. "Right, sorry dad."

"We actually sent letters to everyone," Lisa informed him. "Or Tracey did, she's the one who wanted everyone to get together."

"Blaise is still in Italy though," Tracey told Harry. "I think he'll be their until the end of next month. Neville would have come, but I was told his gran was doing something special for him this week due to his good grades. Daphne is, well, I don't think I need to tell you why she couldn't come."

Harry nodded. Knowing Daphne, she probably didn't want to leave Astoria alone with their father. If Harry had a father like that, he wouldn't want to leave his sister alone with him either. If he had a sister that is.

"Anyways, Terry said he was doing something this weekend. I think it has something to do with stars and telescopes." She shook her head, as if wondering why her friend decided astronomy was more important than her. "Susan and Hannah are out of the country as well. They're in the States, I think. And you," she pointed an accusing finger at him, "never even bothered giving me a reply."

"You sent me a letter?" Harry blinked. "That's news to me."

"Wait. Are you saying you didn't get my letter?"

"Well, no," Harry frowned. "In fact, I haven't received any mail in the past three days. I haven't even gotten the Daily Prophet either." Which he had subscribed to before even beginning his first year at Hogwarts. Since then he had received the Daily Prophet Newspaper, well, daily. At least he had until three days ago, when he had stopped receiving them. He had thought something was wrong with his subscription, but if what Tracey was saying was true, there may be another reason.

The only thing he could think of for not receiving his mail was that someone was blocking his letters. He would have to look into this. And if that was the case, he would need to give whoever was blocking him from receiving mail divine retribution for not allowing him to keep up with his friends and what was going on in wizarding society.

For now though, he should probably come up with an alternate means of allowing his friends to write to him.

Getting out a sheet of paper, Harry quickly wrote down the address to Andromeda's business, asked Mister Davis to duplicate it (he couldn't use magic in public after all), then handed both sheets to Lisa and Tracey.

"If what you just said is true there might be a problem with my mail," he said when they both gave him strange looks. "Just send your letters to this address and I'll get them."

"Ok, sure," Tracey stuffed the address in the side pocket in her jeans as Lisa carefully folded it and did the same.

"It's very strange that you're not receiving the Daily Prophet," Mister Davis mused. "Seeing how they're a newspaper company, the more newspapers the sell the higher their ratings go." He looked down at his Daily Prophet paper, causing Harry to once more do the same.




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