The darkness from Supernatural travels to Harry Potter world, the MC is not a "good" MC, if you're looking for a good MC, don't even bother to read the novel, thanks. This fanfic contains themes like rape, sex, gore, violence, etc. If you want to make a donation, it would help me, thanks Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any official series that will be mention in this fan fic, this is just a fan-fiction, and I do not own the cover art either.
On a street located somewhere the slums in England, there is a house with graffitis all over the walls, the windows are broken and all the house smell like shit literally like shit, this house is known as "Crack House" the refugee for the drunkards, addicts, robbers, rapists, murderers. Inside the house, you can see people lying over the walls and on the floor, in one particular room there are two drug addicts a man and a woman are discussing.
"You're telling me you are FUCKING PREGNANT" said the man while slapping the woman.
"Fuck you George. I told you not to cum inside me" said the woman trying to punch him on the face.
"Shut the fuck up whore, I'm not going to be a father you either get an abortion or raise him alone." said George while dodging her punch and slapping her again.
The woman starts laughing while blood was dripping from her mouth and said: "My family already knows... They sent my brother to tell me to have it, do you think he's going to let you run, or let me get an abortion, he already ordered me to have it.?"
His face turn paled hearing that George was starting to think about what to do and said: "Ok let's calm down Selena, there must be a solution, you know we can't be parents for fuck sake last week we almost die for overdose. We can bribe a doctor you don't want to have a baby too, we can say it was a miscarriage and then..." The face of Selena turned paled as she saw a young man with silver hair and silver eyes walking into the room.
"You are having that boy, do you hear me Selena and you piece of shit, listen if for any reason the boy dies the both of you will follow him to the graveyard, did I make myself clear?" as the young man said that, both of them kneel on the floor silently with hatred and fear on their eyes.
"Yes" both of them answered.
The young man looked at them with cold eyes while sneering. "Do you think I care about your bastard son?, I give a shit about him, FUCK I give a shit about you dear sister, but you know the rules Selena. We can kill anyone but not someone from the family even if he hasn't born yet, or do you think you are here alive just because of the grace of the family?, I have wanted to shoot you on the head since far a long time" As he said that he took out a gun from his blazer and aim at Selena, when she saw that she started crying and wailing "It's his fault I told him it was your order but he started scheming, I'm having the baby just don't punish me please I'm your sister" He snort and shoot at George on the leg as he left the room.
"AHHHHHHHHHHH Motherfuc" George started wailing on the floor while putting pressure on his leg. "This is the first warning and you don't want me to come and give you the second..." they hear him saying that over the door with a voice so cold they started shivering.
8 Months Later
General London Hospital in room 312 there's a woman and a man looking at a baby with disgusted faces. "This piece of shit ruined our lifes" said George while looking at the baby. "I know, he fucked our life" said Selena. Suddenly the door of the room opened and a young man with silver hair and silver eyes approach them while the couple started shivering. "I had the baby you can keep it, I don't want it, or take it to the family" said Selena with fear in her blue silver eyes.
The young man stared at them with a disgusted face. "That's your fucking problem, the family order you to keep it, and if he dies before he turns 18 years, well you and that piece of shit next to you will follow him, I suggest you to give him a name maybe that way you will hate him less hahaha" said the young man as he left the room laughing at their fucked up lifes.
"Shit Shit Shit" said George while looking at the baby who was smiling at them.
"This piece of shit is laughing at us" said Selena while looking at the smiling baby. "I ain't naming this little piece of shit" said Selena, "Yeah I was thinking the same" said George with hatred in his eyes.
7 years later.
Somewhere near the Slums in London, there is a little boy running down the streets with a golden clock at his hand but that's not what it caught the attention of the people who saw him but his looks with silver hair and beautiful matching silver eyes, behind him is an adult chasing him and yelling for help "Stop that little piece of shit, he stole my watch"said the man as he kept running after the boy. "I'm almost there, fuck I'm so tired, I will have to be more careful next time I go to rob... maybe if I fill my quote I could use the money to go to a pawnshop and buy a second hand tv, sigh I'm missing four hundred bucks for my quote I will not have money to save this week for the tv or it looks like that, I have 3 more days or I will have to use a little bit of money of the quote I got this week to try to gamble but if I lose the money... if they catch me as last month I will receive a beating." He kept running for another thirty minutes and noticed that the man chasing him is already gone, he then started walking to his home.
"Sigh I hope Selena is not drugged today... " thought the kid as he got to his home and opened the door. He started walking silently to avoid the people that are always here. He started going to the kitchen where he saw through the gap of the door Selena being fucked from behind while she was sniffing a line of coke.
"Oh yes George fuck me like that, keep going ohhhh"
When he saw that he turn around and start walking to his room the attic. "Sigh she is drugged if she and George find me while they're drugged I'm going to receive a beating at least, I will have to stay out of the house at least for three days... Last time I went back at the second day they were breathing cans of oxygen and George broke my arm because he was angry for not having money to buy more coke." Thought the kid as he subconsciously started gripping his right arm.
He kept walking till he got to his room, he went behind the pile of clothes where he sleeps and picked up a backpack and 2 knives below the pile of clothes, he kept one behind his back and the other in his boots. "Well where should I go this time?, hmmm I could stay at the park or maybe if I'm careful enough I could enter the supermarket and stay there...Ok let's try to get in the supermarket" As he was walking down his room he saw one of the many guests at home as he tensed and grab the knife he have at his back and he stared at the drunkard.
"Piece of shit come here i will give you 40 bucks if you let me fuck you" said the drunkard.
"Ok, Mr. first lets go to the backyard and there you can give me the money, there is no one there", as he said that he started walking downstairs and going to the backyard as he keep watching at the man, he opened the door of the backyard and extend his hand, as he saw that the man pull the money and give him to the boy, "This is the moment" thought the boy as he pulled the knife from behind and slashed at the hand of the man, the man saw a flash of silver and then started to grab his hand as he started wailing. The kid started to run as he saw that and started to hear the screams of the man "Whoever grabs the little piece of shit will get two hundred bucks" As the other drug addicts hear that they started running after him but not fast enough to catch him. "Come here piece of shit" Started yelling all of the drug addicts.
Around the corner of the house there is a man watching everything that happened with silver cold eyes the same as the boy. "So the little piece of shit from my sister has balls, how old is he?" While frowning. "Oh yeah, the little prick is 7, Ricky go and kill that fucker that tried to fuck the little prick"
"Yes Master, can I play with him?" said the man that started walking to the house while licking his lips with a shine on his eyes.
"Do whatever you want Ricky, I want to see you at the office in 2 hours." said the young man with silver eyes while getting inside a car.
"Sigh that was a close one, I will kill that motherfucker in the future, I will have to go first to the pawnshop to exchange the watch, I think it's worth around 1k... maybe 1.5k bucks. " said the boy while walking to the supermarket the people around him have disgusted faces while looking at him and his clothes and his dirty looks, the people wondered how would he look after having a shower with his face silver hair and matching silver eyes he would be cute.
'' I'm finally here let's see first I have to go to the pawnshop next to the supermarket as he kept walking to the backdoor of the pawnshop he knocks three times in intervals of 2 seconds each knock. ''Old Man I have new merchandise open the door'' said the boy watching how the door open and next to the door is a old man with an ugly smile missing almost all of his tooth and the only ones he has are silver ones. ''What do we have here, it's little piece of shit, what do you have and if it's nothing good scram don't make me lose my time''
The boy kept his calm face as he entered and emptying his backpack on a box in front of the old man. ''You know me old man, I only bring you the best merchandise'' said the boy while grabbing one watch the golden one and giving him to the old man.
''Let's see what you have here'' said the old man while inspecting the watch with a serious gaze ''Little fucker who did you rob this watch?, you're in trouble and I'm not buying this watch...''
The face of the boy turned into one of shock he knows the man has the backup to buy almost anything, the only reason the Old man buys his stuff it's because the backers of the old man is the family of Selena or so he thinks.
''Come on Old Man just give me the minimum I know you can manage this little trouble I just want seven hundred bucks'' said the boy with a nervous face he knows that if he can sell this watch he can pay his quote of the week and finally afford a second Hand TV.
The old man started to think about this with a serious look. ''Do you know how much this watch costs?, You messed up big one this time shitty kid, sigh I will have to tell about this business to my boss wait here'' Said the old man as he entered one room and started talking with someone.
As he said that, the kid started to think about the looks of the man he robbed. ''Who cares I will just keep my eyes open just to be careful'' The boy turned nervous as he saw the old man walking to him with a serious expression.
''I'm giving you a thousand for the watch, and if any news of this watch leaked to the public you will be responsible, do you hear me little shit?"
"Yes old man, hmm I want to buy a TV from you a second hand" said the boy while smiling.
"Why a TV?, I'll give you an advice: the moment you enter "Crack House" with a TV, Selena is going to sell it for crack or coke" said the old man while looking at him.
He suddenly flinch at the thought "You're right, sigh, maybe you can sell me a small TV, a portable one?"
"I'll sell you a tablet it's the same thing but with more functions and you will be able to put it in your backpack, and for 50 bucks more I will load you 3 series or movies your choice shitty kid"
As he heard that the boy his eyes started to shine. "Ok thanks old man, I've never seen any TV series, I'll be back in 3 days I need to see which movies or series I want"
"Ok little prick see you in 3 days, here's the cash" said the old man as he gave him a package with the money inside.
The boy walked out of the store and went to the backdoor of the supermarket and sneak inside when the guard was chatting with a girl from UPS.
"I will wait here behinds these boxes, hopefully no one is going to come here..." thought the kid as he hid behind the boxes.
5 hours later behind the boxes, the boy started moving to the warehouse where he saw a guard. "I will have to knock him out" He took an extinguisher that was on the wall and silently walk behind him and hit him on the head and took the keys and went next to his computer.
"let's google some series and some movies, hmmm genres which ones could be good, let's pick magic. Hmm let's check this one: Harry Potter, I've heard about this one ok let's get the movies from the old man. Next series I've seen pieces of chapters through the windows of the shops about Supernatural so let's get that one, and two more series let's search like something similar. Oh this one sounds cool let's add this one.... and this one sounds cool too plus the description about this one sounds exciting. Well that's it, in about 3 days I'm going to the old man for the tablet."
After checking what is he going to ask to the old man he went to the area of food of the supermarket and started picking food, then he went to the section of clothes and pick up a jersey and pants. "Well that's it the only thing missing is chaining the guard so he let me sleep, and I have his keys I will be able to return here for the last two days hmm I have to be careful about the guards when I come back here these days"
3 days later inside the pawnshop next to the supermarket there is a boy smiling while looking an Old Man uploading files to a black tablet. "Well that's it little shit, your series are in your tablet so the movies so get the fuck out of here." said the Old man while giving the boy the tablet with a nasty smile. The boy took the tablet and smile. "Thank you" said the boy as he left. "I have to return home to give my quote to Selena today... Sigh I will have to hide the tablet, but where...Ohhh Yes, the public restrooms behind that old toilet where is the hole!"
The boy started running to the restroom, while going inside the cab and proceed to hide the tablet in the hole behind the toilet and just to be sure he put some rocks just to be cautious around the hole. "I will be back here in one hour..." said the kid while looking preoccupied for the tablet. He left reluctantly and start running to the crack house.
He went through the door of the crack house and start walking to the kitchen where Selena is always drugging, he looked quickly from the gap of the door and so he saw her sitting on a chair, packing coke with a balance on the table where he could see a lot of packages. "Ok nice, she is not drugged today... I will be able to give my quote without a hitch... please."
He opened the door and walked inside of the room where he saw Selena looking at him with a disgusted face "Do you have your quote little shit?, if not get the fuck out of here before George see you and break you an arm he's irritated right now, so do I"
He nod and gave her the package with the money and so he saw her surprised face looking at the money. "Its the quote for two weeks Selena and the rest you can have it" he said.
Selena stared at him for a moment and said: "Get the fuck out of here, I don't want to see you for two weeks if there's something I will call to your cellphone little shit" with a soft tone than before.
He left the Crack house and started running to the public restroom where he hid the tablet.
"Nice, it's here. Now... Where should I go to see the movies without Interruptions...The Mall!, with the keys I robbed from the guard I can recharge the tablet there and watch the movies or series without someone bothering me" He thought as he started walking to the mall.