
Harry Potter : Ancient Magic

[A Harry Potter fanfiction] Adam is someone who possesses the memories of his other life, now he is in the world of Harry Potter, and is the heir to an ancient and wealthy family. His quest for power and affinity with magic will intertwine with the plot of the main story. Will he go against dumbledore? Unravel the ancient secrets of Hogwarts? Follow Adam as he pursues his own dreams and influence in the world. DISCLAIMER : I do not own any characters other than my OCs. The cover photo is not mine either.

Guryon · Bücher und Literatur
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10 Chs

Hogwarts and Called

At the castle Hagrid handed us over to McGonagall who was waiting at the front. She led us into a small room where she explained about the houses, I heard only over the top as she examined some students I recognized, like Cho Chang.

After explaining everything, McGonagall guided us into the main hall. I looked around curiously, in the movies they did a good job, but it was still impossible to recreate this environment. I must say it was really beautiful, that starry sky and all those floating candles, under the four long tables already with students.

Soon we arrived in front of the podium where there was a stool with an old hat on top.

The Hat sang a song and everyone applauded. Then McGonagall stood to the side and opened a scroll, where she began to call out the names of the new students, they would come up one by one and sit on the stool, then the teacher would put the hat on their heads and they were assigned to their houses.

Some took longer than others, but all in all it didn't take long, and soon it was my turn.

"Adam Davies," she called out.

I walked slowly to the stool and sat down

Fascinating!" I heard the hat say in my mind.

'I know' I joked with him.

No, seriously, kid, you are fascinating, so much ambition and desire for power, as well as a great hunger for knowledge, and a sense of wanting to be above all, master of one's own freedom. What a personality you have there!

I knew myself well, and I knew that the hat made a great read on me, so I was not surprised, not until I heard his next words.

' no wonder the castle chose him.

I widened my eyes and felt my heart beat faster, is he talking about the feeling I felt ?

What do you mean by that?' I asked curiously.

It's not for me to explain, kid. But you are special of this I am sure, after all even after so many years you are the first.''

' now let's see, where should I put it.... slytherin would be nice, yes it would be... So much ambition and desire for power.... but it looks like it won't be, I've never seen a bigger book reader in these thousand years, and you seem to be fine with that, so let it be...'

'' Ravenclaw'' shouted the hat , followed by a round of applause.

I had questions, but he didn't leave me the chance to ask them, I could only search for them myself.

I left the stool still thinking about the words in the hat, and went to the Ravenclaw table, where I was greeted by many hands to shake. The veterans welcomed me and were very welcoming.

There I found out that I spent more time than I imagined on the stool, it was almost five minutes.

I almost pass the famous five minutes... well, never mind.

After that, I focused on watching the rest of the screening, and looking for some acquaintances among the students at the other tables, such as the Weasley twins in Gryffindor, and Cedric Diggory in Hufflepuff.

When I saw the twins, I remembered the map, which was in their possession, I wanted it, but on second thought I decided that I would create my own map, if the rascals could do it, I must be able to do it too.

My eyes lingered a little longer on Cedric, he was smiling and talking to his friends, always greeting each new student who went to Hufflepuff, seeing his appearance so similar to the movie , made me think of the scene in the cemetery, five years from now.

That was one of the questions I asked myself sometimes, would I let these people die? The answer was no. I would prevent everyone I could from dying. I would prevent everyone I could from dying, and if necessary, I would fight the war alone to prevent casualties.

When the screening was over, McGonagall went to her seat at the faculty table. Following her my eyes went over everyone at the table.

Hagrid was drinking from a large goblet. Flitwick the half goblin looked cheerful, smiling at McGonagall who had just sat down. Snape had a serious face, all dressed in black, his appearance was that of one who had few friends.

There was a chubby woman I identified as Sprout, the Herbology teacher. Madame Pomfrey, the school healer, among other teachers I didn't know, but there was one more I examined, was a smiling man, whom I hardly recognized without his turban. Professor Quirinus Quirrell.


The voice of dumbledore woke me up, I looked at the unmistakable old man with the long white beard and crooked nose who was giving the opening speech.

'The famous Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts, and greatest witch of his time, among other titles, besides of course master of the board that was the main plot.' I thought

I respected him, as a witch. After all, he was the greatest of his time, his accomplishments spoke for themselves.

But I would not be manipulated. I hope he doesn't mind having one more master on that board.

Soon Dumbledore finished his speech and started the banquet. I ate a little bit of everything that seemed good to me, since I started this intense training, my appetite has increased, making me eat a lot.

After the banquet was over, Dumbledore again stood up and announced some rules and reminders, the main ones were that the Forbidden Forest was well ... how should I say, forbidden ? I always thought that the name was self explanatory, besides I wondered why there was no protection preventing students from entering ?

He also reminded us not to use magic in the corridors, and talked about the quadribol test, which would take place on Monday.

After that we were guided by the monitors to the Ravenclaw tower.

On the way, I noticed the school's famous staircase, and the many paintings that moved, some of them compressing us as we passed.

We soon reached the entrance to the Ravenclaw communal hall, where the eagle-shaped Aldrava did the riddle, which was the password to enter.

I watched the Monitor respond while thinking that it was not a very good method of protection. Anyone who is smart and thinks a little outside the box could answer the questions.

The communal room was very spacious, with the beautiful statue of Rowena Ravenclaw, the exclusive library of the house. As well as the beautiful starry sky, the beautiful blue curtains and carpets. I approached a window and observed the beautiful view that the tower provides.

The monitor gave a brief explanation about the rooms, saying that each of us would have an individual room. Before we all went to our rooms, he gave us a hint to make the most of the library, since some books change every week, and were chosen by Professor Flitwick himself.

Then everyone went to their own rooms, when I got to mine and confirmed that everything in the suitcase was correct, I went to take a shower and change into something more comfortable.

It had been a day full of emotions, and I was tired, which strangely improved after I took a shower.

I lay in bed, but I couldn't sleep, now that the ceremony has come to an end and I have time to think about everything that happened, I can no longer ignore this sense of calling that I am feeling, that and the phrase that the hat said.

The castle chose me ? what did he mean by that? I had questions, and I knew that the only way to get answers was to investigate at the source, to follow that sense of calling.

I waited for the time to pass and only when it got late at night did I leave my room, it was only the first day and I was going to break the rules. I felt almost like a Gryffindor.

Before leaving I cast a spell of disillusionment over myself, and a muffler of footsteps.Camouflaging myself in the silent night.

The castle was utterly silent, without the footstep muffler I would be like a walking rule-breaker warning.

Following the call, my steps took me to the seventh floor. Now that I was in front of a specific hallway on the seventh floor I knew where I was going, the precise room.

What kind of place will I find?' I asked myself as I remembered how the room worked.

Providing what the wizard needed most at that moment. I already had plans to use the precise room during my years at Hogwarts, but I didn't expect it would be so soon.

I did as I knew how and walked down the hallway three times, what did I ask ? To reach the one calling me, I knew she could feel my desire, and as I expected, on the third turn, a door appeared.