
Harry Potter and lust

This not my book it someone I only post

Nameless345 · Bücher und Literatur
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58 Chs

Chapter 3

Desiree: 30 year old Salma Hayek

Hermione: Emma Watson


Desiree woke up first on the big day and for over an hour she just stared at her master sleeping. Not wanting to take him for granted and if something bad happened today she wanted to enjoy all the time she had with him. As she stroked his mop of black hair like a cat she saw that his cock was slowly filling back up. 'Master will be up soon.'

As Harry came to, he felt like he was floating on a cloud. His hands started to search for what was stroking his hair and he found his genie's hands. "How much time do I have?" He knew the task started right after breakfast but it still felt like it was early. If he was to die today he wanted to enjoy all the time he had left. He was fighting a dragon after all.

Desiree felt bad for her master. He looked stressed and he was extremely fitful last night. "We have an hour until breakfast. I would suggest you take a shower before then."

Harry pouted now feeling his cock fully engorged with blood demanding release. "I know you said no sex but I can't leave like this." While he could just demand her to service him he did respect her wishes. If he had to he could take care of it himself but he would much prefer Desiree to take care of it.

Desiree saw his monstrous cock and knew he was right. While he should save everything for his crush he did need a little relief. "I can give you a handjob but that is it. When you cum you better get ready for your task." Over her thousands of years she had mastered the art of a good handjob and knew it would only take a minute and be good enough to start the day. While she wouldn't mind using her mouth, her hand felt more appropriate in this situation.

Harry just nodded and watched as her brown hand went from his head to wrapping around his impressive girth. With a simple twist of her hand all the way up to the tip he felt a few drops of precum start leaking out. Her hand swiped the few drops of lube over the head of his cock before stroking him all the way to the base. At first she started slowly until he started lightly bucking his hips. From there she sped up until moans started flowing out of his mouth.

Harry had wanked off before but even his hand didn't feel this good. Hers was softer than his and had so much more experience. "Master don't hold back cum whenever you feel like it." As she said that more precum started to leak out so she added, "Cum master."

Harry's hips shot off the bed as ropes and ropes of spunk shot out of his cock and landed on his stomach. The second he came, that was the last second her hand was touching his cock. As she pulled her hand back she used her index finger to swipe up a dollop of cum and bring it to her mouth. This wasn't done for Harry's benefit since he still had his eyes closed while coming down from a quick and dirty orgasm.

Desiree sucked his seed off her finger as a prize for a job well done. It pained her to have wasted all of his seed since she would have much rather have had it all dumped down her throat. "Okay master, clean yourself up and go have a light breakfast. I will be in my bottle so you aren't distracted." She knew if she remained in her physical form he might extend his shower or be unable to resist and wish for something to relieve him.

Harry saw Desiree turn into green smoke and flow into the bottle tattoo in his arm. Even though he was the master he knew she was right. Harry swipped his wand off the end table and casted a cleaning charm on his stomach before thinking about the room having a shower. The room started to morph and a shower appeared in the corner of the room. As Harry was already naked he just walked over and turned it on. The warm water started to rain down on his tired but relaxed body.

As minutes passed in the shower he got into the zone. All he thought about was surviving and doing whatever it takes to survive. He didn't care about points or the competition. All he had to do was take care of himself and everything would be okay.

Before the task

Breakfast was uneventful but he had gotten there early and quickly ate before anyone else joined him. He wanted no distractions before the task. As such he was the first in the tent waiting for the other competitors and officials to show up.

Slowly the others started to pour in. First was Fleur and last was Cedric all of which looked a little nervous showing they already knew what they were facing.


Harry looked to the empty corner of the tent where the sound came from and saw Hermione peeking her head around the corner. It was obvious she was trying to get his attention so he walked over and covered them up with the flap of the tent. "Come to wish me good luck?" The comment was innocent enough but in his mind he had an image of her on her knees looking up at him with her soft brown eyes as she sucked him to completion.

Hermione blushed as Harry smiled at her, "Of course Harry. I wanted to talk to you this morning but I couldn't find you." She waited in the common room hoping he would come back. Then she checked the Great Hall hoping to find him there but no one seemed to know where he was. Finally she just decided to find him at the one spot where she knew he would be. Taking a deep breath she had to steady herself before saying, "I believe in you Harry. I know you can do this." Hermione couldn't bear to see something happen to her best friend.

Harry took a step closer and was tempted to just lunge forward and kiss her. Knowing she had faith in him felt like a boost of energy. "Thanks Hermione. I think I can do this." Part of him believed the words coming out of his own mouth.

Her hand instinctively shot to his arm, "No you will do this Harry."

Harry saw this as a chance to set the stage for tonight. "If I do this, how about we have our own little victory party tonight alone." For a second he saw a shiver race through her spine at his suggestion which let him know she was on the same page.

Hermione's mind went to a dirty place but she quickly reigned herself in. She had to remind herself they were friends and he didn't see her that way. "Of course Harry." She then embraced him, pressing her entire body into his. As they hugged each other she felt his loins stirring. His groin was pressed against her stomach and she felt a certain piece of anatomy get excited. She had no doubt her face was beat red now. 'Does he think of me that way?'

Before they could say another word they shot away from each other as the flap of the tent was ripped away and a camera flash went off. When Harry saw it was Rita Skeeter he wanted to draw his wand. She had humiliated him after the wand weighing ceremony. She wrote lies and made him seem like a complete nutter. "Ah young love."

'Master not now.' Desiree spoke through their link knowing that he was thinking about revenge of the sexual kind. Even though her master had a clear disdain for this woman she was attractive. She was a little older but had a cute enough face with a tight little body for a woman her age. Her master's mind was drawn to her red lipstick and the thought of smearing it all over his cock in revenge.

Harry felt his mind get carried away and quickly wished. 'I wish I can't get an erection until the task is over.' The last thing he needed was to face a dragon with an erection.

Desiree quickly granted that wish since the camera was still trained on him and the last thing he needed was his trouser snake to be on the front page of the paper tomorrow.

Crouch spoke up, "Gather up champions." Harry walked away from Hermione and Rita and joined the other champions in a circle around crouch who was holding a small pouch.

"Champions, your first task will be to retrieve a golden egg from a nesting mother dragon." There were gasps around the room and even from a few champions who were acting surprised. Harry had seen the fake shock written all over the French champion's attractive face. "I want each of you to reach into the bag and pick what dragon you will be facing and what order you will be going in." Crouch finished.

Harry watched as the other champions picked their dragons as the bag slowly made its way to him. After Krum picked the Chinese Fireball he had to reach into the bag for the last dragon left which also happened to be the most dangerous. "Of course." Was all Harry said as he revealed to the tent that he picked the Hungarian Horntail. 'Why can't I catch a break? If I didn't have Desiree I would be convinced fate is trying to make me suffer as much as possible.'

Crouch threw the empty bag away before clapping his hands, "Excellent. You all have your assignments so Mr. Digory will be starting us off when the first cannon goes off in five minutes." With that he cleared the tent to go to the judges box and wait for the task to start.

Harry decided to throw his feet up on a couch and wait for his turn. 'Benefit of not going first is to see how the others do.' All he knew was that he was going to take the kid gloves off. He didn't exactly know what he was going to do but it was going to be lethal.

Through the link he heard Desiree say, 'That French champion looks like she can handle herself.' As Desiree spoke Fleur bent over and tied her shoes extra tight so they wouldn't come undone during the task. The last thing you needed was to trip and make a fool of yourself the moment before the dragon cremated you.

Harry had noticed Fleur's beauty but didn't act like all of the other drooling idiots in the school. 'I might need your help with her.' He still didn't feel confident enough to think he didn't need his genie's help to pull girls.

Desiree gave a wicked laugh through the link. 'The one track mind of a teenage boy. Focus on the dragon and not a tight French ass. You can't fuck your way out of fighting a dragon.' Good thing he wished for no erection until the task was over because there would be no way of hiding it the dirtier his mind became with images of shagging Fleur like he would Desiree.

Harry knew Desiree was right and just closed his eyes and listened to the crowd noise as Cedric started the task. The cheers and gasps let him know it wasn't one sided so Cedric was putting up a good fight against the dragon. Desiree said, 'Let's see how pretty boy does.' Harry looked towards Desiree wondering if she meant it about Cedric being pretty.

It was almost half an hour until Cedric had finished the task and when Cedric walked back into the tent the golden egg was in his arms and he simply collapsed two steps into the tent. Madam Pomfrey rushed over to check him out. After a couple wand waves she told a Ministry official that it was magical exhaustion mixed with a little overheating from being near the intense heat of a dragon's flames.

Fleur was next, having drawn the Welsh Green Dragon. She seemed a lot more confident as she walked out to face her dragon. Being a Veela she was a creature of fire at least that was the rumor. Within moments of her walking out he heard the most wonderful singing which he imagined was to try and lullaby the dragon to sleep. She was done much quicker at around fifteen minutes before she walked in with her egg.

Harry noticed that her skirt was a little charred showing how close the dragon came to roasting her. Once she was checked over by Madam Pomfrey the contest continued with Krum going in next. Harry didn't know where it came from but he felt a small amount of jealousy for Krum. Maybe it was the successful Quidditch career or the fact he was the favorite to win this entire thing even by his ex friend Ron. He couldn't help himself which left him stewing inside the tent hoping that he could show him up in this task. It didn't help that half the school was wearing pins saying he stinks.

There was one final cheer when Harry assumed Krum finished his task. It was louder than the rest then within a minute Krum was walking through the tent flaps almost spinning the egg in his hands. Every reporter and guest in the room rushed over to Krum badgering him about his safety or what he did to complete the task. Harry just silently got off the couch and pulled his wand from his pocket before relaxing his shoulders. In his ear he heard Desiree. 'Do what you need to master.'

Harry heard the whine and genuine concern in her voice which made him respond. 'I won't leave you behind. There is still so much for us to do.' Harry had only used her powers a couple times and he had told himself that by the end of the year at least half of the girls in this school will feel the benefit of them.

Desiree purred through their link, 'Of course master. I have yet to show you everything I can do and trust me when I say you haven't seen anything yet.' Harry had only been her master for a couple days and it wasn't nearly enough time to fully showcase her skills. While he had taken control of all her holes there was still so much to learn.

Harry laughed back through the link as he walked out into the arena as his name was announced. While he didn't get the pop Krum received he did get more cheers than Cedric and Fleur. Harry just smiled and waved at some of the fans that were from the outside world. His fame seemed to be working a little in his favor here. Looking through the stands he saw the Slytherin stands were the only ones not clapping or cheering instead just sitting there stone faced. 'Wankers.' Harry thought to himself.

An earth rumbling roar snapped Harry out of his little entrance. Looking at his opponent he saw that the dragon was already itching to kill him. It's neck was strained against the thick iron collar that was chained to the arena floor. While Harry didn't see what the other dragons looked like in the arena he imagined this one was the most terrifying. Which meant he couldn't play around and that he was going to have to use lethal force right away and not toy with him. He couldn't sing it to sleep or sneak around no he was going to face this head on.

"Begin!" Crouch said through a sonorous charm. The moment he was done the cannon went off which was the official sign that the task had started.

Harry had to fight a smile from spreading across his face as he felt every camera and eye on him. He had to school his features to look carefree and almost casual because of what he had planned. Pointing his wand at the ground Harry started to push his magic into his wand and with one upswept arc he ended the task.

As his wand raced up 180 a row of very sharp rock spikes started coming out of the ground. Transfiguring the arena floor into a weapon sharp enough to pierce dragon hide. The rock spikes shot up until they reached the dragon and three shot up through the bottom of the dragon. The first spike went through the bottom of the dragon's jaw. The second one went through the brain and the third went through the neck. It was so sudden and unexpected the dragon didn't even have time to let out a final death wail. The crowd had also gone silent as Harry walked to retrieve the golden egg. The arena was dead silent and you could have heard a pin drop as everyone was speechless at what they just saw. The only sounds people heard were Harry's shoes hitting the hard stone arena floor.

Once Harry picked up the egg and made his way back to the entrance the noise started to come back. The resulting cheers were almost deafening as people chanted his name.

Walking back into the tent he could see the other champions looking at him like a ghost. They all took at least fifteen minutes to complete the task while he took all of two minutes. Before anyone said anything Madam Pomfrey rushed over to him but he just waved her off telling her that the dragon didn't touch him. In fact he didn't even break a sweat.

After a moment of waiting all the champions were called back to the arena to receive their scores. The judges started in order of appearance and gave Cedric a twenty. Dumbledore gave him the highest score of six but the other schools nor Crouch were very impressed. Fleur received a thirty two which she looked a little miffed about. He wasn't stupid enough to miss the sympathetic look her Headmistress gave her. Krum received a thirty seven with his Headmaster giving him a perfect score.

Finally when it made its way around to Harry the crowd exploded again and Harry waved to the fans and he didn't miss the frustrated look on the other champions faces. As the judges went down the line he had a perfect score from Crouch and a near perfect score from Dumbledore but the others gave him sevens and that left him three behind Krum for the top spot. That resulted in boos and beers from the crowd who had their very strong opinion on who won. Crouch just dismissed the crowd and told them the date of the next task not wanting to make the situation any worse.

Before Harry could leave the arena the three champions surrounded him and pointed to the impaled dragon in the other end of the arena. They all had a million questions and wanted to know what spell he used. Harry enjoyed their disbelief in his ability and just smiled and walked away letting the results speak for themselves. Now they knew he was serious and the most dangerous competitor. He did his best to exude dangerous confidence while inside he was endlessly thanking Desiree for making this possible.

Gryffindor common room

As much as Harry wanted to go back to the Room of Requirement for some alone time with Desiree he had another special someone that needed his attention. It amused him how quickly his house had changed their mind about him. Two days ago they would scowl and whisper behind his back but now they were cheering for him and acting like anything was ever wrong. Harry played his part of acting like nothing was wrong but he did so just because of Hermione.

During his victory party his hand never left hers and he kept her close and constantly whispered in her ears that she deserved all the credit for believing in him and making sure he didn't slack off in his school work. Hermione was happy for the attention but she did have flashes of anger when all the attractive Gryffindor girls came over to congratulate him. Lavender being the most egregious. She hugged him and was sure to press her massive bimbo tits into his chest as she kissed his cheek before whispering in his ear, "How about I throw you a special party of my own."

Harry didn't turn her down and instead whispered back, "Maybe later." Other than that he kept his attention on Hermione which was hard when his Quidditch teammates came over and indirectly told him that they wanted to fuck him. If Harry didn't have his heart set on Hermione right now he would have gladly snuck away with the triplets and shagged them all night long. That proposition even had Desiree talking and in his head he heard, 'If those three are that comfortable to approach you like that I bet they have done it before. You have some real sluts at this school.' None of which she had a problem with in fact it would work in her master's favor later.

Harry just agreed as he talked to his housemates until the party started to unwind around ten. Once people were a little tipsy from the smuggled alcohol Harry dragged Hermione away. She asked where they were going but Harry didn't tell her instead he brought her to the old defense against the dark arts classrooms.

When they were inside and Harry casted a layer of privacy charms he kissed Hermione full on the lips. At first her hands went to his chest to push away but within seconds her hands went around his neck and she pulled him deeper. When she did that he pushed his tongue into her mouth and tasted his best friend's mouth. On her tongue he could taste the two butterbeers she had at his party. Starting out she was shy with her tongue but soon fell deeper and deeper.

The kiss eventually came to an end when they had to break apart for air. Both of them were panting and gulping down air clearly letting their passion get away from them. Before Hermione could say anything else Harry rested his hands on her hips before lifting her off the ground and setting her onto a desk and grinding his clothed erection against her clothed mound.

Hermione didn't expect things to move this fast. Kissing was one thing but sex was another. "Harry, wait. We are friends." Her voice was almost shrill as she felt him grind a big bulge against her damp center.

Harry didn't stop grinding but stopped his hands from pushing up her skirt and ripping her knickers off. "Yes we can, Hermione. I almost died today and the only thing that got me through it was you." It might have been an exaggeration even though he did have a love for Hermione.

Hermione was stuck between a rock and a hard place. "Harry, if we do this it will change us forever." She didn't want to lose Harry or have him be weird around her just because they had sex. This was actually the first time she even saw anything sexual from Harry. For her this meant a lot and since she hadn't seen Harry show interest in other girls it must have meant a lot to him too. Being a virgin she was scared but looking into her friends eyes took away her fear.

Harry kissed Hermione again before bringing his hand to stroke her face. "No it won't. I have always had feelings for you and there is nothing I want more than this." As he talked he was still and was happy to feel that she was rubbing her hips in tiny circles to get some minor stimulation.

Hermione blushed and nodded, "Okay just be gentle okay." She felt a little bit of his bulge and she could tell that he had a good sized penis and that it was bigger than the dildos she conjured in bed this year. She didn't like it when her lust overridden her logic and since sharing that ride on the hippogriff she had it happen often.

Harry unbuckled his trousers and let them hit the ground along with his boxers. Now with his cock free to the world he did the same to Hermione. He was happy to see that she was shaven and looked like she was ready for his massive cock. The glistening between her flower petals let him know that she was turned on. Gripping his cock in one hand he laid it on top of her smooth pussy before slapping it down on her clit a few times.

Hermione made the mistake of looking down to see Harry's cock and was now feeling a little faint. He was simply massive and hung like a horse. She was a virgin and while she didn't have her hymen anymore it didn't mean that it still wouldn't hurt. The biggest dildo she had ever used before had been six inches. "Harry." She said in a shaky voice.

Harry could see her eyes get as wide as dinner plates getting the first unimpeded view of his cock. "Don't be scared, Hermione, it will fit and I will go slow." Having plenty of practice he didn't need to rush it.

Hermione knew it would fit but that didn't mean it wouldn't hurt. Since she grew up muggle, she had seen porn before and had seen girl's take cocks this big. While some girls looked like the luckiest girls on the planet, some closed their eyes and grit their teeth as the man stretched them to their limits. She wondered which one she would be. "Just go slow Harry."

Harry knew she was placing all of her trust in him and he didn't want to break it. "Of course Hermione." As he talked he rubbed his knob against her dripping slit before pushing into his oldest friend. He loved that her moans were immediate and loud. "You sound so cute."

Hermione had never felt anything like this before. She was expecting more pain or strain as he pushed in but every inch deeper made her see stars. Due to her arousal it was easy for him to keep sliding deeper and deeper until she felt every inch inside of her. The last three inches it was like she felt organs inside of her shift around the giant intruder. Pulling her blouse up he felt her stomach and could almost feel the outline of his cock deep inside her. Looking up into Harry's green eyes she was at a loss of words.

Harry couldn't stop his cock from twitching or the orgasm that was threatening to rip through him. Most of the heavy lifting was being done by the fact he was with Hermione. "I'm not going to last long, Hermione. Can I cum inside you?"

Hermione shouldn't be surprised that a boy wouldn't last long. Thankfully there were no consequences if he let loose his seed inside of her. "Cum in me. Students can't get pregnant while at school." One of the benefits of reading Hogwarts: A History was that it said students were unable to get pregnant because the elves sprinkled anti pregnancy potion into their food.

Harry gave her a couple good pumps before he felt his balls contract before he shot a couple good sized ropes of cum inside her wet and warm pussy. "Sorry." Harry said a little embarrassed he was such a quick shot. When he fucked Pansy's ass he didn't cum this quick.

Hermione put her hand around Harry's neck and pulled him down for another long kiss before she let him go. "We have all night. Whenever you are ready then so am I." She thought that might be sooner rather than later given that she neeve felt his cock wilt. Even though her pussy was flooded with warm cum his cock never lost its stiffness.

Harry pulled back until just the head was just inside of her before he thrust back in and made her eyes roll into the back of her head. He also felt her pussy quiver around him. Seeing how she responded to his long and deep thrusts he repeated the action over and over. Hermione responded better than he ever could imagine.

Hermione almost felt her eyes cross as her vision went blurry as Harry kept slamming back into her. The way she was being forced to take every inch as hard as possible was making her legs shake. In an effort to make him go even deeper she brought her legs up and she gripped her legs under the knees. In this position she hoped he could reach even deeper. 'it is such a shameful position to be in but this feels so good.'

"Fuck yes Hermione keep spreading your legs for me." As he kept fucking her as deep as he could not being able to get enough of her body and without asking he ripped open her blouse. Her buttons popped off hitting the ground with tiny little clacks against the stone floor. He was shocked to see Hermione was wearing no bra. He didn't know how she hid that and no one saw her nipples poking through the fabric. While they weren't as big as Desiree's they were respectable for a girl her age. If he had to guess she might be a C cup by the time she stopped growing. "Do you like having your tits played with Hermione?"

Hermione just nodded when she had alone time she learned the harder she played with her nipples the harder she came. "Pinch them or pull them I don't care just don't stop fucking me." Harry was such an intense lover she was losing it more and more with every new discovery. Harry pinched her right nipple and he felt her pussy clamp down on his cock. She wailed as she came on his cock. "Harry!"

Her wet and wild orgasm made Harry lose control also and for the second time he came inside her pussy. Shooting cum even deeper in her womb claiming it as his. "You feel that Hermione? Who's pussy is this?"

Hermione knew what he wanted to hear and had no problem saying it. "It's yours. My pussy is yours." She couldn't deny him. His cock was perfect and made her feel things sexually that she had never felt before. In her two years of self pleasure she had never cum like she did today.

Harry took his hands away from her breasts and brought them to her nice and firm bubble butt. "I won't claim this today but this ass is mine also." He saw a little panic and fear flash through his friends eyes. Within a second he pulled his cock out of her pussy and flipped her over so she was now bent over the desk. As he did this he heard her rambling and begging him not to fuck her there. He could tell she was afraid of his size but he had something different in mind.

Hermione gripped the edges of the desk as she feared his mighty spear stretching her virgin ass until he tore it in two. He barely fit in her pussy now he wanted her ass. Instead of his cock she felt a wet tongue tracing the outside of her crinkled asshole. Before she could beg him to stop she felt his tongue actually penetrate her hole. "Ahhh noooo." She said, embarrassed that he was putting his mouth there.

Before Harry started eating out Hermione's most private place he wished that any girl that he had sex with was prepped for anal just in case. Now he had no fear shoving his tongue as deep in Hermione as he could. As he spread her cheeks wide open he tried to reach around and stroke her clit. Desiree had taught him sometimes a tongue was better than a cock for some girls and it was a safer bet. The fact Hermione was pushing back into his face showed him she loved what he was doing.

Hermione had to bite her lip so hard she drew blood to keep quiet so she didn't let it slip how much she was enjoying this. His tongue simply felt divine and something she didn't know she needed. 'I am going to be like those muggles in my dad's porno films that beg for a cock in the ass.' That was a line she never thought she would cross. Even alone she hadn't even tried to insert a toy there.

Desiree had been watching her master please his long time crush and admired the job he was doing. There were no mistakes and he had done everything he could to make this as enjoyable as he could for her. He even planned to give her time to practice anal on her own instead of forcing her like Pansy. While he didn't force her exactly Desiree didn't help by bringing her ass into it with the beads.

The more Harry ate Hermione's ass the more she started to let on how much she enjoyed it. Around minute six he felt her entire body shake again as she came all over the desk. Pulling his head out of her cheeks he saw that their cum was running down the side of the desk. "Such a naughty student Hermione. You made a mess all down the desk."

Hermione didn't respond, instead she was a little numb from all of her orgasms. If nearly dying made them come to their senses and finally let this happen they were both happy for it. Inside she was scolding herself for being such a slut. 'Only dirty girls like having their asses played with like that.'

Harry was hard again after eating Hermione's ass and thinking about taking her anal cherry. Other than her ass there was still one hole he had yet to have. Getting to his feet he grinded his cock in the crack of her ass. "Do you want to be a good girl and clean up your mess or do you want to be a bad girl and have me make more of a mess?"

Hermione wanted to be a good girl, "I'm a good girl." Before she knew it Harry had pulled her to her feet before pushing her to her knees bringing her face to face with his glistening cock that had been in her pussy. Knowing what he wanted her jaw dropped and she braced herself.

Harry threaded his fingers through her hair as he brought her mouth down on him. She was able to take him much farther than he thought she would. With no struggle or choking she was able to take close to seven inches down her pretty little gullet. As expected her throat was a tight fit but she had no problem keeping him there. "That's it. Keep this up and I will cum in no time." While she didn't have Desiree's deep throating abilities she was competent enough to suck an orgasm out of his balls.

Hermione lit up at his words and worked harder sucking his cock. This was her first real cock but she has had practice with her dildos. She usually cleaned them off with her mouth when she was done using them even though she would just vanish them. She didn't mind her own tangy love juices on her toys. It was a little trick her mum taught her when they had the sex talk. Her mum had told her the importance of giving a good blowjob and how to practice. It was also an excellent way of saving your virginity for someone special, but Harry was as special as they came for her.

As she bobbed her head up and down she moaned, sending shocks up his shaft. That talk was after her father told her mother that his porn wasn't where it was supposed to be. Suffice it to say her mother didn't give her the anal talk but she did give her a few pointers to have a fuffiling sex life when the time came.

Harry kept staring into her eyes as she blew him with an astonishing amount of enthusiasm. "So good Hermione you are a good little slut." He saw her eyes narrow at being called a slut. "I meant slut in a good way. There is nothing wrong with being a slut." Inside he was cursing Desiree for getting him so comfortable with saying those kind dirty words to a girl. Desiree had no limits when it came to what he said to her and it was starting to bleed out to his real life.

Hermione didn't like being called a slut but it did give her a small jolt of pleasure. It was like a secret dirty word that she didn't know would excite her. Instead of rising to it she kept blowing Harry. 'This is Harry's first time and he grew up in the muggle world like me so he probably heard it in a porn.'

Minutes went by and with each one the slurping and wet sounds got louder. Hermione had spittle and strands of saliva dripping off her face as she sucked Harry's cock to the best of her ability. Now Harry was almost pulling her hair the more his cock twitched and she knew he was close.

With one final thrust Harry plunged his cock as deep in Hermione's throat as she could and with a loud glurk sound he unleashed his hot load in her throat. "Fuck." There was no other word to capture the feeling of climaxing down a girl's throat. Not to get carried away he pulled back a little so the rest of his cum painted her mouth.

Hermione got her first taste of a boy's cum and it didn't taste as bad as her mum said it would. While it was a little salty there was a tinge of sweetness to it. When she was sure he was done hosing down her mouth she pulled away and licked her lips before showing off her empty mouth. "Am I a good girl now?" She couldn't stop her constant need for approval.

Harry was so turned on if he wanted to he was sure he could have gone another round but his body had hit it's limit. With the task today and the sex he was beat. Before he answered Hermione he noticed that the side of the desk still had their fluids starting to dry on the side of it. Pointing to it he said, "You missed a spot." He almost said it as a joke and what happened next surprised him.

Hermione just nodded and leaned over to lick the side of the desk and clean it up. When it was spotless she bowed her head waiting for his answer. 'Where the fuck did that come from?' Hermione thought to herself as she got carried away.

"You are the best Hermione." Over the course of the night she had gone with everything he wanted. No matter what she was everything he wanted her to be. In his head Desiree popped in and said, 'She is your devoted servant master. She loves you.'

Harry knew she was right. Part of him was unnerved with how serious she took the role of his slut. While part of him liked it, the more logical part told him it wasn't normal. 'This must be part of my previous wish.' Girls were molding themselves into what he wanted and he didn't know how to feel about it yet. Looking down at Hermione he said, "We need to get dressed but can we do this again soon?"

Hermione smiled as she pulled out her wand to repair her clothes, "Of course Harry. I might be sore for a little while but I will tell you as soon as I am ready for more." She could already feel a dull throbbing deep inside her from where Harry's big cock pounded her cervix. Luckily there weren't classes tomorrow so she could have a day to rest before classes started back up on Monday. She was still in a little shock that she just had sex with her best friend and crush. While it was happening it was like a very vivid dream and it was now only setting in.

Harry got dressed also and even gave Hermione another kiss before they went their separate ways. Harry still wanted the privacy of the Room of Requirement. He wanted as much alone time with Desiree as possible. When he was finally alone Desiree appeared about the green smoke coming out of his tattoo. Desiree said, "Well done, master another girl down."

Harry liked to think Hermione was more than just a number. "I don't know how to feel about what happened. Was she only willing to have sex with me because I wanted more." While sex was fun he didn't want to hurt Hermione.

Desiree could see this was the first real dilemma. "Master, you can have both. I know they aren't as popular as they used to be but this is what harems are for. A young and powerful warrior like you isn't supposed to be with just one woman. In fact I would love it if you were more liberal with your wishes. If you want to fuck then there should be no limits to your choices." Desiree was used to master's having their pick of women and she didn't expect this one to be any different.

Harry was still new to the whole genie thing so he didn't know how to act yet. The thought of a large harem interested him as well as any red blooded boy his age. What boy could turn down ultimate sex power? He could have a giant harem and no one could say a word. Now his mind was thinking of Hermione eating out another witch like Lavender. He knew that Desiree saw that through his link. "Okay I wish that all the girls in the world have no problem with me sleeping with any witch I want."

Desiree said, "So you have wished it, so it shall be." She felt the wish working but it was also a wish that had no visible effect. "It is done. Now do you have any other wishes?"

"Yes, I wish I could control my erections and when I can cum." He hated that he came so quickly inside Hermione or that he couldn't keep going. If he could control those two things he figured his sex life was going to get much better.

Desiree repeated her famous words before saying. "I have been waiting for that one. Normally after the first night with me most men wish for semi permanent erections." It was a wish she didn't mind and even without it Harry was above average in the department. She was very proud of him with his work so far but if he could last longer all the better for her.

Harry felt the wish effect him and he planned to test it out tomorrow but now he needed sleep. Getting naked he slid into bed and wished for Desiree to be in her real body. Harry liked using her as a body pillow and bed heater at night. She didn't seem to mind him reaching around and feeling her up while they slept.

Desiree liked sleeping in bed with her master especially if she got to jump him in the morning. She wasn't looking forward to when she wasn't the number one in his life. Once he found his wife and harem she was going to be on rotation. Before then she had better do her best to milk out as much sex as she could.


This chapter was very tough to write. Hermione is harder to write than I thought. I tried to make her not too slutty while in her mind she had a little slut in her that was waiting to come out. Also part of that was his past wish working against her. That will be addressed in future chapters so women don't lose all free will.

I also think other characters are easier to write so she might not appear too much more or be glossed over in favor of other girls. I have a long list of girls I want to get to and I hope I hit all the ones you like. Let me know who you want to see.