Mmmh. Eggnog.
Anyways, sorry i have been gone for so long, i have been spending time with my family, you know, with it being Christmas break.
Just to clear something up, mc will be a third year in Harry's third year.
A day after the trial and Oberon could be seen, sitting in a sack on a big, bearded man's back. Next to the big man was an older, also bearded man. Except the older man had a long, long white beard, and too many names.
Thats right, Oberon is sitting on the back of Rubeus Hagrid, trotting through Diagon alley, next to Albus too many names Dumbledore. First stop? Ollivanders. Unfortunately, Hagrid could not fit inside the small wand shop, so Dumbledore ended up carrying the small boy into the shop. Much to Oberon's chagrin, Madam Pomfrey issued a warning to him to allow himself to be carried by Hagrid. She did not want to take any chances with his recovery. She was scary.
Not all women were scary, but an instinct in the back of Oberon's mind told him to never piss Madam Pomfrey off, for she was the only healer he knew. The only one who could put him back together if he broke himself up too much. She was damn good at it too.
She did not want him to leave St Mungo's in the first place but had to reluctantly allow him to leave as they were on a time crunch. The boy was legally obliged to be on the Hogwarts train within the next two days. The Ministry barely allowed him to keep his life with Dumbledore watching him at Hogwarts. They did not want to take any chances and aggravate the Ministry any more than they already were. The Ministry wanted to just apparate him there, but Madam Pomfrey refused vehemently, saying that would aggravate his condition even more.
*Rrrrrrr Clack!* "Hello there!"
An old man peeked his head out from behind a bunch of shelves with a mischievous grin on his face. Obviously intending to scare his new customers.
"Ah! Albus how have you been? What brings you to my shop?"
"Well Garrick. I am in a bit of a pickle and need to get this boy a wand as quick as possible. We are on a time crunch right now."
"I see." He turned his attention off of Dumbledore and got straight to business.
"Boy hold out your wand arm." Oberon nodded and held out his left arm.
Ollivander took a few measurements before rushing off into the back. He brought out seven different wands and opened the first box. Oberon flicked the wand, and nothing happened. He tried this for five other wands before coming to the seventh.
Ollivander picked up the box that was a good few inches longer than the rest. He lifted the lid before pulling out a long white wand. He looked at Oberon and narrowed his eyes, before looking back at the wand.
He handed the wand to Oberon, and he flicked the wand. Suddenly the wand glowed and twisted, and the shop's windows exploded before reforming into a more artistic, tempered glass.
Ollivander was stunned and said: "Young man. This wand is made with a white poplar tree. It has a phoenix feather core and is 17' inches long. Normally when a wand is made it has certain qualities it looks for in a wizard. After all, the wand chooses the wizard. But never have I seen a wand change itself to fit a wielder. Until today. You young man, astound me. I hope you will do great things in the future." Ollivander said with excitement while Oberon just nodded.
Dumbledore paid for the wand, and they walked out of Ollivanders, intending to head to Madam Malkin's robes for all Occasions. The lady quickly took his measurements before rushing off into the back. He heard Dumbledore say a few things about a special silk, along with a wand holder built into his robes instead of his sleeve as his wand was too long for his arm.
Madam Malkin said it would be a while as the robes were custom and told them to come back later. They walked out and then walked into the store right next to the one they just came out of. Amanuensis Quills. Dumbledore bought him a self-writing Quill and a few other quills. He also bought him what looked to be a special black feathered quill with a gold stick. Oberon wrote:
[Whats this one for?] and pointed to the Black and gold quill.
"Try to use it." He replied and handed Oberon the special quill. Oberon was about to write on the paper when he felt a small trickle of his magic go into the quill and a bright white line appeared in the air. Oberon's eyes widened as he drew all over the air for a few minutes, astounded at the cool quill.
Dumbledore chuckled at his antics and said "I figured you would enjoy that better than a normal quill and Parchment. At least, until your vocal cords are repaired. If you send more magic into the quill, you can direct the writing where you want it."
Oberon smiled. He wanted nothing more than to thank the man for everything he was doing for him, but he couldn't talk. So, he wrote [Thankyou] In the air.
Next they went to Slug & Jiggers Apothecary, where they bought his cauldron and all the items, he would need for a potions class. Dumbledore bought him a special bag that had more space in it but negated the weight of the items inside. After-all, he didn't want Madam Pomfrey to crucify him for making Oberon carry all his stuff around to classes.
According to the list they still had a few more shops to go to with one being optional. Flourish and Blotts, back to Madam Malkins, and the optional store being a pet shop, whether it be Eyelops owl Emporium or Magical menagerie, Oberon did not know. Dumbledore also said he had to visit a few shops for himself, mainly being Rosa lee Teabags, and Sugarplum's Sweets shop.
First, they went to Flourish and Blotts where they met two boys, one with striking red hair, and a bespectacled boy. From the way Dumbledore and Hagrid were talking to the boys they seemed to be his soon-to be classmates. He didn't necessarily want to talk to anyone right now, but Dumbledore had already introduced him.
He saw the bespectacled boy look up at him. "Hello. My name is Harry potter. What's yours?"
Oberon took out his quill and wrote [My name is Oberon Gallagher. Nice to meet you harry.] before sending the writing towards harry.
"If i may ask Oberon, why do you write and not talk? If i'm not being insensitive."
[No, its alright. I can't speak for the time being due to some Unfortunate circumstances.]
"Oh. Seeing that you are with Hagrid and the Headmaster, are you a new first year?"
[No, I will be joining the third year, the same unfortunate circumstance led to me not being able to join my first couple years so ill be joining now.]
"Oh okay. Well, I'll see you at school Headmaster, Hagrid, Oberon. I've still some shopping to do." Harry said. He wanted to ask why the boy was being carried but he figured that was insensitive. He could see Ron wanting to ask something, but Ron can be Insensitive so he simply dragged him out of the store before he could.
After that ordeal, and buying his books, Dumbledore took him to Eyelops owl Emporium. After a few minutes of looking around Oberon noticed an owl in the corner, Isolated from the rest. The owl had semi-red feathers that somehow looked like a magenta-purple color in the light. But its most striking feature were its eyes. Extreme electric blue eyes peered back at him. Watching his every move.
[Dumbledore, can I have this one?]
"You can Oberon. But if I may ask, Why this one specifically."
[I don't know. Theres just something about this one. It seems more... Intelligent than the rest?]
"I see."
After buying the owl they went to a store called Rosa Tea bags. Dumbledore bought many different types before telling Oberon to put a couple boxes in his pouch. Dumbledore explained that Madam Pomfrey told him to buy this specific tea because of its passive slow healing effects. The tea was supposed to help his body heal enough to the point of being able to use potions.
After that they went to Sugarplum's sweet shop where Dumbledore bought himself lemon drops. Then they simply headed back to the leaky cauldron for a day until it was time for him to go to Hogwarts. Dumbledore, Hagrid, and Madam Pomfrey had to leave for Hogwarts that night so he would be escorted onto the train by Aurors, where they would make him wear a bracelet that allowed them to teleport to him immediately if need be and also watch him from afar.
Dumbledore did not allow the Aurors to follow him to class as he did not want the other students to be disturbed by their presence.
So, the night came and went, and it was the day where he needed to be on the train. Oberon stood up and walked around the room a bit, allowing his Obscurus mist to stabilize him if he stumbled. He quickly got dressed in his new robes and walked out to a couple Aurors who tried to pick him up and carry him, but he had enough of that. If there was anything besides the people who tortured him, he hated, it was feeling weak. Not being allowed to walk made him feel horribly weak.
[If you carry me i will tell Madam Pomfrey that you forced me to walk. I've had enough of being carried and will walk on my own. If you let me walk, I will tell Madam Pomfrey that you carried me. Deal?]
The two Auror's shuddered at the prospect of him telling Madam Pomfrey, they forced him to walk. They still remember her from Hogwarts and to this day they were scared of her. They relented and allowed him to walk.
They left the Leaky cauldron and arrived at the Train station. The Aurors led him to a spot in-between two pillars.
[How do we get to the train?]
The Aurors grinned and one of them pointed at the wall.
"Simply walk through the wall of course." They seemed to want to see his nervousness.
[Ok] He played it off. Outside he wasn't nervous at all. Inside though, he was a little worried about smacking into the wall and looking like a fool.
Oberon walked towards the wall and closed his eyes when-