
Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Synopsis: Three years after graduating from Hogwarts, Felix enters the school again. What will happen when Muggle wisdom, innovation and magic come together? PS1. Professor of ancient magic runes. PS2. Timeline, second year of the golden trio. PS3. MC don't know plot of the HP, other than it's adventure of three friends with 8 movies. === Author: Han Yousi === *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Crazy_Cat. This is where I read it- https://m.mbg.tw/novel/274500.html This is ongoing fanfic with more than 530 chapters, so you can support original author in Chinese site.

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Chapter 406 Variables

"How's Harry doing? There's not much about him in the newspaper ..."

"He's fine, he's probably sleeping with his dragon egg in his arms."

At the moment, they are sitting in Lupin's office, and Felix is drinking tea while surveying the interior furnishings, "Tch! The colours you picked are a bit old-fashioned, you're not even forty yet."

Lupin shrugged his shoulders, "That's not young either."

"You still have a lot of time to squander." Felix said, as they drank tea for a while and started talking about business.

"How are the rune cards selling?"

"Not bad, if it weren't for those engraving machines, the demand might have exceeded the supply, and there are foreign merchants seeking cooperation on their own initiative, all of them are outlets gained from the previous magic lamp sales."

Felix nodded his head in satisfaction.

" I think Ludo Bagman's proposal is not bad, the projection screen will be used in the second and third trails, which may require you to travel a lot. Of course, the most crucial thing is that we can record the tournament and make a video ... We can't just count on a Weird Sisters group to promote the magic gramophone, right?"

For wizards, there is not much gap between storing sound and storing images at the same time. Likewise, it is not a pipe dream to connect a flat picture to a stereoscopic projection.

Lupin lowered his head and pondered, After a long time, his head turned slightly towards Felix.

"I don't disagree, except that there are a few difficulties at the moment unless you're willing to help - the next trail is in February?"

"February twenty-fourth."

" Then we can make it in time," Lupin mused as he looked over at Felix: "Everyone in the company admires you, and even those who are new to the company have heard about your legend ... You know, even though you didn't stay during the summer holidays for that long, but you solved most of the problems, and when you left things alone, our research progress slowed down all at once."

"Well, I'll spend the weekend at the company." Felix said reluctantly.


With him on board, the research progressed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Many times when the researcher asked a question, he would quickly simulate it all in his thinking room, and in a few minutes, he would be able to give a solution with a theoretical basis.

The whole company, from newcomers to old people, were ordered around by him, but they all had a very exciting expression.

"Is this the level of our boss?" An Irish redhead wizard whispered quietly, he was recently recruited into the company, with great mastery in Severing Charm as well as being very adept at Synchronized Transfiguration.

"You haven't seen how great he was at the Quidditch World Cup!" A young researcher said.

" I was studying abroad ... a while ago," the red-necked wizard muttered, but although he said that, he still couldn't contain the strong admiration that rose up in his heart when he looked at his boss, who know soooo much.

Felix methodically assigned the tasks: "This time we are going to try two new options - the first group, use the long-distance transmission enchantment, and the second group, use synchronization enchantment together with transfiguration, well, this one is more complicated, I will personally... ..."

Ten minutes later, liquid-like golden fog flowed quietly all around, and above the fog, the light kept refracting, forming a blurred image.

"There's a slight problem ... we should restrain the fog, how about trying a Placement Charm? Or some runic circuits?"

Felix constantly mused about it, as Clammy quickly recorded his words and the effects of the experiment next to him, after a whole afternoon went by, the trouble that hindered them had been solved more than 70% or 80%.

In the evening, everyone in the company said goodbye to him one by one, and their faces filled with sincere recognition.

" Look, only you can be the head of this company." Lupin said with a smile.

Felix rubbed his forehead, the intense use of thought acceleration was not something easy for him either. Especially since he had continued to use it for such a long time, at the moment he didn't want to think about anything other than lazily lounging on the sofa in Lupin's office.

"Don't you think that I don't know what you are thinking," Felix said with half-closed eyes: "I just don't want the company to always rely on me alone, it's okay for now, I can solve all the problems we encounter, but later- "

He abruptly paused.

"What about later?" Lupin looked at Felix strangely.

But to his frustration, Felix just hummed, holding a teacup as he slowly sipped it, "In the future, of course, I'll sit back and wait for the money, I don't want to work hard."

"I don't remember this is something that you said before," Lupin said, " I always found it strange how you registered the company with the Muggle government under the same name 'Future World'... ..." he looked at Felix cautiously, carefully weighing his words as he said softly, "You seem to anticipate some kind of change in the future, such as a complete collapse of Statute of Secrecy?"

"Felix, are you preparing for that?"

When he said this, Lupin himself got taken aback. His brain slowed down more than a beat slower than usual, and he, who is usually clever, froze as he thought over and over again in his head several times before coming to a terrible conclusion, and he lost his breath as he uttered.

" Do you want to follow Grindelwald's example and forcibly abolish the Statute of Secrecy?"

"How is that possible." Felix laughed, as he opened his eyes, "I didn't consider that far into the future, and I didn't want to like Don Quixote, Tilting at windmills all by myself ..."

"Huh?" He rubbed his chin and pondered, "Come to think of it, I actually do have the ability to tilt windmills apart."

Looking at the increasingly serious expression on Lupin's face, he grunted, "Why are you acting like Percy, without any sense of humour ..."

Lupin gave a feeble laugh: "This is a serious issue that I can't afford to joke with, especially when it's you who are saying this, I simply couldn't take it as a joke. So, what are you thinking? You dumped the company to me, and now I need to know more about your ideas about how to manage it."

"My idea is simple."

Felix raised his finger: "First, let the wizards gradually aware of the development of ordinary people, we, as pioneers, shoulder the responsibility of combining the wisdom of both and displaying it to one of the parties, it is clear that we have no other choice, for the time being, the customer can only be a wizard ..."

-- but the future is hard to say.

"Second, taking necessary precautions against Voldemort's return."

-- in other words, gathering multitudes of people together.

"Voldemort?" Lupin looked at him in surprise, the expression on his face was at first incredulous, then he obviously thought of something and became worried.

"Has anyone ever mentioned this to you?" Felix asked curiously.

"It's Sirius," Lupin frowned, then he pulled out a bottle of eggnog from the cabinet behind his chair and poured a glass for himself, "Do you want some?"

Felix shook his head slightly.

Lupin took a large sip and said, "He didn't elaborate about it in detail with me, it seems to involve a big secret that Headmaster Dumbledore prevented him from revealing to the others ... but he told me not to lag behind in my training, the war of a dozen years ago is far from over - -"

"All the hatred will end in the future." One of his hands clutched his knee with a death grip.

Felix looked at Lupin, who he knew had an enemy - the one who had got away scot-free.

He said softly, "You guessed right, Sirius' words were right. No one knows what the future holds, and Hogwarts' Defense Against the Dark Arts has been relatively sloppy for the past decades, plus the Ministry of Magic did not hold much sense of crisis after that war, so except for Aurors, everyone else will struggle to even barely cast a complete shield charm."

"Now, in recent years, the dueling club has become a norm, and this year it has become an elective course. It partially replaced the defense against dark arts function, so now the graduates are able to protect themselves from basic threats. But if they neglect their training, it won't take them more than a few years for them to forget the little knowledge they've learned ... Have you thought about what you can expect from them when war actually occurs?"

Lupin also realized this problem. More than ten years ago, why Voldemort can become everyone's nightmare? First of all, his personal strength is very strong, even Dumbledore can not stop him; secondly, the Death Eaters under his command are not weak, and moreover, he gathered a group of dark creatures, which caused a lot of bloodsheds.

He did not dare to imagine what another war would bring, it is simply because the interval between the wars is too short! If Voldemort came back, that group of people who had experienced the war would only submit more quickly, to suffer less. After all, as long as they are not Muggle-born, they probably won't be slaughtered, but of course, not many people will truly support the rule of the Dark Lord.

In fact, at the end of the last war, this trend has been there.

As the only person that the Dark Lord fears, Dumbledore remained closed in the school. Many people have a lot to say about this, but there are still a few people who believed that Dumbledore had actually fought Voldemort and won, which is why during the war the Dark Lord did nothing to the students of Hogwarts - with the character of the Dark Lord, why else would he let the muggle wizards in the school leave alone that easily.

But it is clear that Dumbledore could not stop Voldemort, at least not like how he imprisoned the first Dark Lord. There are rumours that said that the Voldemort is good at some kind of escape magic, which he has practiced to a remarkable degree, and there are also rumours that the Voldemort has transformed himself with the evillest dark magic so that he can recover quickly and will re-appear again no matter how much he is injured ...

Lupin's heart is in a mess, at that moment, Felix's voice seems to have come from out of heaven.

"As for the third, I am indeed not pleased with the Statute of Secrecy, and also not pleased with the Ministry of Magic's mediocrity ... but what is the use of my dissatisfaction can do alone? Using the power to oppress and become a second Dark Lord? Oh, sorry, a third, either way, it's a foolish move."

"That's why I consider myself as a variable." He suddenly showed a mischievous smile as he kept twirling the teacup in his hand, "Yeah, that initial variable, the first variable ... that will alter certain things, lead certain things, promote certain things, and leave things alone until the storm comes."

"Even though I never passed divination class, I just have a firm hunch - that I will live a long time," Felix said to Lupin with a smirk, "so I can afford to wait. "


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