
Harry Potter: An Exception Side Character

Note :- This is my first time writing a HP fanfiction. This is a story not about a dark lord or he wants to become an all powerful wizard or will he will have ever girl out there and create a harem,No he just wants to grow up to be very strong and survive the impending war with all of his loved ones and friends still alive and happy. Disclaimer:- i do not own any related to Harry Potter they belong to their respective owners. Note:- Mc x Daphne Greengass

Soulderean · Bücher und Literatur
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30 Chs

The New Golden Trio

As always, this is the fabled day where the adventures of the golden trio begin, and like every year on this day, every problem starts. Finally, Halloween is coming, so I'm going to have a bit of fun. I charmed the floating pumpkin to drop on someone's head and be stuck there for an hour, along with a few more pranks here and there. I now understand why the Weasley twins keep doing it – the thrill of successfully pranking someone is exhilarating.

Today is the day Hermione is supposed to get badly mouthed by Ron, and she was supposed to cry in the bathroom stall. A troll was supposed to attack, and Harry and Ron were supposed to save Hermione from the troll. Finally, the Golden Trio was supposed to form. But something odd happened – after the classes where Ron made fun of Hermione, Harry, Neville and suprisingly Seamus, and Dean all stood up for her and defended her. Ron was embarrassed and ran away while crying.

Now, they are all sitting at their table enjoying the Halloween feast when Quirrell opens the door and keeps on screaming, "TROLL!! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!!" The audacity of this guy he drops unconscious, causing mass panic. Dumbledore rises and says, "SILENCE. Prefects of the respective houses will guide the children to their dormitory, and the teachers will follow me to the dungeons."

The next day was chaos because when the Gryffindors were being taken to their dormitory, the troll attacked them. Percy, being a coward, tried to run away, and Harry, Hermione, and Neville used a levitating charm to knock the club out the trolls hand and a few seventh years rushed forward and knocked out the troll. Percy's reputation went down the drain for his cowardly actions, but the Golden Trio was formed, this time with Harry, Neville, and Hermione.

This Golden Trio is excellent. Hermione is not bossy and thinks outside the textbook, Neville is more confident, and Harry is also a lot smarter and is a bit less reckless. Overall, a good team that might not even need any assistance.

I also did something nice, like taking the dragon egg from Quirrell before it got into Hagrid's hands. With Lammy's help, I sent the dragon to the dragon farm where Charlie works. The farm is owned by Daphne, and we watched the dragon hatch. Daphne acted like its mother, and she was devastated when I sent the baby dragon away.

I was waiting for Quirrellmort to attack any of the unicorns, as I previously tried to warn them about a possible attack on them. I'm currently right where the unicorns are, and the bastard came, picked up one of the younger ones, and ran away before I could do anything. I managed to reach him and attack him and a few arrows also flew past me and hit him I was wearing a black cloak and white mask. He had to flee. I sensed for any presence nearby, healed the unicorn completely, and took her towards the deeper end of the forest where centaurs found me.

"What could you be doing here, blessed one?" I was scared a bit but sighed in relief when I saw them lowering their bows. "Well, I was trying to save the unicorn from that thing, but they didn't listen, and this one got captured and was almost killed. But I healed her." The centaurs then looked at me and the unicorn and said, "Many thanks, blessed one. We will take the young unicorn to its rightful place." I thanked them, and they explained, "You saved a poor soul from harm and stopped that thing from committing one of the most blasphemous acts in nature. You saved this place from falling from the grace of magic, as the place where unicorn blood spills, especially this place, tragedy is bound to unfold."

After the talk with the centaurs, I walked towards the castle, still invisible, thinking about what had happened.

I received a message from Daphne through ML.

Daphne:{ Where are you?}

Solaris:{Near the Forbidden Forest.}

Daphne :{Stay there; I am coming.}

I sighed, hoping the pudding hack works. Suddenly, I noticed something behind me – it was the little unicorn I had saved. It had followed me all the way here. I kneeled to its height and said, "Why are you here? Did you just follow me?" It nodded in understanding, and I started petting it. Daphne arrived, sat beside me, and said, "Where did you get such a beautiful girl?" as she started petting the little unicorn. I looked at her and said, "Well, you see, I have quite the luck with beautiful girls. But I think I used up all of my luck getting you, and this beautiful little thing followed me on her own."

She just looked at me, and her smile was so sweet. I know I was the only one who has seen her smile so beautifully. I am very happy but also kind of sad that I will be the only person to whom she shows her true self, and only I will know her for the cold demeanor. Nobody else would ever see the loving side of her, and I am worried how people will treat her. Even her parents don't know this side of her until I told her to be more expressive about herself. She started to open up a bit but still a bit cold towards her parents, as she was practically about to be sold to another pureblood family due to a ridiculous debt. Due to our influence and pressuring the board, the debt was canceled. That family would never try anything as they won't be functional any more like crippling the financial ventures destroying their reputation over the years and turning them into a fallen house it may be cruel, but that's who we are, and we know how to deal with unsavory elements. She is also glad about that incident, as she said it was life-changing, literally. Anyway, she does show some emotions to our family but only freely shows her emotions and her vulnerable side only to me. I am glad I can make her feel safe. She turns to me and asks, "What?" I ask, "What what?" She said, "Why are you looking at me like that? Are you thinking about something else?" I shake my head and said, "Nothing. I can't think about anything else other than you because you are quite literally in my mind connected." She laughs and asks, "Have you thought of a name for her?" I said, "No, but you can give her one." She thinks a bit and says, "Druella, your name shall be Druella. Did you like it?" Druella nodded in agreement. We played with her for a bit, and she went on her own way. Daphne and I went towards our room, which is now the Room of Requirement.

Finally, winter vacation came, and I am going to meet my siblings. Yes, plural because that's the only thing I got and nothing else, not even their gender. After a constant barrage of letters, the only thing they said is they had twins and nothing else, so I am very excited to go home. Daphne and Astoria are going to spend their holidays with us because her family has gone to the U.S. So for now, both of them are at our house.

We finally arrived at the station. We had a bit of talk in our compartment with Tracy and Blaise. I didn't even wait for everyone to get up. I said goodbye to both of them and went towards the Apparition point called Lammy. Finally, I arrived at our castle.

As soon as I arrived, Levvy, our head house elf (Lammy's mother, apparently), came and welcomed us. She took our luggage to our rooms, and we finally arrived in the nursery room where I see my mom and grandma were sitting. I said, "So show me my siblings," as I walked towards my mother. Daphne greeted my grandmother and then approached me. I was looking in the crib, and I see two very cute and adorable babies. Both had green eyes, but the boy had golden blonde hair like Mom, and the girl has brown hair like Dad.

I turned to my mom and asked, "What's their names?" My mom smiled and said, "The boy's name is Everett, and the girl is Eleanor." I tried to pick them up, but Daphne stopped me and said, "Don't pick them up like that. Wait, I am showing you." She showed me how to pick them up. I picked up Eleanor, and she picked up Everett. For some reason, both of them were very interested in Daphne's locket. Father came with Astoria and immediately said, "Now I know both of you will be great parents, but do wait for your marriage. Don't start making babies before that." Both of us became embarrassed. Daphne became completely red, and I glared at my dad. "I am taking back my automatic quill from you," and he instantly regretted it. Astoria knowingly asked to tease her sister if she is sick, and then we all went to our family room that I had created. I remembered to charm the roof, and then they asked us about our school, what happened, what we did, and everything. Of course, all three of them were angry, along with Astoria. They were angry because I was reckless about using soul magic, and Astoria was angry because she didn't know what was happening and just became angry because everyone else was also getting angry. Daphne said she is going to make Astoria follow the exercise, and after a while, we went to dinner. Daphne and Astoria were sleeping together, and I slept in my room.

It's finally Christmas.