
Harry Potter and lust

This not my book it someone I only post

Nameless345 · Bücher und Literatur
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58 Chs

Chapter 49-part 2

Hermione spoke up, "Alphabetically." She answered smartly.

Harry rolled his eyes, "Okay everyone look for H or P and keep an eye out for Sirius." While Harry knew a spell to find hidden people he would have to wait to spring the trap.

Everyone in the group stayed on the main path but everyone was looking at the swirling crystal balls with the labels attached. Everyone rattled off names as they kept going until they found it.

"Pearson. We are getting close." George said.

Harry just groaned, "I hope it's not on the top shelf." Tonks said it wasn't but he didn't know for sure with his luck he didn't doubt it.

In a few more minutes of narrowing down the search Harry had found his prophecy. It was smaller than some of the other balls. Picking it up off the shelf he heard a voice say.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies…."

Once it was done they heard footsteps and everyone turned their attention to a masked death eater walking towards them. Gripping the smaller crystal ball in his hand Harry moved to the front of the group with his wand pointed at the masked individual. "Where is Sirius?" Harry asked.

"You know, you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams-" The man then pulled his wand from a familiar cane before flicking away his mask revealing he was in fact Lucius Malfoy, "-and reality. You saw what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Now hand me the prophecy."

"That's cute." Harry said mockingly, referring to Lucius pulling his wand from his cane. Harry couldn't wait to wipe that confident evil smirk off Malfoy's face thinking he had the upper hand here. "Oh this prophecy, you want this." Harry held up the ball ready to drop it. "If Voldemort was so powerful why didn't he come down to get it. Is he too lazy to pick something off a shelf?"

Lucius took a threatening step forward only to make Harry motion like he was about to drop it. "Take another step and I'll drop it."

That was when a psychotic laugh filled the room and made everyone's hair stand up on the back of their neck. The newly revealed Bellatrix Lestrange walked forward out of the shadows. "He knows how to play. Itty, bitty baby. Potter." Bellatrix taunted, in a high pitched baby voice that was infuriating to say the least.

Neville saw the evil form of the woman who robbed him of his childhood and stepped forward, "Bellatrix Lestrange." His voice wasn't even shaky and the others could tell it was filled with contempt.

"Neville Longbottom, is it? How's mum and dad?" Bellatrix taunted hoping to anger the boy. Clearly showing no remorse for torturing his parents into insanity.

Neville shot back, "Better, now they are going to be avenged." Harry knew Neville was itching for this fight and had been since he started the F.C. Putting his hand up he tried to hold Neville back telling him not to kick it off so soon.

Lucius himself took a step forward between the two parties and put his hands up in a fake peaceful manner. "Now let's everybody just calm down. Shall we? All we want is that prophecy." Lucius said as he pointed to the glowing prophecy.

Harry still wanted to keep the banter going knowing they were slowly being surrounded. He was trying to lure all the death eaters out of their corners so they knew who they were fighting. "Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this?"

Bellatrix gasped, "You dare speak his name." She then raised her voice as she screamed, "You filthy half-blood!"

Lucius once again tried to be the politician, "It's all right. He's just a curious lad, aren't you? Prophecies can only be retrieved by those about whom they are made. Which is lucky for you really. Haven't you always wondered what was the reason for the connection between you and the dark lord?" As he spoke the other death eaters started to tighten the circle ready to strike. "Why was he unable to kill you when you were just an infant? Don't you want to know the secret behind your scar? All the answers are there, Potter, in your hand. All you have to do is give it to me. Then I can show you everything."

Everyone was now in position and out in the open. "I have waited fourteen years. I guess I can wait a little longer. Now!" With his command the twins threw their palmed portable swamps down the aisles on the left and right while Daphne and Desiree started throwing blood boiling spells on the people trying to box them in behind the group.

Harry had thrown a bone breaker at Lucius which he blocked while Neville didn't waste any time and sent a sickly green killing curse right at Bellatrix. She had to fly away in a dark plume of smoke to avoid the killing curse from a very angry Neville.

On the left and right there was one death eater out of two on either side stuck in the swamp and the twins followed it up with a deep severing charm. "Diffindo!" The twins shouted before two large gashes appeared on the chests and necks of the death eaters before they fell face first into the swamp to bleed out. The death eaters were trapped in the magically appearing muddy bog.

All the death eaters were now trying to regroup away from Harry and his friends as Harry and the others tried to move towards the door Tonks told them about. Everyone stayed in a group with their eyes down every aisle keeping their awareness at the maximum.

After a few seconds death eaters appeared back on either side of them and tried to shoot spells at them to incapacitate them. One particular death eater shot an unknown purple spell at Hermione that would have hit her if Desiree hadn't pushed her out of the way. The spell whizzed past the both of them before Desiree threw back a large stream of fire down the row of shelves no doubt nearly cooking the man in retaliation. The man had quickly flown away now with some severe burns and singed robes.

Harry and the others were a little jumpy, throwing spells on any shadow moving in their vision as they tried to lure the death eaters to their doom. The closer they inched towards the door to the real ambush the more confident they got in the plan.

Fred was tired of not being able to see where some of these spells were coming from so as everyone was fighting he pulled out a large dragon firework like the one they set off in celebration after the tests. Fred then set it off in the room. Bright light and loud bangs filled the room as the dragon started to form shooting right at the death eaters.

Harry didn't see what Fred did but then suddenly noticed the entire room lit up as a dragon went racing around the room. The force of the explosions of the fireworks had also started to knock over some of the crystal balls from their mounts on the shelves and before they knew it the entire Hall of Prophecy was falling apart. There was no escaping the damage they were doing to the room. "Run!" Harry said as everyone stopped moving slowly around the room and instead booked it to the nearest door which was the door to the Death Chamber.

The entire room went white from thousands upon thousands of crystal balls hitting the ground and shattering. Harry felt pity for whoever had to clean all this up.

When opening the door and walking through they didn't expect there to be no floor. Suddenly everyone was falling three stories until they were just a few inches off the ground. Once it was a harmless height they were then dropped the last few inches into the dirt floor. Harry promised to get Tonks back for not telling him about this. The sudden small couple inch drop didn't hurt them at all compared to what the three story drop from the door would have done. In reality they should all be dead.

Everyone soon scrambled to their feet and at the ready when the death eaters returned. Harry on the other hand was hearing voices coming from the archway in the center of the room. The voices somehow felt familiar and it took him out of his battle ready focus.

Hermione and Desiree both noticed Harry's lack of attention. Desiree tried to shake Harry out of it as Daphne also ran up the base of the veil. "What's wrong Harry?"

Before Harry could answer they were swarmed with dark clouds and a whirlwind of chaos. Harry knew this was the death eaters trying to confuse and scare them. After about a minute of Harry and his friends cowering on the ground it let up and Harry looked up to see some of his friends were being held at wand point. The only two that weren't were Daphne and Desiree who were still by his side. The death eaters were still down two people thanks to Fred and George.

Hermione was trying to struggle to reach her wan in her pocket but her captor had her wrist in his hand with his wand at her neck. Looking around the room he saw Neville was being held by Bellatrix and he wanted to make her pay. 'Come on Sirius where are you?' Bellatrix looked crazy enough to just kill Neville anyway, just for the fun of it.

Just as Harry, Daphne and Desiree were taking stock of the situation they heard laughing as Lucius Malfoy walked up the slope of the little rock hill leading to the archway. "Did you actually believe or were you actually naive enough to think that children stood a chance against us?" Lucius mocked.

Harry just let Lucius keep talking hoping it would be enough time for the order to get here. Lucius then continued, "I'll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me the prophecy now or watch your friends die." Lucius threatened bloodshed.

Harry cautiously looked around and knew there was no way around this in their current situation. With only three of them free with their wands they couldn't hope to free the others before the death eaters killed a few. Neville cut off his thinking by yelling, "Don't give it to them Harry." All before Bellatrix jammed her wand harder into his neck. Harry tried not to crack a smile at his friend being the most loyal and courageous friend he had. Even in the face of death Neville didn't care about himself all he cared about was that the death eaters and Voldemort lost.

With no choice Harry handed the prophecy in Lucius's outstretched hand. 'I hope I can finish this for you Narcissa.' Harry thought, hoping Lucius wouldn't try to slink away once the order arrived.

Just then the crystal ball became dark and cloudy as a bright light flashed behind Lucius. Suddenly Lucius looked confused as he heard footsteps coming up behind him. Quickly turning around he found Sirius Black. "Get away from my godson." Sirius said before he threw a punch and knocked Lucius to the ground.

Just as Sirius's fist connected bright lights started shooting around the room and soon the death eaters holding his friends were pushed back.

Neville felt Bellatrix let go of him before an order member could free him. As soon as he was free he grabbed his wand and turned to fire off some spells at her smoke cloud.

Desiree watched Lucius roll down the small stone hill before the prophecy flew out of his hand and shattered on the ground. It was then the light flying clouds revealed themselves to be Tonks, Remus, Moody and Fleur Delacour. Desiree was happy to see Fleur and she was pretty sure Harry was too.

Harry took this chance to tell Daphne and Desiree to help the others, "Go help Hermione, and the others Sirius and I have this." Desiree didn't like leaving her old master but didn't want to fight him at this stress filled moment. With just a nod Daphne and Desiree ran off wand in hand to help wrangle and eliminate the last of the death eaters.

After Harry's quick commands Sirius dragged Harry behind a rock for cover. "Stick with me." A glow of pride washed over Sirius. "You have done beautifully but let us take control." Sirius could tell much like Harry's father James he was the leader of his group. Even now the order needed control to take down the rest of these death eaters.

"Black!" Lucius said as he pulled his wand from his cane once again. He was able to get back to his feet and was now very angry he had failed his mission. With the prophecy shattered he was going to have to deal with the crucio that was no doubt his punishment for failure.

Sirius gave Harry a smile as they returned to their feet ready to strike. While Harry was already confident in winning a duel against Malfoy with Sirius by his side it was a guaranteed victory. Suddenly that changed when another death eater joined Lucius and it was suddenly two on two.

Sirius didn't need to tell Harry that he would be taking Lucius as Harry focused his attention on this no name death eater.

The first spell thrown was by Lucius who threw a non verbal towards Harry which Sirius reached over to shield. Harry was so focused on his opponent he didn't see it coming but thankfully Sirius did.

The other death eater threw another spell but this one aimed at Sirius which he shielded again just as Harry was firing off a bone breaker at his opponent. All while trying to advance forward so they would walk back and lose their footing on the stone hill.

Some of the other F.C members were watching Harry as the Order quickly took over. Besides the twins and Neville no one else was fighting and more liable to get in the way. Neville didn't want to sit still so he was launching spells into the air as Bellatrix flew around the Death Chamber as someone from the order chased her.

The twins were helping Fleur take on a particularly slippery death eater that could dodge everything they threw at him. Even with the three of them they were struggling to land a hit. Thankfully that all changed as George aimed at the ground and threw a bombarda spell and launched him off his feet before hitting the wall.

Fleur quickly followed that up with a reducto to the head which caused the death eater's head to literally explode into a fine mist. The twins saw this and gave each other a high five before running with Fleur to find another opponent.

Moody was battling two death eaters at once with a little more effort than he wanted to. Each enemy was on either side of him firing curses as he blocked with his wand and his staff. All he could do was block until these two showed a crack in their defense. Suddenly that happened at the Veela lass and the twins ran in to take one of his opponents so he could then face the more dangerous one on his own.

The duel was over quickly but that was thanks to Moody catching him off guard with a quick slam of his staff that batted the death eater hard into the brick wall with a sickening crunch. Turning around he saw the Veela and the twins surrounded the death eater and we're slowly breaking the fucker down. Hit with multiple bone breakers it wasn't until George hit the death eater with a final flame spell did he go down.

The purple flame engulfed the death eaters' robes and no matter how much the death eater rolled the flame slowly ate him alive. The screams echoed off the walls as the other fights raged on and Moody just thought that the twins held more promise than he thought. 'Potter makes a good teacher.' Moody thought as they tried to regroup.

Sirius and Harry were still dueling Lucius and his friend near the archway when Sirius pulled a page out of Lucius's playbook and the two of them started attacking the other's opponent. Sirius hit the nameless death eater with a bone breaker to the chest shattering all of his ribs before being launched off the hill. All the while Harry threw everything he had at Lucius.

Harry saw his chance and after a few hard hitting but blocked Bombardas he hit Lucius with an Expelliarmus but the spell only disarmed him of his empty cane. Sirius was so lost in the fight and feeling like he was in his twenties all over again called out, "Nice one, James."

Being called his father's name didn't throw him off but instead filled him with a little pride. Sirius quickly advanced and cut Harry off as he focused all of his energy and pent up aggression on Lucius. He threw everything he had at the blonde prick, even swirling his wand before hitting Lucius with an unknown spell that just blew Lucius's wand out of his hand with a gale force wind.

Just as Sirius was about to put the finishing touches on finishing Lucius, Harry stepped out behind Sirius's shadow and said, "Avada Kedavra!"

Lucius wasn't expecting to have the killing curse thrown at him because he had his hands up in surrender but the killing curse quickly struck him in the chest and his world went black.

Sirius turned to Harry in shock watching his godson take a life. He wasn't all surprised but seeing it in person was a shock for someone so young. Just as Sirius's shock was etched on his face another killing curse was heard across the room from a distinct female voice, "Avada Kedavra!"

Harry was not in shock and saw the green curse heading towards Sirius and without thinking put his body in-between Bellatrix and Sirius. 'Desiree forgive me.' He knew she wasn't in his head anymore but if she was he wanted the last thing he heard to be her voice.

Suddenly the spell struck Harry as he felt a coldness wash over him. Harry dropped like a puppet with his strings cut as he just crumpled to the stone floor. Sirius tried to wrap his arms around him and pull him to his chest as he let out a wail. Remus was quickly by his side to help defend against any surprise attack. Desiree let out a shriek at seeing her old master but love of her life being struck down.

Tonks, Hermione, Daphne and Fleur all let out a pained noise as they made their way to Harry's downed body hoping it wasn't real.

Neville on the other hand had seen Bellatrix kill Harry and the satisfied look on her face. Jumping on a rock Neville started to run with everything he had to make it to Bellatrix. Before Bellatrix was able to follow her spell with another aimed at her mudblood lover cousin, Neville jumped over the gap between the two large boulders and tackled Bellatrix from her boulder to the hard dirt ground.

Bellatrix almost had the second word of the killing curse out of her mouth before she felt her body jerk and all the air pushed out of her lungs when she hit the hard ground.

Neville landed on top of Bellatrix, forgetting his wand. All he wanted to do was beat Bellatrix to death with his bare hands. Balling up his fists he brought them down on Bellatrix's face. One after another he tried his best to beat Bellatrix to death with everything he had.

Bellatrix wasn't expecting the physical assault and it had caught her off guard to the point she took a few punches before she used her wand to blast the Longbottom boy off of her. Her head was even a little fuzzy after getting hit with a few heavy fists to the face.

Neville's rage cooled when he felt a blast hit his chest and the position was reversed. Neville landed with a thud on the dirt filled hard floor. Neville was seeing spots in his vision from the force of the slam on the floor as Bellatrix got to her feet before standing over him.

Bellatrix didn't expect this boy to put up such a fight. Letting out a cackle Bellatrix put her feet on either side of Neville's downed body with her wand pointed down between his eyes. "Your blood traitor parents would have been proud. I wish they were here so they could watch me end their pathetic bloodline once and for all. If I had time I might even turn you mad like them so you can all be together in Saint Mungo's but alas you are going to die here."

Neville knew it was over but he couldn't help but have a smile on his face from the sight of Bellatrix's nose pouring blood from his punches. His vision had cleared enough he quickly looked to his right to see if his wand was within arms reach. He didn't know where his wand was but he hoped it landed near them.

"Die blood traitor Avada-" Bellatrix said as the tip of her wand glowed pale green. Within a second Neville saw a flash of silver near his right hand and instinctively he reached out to grab it. Not knowing what it was he just felt his hand grip a handle and with a quick pull he realized it was a sword. Bringing his new sword across his body it easily cleaved Bellatrix's wand arm in two. Before he knew it he felt a spray of warm blood as he saw the sword pass through her forearm. His whole front was covered with a warm spray of blood.

Bellatrix was in shock as she lost all feeling in her right arm. A second ago she was about to finish casting the killing curse and now she was clutching a bloody stump as blinding pain struck her body. Unable to think of anything besides the pain she just kept stumbling back until her back was against one of the big boulders. 'How could this happen?' She just kept thinking in shock.

Neville loved seeing that look of fear in the witch's eyes. She had tortured his parents and now she was on the other end. Feeling the terror and the fear that came with being at someone else's mercy. Not that there would be any mercy from him. Getting to his feet with the sword in his hand Neville smiled as he stalked closer to his prey.

Bellatrix wanted to flee but she couldn't apparate here. She didn't have her wand on her so there was nothing she could do to flee. There was also a burning going from her bloody stump to her chest. "The dark lord will avenge me." Bellatrix madly proclaimed.

Neville saw Harry die so that might have very well been a probability but this made everything worth it. "This is for my mum and dad." Gripping the handle of the sword in both hands at a downward angle Neville brought his hands as high as they would go before bringing the sword down. With a deep plunge Neville sheathed the sword right through the chest of Bellatrix Lestrange ending her reign of terror forever.

Bellatrix let out one last pain filled scream as she felt the blade puncture her lung. She then felt the blood start to fill her lungs as she felt like she was drowning. With pained gasps she tried to catch her breath to no avail. The burning pain coursing through her veins was now too strong and she felt life leave her body quicker as the pain took over.

Neville watched the light leave her eyes as the witch drew her last painfilled breath. When he knew she was dead he finally breathed a sigh of relief. With a groan pulled the sword from Bellatrix's body before just crumpling to knees with tears streaming down his face. He didn't know why he was crying because he had never felt so happy about anything before. All he knew was that his tears wouldn't stop. Letting the sword fall from his hands he nearly just curled up in a ball but he felt a hand on his back. Looking up he saw that it was Moody. "Get up lad. You did good."

Neville took a few stumbled tries to get to his feet with all of his energy being sapped from him. He had trained hard in the F.C but it was nothing like the real thing. The stakes were very different when your life was on the line and you were doing everything to stay alive. 'Thank you Harry for giving me the strength to do this.' Neville thought.

Looking down on the ground he picked up the sword and Bellatrix's severed arm. With a little struggle he managed to pry her curved rigid wand from her cold dead hand. He wanted it as a trophy to present to his grandmother. She had always told him he was weak and wasn't half the man his father was. This was going to be his way to show her she was wrong.

Moody patted Neville on the back in praise. When he came over to help the boy out he was too far away to see anything but heard the scream from Bellatrix. When he came upon the scene he saw that the boy had driven the sword through her chest. Moody couldn't be happier the bitch was dead. She had given him more than a few scars and had killed many of his friends.

Now here was a fifth year student who did what no one else could, which was finally ending her life. It was better for the world Bellatrix Lestrange was no more. Moody only regretted he couldn't have done it himself.