
A Forewarning

Potter Residence, (Dec. 20 th )...


I'm writing to you to let you know that the first term grades have been scored, and that Filius did indeed send out your transcript to Durmstrang as he promised to do.

That is the good news.

Unfortunately, I also have some bad news to report to you.

Your first term grades have been scored.

Now, as you know, I am not allowed to discuss a student's scorecard prior to receipt of grades in the mail; however, I will say that your insistent complaints about the ease of your exams were well founded.

Now; too the reason I am writing to you. Filius has been acting slightly off ever since your meeting with him on the 16 th. He has not been his excessively chipper self, which is very strange, especially around the holidays. Many members of the staff are concerned, but he has not yet told them the reason behind his less-than-joyous attitude.

Recently, Filius has taken to disappearing into his quarters, only showing up at meals. Also, he has begun asking everyone about how much free time they might have available next term to tutor a student. It is my opinion that now that Filius has seen your scores and is aware of your potential, he will not let you leave Hogwarts without a fight.

I am positive that Filius will soon be informing other members of the staff about your decision to leave Hogwarts. From what you have told me, your family is somewhat close with Headmaster Dumbledore as well as Professors McGonagall, Snape, and even Filius himself. It could easily get back to your parents that you desire to transfer.

I know you wanted to wait until after you know you have a spot at Durmstrang to tell your parents about wanting to leave Hogwarts, but you might want to consider telling them before they hear it from someone else.

The best of luck,

Professor Quirinus Quirrell

Harry scowled as he put down the letter. What was he going to do? He didn't want to tell his parents that he wanted to leave Hogwarts unless he was positive that Durmstrang had accepted him. He knew that he would have to fight his parents to get them to understand why he would want to leave, and he really didn't want to have that argument unless he knew Durmstrang would have a spot for him.

Still, if Quirrell was right, Professor Flitwick would tell the other teachers or Headmaster Dumbledore about him wanting to transfer. He had to stall Professor Flitwick somehow.

Sitting down at his desk, Harry took out a piece of parchment and a quill.

Dear Professor Flitwick,

I know we weren't able to meet for very long in your office before I had to leave...

I wasn't able to upload yesterday's chapters as my internet drop out so here are the now. I will still be uploading chapters for today

a_wizard_did_itcreators' thoughts