
Chapter 45

There has always been debate on whether or not competition is actually good for business. Many business theorists have argued about the profitability of competition between two businesses, some stating that an increase in competition created more products, services and technologies to give consumers greater selection and better products; while others claimed it lead to wasted effort (Duplicated products) and increased cost.

Harry had actually read many people's work on business economics. It wasn't as interesting as history or science, and nowhere near as exciting as magic, but it had at least given him something to read that would help him in the future.

However, what he was interested in was not whether or not competition in business increased productivity or lead to wasted effort. All that mattered to Harry was what it could do for him.

By buying out stocks from one company when they were at a lower price, then selling them when they reached their highest (typically this happened several months after a new product was released before the hype over it wore off), followed by buying out the stocks of the other company while they were at their lowest and repeating the process, Harry increased the money owned in his bank account substantially.

So far, his plan had worked beautifully.

Producing a sheet of paper from within the front pocket of his business suit, Harry slid the paper across the desk to Director Ragnok. As the Director of Gringotts grabbed the paper and unfolded it to read the contents, Harry began speaking once more.

"That list contains several companies I want to begin investing in and a few more I wish to start buying stocks for within the muggle world. As you now have people inside of the bank my account is located in, I'll leave the act of actually investing to them."

In most circumstances he would never do this, he preferred doing things himself, but Harry was going to be very busy this year making waves in wizarding society. His first year at Hogwarts had been him getting his feet wet, so to speak, but now was the time to really begin integrating himself into society as a whole.

However, in order to do this, he needed time. Time to make plans, time to meet people important to society. He wanted to hire Andromeda full time in an advisory roll, which would take up more of his time if she took the position, and that wasn't even going into his schooling and other endeavors. In short, he needed to allocate certain jobs to other people in order to have enough time to accomplish everything he wanted.

He wouldn't always be able to use a time turner after all.

"I also want to begin making plans to start a business in wizarding society," Harry said, getting Director Ragnok's full attention once more.


"Yes," Harry tapped his left index finger against the armrest of his chair. "I want to get into the potions industry by selling improved versions of standard potions for a cheaper price than most stores. Doing so should bring in more business and increase sales."

"And having the name Harry Potter attached to your store will no doubt increase the amount of customers you acquire," Director Ragnok added, nodding his head as he thought of where Harry was going.

"There is that too." Truthfully, Harry had not really been thinking in terms of how using his name could increase customers, but it was a good idea nonetheless, and there was no need to inform Director Ragnok he had not actually thought of that.

"Hmm..." Director Ragnok placed a hand under his chin as a thoughtful look crossed his face. "There is a lot that goes into owning a business, especially one that caters to selling potions. It's not just a matter of needing to buy property and hire hands to make and sell potions. There is a legal process you have to go through. You need to get several licenses from the Ministry, one that allows you to own property and one that allows you to sell potions. It's a tedious process that wastes a lot of time and effort. It is also typically required for someone opening a potions shop to have a NEWT in potions and arithmancy."

Which would explain why there were so few potion shops these days. Harry had managed to learn through the grapevine that very few people passed Snape's NEWT level classes. Those who did were generally Slytherin's who didn't actually have an interest in potions and were taking the class because they knew Snape would go easy on them.

"I could probably waver much of the process by... donating some money to the Ministry," Harry murmured thoughtfully. He didn't like the idea of bribing to get what he wanted, but he would if he had no other options. "Or perhaps I could ask for a few favors." The world ran on favors. You do something for someone else, and in return they do something for you. Tit for tat. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. That sort of thing.




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