
Harry Potter and the Game of Thrones.

This is much of what would harry do in Game of thrones universe. In this fic harry would be a normal magical person but better than others in potential with better intelligence than canon and show some slytheriness and loyalty and bravery against wrong, fear is important. sometimes a little reckless too what would be harry potter without reckless ness I didn't decide about the pairing. it may contain gruesome content at some point but not at first. its the first time I doing a fanfic I would really like any help and ideas to do the fanfic and I don't own any character. I read many fanfiction of HP or HP×GoT. so I inspired from there so every author has a part in it. I will try my best.

sarman1_deering5 · Fantasie
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After the battle Hogwarts

Harry remains in Hogwarts for reconstruction of Hogwarts and to distract his mind from the loss of his school mates. Ginny tried to distract him but he couldn't forget about Fred when he see her. so after a short discussion with headmistress McGonagal, he plan to return grimauld place due lack of maintainence he detour to gringotts to gets some pounds and galleons. upon arrival he was lead to goblin council where he met king of goblin nation and his advisors and bank managers. He was questioned about his destruction of bank and stealing of banks dragon. he replied that he agree that what he did was wrong but it was not his intention to harm anyone in the bank or steal the bank . He explained about the horcrux being kept in gringotts and the deal between griphook and harry for sword of griffindor and how griphook betrayed them upon receiving sword. and that to avoid voldemorts arrival he and his company escaped by flying on dragon. In goblins, horcrux was considered higher level of dark crime against magic itself. they are angry that they are lacking in security there. but when they said they would fine him for the dragon. harry knew he can't reason with them. so he agreed but he said to them that there is some idea of security improvement he have for a fair price. they would consider . he said that keeping a blind dragon for fear of sound is bad idea. there was a uproar among the council, when goblin king asked him to explain. there is a chance a theif would kidnap a customer of that level and upon learning via legimency about the dragons he would just make device to record the voice and play the sound again to avoid the dragon. there was a murmur among the council. when asked about the solution he suggested the polyjuice detection ward and map of gringotts ( like marauder's map). at the end of the meeting harry was fined 20,000 galleons and request to make the wards and map. after taking necessary galleons and pounds harry purchased some groceries and clothes. Harry apparatted outside Grimauld place. Once he entered heaved a heavy sigh. harry entered the kitchen it was full of dust. so he started cleaning and thought about Sirius then him mom and dad. at the corner, he saw cabinet. harry then remeberd kreacher and called him. kreacher reached him after a few second and he looked tired. harry asked about him and requested him to help him clean kitchen mainly and clean the sofa in living room and bring it to the kitchen. after cleaning kitchen that day both of them are tired so they made a simple dinner though kreacher didn't like harry cooking for kreacher. harry insisted to help kreacher. then they readied to sleep and harry produced a pillow long enough for kreacher to lie down. so next day they cleared the living room harry asked if kreacher would like another elf to help, though kreacher refused at first , kreacher agreed at him being master elf of house black. so harry asked kreacher that if he know any elf to join him. kreacher ask him to call winky, once harry did, winky appeared few seconds later and harry decided to take another one elf. winky says that she know a elf tolly whose family is killed in the war and he is without a bond since Hogwarts was damaged. so harry decided to call him ask . and Tolly agreed to bond with him. once he bonded harry put a rules, no self-harming, to tell him if he do something wrong, and tell if they do anything wrong and he will decide the punishment. and asked them to wear a uniform of to their liking and rest, eat & to be healthy to help him.


Grimauld Place

In first two weeks of June. harry researched about the ward and reverse processed the map harry found about the runes and arithmacy calculation to develop a new map but he have some doubts about one or two runes. in case of polyjuice detection ward harry little to nothing in progress. so he invited hermione. Hermione thought the ward was brilliant idea and agreed to help in the project. after discussing about the ward through the night, Hermione asked him whether potters have library of their own like Blacks. Harry gave a thought and decided to ask about it with goblins. and they prepared the dinner, Hermione says that she visited weasley though all of them are somber about Fred's death, they tried to happy about no more loss of death. Ron saw a new restaurant near weasley wizards wheezes, moans about not being able to taste as much of the dish with new spices and their flavours.

Harry stopped what he was doing and exclaimed " Hermione , you are brilliant" and hugged her.

Hermione was stuck for a moment and asked, " what did I do "

harry laughed and replied " you found the solution for the polyjuice "

Hermione said "Explain "

harry answered " Every magical plant have essence of it's own magic so if we find the detection for specific essence of polyjuice ingredient or potions then we can create-- "

Hermione finished for him "the ward for polyjuice"

Harry gave her a grin which says ' I told you so you are brilliant'. Hermione replied him by hugging him to death.

And they chit charted for few hours before they gone to their respective rooms.

As days progressed harry started to research about runes and learn next level to basic with the help of hermione. At the end of August 2nd week harry figured the solution with runes to capture the essence and with extra rune sensor to detect smell of polyjuice. The next 3 days harry spent time with hermione to catch up and check with his project. while hermione gone through the report.

hermione asked him whether he had any plan in future. harry replies negatively and asked the same thing. she said she want to go to Australia to find her parents. harry felt bad for forgetting about it and assured q he would with her.

The next day harry visited gringotts showed his report to them. they reviewed and asked to buy the pattent. Initially harry was about to agree, he thought for a second then made a deal that earned him some more respect.

After that harry returned to grimauld palace to ready for the trip to Australia. Though Molly asked him to stay with them for some day, harry refused stating that he don't want to delay hermione to join with them. Ron insisted on going with them but Mr. Weasley reasoned that molly need the comfort of knowing her children well being with Fred's recent death. Ron was reluctant to leave his friend with his recent history of abandoning them. but harry and hermione reassured that they understand. and that they hope to reunite with him soon.

At the end of August Harry and Hermione traveled to Australia via aeroplane from Heathrow airport.


After arriving at australia, hermione suggested that they go to hotel, harry agreed and they hired a taxi to go to the hotel near magical community. after few minutes harry rented a studio room in the hotel. once they entered the room harry casted some safety spells around the room, a habit harry picked during the war. then they planned what to do, hermione suggested that they track her parents by some spells, if not find some help with Australian ministry of magic. harry consented, then they prepared for the night with harry sleeping in the sofa with cushioning charm. even though hermione agreed to share the bed politely harry refused. hermione relentedly agreed.

Next three days goes with harry and hermione using point me spell. so the next day harry suggested harry suggested that they contact DMLE of Australia for help. while they visited ministry harry noticed the improved technomagic of australia talked with few people regarding the improvement and learn more about the technomagic. Then they had a meeting with Head of DMLE Mr.Edward Walker. After spending sometime talking about the war and battle of Hogwarts, they talked about tracking Hermione's parents and they agreed to help. then they both left the ministry to visit the magical alley of Australia.

Upon entering the kangaroo alley they learnt British ministry of magic have lot of catch up to do. like how they have organized shops without overcrowing the alley and may other simple but good things. Harry learnt that australians found a way for electricity to work alaong with magic in small quality like torch light and they are on progress to work all electical products while hermione is in a book store. harry joined hermione in library and surf through the self and bought some books on Runes with Electrity and finally found a book harry thought he need which is Master of Mind Arts [ Occlumency and leggimency] Part 1. After paying for the books with some discount because of the amount of books hermione purchased when Harry asked Hermione replied that is for some light reading which brought a smile to both. They left the magical alley. And they ended the day with harry buying some burgers and returning to their room.

Soon days run fast then at the end of month, hermione felt faltered because of the small range of tracking even with ministry help they are unable track them faster. Harry consoled hermione by saying that they will find them soon. In the month harry started study both the Runes with Electricty and Master of the Mind Arts learnt some new thing, he started meditating in the early morning and try to make a void and acheived some sucess and in the evening he started tinkering with new rune set he bought at Kangaroo alley. Harry tried the phone to work with magic as he sat stumbled on the project. Hermione came and sat and starting helping. She finds the problem to be working of magic with cellular network that why its seem it was able to work on magic but not able to contact. Harry exclaimed, " THATS IT, HERMIONE", Hemione was shocked that why harry would shout like this and asked, " What happened". harry answered, "Hermione your parents are muggles so they should have submit there contact address and number, by tracking on telephone directory or asking a muggle police help with DMLE rquest they will help us".

Hermione was shocked then she gave harry a pattent hermione bear hug while moaning that how did she think of it.

so the next day they contacted the police and asked help to track hermione's parents with ministry support they found her parents on third day. hermione was both terrified and thrilled, thrilled that they found her parents, terrified that what her parents would say.

The next day they portkeyed to an alley nearby her parents home and approached the house casually, well hermione tried to. they saw her parents sitting on a swing on the porch enjoying their peace, harry errected some notice me not wards and other such simple word and he gripped her hands gently and said, " hermione, they will accept your reason because they are your parents they love you as much as they could so don't worry, be a Gryffindor an while reversing their memories think about the love you have for eachother. After all love is what saved me, what saved all of us". with a teary eyes hermione hugged harry and nodded her head. Then she started to reverse their memories.

After the shock of recovering their memories, they had a teary reunion after which harry and hermione fills what has transpired in england. after which David Hermione's dad stated to Harry, " So you are the reason my daughter left us send us to australia", hermione tried to object but david didn't waver his gaze on harry so He tried to reply " I... I guess, yes i am the reason, though i am guilty of separating you and hermione, i dont think we would have won the war without her." after the tense situation every one broke apart ready for the dinner and night.

The next two months spent with hermione convincing her parents to return to england, meanwhile harry learned some new rune techniques in australia and continued his projects. then her parent agreed to visit england and go from there.


Three months passed since harry returmed to Britain. Harry visited the burrow where eveything seems to return to normal but Fred couldn't seem to come out of the loss of his twin. Later when Harry visited ministry harry met minister Kingsley shacklebolt there they talked about the ongoing process stabilising the ministry and reopening of hogwarts. Kingsley also him auror position with a simple but harry said that he'll think about it amd left to grimauld place. When harry returned to grimauld place he found the less gloomy, he spent the next week in the library reading about the runes. One when he wandered into sorous room he found a picture his parents and sirius, and remus. they were laughing about sirius. A lone tear ran down his cheek. he remembered remus asking him to be godfather of his child. he was that he forgot about it and gone to find him. He found that teddy lupin was with his grandmother Andromeda Tonks. when he visited them she was angry at him but accepted he too was a victim of war. He hold teddy for the first time. that night he cried feeling both happy and sad. Next time he visited them he asked them to join him in grimauld place though Andromeda was reluctant she was thrilled to be back at her birth place. so with the help of elves they transported every valuables and sold the home and place the money on Ted's account. the latter week hermione visted him and was happy ted was safe. when hermione asked when harry was going to diagon alley to purchasing for the last year at Hogwarts. Harry was silent. He sighed and looked at hermion with sad smile amd said that hogwarts was the place he had happy memories, even his first home but more sad memories are there for harry in last few years. Hermione tried to covince harry but harry stayed with decison. Everyone missed him at Hogwarts. After spending some time with teddy and studying in Black's library where he studied DADA, Transfiguration, charms. Harry decided to visit Diagon alley where he saw children who were starting starting their first year and their amazement. He smiled at them and visited where he was greeted by manager with a respectful nod,

when he asked about whether they know anything about potter family home, he was asked to meet potter family manager. When he was led to waiting room he was thinking about why nobody told him about if no one know about it, it would have been a safe haven for him and muggles who were hunted down. While he was thinking about it, Potters account manager arrived, who upon entering said he was new manager and the last one was in Death eaters hand. He showed the portfolio upon going through the files he found that they have 3 properties 1) a small house in Godrics Hallow, 2) an island with a big villa to hold at least two hundred people, 3) a pottery farm - unknown location. Potter's seems not much of a share holders. but they have many pattents on potion which harry is not suitable for. but they seems to have some good chunk of money around 480000 which harry thought mostly because no one used the money. Then harry discussed with account manager about possible investment in technomagic in Australia and agreed to make a invest of 20% of the tech and to form a possible branch in britain and once reach a 5 million galleons to start allover UK. and to decide more in discuss soon. Once Harry left the Gringgots he walked along the alley he entred a shop full suitcase and trunks, where an old man seems to inscript runes on the suitcase upon taking with him he remembered that Newt Scamander has suitcase with expansion charm, so decided to buy a customized one with 3 area the first is one to show how a muggle suitcase would look like, second one to store various document like a simple office room structure, third is to have a fully fledged two person apartment . he also bought a magical tent. After payimg the advance harry left the shop.

He speaks with others about his interest to visit other magical conclave and tribe in Europe. Conviced hermione, Andromeda and weasleys.

after a week he reentered the shop sorcerors space which harry didn't look earlier. the old man named Hemsworth showed the product harry examined and payed the balance and started to pack his shelf with foods and other necessary items on travel.

After a tearful goodbye harry left his friend and teddy with his elves to take care of them.


A/n : thank you its a start. please read and review to help . I know there is not much of a conversation here. its just the outline of what happens before harry enters game of thrones universe. the real story starts once harry enters the GoT universe.

if anyone wanna work together , comment i will send the contact details

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