
Harry's Wandmaking Journey

"So you have read all those books have you? Let see what you remember. What is Mandelbright's law of…."

The next four hours were a test of Harry's memory. He was relived when they stopped for lunch. After lunch Harry started asking his questions one after another.

Inarra was astonished here was this little boy asking the kind of questions she had asked her master. However he wasn't giving her the chance to answer. She frowned and waved her hand.

Harry found himself silenced and stuck to a chair.

"Mr. Potter one thing I do not tolerate is rudeness. Asking a string of questions is unbearably rude, especially when you are asking without giving your listener a chance to answer. Learning is accomplished through observation be that observation of the eyes or of the ears. In the future you will ask one question at a time and you will listen to the answer before asking another is that clear?"

Harry nodded his eyes wide.

"Ask a question then?"

"How did you do that? You didn't say anything you just waved your hand and whoosh…"

"What did I say about after asking a question?" She said in a warning tone.

Harry shut up.

"That was wandless and wordless magic something that requires focus on the desired outcome, concentration to control the magic and will to bring the magic into being in the first place. It is something that all wizards and witches are capable of contrary to popular myth. However most witches and wizards never bother because wanded magic is so much easier. That said, I assume that you are the intended recipient of the wand your guardian commissioned?"

Harry nodded.

"Then let us go to my workroom and start selecting materials."

"I already have the wood and the core."

"Really? Let's see it."She asked skeptically.

Harry pulled the juniper branch and the pegasus feather from his day pack. When Inarra saw the branch she was somewhat surprised because it glowed slightly to her mage sight. She hadn't expected that but it was typical of wood that was meant for wands. But when Harry pulled out the ki-lin hair wrapped pegasus feather she swallowed hard.

She recognized the feather for what it was Pegasus feather wands were almost as rare as phoenix feather wands. Pegasus feather wands usually went to highly intuitive magicals and were powerful. At first glance the hair looked like a unicorn hair but closer examination showed it lacked the true translucent iridescence of a unicorn hair it was almost a light chestnut with a faint iridescence. "What kind of hair is this?" she asked.


"Ki-lins are only found in China. Where did you get it?"

"There's a small herd at a reserve in Montana. That's where I got both the feather and the hair."

"So this wand is to be a double core?"


"Did both animals give them willingly?"


"And you wrapped the hair yourself?"

"Yes did I do it wrong?"

"No, no tell me how you got the branch."

"I went of a vision quest in Arizona and the wolves brought the branch to me."

"I see. Follow me."

Harry followed her into a work room that had a lathe, several work benches and an enormous cabinet that ran the length of the room. She pulled a tape measure from the drawer a wave of her hand and it zipped around him measuring his head, his arm, his hand, the space between his eyes his height and the length of his feet. A few moments later she waved it back to her side it landed on a piece of parchment. She examined the branch again then said, "I assume a wolf made the chew marks?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Do you wish for a remnant of them to exist on the wand?"

"Is that possible?"

"On the grip yes." Inarra locked the branch onto the lathe handed him some protective goggles. She pulled on a set of goggles herself and said, "Turn the crank." Harry cranked and watched as she used a stone knife to cut away excess bark and wood.

"Why a stone knife?"

" Iron interferes with the intrinsic magic of the wood and silver is to soft."

Harry was quite fit but he was very exhausted by the time Inarra judged the wand to be done on the lathe. He had asked only a fraction of his questions when she dismissed him for the day.

The remainder of his lessons were not what Harry was expecting. Inarra Serra would answer his questions for a while then she would make him experiment utilizing some aspect of magic it was always some thing he could do sometimes she had to show him first but he could always do it, He found that usually by doing and carefully observing the experiment his unanswered questions of the day before would be answered.

And she would make him do the grunt work in his wand. He cranked the lathe, he cranked the borer when she made the space for the pegasus feather. And he sanded for hours it seemed. He didn't mind the work much but it irritated him that in the time it was taking him to do the grunt work she had completed several wands.

Harry had been very careful as he sanded the grip of his soon to be wand he wanted it to be smooth enough he didn't need to worry about splinters but still textured enough that he would be reminded of the wolves and the lessons they taught him and to provide a non slip grip.

Inarra would answer some of his questions but frequently she would ask him questions to make him think through his questions and try to reason the answers from the books she'd had him read, the experiments she'd had him do, and the supplemental reading he had done.


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