
Harry Potter: A Future Past

Autor: f3f3
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Harry James Potter was back in 1991 and this time he was going to get his happy ever after!. . . . I write this while writing the rewrite of my other fanfic, I don't know when I'm going to finish, nor the updates for it, I just wanted to write the idea that it was flying around for the past weeks.

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Chapter 1Happy ending here I come!

On the tallest tower of the Hogwarts castle, a lone old man with messy black hair and green eyes was sitting while gently speaking.

"Please listen to me! You can't reunite the Hollows! I trust you, Harry, to do what's best!"

The one speaking sent a final disappointing look and before hearing what Harry had to say, it froze in place.

Harry didn't say anything and instead looked at the disappointed look of one of the greatest Wizards in history.

"Dumbledore, you always need to make people feel guilty! Stinky old goat, " Harry mumble while shaking his head.

"Don't disrespect the Headmaster, young man!"

Another portrait said to Harry making him sit more straight like a little kid in trouble. Inwardly, Harry was thinking '356 years old and still treated like a child'.

The one who admonished The old Harry was another magical portrait, this one of a young woman no more than 25, with bright red hair and streaking green eyes that looked like beautifully carved jewellery.

The young woman had both of his hands on his hips with a look that said 'keep it, and you are grounded for a week'.

Harry only gave a weary smile and said "I'm the Headmaster, mom!"

Another portrait started laughing, interrupting whatever the young redhead was going to say.

"Hahahaha, see Lily Flower? That's my boy!" The third portrait said while sending a proud smile to Harry.

"James Potter! Don't encourage my little boy to be more of a trouble maker than he is!" While saying this, the redhead jumps to the portrait of an almost-copy of the look-alike, younger version of Harry and grabs his ears like a small child.

"Ouch ouch ouch! Lily, please stop!"

Harry seeing both of his parents fighting put a happy smile on his face followed by a really sad one.

Seeing the younger couple, he couldn't stop thinking about what-ifs. Something that was becoming almost an obsession the longer he lived, and after 356 years he lived a lot.

Normally when Lily and James fight, Harry would laugh at them, but this time meeting with silence made the two portraits stop and look at Harry with a concerned look.

Lily stop and look at the broken old man, she couldn't stop thinking about all the things his son had lived, she was proud of him that after so much he had still lived and accomplish so much but she was also sad at how lonely his little son eyes were, she knew that she was not the real lily, and she also knew that Harry knew too.

Seeing the gentle look that both of his parent's portraits were giving him made him snap out of it and try to send a reassuring smile at them. He didn't notice that while smiling, small tears were dropping from his eyes.

This time it was James that said "Son, what is troubling you so much?".

Harry still tearing up said "I'm fine really".

"Harry, touch your eyes…" Said Lily while looking at his old son.

Harry put a dumbfounded face and touched his eyes with his left hand, feeling the wet on his eyes, he knew he was crying.

Still, he didn't want to talk about it and seeing the sad eyes of his mother while looking at his silver hand, he thought it would be a good chance to change the conversation, so he said.

"Don't give me those sad eyes, mom," Harry shows his left hand, made of silver, with a proud smile.

"It's a scar of a good battle, nothing to be ashamed of!"

Lily put a scowl on his face and said "there is nothing to be proud of. Losing a hand and…" Lily stopped speaking and opened his eyes wide, finding what Harry tried to do.

"Don't change the conversation! Why are you crying!?"

"Lil's stop, he will tell us when he is ready," James said while putting a hand on Lily's arms.

Lily looked at him with an angry face. While James closes his eyes preparing for the next screaming round.

Lucky for him, Harry interrupted his mother with a small cough.

Lily looked at his son trying to dare him to interrupt her, but seeing his really serious face, she stopped.

Seeing his mother calming, Harry said with a neutral face and a voice almost devoid of emotions "I find a way to go back".

Both of his parents open their eyes wide, James looks at Lily's face seeing it go red in anger and this time said with a low, low voice "Lily, whatever you are going to say, stop!" Lily looked at his husband, his nostril flaring up and down like a dragon about to spitfire.

James ignored her and instead with the most gentle and caring voice of a father asked his grown-up son

"Son, why?"

Hearing the question, Harry closed his eyes, and after getting a little more comfortable on his couch, he also asked himself 'why go back?'.

Thinking about all the good friends he lost, the wars, the blood, the betrayals, make his face boil in anger.

"Vengeance" This time James shook his head and responded, "You are too old for that".

While Lily asked with a voice promising to understand "The real reason, please?".

Harry looked at both of his parents' portraits without saying anything.

Vengeance? His father was right, he was too old for that, 356 years was a really long time. At least enough to hunt them himself. While those who scaped? Had already died of old age.

He had already won, he was alive, and they don't, he did everything that they wanted to do even if he didn't like it, just out of spite.

They Wanted to play in the Quidditch World Cup? He had won.

They Wanted to be the best Auror? He had been the chief of the DMLE.

They Wanted to participate in the World Dueling Championship? He won for ten years straight.

Heck! , he became the ministry of magic for only a year only to put down all the bills that his supposed 'sister' did. The reason? Spite. Hearing the howler of Hermione yelling at him for destroying her fifteen years of work was like a lullaby for the days that he couldn't sleep.

Yes, he was Harry fucking James Potter, The Boy Who Lived, The chosen one, The boy who conquered, World Champion Duelist, Grand Master of DADA, Minister of Magic and his favorite Hogwarts Headmaster. He didn't want vengeance because he already had it.

He was getting lost in his mind, thinking why to go back, he was getting to the sad and awful realization that he didn't have any reason to do it.

While Harry was getting lost in his mind, a brown owl with white feathers flew through the window with a letter tied on his foot.

The owl flew towards a bronze perch that had a small bowl of water and food. But instead of drinking or eating it, stare at the old man with his big owl eyes.

Harry kept his eyes closed, he heard the owl, but he didn't want to read whatever bullshit the minister had sent him, so he, as always, tried to ignore the owl long enough so that it would fly away.

Five minutes passed, the only thing that the owl did was to blink while staring at Harry.

He opens his eyes making the owl hoot in victory. The owl had won again.

Harry exhale and looks at his parent's portraits, still looking at him waiting for an answer, and sends them a look that said'I'm thinking!'. Both of his parents chuckle in amusement.

He straightened himself a little and said to the owl "Eduardo, the letter!" Seeing the owl not responding, Harry scowls:"The letter, please?" The owl hoots while flying in front of his desk.

Untying the letter, he noted that the envelope was whiter than the one used at the ministry. He sniff the envelope two times and opens his eyes wide, the letter smelled of French roses! And there was only one person in this world that would do something so extra as to put perfume on her letters.

Harry quickly opened the letter, reading it, his smile broke while tears started to flow, this time they didn't stop.

The letter was from Fleur, and it said only two words with a date and time on it: Its time.[Monday 23hs].

Seeing Harry crying, Lily asked with a concerned voice "What happened?"

Harry stopped crying and closed his eyes, in front of his mind the words 'What if' were planted, and with it, memories of Fleur started to move like a movie.

This time, he closed his eyes and cleaned his face with a quick charm.

He took a long breath. Stealing itself, the turmoil that was in his eyes banished and while looking straight at his parents, he said: "For her, I'm going back for her!" Thinking about her and the pain she had lived with made Harry get up from his comfy couch.

The magic pulsed with passion, like preparing for battle, his green eyes brightened in power.

* Crack crash* the sound of broken glass was heard all around the office.

Harry again said "I'm going back to grab my happy ever after! To make her laugh every day! And I will have two children's! No! One hundred!"

Lily and James look at each other and start to laugh, making Harry stop his feat of passion.

"One hundred? Really?" Harry looked at his father with a blush on his face.

His mother seeing the now bashful old man said "so, you are going back for love??". To have fun and give me hundreds of grandchildren?"

Harry seriously nodded his head in response.

Lily gives a wide smile and says:"Good you have my support!"

James said, "I don't care about one hundred, but I want at least a full-Quidditch team!"

Harry looked at his parents with his patented dumb face of 'I don't get what is happening'.

Both his parents seeing his face started speaking of other things, to what year he will go back, what things to change.

They also decided what to do with the knowledge he had from the future, what people to screw over, while what people to help.

His mother, in particular, talked about how to treat women while pregnant while also teaching him house charms, she was speaking as if the kids were already born.

His father, on the other hand, was going full Marauder and was exchanging jokes and ideas, most of this ideas reserved for Snape.

"So the first line of brooms would be called [James69]. While the second and third lines would be [Black Puppy] and [ChocolateEater3000]?"James was nodding his head while smiling.

On the other hand, Lily annoyingly said "Why don't I have a broom?!"

"Lils you don't like Quidditch, remember?"

"And? I'm his mother. I want mine to be called" M.O.M (master of mothers)]"

James and Harry look at each other while speaking with their eyes, no one wanted to tell her that the name sucked.

The bonding of the portrait and the old man was interrupted with a light coughing sound.The three of them look at the portrait of Dumbledore while he gives them a grandfather smile and said

"I'm sorry to interrupt the beautiful family moment, but I need to speak with your son before he does something that he will regret"

Harry responded with an irritating face, something that Dumbledores noticed.

"I implore you not to do it, you don't know if the wish will become true when you combine the hollows!"

Harry looked at the portrait of Dumbledore's with narrowed eyes, it was really weird to see the old goat panicked.

"Spit it out, old goat! Why are you so against it? You are already dead!

"Think about all the people I could save!

"We know who the death eaters are! We know who can't trust! So tell me, why shouldn't I go back!?" Harry pointed at the portrait of Dumbledores making the sides crack.

Dumbledore looked at Harry with a disappointed look "so that's why you going back? To kill? My boy, I thought I teach you better"

"Stop with the disappointing looks, old man! I'm 356 years-old! I had more battles than you could dream off, I know more knowledge than you, I'm the most powerful!"

The eyes of Harry were bright as if showing his power.

"You are mistaken good for being scared of dying!"

Hearing Dumbledores response, Harry's face crumbled in sadness and then rage:"You are scared, don't you? You are scared that I will become another Dark Lord!?"

While staring at Dumbledore's, Harry was also looking intensely at his portrait, he was sure that he had seen something flash through the old man's eyes.

Harry stopped looking at Dumbledores, it wasn't his first time hearing Dumbledore's preachings about how he needed to live his life, it was a little funny for him. He had discovered over the years that Dumbledore was far from the image he gives to people.

Dumbledore has his fault and funny enough, not a single one of them ever bite him in the ass, no, the consequences of the almighty Dumbledore would always harm others, but never him.

This makes Harry starts thinking about the past, his starved nights in the Dursleys, his years in Hogwarts, the war and the painful post-war years to come.

Harry wasn't dumb, he was probably the most powerful wizard in the world, and it wasn't the first time he thought about the abnormal quantity of coincidences that always followed him, but every time he was getting to the final answer, he stopped. He didn't want to know, he was scared of it.

This time though, he needed to know he was going to the past to make a happy future for himself. He needed to know the real side of Albus Brian Percival Wulfric Dumbledore.

Harry looked again at the portrait, while Dumbledore looked back without breaking it.

Harry was processing his memories, he was looking through all his years until Dumbledores death.

After a couple of minutes, his face was full of despair.

Dumbledore noted Harry's face and made a small smile and said: "I'm glad that you see the danger of it, I'm proud of you, Harry…"

Harry composed himself and sent a small smile at him.

Without saying anything, Harry waved his hand making a black box appear just under Dumbledores portrait and summoned it to him.

"I understand my boy that you might have a small mishap, but destroying it might be a little too much."

Harry didn't respond and instead opened the box, inside a red silk fabric was covering the resurrection stone.

Harry looked at the stone sending probes at it, he went for hours until night.

Out of nowhere, a shrieking sound was heard making all the portraits sleeping in the room cover their ears.

Dumbledore on the other hand pales while still sitting on his golden throne.

"Harry?" Asked lily

"Harry!" Seeing Harry unresponsive while looking at the stone, James screamed at him.

This time, Harry snapped out of it and started laughing:"Hahahahahahaha!! Hooooo you fucking bastard! You were the reason for all didn't you?"

Dumbledore pales more and said "It was for the greater good, Harry! You need to understand that the forces of the hollows couldn't be protected with you alone! You need me!"

Dumbledore was panicking, he had been seeing through. 356 years waiting to be reborn! He needed to convince him that it was for the future!

Dumbledore tried to speak again, but before he could, a bright light hit his portrait, making his mouth disappear.

Harry kept laughing for a while until he stopped.

Still, with the stone in his hand, he walked in front of the portrait and said in a low voice "I will be going back, and I will destroy you. By the time I finish with the Dumbledore's name, Muggle will use it to scare children".

Dumbledore portrait pales more, making Harry completely amused about everything.

He didn't say anything else and instead grabbed a vial of blood from his pouch, seeing all the portraits looking at him, Harry started explaining all.

"I found this ritual while travelling around Haiti while hunting the newest Dark Lord of that moment, a Voudou practitioner, killing it was a shitty mess.

"Inferious? That's a puppy compared to what the Grand Masters of the Voudou arts could make"

By this time all the portraits were with pale faces, some of them decided to just freeze themselves, not wanting to know.

"So after killing the shit, I got a little itchy for new magic, I was only 150 okay? Just a youngster at the peak of his life! So I studied, I learned how to manipulate the soul or the theory of it, and then I gave myself a project."This time, Harry looked at Dumbledore and said "Soul anchors. Horrocruxes…eternal life!"

The portraits open their mouths as if gasping, Harry pat his head for the charm to mute the whole wall full of portraits.

"I think I deserve to know, after all, I was one for so many years, so I researched. I became almost obsessed with it! And I learn two things! The first is that the only way to make a soul anchor is by sacrificing something of equal value, and what is the only thing equally valuable to life? Another life, of course! And this makes me realize the second that any person having a soul anchor that I might find in the future should be destroyed no question asked.

"That's why I created this ritual"

After finishing speaking, Harry looked at Dumbledore who was hitting the front of his portrait like an invisible glass in front, trying to escape.

All the other portraits also watched Dumbledore trying to speak, and all of them thought of the same conclusion. Dumbledore made an Horrocrux!

James was trying to console Lily who was by this time crying on his arm.

Harry on the other hand started to pour the blood on the top of his wooden desk.

The blood started to move like a snake making a big perfect circle while inside more of them were being drawn by the blood. This took only 20 seconds to finish.

Seeing that the circles were perfectly drawn, he put the stone in the middle.

Harry closed his eyes and started waving his arms in weird circle patterns like a dance. As he continued to move his arms, the circles on the table started to pulse like a heartbeat.

* Thud thud* *thud thud* *thud thud*

This went on for five minutes. A final pulse of the circle makes the circle's lines expand, transforming the lines into a big red dot.

* Thud thud* *thud thud* *thud thud*

The stone was bitting more and more until it stopped.

Harry looked at Dumbledore portrait and said "Fuck you, old goat".

A scream was heard from the stone followed by a *crack* sound.

From inside the stone a black cloud appeared. The cloud tried to expand itself, but Harry, who didn't stop moving his arms, stopped.

The moment he stopped moving his arms, the black cloud froze in place.

Harry looking at the frozen cloud made an almost feral smile and said "At least show yourself before dying, coward". The moment he finished speaking, Harry unfroze the cloud.

The black cloud started to move again. This time it expanded, covering the whole ruff, and then it compressed itself, forming a black shadow.

The black shadow looked at Harry with his two bright red eyes and said "How long till your death?"

Harry smiled at him and said

"Two years. Only two more years and you would win

"Tell me something, did you enjoy it? Being the Dark Lord behind it all?

"Seeing your little puppets die for you?".

The black shadow didn't say anything and looked at the floor.

"Congratulations, you are officially the most powerful wizard of this generation, you win my boy, I hope you also win after going back".

"Tche, even your Dark Lord persona is boring, goodbye, Headmaster"

Harry waved his hand making all the blood from the table rush at the shadow, the shadow started to crack with red blood colour veins, making the shadow crumble as if made of sand.

While crumbling into nothingness, the shadow spoke one last time:"I know that our real battle shall be legendary, I will wait for it".

After Dumbledore's death, Harry sits in his chair while massaging his face.

James was looking at him and said "What are you going to do now?"

"The same dad, I will go back and be happy. I have three days to do it, I'm going back too Fleur".

James only nodded his head while Lily said "Then goodbye, darling, we love you, and we are proud of the person you are and what you will become".

Harry had a lot of turmoils on his mind, but hearing the portrait of his mother made him not think too much about the future or the past. The Future Past?

__________3 days for the ritual___________

The next day, Harry was sitting inside the library of his home in Godric's Hollow.

In front of him, there was a long wooden table full of strange gadgets. They were all the objects that had advanced the Wizarding world for the past 300 hundred years, from the Firebolt to the first Wizards Headphone and, of course, his favourite, the grimoire, an object only made 10 years ago in the year 2337.

The grimoire was made of really thin glass with a silver liquid inside. Once you turned it on, it would make all the silver liquid expand, forming a touch screen. The design was based on what muggle called 'Data Pads', they were perfect for going out without being known.

Harry was browsing the list of tasks that he had written on his grimoire.

The list was almost complete with all of the tasks marked as done except for the three at the end.

The task was:

Finishing passing the whole grimoire to the mental palace. [In progress]

Say goodbye to Fleur [ ]

Prepared the ritual [In progress]

Go back [ ]

When the whole list was finished, Harry closed his eyes entering his mental palace.

The mental palace was a fiction power that he had stolen from the series Sherlock. The idea of having your whole memories inside was really nice, and after a couple of years modifying the Occlumency spell and some stolen research from the Department of Mystery's he made the impossible.

The palace didn't give him a perfect memory; what it did was to save in the form of books whatever thing he was seeing or even thinking. Those memories would transform into books that he could review every time he needed it, it was a personal wiki with all his memories.

It was also thanks to this spell that he could browse his whole grimoire without reading, his eyes were doing all the work like taking pictures. Of course, he still needed to read them should he need it in the future, but still saving all the technology of the past 367 years was good enough.

Harry kept browsing his grimoire until the end, once finished, he went to sleep.

While Harry was sleeping inside his mind palace, the books were flying like flocks of birds and entering the towering shells. This was something he would need to do until going back.

Two days for the ritual———-

The next day Harry was in his basement while going down the stair, he massaged his back, his bones were cracking from walking only. It was a good thing he had his cane, or he might die falling downstairs.

Harry was looking at his basement full of crap that he had thrown under the years.

Seeing the nasty room, he tapped his black cane on the floor making all the objects disappear. With another tap, the whole room started repairing itself, every nook and cranny was looking like new now.

Harry kept looking at the room with a frown on his face, something was missing…he smiled and tapped his cane two times, thus making the whole room painted full black, another tap made chandeliers appear with candles liting up the room.

Seeing the airy and creepy look, he nodded his head, vibes were important more if you need to welcome death. He thought that the whole dungeon aesthetic was very fitting.

He started to walk inside the room while inspecting every corner, seeing all was perfect, he sat in the middle of the ritual room.

He took a deep breath and summoned a knife.

Seeing the knife, he frowned a little, even after so many years he still didn't like physical pain.

He stopped thinking and cut both of his forearms, making them bleed.

Harry with his eyes still closed started to cast magic on his blood, making it move around the room. Just like with the ritual to exorcise the Horrocrux the blood started to make circles. This time there were 2357 rings of red blood on the ground. The rings on the ground make it look like one of those black and white optic illusions, but in the colour red.

After finishing making the circles, he put both of his arms in the air, the blood started to fly into the air instead of dropping to the floor.

Harry took a long breath and exhaled a blue flame. The blue flame started burning the red blood, making it change in colour. After a couple of hours, Harry sent the now Silver blood to paint new circles. This time they were 356 lines, this where the years that he would go back.

When Harry opened his eyes, he was completely pale thanks to the big quantity of blood loss. This time he didn't stand up and instead apparate to his bed.

Once on top of his bed, he tapped his finger on the bed making a pair of pyjamas flow to him. Meanwhile, the door of the room opened and from it, a flask with a blood potion was floating towards him.

Harry didn't even reach for the flask and instead, he opened his mouth, the flask opened itself, and the liquid started to go towards his mouth making him put on a grim face.

"The taste of Blood Potions still sucks after so many years"

Harry started to float a little while his clothing disappeared, and the pyjamas flew towards him like a ghost and wrapped him.

Seeing that he was ready, he cast a charm towards himself for quick sleep, and a counter charm to wake him up at 7 am. He needed to say goodbye to Fleur.

Thinking about Fleur, Harry started to smile with a dumb face.

-------------One day for the ritual---------------------

Harry was in front of a mirror, he had a hunter-green colour suit, he remembered that it was Fleur who making him start using Green colours "it goes with your eyes" she had said, he still only used green for her, he doubt that she knows about it but it wasn't the point, he liked to use green for her, she liked it so he liked it too.

Seeing that it was time, Harry summoned his black cane, took a long breath and, after a tap on the floor, he disappeared from his house.

Harry appears on the streets of Amboise Town, France.

Not remembering where Fleur's house was, he cast a Point-me spell towards a piece of paper on the floor making it float as if carried by the wind.

He followed the paper while thinking about what he would say to Fleur, he thought that the first thing would be to tell her about his plan and ask her if he could date her younger self, he thought that adult Fleur was the best to tell if they would click or not, he also would ask for her Grimoire that way he could give the knowledge back at her.

He kept walking while thinking until the paper hit his face, making him stop.

Seeing the paper on the floor, he looked at the side, there was a small house, a turquoise house with a small bronze plaque that said [La Maison des Fleurs].

Seeing the name of the house, Harry smiled, Fleur loves to travel, and being a successful enchanter, she could work around the world, making her a nomad, always in a new place.

Harry knocked on the door two times and said out loud "Fleur is me!"

Harry heard the sound of quick steps getting closer, making him smile.

The door opened and, like every time in his life, he froze. Fleur was actually older than him, and yet she had the same young body of a twenty-one young woman, beautiful as ever.

Fleur looking at the frozen face. of Harry makes her roll her eyes but never stop her smile.

She waited for a couple of seconds until Harry snapped to reality and said to her.

"You still can't control your allure?" While saying this, Harry was shaking his head as if admonishing a little kid.

Fleur keeps smiling this time with warmth inside of her, every single time doesn't matter the occasion, Harry would always respond the same as if her allure could move him.

"You need to change the excuse already old pervert"

"Only when you stop being so beautiful" while saying this, Harry walked to the house, he didn't wait for an invite, these things were for strangers, and after so many years he knew he was invited inside.

Fleur also knew that pleasantries were a waste of time between them, yet she still loved to fight him. "Please! Come in!"

Harry banished, appearing in the kitchen while the words "Already in" came carried by a small wind that shouldn't be inside her house.

Fleur twitch her mouth a little, the bastard Apparate inside her house, with wards against it, she could swear he only did these things to keep her on her toes. Not that she minds it.

The two of them were sitting on a chair in silence while drinking wine, it didn't matter that it was seven in the morning, it was their last day in this world anyway.

Harry looked at her and said"We have a lot to talk about".

Fleur looked at him while raising her beautiful eyebrow and asked "something important on this day? I invited you to have fun, you know?"

Harry smiled thinking how much she was going to freak out after telling her about the time ritual. Getting a little giddy in his chair, he said: "Well, the thing is like this…"

Harry started to explain everything to Fleur.

Fleur meanwhile was looking at him with a neutral face like a robot. He knew that she was using Occlumency right now, yet he didn't care and kept explaining.

He spoke about Dumbledore's Horrocrux making his Occlumency almost fail while he also spoke about the ritual, the technology he had, his mental palace ability, they spoke for almost four hours straight, but they didn't stop. Fleur wanted answers about everything, and Harry was more than happy to answer.

After finishing explaining everything, Fleur closed her eyes, tears streaming from her face thinking about Bill, his ex-husband, about his betrayal, the love potions and the betrayal of the Weasley's against Harry and her. She understood why he wanted to go back. What she didn't understand was the reason for telling it all to her. She knew that Harry wasn't someone to look for approval, so she asked: "Why?

"Why what?"Harry responded with a frown.

"Why are you telling me this?"Fleur wasn't dumb, she knew why he was telling her, but after Bill, she had been alone, she hadn't been in any relationship, marriage for magicals means really forever, so she couldn't be with anyone else, being a Vella makes it worse.

Fleur needed to know. Even if she knew the reason, she needed to hear it.

Harry looked at her and instead of answering, he did something that he hadn't done for the past 300 years of his life, he put down his mind shields and sent a little tendril of magic towards Fleur's head.

This made Fleur open her eyes in wonder, she knew how traumatized Harry was about having his mind unprotected.

Fleur smiled at him and entered.

Harry didn't say anything and instead started to guide Fleur through the mental library. Fleur, on the other hand, was completely amazed at what she was seeing, the rows and rows of books. She knew that it was all his knowledge.

Harry looking at Fleur's face couldn't stop putting on a proud face and said

"I'm amazing, right?"

Fleur seeing Harry's ego being inflated responded "Bookworm"

Harry looked at her in horror making her giggle.

"Okey, show me what you want me to see".

Harry nodded and summoned a book towards her, it was the memory of the past day's talking with his mother about why going back.

He looks at her, the most beautiful woman in this world, and encourages her to read it.

Fleur did it making his eyes glaze.

Seconds later her eyes became normal again.

Harry didn't know what response he was waiting for, maybe rejection? After all, he was a decrepit old man right now while Fleur was the pristine jewel that she had always been, but what he didn't imagine was laughter, Fleur was laughing like a maniac grabbing her tummy while mumbling in French.

After letting it all out, Fleur looked at the scared face of Harry and hugged his frail body, making him groan in pain."If you are trying to kill me, keep doing it, I don't mind…"

Fleur didn't stop hugging him. This time he started to feel wetness on his neck. He was going to speak, but Fleur did it first:"Yes, Harry, yes to everything!"

Harry, who was being hugged by the love of his life, put his face on her neck, he also started to cry.

A cry for the injustice of their forced magical-bound marriages, for the pain of never kissing the love of their lives, for the pain to never be together, to never be more than friends.

A cry for the future to come, for their new memories, for their new life together.

It was like this that a stunning old woman that didn't have anything of old and a decrepit old man with the mind of a child cried while embracing each other.

356 and 360 years old, both of them alone but living.

They keep embracing each other until Fleur mumbles on Harry's neck:"I don't know if I can do 100 children, but a Quidditch team might be feasible".

Harry snorted and stopped hugging her and looked into her eyes.

His gaze as gentle as the first touch of mother to his newborn made Fleur blush like a schoolgirl, trying to put things going forward, she said

"We need to speak about how to do it, I know I can't go to the past with you, but we can find a way to keep my memories inside you? Giving them to myself of the past?".

Hearing Fleur's idea, Harry looked at her with a sad smile"Sorry we can't, it is not possible to record so many memories"seeing Fleur sad gaze he said a little too fast

"But we can record a message for your future past, the only problem is if she gives any attention to a 14-year-old little boy"

Fleur scowl at him and slapped his arm "Old bones, so many years and still sore about that, petty much?"

"You harm my fragile pride!"

Fleur giggles "She will, Harry, I know that I would have said yes if you had invited me to the Yule Ball". Thinking about the Yule Fleur male a scowl and said to Harry"Remember to prank Roger until he drops school"

Harry snorted a little, she might say that he was petty, but there she was asking to bully high-school kids, not that he was going to reject it, Roger Davis had a special punchable face.

"Okey, let's stop here, I'm going to make a Grimoire for my future past, then we will have a nice dinner, go dancing, drink wine, and I want you to stay beside me all the way,"Fleur said this with a non-nonces voice. Harry was already prepared and said,"Yes, dear".

Both of them left Harry's mind and started to prepare. Fleur also recorded a couple of memories books about her journey learning enchantment. She also put every memory she had about Harry, all the good and all the bad, seeing all of them she thought it was more than enough. That Fleur might not have been her, but she also knew that once Harry was back, all of her was going to disappear into a new and, if all goes well, happier than ever Fleur Delacour.

She didn't mind, she was old and had already accepted her death, what was going to become a bittersweet goodbye to his best friend and lover had become the happiest day of her life.

Once finished, both Harry and Fleur went out to dinner, they had all Fleur's favourite, food, music, Clothes. They also used the moment to completely break the status of secrecy by enchanting Eiffel Tower into a giant doll of a naked Dumbledore tap dancing. On his back, a tattoo of an arrow pointing at his bottom said [Gellert was here].

Fleur and Harry had the best fun in years. Harry's body was aching, his bones cracking, and yet he didn't care, he thought that today he might go run a marathon without a problem.

It wasn't until 22:30 that the happy mood dropped a little, and they went to Fleur's home.

Fleur told Harry to wait for her, she wanted to dress for his last day.

Harry kept waiting while sitting on the bed, he was thinking about Fleur, all the years, all the letters, all the tears that they shared. He keeps at it until he hears the steps of Fleur.

"How do I look?"Asked Fleur with a bashful face

Harry froze in place, she was dressed in a wedding dress, turquoise colour with a beautiful necklace full of green pearls.

He knew that in front of him was the most beautiful view in this world.

"" I-I don't have words for it,"said Harry with all his honesty.

Fleur didn't say anything and with a wave of his wand made the bed open.

Seeing Fleur on the bed gave Harry a sudden mission of making her the most comfortable, so taping his cane on the floor, he started to charm her bed.

Fleur only sighs in relaxation, while Harry summons a comfy chair beside her.

It was 22:55 now.

"Grab my hand, please"

Harry did it.

"Tell me one of your adventures. I want to go thinking of how cool my husband is."

Hearing these words make Harry drop a tear and start telling

"Did I ever tell you about how I freed a small country with a rubber duck, a goat, and a Pencil?"

Fleur shakes his head while chuckling a little.

Harry smiled at her,"It all started after I went on vacation to Siberia…"

1 am.

Harry was there beside her, Fleur had long passed away, yet he never stopped telling the story, he kept at it, even when tearing up, he kept telling the story while moving his hands and showing images with his magic like a father reading a story to their children.

It wasn't until 2 am that he finished telling the story.

He looks at her sleeping face and couldn't stop thinking about the sleeping beauty story he had read so long ago as a kid.

So just like in the story, he went down and kissed her on the lips. Seeing that she kept sleeping, Harry said with a broken voice "This is when you wake up, dear".

Harry kept looking at her waiting for something, yet it never came.

Harry had been sitting beside the cold Body of Flour without moving for hours now, it wasn't until he saw light starting to come through the window that he cast a Tempus charm.

6 am.

Seeing the time Harry was looking at his Fleur for the last time. His eyes were brimming with power, making them bright and intense.

Harry took a deep breath and said"I will kill them all, everyone that tries to harm our happiness. I will kill them all".

A crack sound was the last thing heard inside the La Maison des Fleurs.

--------------The day of the ritual———-

After sending Fleur off, Harry starts preparing for the most important part of the ritual, the Hollows.

The Deathly Hallows were three powerful magical objects supposedly created by Death and given to each of three brothers in the Peverell family.

The objects consisted of the Elder Wand, an immensely powerful wand that was considered unbeatable; the Resurrection Stone, a stone which could summon the spirits of the dead, and the Cloak of Invisibility, which, as its name suggests, rendered the user completely invisible.

Harry at the moment had two of them, the cloak and the stone.

The wand on the other hand was inside Dumbledore's tomb; thinking of Dumbledore's face, Harry's faces became a little impassive.

He had acted in a little rush on the tower by destroying the Horrocrux. He should have asked more questions, and it wasn't as if he could make the portrait speak whatever he wanted.

All of this makes Harry worried, he was going back to being one of the most powerful wizards, yet he was also going back to a hurting a malnourished body, with a fragment of Voldemort inside his head as a cherry on top. He knew that the first year would only be for getting healthier, and that would make him vulnerable to Dumbledore's plans.

Also, he wanted to know how much he actually did in his life, was the order of Phoenix a hoax too? What about the prophecy? He knew that was real, but did the plan start with it? Or before? And most important, how much of a part was Dumbledore in the betrayal of Granger and the Weasley's? What about Fleur? Ginny? Thinking about all of this, Harry felt like when he was a teen shouldering the future of the country on his shoulders. And he didn't like it.

While thinking about all of this, he apparate in front of Dumbledore's tomb, seeing it, Harry decided to make the life of the old goat a living pain. He was sure that he could be annoying enough to make him snap and reveal his secret as any Dark Lord did.

Harry tapped his black cane on the floor making a red dome appear on top of the tomb. With another tap, the dome broke as if made of glass and with another one, the lid of the tomb flew away, he didn't even look where it flew, he didn't care.

Seeing inside the tomb, Harry noted that Dumbledore's body was completely intact. He knew that after so many years the preservation charms would already be gone, the wards could be recharged easily, but he doubted that some would open the tomb just to recast the charm again on the body.

Thinking about this, he came to the conclusion that it was thanks to the Horrocrux.

It also makes him think if Voldemort's body would have been preserved should he not explode the night of his death.

Harry looks at the corpse and summons the wand attached to Dumbledore's body.

Before leaving he decided to give him a final gift by changing his clothing into a Dark Vader suit while putting on the plaque of the tomb.

[Here he lies the greatest of all. Dark Lord Goat-fucker].

He also transformed a rock into a Goat plushie and made the body hug it.

Seeing his work of art, Harry nodded his head and banished.


Harry was in the ritual chamber, the room had already been cleansed of any residual magic that it might still have of the first blood carvings.

Seeing the ritual, he didn't do any ceremony, there were no chants for this ritual, not offerings either.

Just connect the hollows; and he did by throwing them all to the centre of the blood circles.

The moment the Hollows hit each other, a magical pressure surge in the room.

The pressure was strong enough that Harry had to grab his cane with force too not fall to the floor.

The cloak started to float and, as an origami, started to fold itself, making a box.

The wand went inside the box.

While the Ring was encrusted on the top of the box lid.

Once the ring incrusted itself, the box snapped shut and banished, the moment the box banished, the pressure disappeared too.

Harry blinked two times trying to understand what had happened.

"Ho! Fuck me! Did I just get scammed!?"

Harry started to walk to the centre where the box had been floating just a moment ago.

The moment his feet touched the centre, Harry felt his chest in pain, followed by his left arm and a lot of dizziness.

Harry grabbed his chest, sending a pulse of magic to his heart, he was having a heart attack!

He could not die now! He needed to go back, dammit!

The dizziness was getting stronger, so he tried to send a spell used by medics, but something weird happened and the spell passed through his body and hit the wall instead.

He opened his eyes in panic and tried to Apparate to St. Mungos, but again it failed and made him fall to the ground.

While the pain was getting stronger and his vision was getting blurred, he scream

"Fuck you, Death!".







Harry blinked not understanding what was happening, he was sure that he had just had a heart attack in his new ritual chamber.

But seeing around, was he in a pub?

He looked around trying to see if it was a dream, maybe he had been wasted while remembering old days, it wasn't going to be his first time doing it, not his last probably; though this one was more trippy than usual.

Seeing that he could at least think coherently, he did the first thing after a drunk night of sorrow. Look if he had his clothing on.

"At least I'm not naked this time" Thinking about his naked drunken ways, he couldn't stop to reminisce about the culprit of it, Fleur.

He wasn't sure why, but Fleur loved to be naked after a night of party, not that he minded to see the most Gorgeous Vella in the nude, but he had to admit that he was a little embarrassed not to know when he even started to copy her naked ways. It just happened.

Going back to the real world, he started to look around, trying to see if anyone knew where he was and if he owed money to someone.

The bar was empty, there was no one inside.

Maybe it was already closed, and they left him here?

"Hello? Everyone here?"

No one answered him, so with a little shrug, he started to walk to the exit.

Once in front of the door, he tried to open it, but it was closed. He thought that it made sense, so he cast the Almighty Alohomora charm to the door, but nothing happened.

Harry opened his eyes in horror. Nothing happened!

He tried again to cast it but nothing again and again until he went to his last try chanting the spell "Alohomora!".

Harry was there with both of his arms stretched trying to cast a spell, but again nothing…

He wouldn't have panicked if it was a failed cast, maybe disappointing on himself but not panicking as he was. But nothing was happening! Literally, his magic wasn't there, it was gone.

With all the horror in the world, he said "I'm a Muggle! I'm a Muggle!".

He sat on the floor and tried to cast whatever he could think of until he started to hear a slow clapping sound.

* Clap* * clap* * clap*

"I thought that the Master of Death would at least know how to cast a Lumos"

Harry opened his eyes and looked back.

Behind the wood, Bar was a tall man with a black hood just like the fantasy description of Death.

Harry panicked a little, the moment of his heart attack coming in front of his mind, and with a broken voice and dejected face he asked

"I died?"

The hooded figure only nodded his head,"Yes, you died. You can't be the master of death while living, right?"

Harry hearing this started to have an existential crisis, he really didn't know what to think about his afterlife being an Irish pub.

"Nononono I'm not the master of anything! Send me back, I don't want it, you can keep it".

The hooded man started to laugh out loud and said

"I win! Pay"

A groan was heard on one of the empty tables, making Harry look at it.

Sitting on the table there was another cloaked figure, this one with a full golden one. He didn't know why, but he was sure that the cloaked figure was female.

Seeing Harry looking at her, the figure shook his head. and with an irritating voice said

"Why can you just accept the title like any other normal person? You made me lose the bet!

"The bet!?"

Harry was feeling lost right now, He didn't know why, but everything that was happening was kind of a lot, the only reason he wasn't throwing spells at everything that moves was that something on the back of his mind would put the image of him dying every time he tries to think logically about the whole situation, that and the fact he didn't have magic to make a proper tantrum, he was a person of class and wasn't going to start kicking around like a child…at least not for a couple more minutes.

Meanwhile, the golden hooded woman ignored him and appeared sitting on the bar while giving a Cristal golden ball to the black hooded figure.

Harry being ignored, tried to act chill and said

"I know the black figure is dead,, what about Goldilocks here?"

The golden woman twitched an eyebrow at him, or at least he felt like she did, and said

"I'm Fate".

Hearing the words "Fate", Harry's face put a death pan face, he stood up and walked toward the golden figure.

He was seeing straight at her face, or at least at the cloudy thing that was hiding her face, and with an annoyed voice he said to her"You owe me!".

Death and Fate looked at each other, and Death started to laugh. HAHAHAHAH Ho for the Laws! Have you heard it, Fate? You owe him!".

Fate got annoyed and asked "Why would I owe you anything mortal?"

"Why? You put a fucking prophecy on me! Not only that, you keep throwing Dark Lords wannabes without stopping!

"You. Owe.ME!"

Hearing this, Fate didn't say anything while looking at Harry.

Harry on the other hand started to fidget a little not knowing what else to say.

Death on the other hand was looking at Fate with intensity, making her sweat a little.

Fate tries to open his mouth and say something but death interrupted by asking Harry.

"What do you mean by throwing Dark Lords at you?".

Harry hearing this looked at Death with a dumbfounded face and asked "Aren't you a god? You should know, right?"

"We don't know what is happening in the mortal world, we can't intervene, at least we can't without paying a price or after the Boss commands us to do it" while saying this, Death was looking at Fate.

Fate sighed and annoyingly said to Harry"You needed to open your mouth, didn't you?"

Death on the other hand said, "Explain, now."

"I was bored…and…"


Harry didn't want to hear anymore and launched himself at Fate trying to tackle her but stopped frozen in place.

Seeing his red face in rage, Fate took a step back while Death looked at her and made a loud sight.

"Okey, stop this."

"Fate, you owe him. You know the laws".

Fate only nodded his head like an admonished kid and said to Harry:

"I'm sorry, I should stop it, but seeing all your adventures make me keep going, I hurt you, and I promise to hear whatever wish you have.

"I might not give you everything, but we can talk about it".

Harry looked at Fate and felt as if she really was sorry. Honestly. Honestly, he still wanted to insult her and maybe a punch or two, but at this point, it was all a little pointless. He was dead, after all, not like he could go back to life… Thinking about this, Harry sends a predatory smile to Fate that makes her shudder.


Harry, Fate and Death were now sitting at the table with beers in their hands, they had spoken a lot.

Death, in particular, wanted to know about Harry's life. Hearing it, he understood the rage against Fate. He also thanked Harry for killing the Horrocruxes, there weren't Dark Magic for nothing and even Death hates them.

"Okey, stop, you combine the Hollows to make your ritual, but it didn't work as you hoped, still we can do something about it" After speaking, Death looked at Fate and said.

"You will need to use a lot of your power for this, plus the paperwork for rewinding a timeline"

Fate only nodded his head and didn't say anything.

She knew that what she did was wrong. Should any other god find about it, they might use it to just erase her from the universe. She was really glad that it was Death that found about it and that Harry after hearing about the punishment decided to drop it, not that he forgave her, but there wasn't much that he could do, and they were in the end Gods.

Death clear his voice while summoning three blue crystals balls and said to Harry

"I can give you three options.

"First is to reincarnate you in another world, you would enter the reincarnation cycle but with your own memories.

"The second is to send you into another timeline, you can't choose it, but I promise to be something that you may like.

"The third is rewinding this timeline just as you wanted"

Hearing the options, Harry didn't need to think too much, he wanted to go back, even if a new timeline might give him something like his parent's. He was scared that Fleur won't be there. But he also had a couple of questions, and maybe he could combine them a little?

"I have some questions first"Death nodded his head

"You said other worlds and other time lines, can you explain?"

"There's an infinite number of worlds and timelines in the multiverse, a world where you are dating Malfoy, another one when you are a Jedi or one that you might be the next Dark Lord, those are called timelines.

"The same if for worlds, if you can imagine it, then it exists, and yes, it also includes movies, books, plays, etc.

"Infinite words, infinite possibilities".

Hearing this, Harry had a spark of adventure ignite once again after so long and ask

"Can I visit them? Can I go with someone?"

Death chuckled at Harry's face, he also noted the sparkles in his eyes like a kid opening a present. It was a pity that he needed to cut it.

"You can't, sorry"

Harry pouted like a kid,"why?"

At this, Fate makes a groan while mumbling something.

Death on the other hand said, "The last person to combine the Hollows asked for the chance to travel the multiverse, in the end, he caused so much chaos that it was forbidden".

Harry didn't like it and wanted to know who was the bastard that ruined his chance, so he asked

"Who was the fucker!?"

Fate responded this time "Merlin"

This made Harry shut his mouth while Fate started speaking.

"We can't tell you. But you only need to know that there were a lot of sex and magical creatures involved".

Hearing this, Harry didn't ask anymore, he had the image of the old Merlin, and the idea of him doing the hanky-panky wasn't on his list. Still, he wanted to travel, so he again asked Death

"What if we put some restrictions on it? The only important thing would be to have my knowledge and travel with my future wife".

Hearing this, Death started to shake his head, but Fate said with a bright voice

"Ho! Maybe there is a way!".

Hearing this, Death looked at Fate while Fate just got close to his ears and started to whisper at him.

Harry didn't say anything, he didn't like the whisper going in front of him, but whatever it takes to travel around the multiverse.

It wasn't until fifteen minutes that they stopped.

Harry was almost jumping on his chair in anxiety wanting to hear about it.

"There is a way, but it will come with a lot of restrictions.

"The first one is a curse to your soul, this curse would not let you gain immortality in an unnatural way. This also means that you would probably die of old age in most of the worlds you visit.

"The second one is that only your memory would be sent, you would end up on the reincarnation cycle while unlocking your past lives. Meaning a different body for any new world.

"Third, you will always be reincarnated as an important character of the world, meaning that problems will still follow you.

"Fourth, if you chose to travel with a partner, then you would need to make a truly bonded ritual of body and soul.

"And last, if you died of anything that isn't of natural old age, then your travel will end.

Hearing all of this, Harry asks:"What happens if I died or my partner before gaining my memories?"

Fate answered this time:"Don't worry, I will give my blessing, so that you won't be harmed until you unlock your memories. That is also the reason that problems would follow you, being a child of fate comes with its consequences".

Harry nodded his head in understanding, or at least he thought"Will I have magic?

"In worlds with magic yes, death said.

Harry took a deep breath while thinking about everything, there wasn't anything to think about. He might not have had the dream of travelling to other universes in the past, but now that there was a chance, it sounded amazing. The fact that he would always be with her love one makes it only better.

"I'm in now what?"

Death and Fate smiled and said at the same time.

"Now you go back".

The world becomes completely black.


Inside a cupboard under the stairs, an 11-year-old wakes up to the sound of someone jumping on the stairs.

Harry opened his eyes with a splitting headache, hearing the sound of what looked as if an elephant walking didn't help, so it was without thinking that he screamed.

"Ho, fuck sake! Whatever is fucking the ruff, can you please stop?"

The noise stopped making Harry sight in delight while trying to get a little more comfortable on his weirdly hard and thin bed.

He was going to close his eyes until he heard "MOM!"HARRY, INSULT ME!" Followed by the sound of stomping feet.

Harry heard the annoying voice and opened his eyes with a smile that was suddenly broken when a two-legged whale grabbed him by his arms while yelling.

"Your ungrateful freak! Go and prepare breakfast! NOW!".

Harry's response was groaning, he had forgotten the annoying hell that it was living with his Aunts' family, but he also knew that he needed to eat something, and the only way right now was to just do what he was told to. Not that he wouldn't try to send some laxative jinxes to their food.

Still, thinking that he was back, he started smiling again and mumble

"Harry fucking James Potter is back!"

********************end of chapter**************************

Sooo wrote this while tryng to take some braeth from the rewrite. I dont have the best of memories so i need to constanly look for the timlines, names of charcters and shit and it really tiring, so i decided to write another novel more chill, not much a new plot, and i was honestly missing the fanfics of super old Harry going back in time. Cliches are cliches for a reson and im a sucker for some of them, Re storys specially are my favorites.

Hope that you guys like this chapter, is fucking long (10k) but i didnt want to leave any cliff, i also find that writing long chapters goes more with my style.

Tomorrow i might wirte the next one or no, i don't know and honstly is not in my priority list.



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