
Harry Potter A New Story

God? reincarnation? multiverse? what?! WTF god is spinning a roulette! Ding! congratulations! you can choose a world of your liking. Ding! lineage randomly chosen. Ding! time line randomly chosen. Ding! power/abilities randomly chosen. Good Luck!

predicate · Bücher und Literatur
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50 Chs

Alright. Here we go!

September 1, 1990, Sunday 9 a.m.

Here is my problem with this tradition every year the start of the Hogwarts school year is always September first. like this instance today is Saturday and tomorrow is Sunday, which is the day where there will be no scheduled class, well lucky me I have a full day ahead with the hours to roam around.

I decided to go to the King's Cross Station early and not to be bothered by the influx of people during the rush hour.

I don't get it, why would someone be late for an 11 am ride? What time do those people wake up? why do the movie and the book says that there are students and parents making haste not o be late for the train? I mean WTF! 11 am is almost noon.

in the station, I look for the famous wall of the platform nine and three quarters. The people around surprisingly don't pay attention to me who is pushing a cart with some suitcases and a freaking owl cage. I mean does this whole place is under a Disillusionment Charm? Curious.

As I found the Platform 9 3/4 famous entrance I saw people enter, I guess I'm not the only one who wants to be early. As I was about to enter the wall I closed my eyes and use my magic sense to observe how this portal works. I walked slowly upon entering.

This entrance was full of runes combinations. it was so complex and the journey just last a few seconds I did not have enough time to record in my mind all the runes. well, there will be another time to complete that. I can apparate back to the entrance again but that is too bothersome. The Hogwarts Express is the first thing I notice with its bright red-colored cars. I carried my two suitcases and Shade's cage and left the cart in some corner.

Some early people are boarding the train and some parents are on the platform some are waving, some are hugging, some are chatting. I don't want to meddle as much with others so I choose to go in the first front car compartment near the coal car that is connected to the engine. before entering the train an employee in uniform assists me in putting my things on the train. well, that is a perk of being early. I don't think in the rush hour I will get this kind of treatment.

After making it to the first car compartment I observe the room. This room can accommodate 6 students. one thing I know in the book or the movies is there is no specific number of students in Hogwarts and I do think it is almost to a thousand.

Now to kill time because this will be a 10 hour or more wait before we reach Hogwarts, so I took out my hobby notebook that contains the card game I wish to produce. I have completed the first 500 cards and my goal is to make it at least 2000 kinds of cards. I still have not decided what to call this game. maybe Me-Shac-Oh? that is freaking boring. hmm, how about magic the gatherer. XD

Almost an hour passed and I decided to call my playing card game to be Sym-Po-Sium the magic card dueling game. I also produce quite a several cards. As I look outside the window the bustling crowd almost filled the entire platform wow these people make this tradition memorable.

After a few minutes of looking at the scene outside the compartment door open, I did not pay attention to who is coming in or what is the purpose of the person who open the door.

"Excuse me. Do you mind if we stay with you in this compartment? we can't find any other that can accommodate the three of us." a girl's voice sounded off.

"I don't mind. Please do enter," I replied without moving my head, as I was busy looking at the people outside, especially those who are running for coming this late. morons.

As the new persons enter the compartment they arrange their belongings and seated themselves. one seated beside me.

"Oh is you. Meshac, right?" I heard a familiar voice.

as I turn my head to see who is talking I saw the familiar face in front of me it was Cho Chang, beside her was Marietta, and the one who was seated beside me is Laura. "Oh how about that. looks like lady destiny wants me to be friends with you three cute girls after all. The girls flinch a little. "So how have you three been this couple of days?"

"We did have fun on our sleepover last time. now we are excited and a little nervous about Hogwarts." Cho answered with a jolly tone.

"Excited I can understand the feeling but why be nervous about going to Hogwarts there is nothing to worry about it. As far as I know, it is the safest place for the last 50 years or so..."

"Well, our parents did not tell us how the sorting process takes place. so we are unsure what house are we going to be." Marietta interjected.

I closed my notebook and decide to converse with them after all this will be a long trip with these three and I know for a fact these two, Cho and Marietta will be Ravenclaw, but Luara I am not sure, so the two will be knowledgeable. The train also blew its horns to indicate that we are leaving.

"Okay since this will be a long journey I will play with you some little mind games where I ask questions you answer and the reward will be enlightenment. is that okay with you three?"

"Sure I liked mind games," said Laura.

"What about you?" I asked Marietta.

"I'm okay with that" wi a little bit of pide showing

" and you?" the last was Cho.

"I think this is going to be fun. Go ahead."

"I guess I will start, I am going to ask each of you starting with you Cho, if you know what is the answer to my question, then answer the question, if not ill ask the next one which is Marietta. If Marietta still cannot answer then the last to answer is Laura. If you three can not answer my question I will personally explain the answer. Are my Instruction clear?"

"Yes!" the three nodded shaking their heads up and down very fast.

"Let's start. What are the four houses in Hogwarts?"

"Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin!" Cho answered with a smile on her face.

Hmmm, this is the only time I have paid attention to Cho's face she looks like the actress in the movie, but not quite, there are certain differences. She is pretty but her Asian descent is dominating her beauty. I have a very big assumption that Cho's Asian origin is Japanese. Hmm, I will investigate.

"What are the characteristics of each Hogwarts house?"

"Gryffindor Bravery, helping others, and chivalry. Hufflepuff Hard work, patience, loyalty, and fair play. Ravenclaw Intelligence, knowledge, planning ahead, and wit. Slytherin Ambition, cunningness, heritage, and resourcefulness." Marietta answered while straightening her posture and her head is chinning up a little, showing her prideful attitude.

"very nice Marietta. Very good answer" I praised her, it is impressive that an 11-year-old girl will memorize all of that. very ravenclawish. "what animal does each House represent?" I further questioned."

"A lion, a badger, a snake, and an eagle." Laura fastly answers while her eyes are closed both fists in the air as if she was picturing the answer in her head.

"what each house represents?" I quickly followed up.

Cho closes her eyes bows down and shakes her head side to side indicating she doesn't know.

Marietta gasp a little in shock when I quickly look at her. she did not move for a while. I gave her 5 seconds, 4, 3, 2, 1. still no movement. her thoughts blacked out.

I looked at Laura, she bit her lower lips close her eyes bow down, and shake her head side to side, while still her two close fists in the air wide apart. Why does Laura act more Japanese than Cho? Hmmm...

"no answer huh. Each House represents one of the four classical elements: Fire (Gryffindor), Earth (Hufflepuff), Air (Ravenclaw), and Water (Slytherin)." they look happy for this new information.

But in Muggle's words, Each of these represents one of the four states of matter: Plasma (Fire, Gryffindor), Gas (Air, Ravenclaw), Liquid (Water, Slytherin), and Solid (Earth, Hufflepuff).

"okay the four of us will choose a house say once again its characteristics. starting once again. And I looked at Cho. "Cho?"

"Ravenclaw Intelligence, knowledge, planning ahead, and wit."

"Gryffindor Bravery, helping others, and chivalry."

"Hufflepuff Hard work, patience, loyalty, and fair play."

"Slytherin Ambition, cunningness, heritage, and resourcefulness."

"Cho, why did you choose Ravenclaw?" I asked

Cho shyly raised her shoulder and blush a little. " I don't know, maybe it is because it's my favorite house?"

"what about you Marietta why Gryffindor out of the three? If I remember correctly your answer last time the order you answered was Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin?"

"I don't know why," she answered with regret on her face.

I looked at Laura. the same question do you know why to choose Marietta Gryffindor?"

"I don't," Laura answered with a shock on her face making an o with her mouth before she answered me.

"What about you Cho?"

she did it again her shy no shrug.

"I think I know why. if you have the choice to pick a house in Hogwarts and if Ravenclaw is not available. Gryffindor would be your choice. what about you Laura why did you choose Hufflepuff?"

" because Ravenclaw and Gryffindor are taken and I am not a pureblood also I am not ambitious nor cunning."

"Wow, nice answer Laura. now close your eyes and imagine this. you are the sorting hat remember you are the sorting hat. the question is, if you are the sorting hat, what house will you sort yourself? remember you are the sorting hat so think what would the sorting hat think of you according to your characteristics. Cho?"

"I like to study, but I do have courage in me, between the two I will put myself in Ravenclaw because I like to learn more." She explained gleefully with the smiles in her eyes.

I looked at Marietta and raise an eyebrow. She did her prideful stance once more.

"if I were the sorting hat I will choose me to go in the house of Ravenclaw also even though I'm a pureblood that does not matter to me. I like to study to make myself an intelligent person"

"And you Laura?"

Her pose did not change still closed fist slightly away and apart from her body. pulling her hands up and down a little and with a little nod that comes with it.

"I, I, I can't decide. I am hardworking, I am also adventurous, I also love to discover new things. One thing for sure I don't want to be put in Slytherin."

"Not Slytherin?" this reminds me of the dialogue of the sorting hat with Harry. " just choose from the three where would you want to be personally. not as a sorting hat."

"I, I want to be Ravenclaw to be with my friends if they are Ravenclaw." She put her hand down and make a big exaggerated nod to indicated that she had decided.

"There you go... Ladies that is the secret of the sorting hat.!"

"Wait. What?! What secret?" Ask immediately by Marietta.

"You see the sorting hat looks into your mind to determine your personality or traits and hobbies and equates all the information to balance where will you strive in the four houses. Cho, you said you do have courage but you to study more. if you were to be a Gryffindor I don't think your love of study will remain intact. Laura, you are a pureblood worthy to be in Slytherin but you don't have the traits. you will not be able to adapt to their environment and can damage your beliefs so the best choice for you will be on Ravenclaw. and now with Laura. the three house suits you but it was balanced and one thing for sure you don't want to go to Slytherin. The hat should have picked a house for you, but you pick a house between the three choices. the hat will put that into consideration. I where the hat and I know what you thinking I will choose you to be Ravenclaw for I know you will be happy there."

The three all have an o figure in their mouth in shock but have sparkling eyes to show their happiness for a new discovery. Yup these three are Ravenclaws.

sorry for the delay this chater should have been posted 2 hours ago but i accidentaly close the broser and forgot to save my work. i started from scrratch once again.

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