
Harry potter +18(Various smut fics)

This will contain various smut fics some might be one shots some will have multiple chapters i will name them appropriately i will try to include the characters name in each fics chapter some chapters might include futa ' femboy content etc.. but i will try to mark them

harry_spotter · Bücher und Literatur
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28 Chs

17.Enjoying Yourself? part2(Tracy)

The days at Hogwarts were as long as they were dull. Most of the time anyway. All of the classes were fairly easy for him this year, Harry really didn't have to spend that much time studying or working at his skills. Really, he wished that he could be done with this place already. The only bright points were his friends and Tracey. Tracey Davis, his wonderful, beautiful, perfect girlfriend. Sometimes he wonders just how lucky he was to have her beside him.

Harry had first met Tracey back in their first year. They had met on the Hogwarts express and shared the boat ride over to the castle. At the sorting ceremony, Harry was sorted into Ravenclaw and Tracey was sorted into Slytherin. They had a few classes together and always hung out outside of class. Eventually when they were in their fourth year they were able to attend the Yule Ball. Harry had spent nearly two weeks working up the courage to ask her to go with him. Surprisingly enough, she had said yes. He later learned that she had rejected a couple of other offers in the hopes that he would ask her to the ball.

That was the night that they had their first kiss. After that, they stayed together as a couple. Every Hogsmeade weekend they went just by themselves. They sneaked out regularly late at night to meet with each other. They sat together at most meals. Honestly, they never tired of just talking and being around one another. Harry couldn't be any more grateful for that.

They first slept together at the start of their sixth year. What a year that had been. They really had been unable to keep their hands off of one another. There was one week, near the exams at the end of the year, where the two of them had been so tired and stressed out from preparing for their exams so they had sex no less than six times a day. It was an amazing time, though they became so sore by the end of it that they could barely touch each other for a week.

Now that they were in the latter half of their seventh year, they had just passed the three year mark of their relationship. They were fully committed to one another and Harry couldn't imagine spending his life with anyone else.

Since they had been together for a while and were fully committed to one another, Harry and Tracey had decided never to keep secrets from one another. That meant they told each other everything. Interestingly enough, one day they had been discussing things that they wanted to try in the bedroom. Tracey had admitted to being really turned on by three things. Having sex with other people in the room, having sex with people watching, and having sex with other people or couples but always with the both of them involved.

Though Harry couldn't say that those had exactly been things that he was very interested in, he decided to try it out and see what it was like. Five nights ago, he had led Tracey on an adventure through Hogwarts. They started off in an old abandoned classroom before making it out into the hall and stripping nude. They ran and fucked in the corridors on the fifth floor of Hogwarts. After nearly being caught by Filch, Harry led them into a large broom cupboard where he knew Ginny Weasley and Terry Boot were in. Harry successfully convinced them that they could all have sex in there beside each other. It had been a wonderful experience and Harry was so glad that he had tried it. He had loved it but more importantly, Tracey had loved it.

Every night since, Tracey had been incredibly enthusiastic in bed. They had fucked like crazy and she had been insatiable. Harry absolutely loved her like this. His mind was running wild with the possibilities of what else he could do to make Tracey's fantasies come true. Finally, he thought of a great idea. He ran it by Tracey because he would need her help with this. She agreed readily and the two made their plans for the following morning.

Breakfast time at Hogwarts was always a wonderful affair. Large platters of eggs, sausages, bacon, grilled tomatoes, fried mushrooms, baked beans, black pudding, toast, and potato cakes filled the long house tables. Harry was always an early riser so he showed up right at six in the morning when the tables filled. There was no one else in the Great Hall yet. He seated himself at the Slytherin table and waited.

A few minutes later and he saw Tracey entering the hall with a bright smile on her face. She was dragging along her best friend, Daphne Greengrass.

Daphne Greengrass was a pureblood girl and the heiress to the Greengrass fortune. She was tall for a girl, like Tracey, with long blond hair. She had a lithe form with a slightly smaller bust than Tracey. They were both dressed in their usual Slytherin robes. Daphne sat down sleepily beside Harry while Tracey ran around to the other side of the table with a grin on her face. "Does sleeping beauty need a little coffee to wake her up this morning?" Tracey said in a sing-song voice.

Daphne glared at Tracey. "If you hadn't woken me up this early, I wouldn't need it." She haphazardly grabbed a pot that appeared on the table and poured herself a mug full of it.

The morning started off as usual. Tracey and Harry talked joyfully as a few students trickled into the room. Daphne was holding her mug of coffee close to her chest, sipping at it slowly for a few minutes before she began to perk up a little.

Eventually, Harry nodded at Tracey, letting her know to start. He heard her kick off one of her shoes onto the floor. Eventually, Harry felt one of her feet gently touching his leg. Tracey and Harry were continuing to talk normally during this and Daphne had started joining in on the conversation. Tracey's black stocking covered foot made its way up Harry's right leg until it rested on the bench that Harry was sitting on. Tracey pressed forward with her toes until it rested against Harry's crotch.

Tracey started to rub her foot up and down Harry's crotch, causing his cock to harden slowly. She was mentioning something to Daphne who was taking no notice of what was going on beside her. After a few moments, Harry was rock hard and his erection was clearly visible against his pants. It was pressed back against his stomach and Tracey continued to run her feet up and down its length.

As Daphne leaned back to take another sip of her coffee, her eyes looked down. Her brow furrowed at what she was seeing before her eyes jumped up to Tracey's. Tracey though was looking at Harry, making pointless small talk about class while still stroking his cock. Harry nodded along with what she was saying but was looking at Daphne out of the corner of his eye. She could easily see Tracey stroking his cock through his pants with her foot, it was unavoidable.

Harry noticed as Daphne's face began to redden. She was trying to look away from Harry's crotch but Harry noticed that every few seconds, Daphne's eyes darted down for a brief moment to look again.

"Daphne?" Tracey said, trying to get her friend's attention.

"Uhh, what?" Daphne sputtered, her face looking beet red.

"I asked if you had any plans tonight. I thought that we could study for McGonagall's test together?" Tracey asked her friend with a straight face.

"Yeah, sure," Daphne said absentmindedly. She quickly stuffed her face with a sausage she had on her plate but the blush on her face deepened as she realized that she had half of a sausage hanging out of her mouth. She glanced down at Harry's crotch again before quickly placing the remainder of the sausage on her plate.

Abruptly, Daphne stood up from the table. Tracey continued to stroke Harry's cock with her foot and Harry saw Daphne glance down quickly once more. "I'll see you guys later," Daphne stammered out. "I'm gonna gonna go back to the dorm and redo my hair before class starts. I'll see you there."

"Okay, see you later," Harry replied.

Daphne spun around quickly and practically ran out of the Great Hall. As she rounded the corner out of sight, Tracey and Harry burst out into laughter. Tracey pulled her foot away from Harry's crotch and put it back into her shoe. "Do you think she'll be interested?" Harry asked Tracey.

Tracey smiled. "I guess we'll find out tonight."

"And when I went back to the dorm room to find her, I saw her masturbating in her bed," Tracey exclaimed to Harry. They were standing beside each other in the Room of Requirement. Right now, it was just a big, empty white room with stone floors and floating candles for light.

"Did she see you?" Harry asked.

"No she didn't, but guess what I heard? She was moaning your name."

"Wow," Harry said, "I didn't think that she'd jump on board that quickly.

"I know right," Tracey agreed. "I know that she's never really wanted you before. Well, I mean, you are pretty hot so obviously she thinks you're attractive but it's not like she wants to steal you away from me."

Harry grinned at her. "She couldn't steal me away from you even if she tried."

Tracey smacked him arm playfully. "Don't I know it. You'd have to be a fool to get rid of something as perfect as me."

Harry laughed at her confidence and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Are you sure that you still want to do this?" He asked.

"Of course, this is something that I've always dreamt about. Believe me, I won't be jealous even if something happens as long as I'm involved in it."

"She's still on her way then?"

"Yep," Tracey confirmed. "She always shows up here at least an hour early because she likes to get the room set up the way she wants and rest. She should be here fairly soon. I've made it appear like no one is using the room right now so she'll enter thinking that it's empty. Let me just shape the room."

Tracey's eyes closed in thought and suddenly the room transformed around them. They were now sitting in a beautiful study room. Plush couches and chairs circled around a long table in the middle of the room with plenty of space for books and notes to cover it. The walls were covered with dark stained oak panelling and there was a roaring fireplace in the left wall. In the wall opposite the entrance to the room, a large window appeared showing a simulated view out of the castle to the Great Lake and mountains beyond. Though there was a window, the room was quite dimly lit. There was little

The right wall of the room was covered with stunning bookcases. There was an open arched passageway right in the middle of the wall. There were two chairs in the room that they were standing in that were facing this entrance. Anyone sitting in them would have a decent view into the room beyond the passageway. Tracey grasped Harry's hand and led him into the room. It was a large bedroom. A massive bed, bigger than Harry had ever seen outside of the Room of Requirement, lay right in the middle of the room. It was dimly lit with floating candles above their heads. There was a dresser for clothes off to the side and a shower located in the far right corner of the room.

"It all looks perfect," Harry told Tracey.

"You can complement me all you want later, right now it's time for us to start," Tracey replied with a smirk.

Without pause, Harry literally swept Tracey off of her feet with practised confidence. Tracey giggled wildly as Harry threw her as gently as he could onto the bed. He threw off his outer cloak as he hopped on the bed with her. Harry pinned her down underneath him and began to kiss her.

Tracey was squirming beneath him, working her hands to Harry's waist before sliding them up under his shirt and across his abs. She ran her fingers across them, moaning into the kiss. Harry pulled back for a moment and tore off his shirt, leaving him topless, and came back to kiss Tracey.

Harry slid one of his hands under Tracey's head and slowly pulled her up to a sitting position with him, not breaking their kiss for even a moment. Once they were comfortable again, Harry reached for the hem of her jumper and pulled it up. Tracey raised her arms up to get the jumper off of her. As it came up and off her chest, it revealed a beautiful light pink, lacy bra that captured Tracey's large chest. The jumper came up over Tracey's head, sending her long black hair all over in a mess.

Tracey evidently didn't want to wait so her hand reached down for her skirt which she pulled down to her feet revealing a matching thong. She pulled down her black stockings with her skirt and threw them off to the side of the room. Getting the message, Harry pulled off his pants too. That wasn't enough for Tracey though who pulled down his striped boxers with them, revealing Harry's semi-hard cock. Harry got to his knees on the bed and Tracey lied down on her stomach.

Just before they could continue, they heard the door to the Room of Requirement open. "It's Daphne, I made it so that only she could get in," Tracey whispered. She shifted on the bed and Harry followed suit. If Daphne looked into the room they were in, she would have a perfect side view of them right now. "Just keep going and pretend not to notice her."

Tracey took Harry's cock into her mouth and began to suck. His cock hardened very quickly and soon Tracey was using one hand to help stroke his cock as she sucked on it. Her red lips were wrapped tightly around the head of his cock and her tongue swirled nicely around it. Harry let out a low sigh of pleasure.

Out of the corner of his eye, Harry noticed movement in the other room. He saw Daphne's telltale blond hair appear in the middle of the room before she scampered back quietly off to the side. It was dim in both of the rooms though so it wasn't exactly easy to see make out her features perfectly. He would have loved to have seen the look on her face.

A moment later and Harry noticed Daphne's eyes peer around the corner of the passageway into the room. The tip of her head was just barely visible but Harry knew that she was getting an excellent view of Tracey sucking his cock. Harry placed one of his hands on the back of Tracey's head and moaned again as she continued to suck and stroke.

Harry reached down with his free hand and slid it under Tracey's bra covered breasts. He gently squeezed one of them. "God I love your tits," Harry said just loud enough so that Daphne would hear.

Tracey pulled back her head off of his cock with an audible popping sound. "And I love your cock," Tracey grinned. She got up off of her stomach and pressed her body up against Harry's, kissing him deeply.

Reaching his arms around her, Harry found Tracey's bra's clasp and unhooked it. Tracey grabbed each cup on her breast and slowly pulled it off revealing her perfect breasts. Harry leaned down and took one of her small, pert nipples into his mouth. He suckled at it gently with his lips and flicked it with his tongue before repeating the same with her other nipple. Harry's hands slid down to Tracey's thong and tugged at it. Tracey got the message and pulled it all the way down to her knees before pulling it off entirely. She threw it right to the passageway where Daphne quickly ducked her head back to avoid being seen.

"On your back," Harry ordered.

Tracey flopped onto her back, her breasts jiggling as she did so. Harry adjusted her so that she was on an angle. Daphne would get a good view of the side of Harry's head buried between Tracey's legs. Harry leaned down, breath heavy with lust, and started to lick Tracey's core.

Tracey bent her legs up on the bed. Harry was able to glance back into the room Daphne was in. She was watching more brazenly now, almost in full view. Daphne believed that there was no way that either Harry or Tracey could see her from their current position so she watched openly. She wasn't wearing much, just a standard Hogwarts white blouse and a black skirt and stockings. One of her hands was fondling her chest, seemingly absentmindedly.

Harry returned his focus to Tracey. He shoved his tongue as deep as he could into Tracey's pussy and began running it along her inner walls. His nose brushed up against her clitoris, causing Tracey to emit a loud moan of pleasure. "That's it Harry, oh gods yes," Tracey exclaimed.

Moving his mouth up, Harry wrapped his lips around Tracey's engorged clitoris and gently sucked on it, applying only a little bit of pressure to start. Tracey was squirming in pleasure and Harry saw one of her hands find her breast.

Looking subtly back at Daphne again, he saw that the girl had opened her blouse up a little and was palming one of her breasts. Her other hand was stuck down her skirt, and presumably her panties, and was working itself in a circular rubbing motion. Daphne was biting her lip to stay silent.

Returning to his ministrations, Harry worked a couple of fingers into Tracey's wet pussy as he continued to pleasure her clitoris. His fingers found ran across her inner walls until it found the slightly more textured inner lining that was Tracey's G-spot. Harry rubbed his fingers against it gently, working it tandem with his mouth on her clit. Tracey's moaning grew louder and louder and Harry continued to work away at her.

"Fuck, Harry, I need you right now," Tracey cried out loudly in pleasure.

Slowly, Harry removed himself from his efforts. He slid himself up Tracey's body and began to kiss her. Hie eyes flickered subtly over to the passageway. Daphne had moved once again. She was sitting down and slumped back in one of the chairs that faced the passageway. Her blouse was completely open and her left hand had worked its way under her bra. Daphne's skirt was bunched up at her waist, her legs open wide and hanging over the armrests, Her white panties were pushed to the side, revealing her pink pussy to the world. She had a couple of fingers buried in it and her thumb appeared to be pressing against her clit.

Daphne paused, eyes wide as she waited for Harry to continue. It looked like she was too scared to move for fear of being caught. Not one to want to delay anyone their pleasure, Harry angled his cock to Tracey's opening and slowly pushed in and out of her only a little way in. His cock grew slick from Tracey's wetness and he was able to push deeper and deeper until he completely buried himself in her.

"Oh fuck, Harry," Tracey muttered, burying her face into the crook of Harry's neck. Her hands wrapped around Harry's back and grabbed him with need. Their chests were pressed firmly together as they fucked.

Eventually, it appeared as though Tracey wanted to move things along. She gently pushed Harry off of her and leaned forward into a sitting position. Then, she looked through the passageway and made her eyes go wide and mouth open. Harry turned to look too. Daphne's eyes were locked with Tracey's while her fingers were still buried deep in her pussy.

"Daphne?" Tracey exclaimed with fake surprise.

Daphne was frozen in place, too scared and unsure to move. Her eyes flickered between Tracey's and Harry's. Slowly, she removed her hand from inside of herself. Harry could see the slick wetness on her fingers. Daphne curled her legs up to hide herself and she began to stammer nonsense.

"Sorry, I, ah, I should . . . " Daphne stood up from her seat and made for the door.

"Wait, Daphne!" Tracey called out. Daphne froze in place but didn't turn around. Tracey slid off the bed and ran out into the other room. Harry stayed where he was and watched the interaction take place.

Tracey ran up to a few steps behind Daphne, still completely naked. "Daphne, look at me," Tracey said.

Begrudgingly, Daphne turned around. Harry could see the redness on her face, she wasn't even meeting Tracey's eye. "What were you doing here? Watching us?" Tracey asked in a non-confrontational tone.

"Well," Daphne stuttered out, "I was coming here for us to study and then . . . I saw you two and I just . . ."

Tracey flicked her eyes back to me as though in thought. Harry cocked his head to the side in a questioning manner. Tracey knew what Harry meant. She nodded her head back to him. She still wanted this to happen. "Come here," Tracey said pulling Daphne into a hug. The blond haired girl hesitated before hugging her friend awkwardly. After a moment, Tracey pulled back. "Follow me."

Tracey led Daphne into the bedroom. Daphne was looking everywhere except for Harry and his still erect cock. Tracey sat down on the edge of the bed. "Look, I know that you don't want to steal Harry away from me," Tracey began.

Daphne's face went white. "I would never! You two are always so happy together."

"And," Tracey continued, "you're my best friend in the world. I want you to know something that Harry and I talked about a while ago. We're open to having other people join us in bed."

Daphne's eyes flickered up to Tracey's. She looked confused.

"It's never happened before, but . . . " Tracey looked back to Harry who nodded. "Well, do you want to join us tonight?" Tracey asked Daphne.

The blond haired girl looked at Tracey and Harry for a few moments, contemplating things. "Alright, for tonight at least."

Tracey grinned brightly and grabbed her best friend's arm, tugging her close. "Come on, you're going to have so much fun tonight." Tracey helped Daphne up onto the bed. "From this point forward though, no being coy. We all know what's going to happen tonight."

Daphne nodded in agreement. The instant that she did, Tracey pressed her lips up against Daphne's. Daphne froze in shock for a moment before she eventually leaned back into the kiss. Tracey reached her hands between them and grasped Daphne's blouse. She finished unbuttoning it and helped slide it off of Daphne, revealing Daphne's milky white coloured skin. Daphne was wearing a plain white bra underneath that covered most of her chest. As Tracey pressed herself back up against Daphne, their breasts pushed up against each other. Tracey's were clearly larger but Daphne's were sized fairly well. Not big or small, just somewhere in the middle.

Tracey's hands worked their way behind Daphne's back and unclasped the girl's bra. Daphne hesitated but with a bit of gentle prodding from Tracey, took off her bra. Her breasts were amazing, virtually no sag to them with small nipples. Tracey didn't stop there though, she reached down and grasped both Daphne's skirt and panties. She locked eyes with Daphne as she gently pulled them down. Daphne's face grew red but she slid them off the rest of the way and dumped them on the floor beside the bed.

"Come on over, Harry," Tracey told him. Daphne seemed to get awkward again as Harry came over. They were all on their knees on the bed, all facing each other. Tracey nodded at Harry again, reaffirming her choice.

Gently, Harry moved in front of Daphne. She was looking right in his eyes, seemingly afraid of looking down at his hard cock. As Harry closed in to Daphne, his cock brushed up against her stomach. Daphne sucked in a bit of breath and looked down at his cock before she looked back up at Harry. Without needing any encouragement this time, Daphne leaned her head forward and kissed Harry. She was timid and cautious but Harry deepened the kiss.

Daphne seemed to be enjoying herself more now. She pressed her chest firmly against Harry's and placed her hands on the side of Harry's head cautiously, keeping them locked into their kiss. Harry ran his hands down Daphne's naked body. He brushed over the sides of her breasts and then went further down to her slim waisted. He wrapped his hands around them, she felt so tiny. His hands slid down again to feel her firm butt. Daphne let out a slight moan as Harry squeezed her cheeks gently. As the two of them pulled back from their kiss, they smiled at each other.

"Do you want to taste his cock," Tracey asked, gesturing to Harry's hard cock that was still poking Daphne's stomach. Daphne seemed to nervous to answer so she merely nodded her head.

Harry stayed on his knees and Tracey came up right beside him. He wrapped an arm around her and kissed her gently. Daphne seemed to be taking a cue from Tracey as she mirrored the position that Tracey had been in earlier, lying flat on her back, face right in front of Harry's cock.

Daphne paused for a few moments before cautiously bringing a hand up to Harry's cock. She gave it a tug, just testing the waters. She looked up one more time to Harry and Tracey who both smiled at her approvingly. Daphne looked back down at the cock right in front of her and gently brought it to her her lips. She kissed it as first. A gentle kiss right on the head. She kissed it again and again before cautiously opening her mouth slightly and sticking out her tongue. She brushed it lightly against the head of Harry's cock before taking in just part of the head into her mouth.

As Daphne began to timidly suck Harry's cock, Tracey kissed Harry again one more time before separating. Harry and Daphne both watched her as she got off the bed and moved around behind Daphne. Daphne was continuing to suck Harry's cock. Harry placed a hand on the side of Daphne's head and ran his fingers through her blond hair. Daphne looked up for a moment and smiled at him before returning to her sucking.

Harry watched as Tracey positioned herself right behind Daphne. She was on her knees on the floor, head in between Daphne's legs which were hanging off of the edge of the bed. Slowly, Tracey moved her head forward to place it right between Daphne's thighs. Tracey placed her hands on Daphne's thighs which scared her, causing her to pop Harry's cock out of her mouth and look back. "Just enjoy it," Tracey told her.

Tracey pulled Daphne's body back a bit so that her crotch was right at the edge of the bed. Harry moved forward with them to keep his cock close to Daphne's mouth. Daphne returned to sucking but Harry could tell that she was still distracted by what was going on behind her.

Tracey placed Daphne's legs over her shoulders and leaned her head forward. She gently stuck out her tongue and moved it to lick along Daphne's moist slit. Daphne shuddered on the bed as Tracey began to lick her.

"You're really good at this," Harry groaned as Daphne's mouth sent a wave of pleasure through his body. He could feel Daphne's laugh around his cock. He was getting really close to cumming.

Tracey was continuing to lick Daphne's pussy. A couple of her fingers slid inside too and she used her other hand to play with Daphne's clit. All of the pleasure was getting to Daphne whose whole body was squirming in pleasure on the bed.

"I'm about to cum Daphne," Harry groaned.

Daphne seemed to redouble her efforts, all the while her eyes seemed lost in a haze of pleasure. She sucked the head of Harry's cock well until he finally unleashed his cum into Daphne's mouth. She seemed shocked as the cum spurted into her mouth but she did her best to try to keep it all inside. She almost managed it too but a bit dribbled down her lips and onto her chin. Daphne pulled her head back and swallowed the load of cum with a look of distaste on her face. "That wasn't very good," she said.

Tracey pulled away from her position behind Daphne's legs and clambered up onto the bed. Daphne got to her knees shakily. Tracey grasped Daphne's chin and pulled her face towards her. Tracey licked the cum trail from Daphne's chin all the way to her lips. "It's an acquired taste," Tracey grinned. She pulled Daphne in for another kiss, shoving her tongue into Daphne's mouth.

Harry's cock was still hard even after cumming. He stroked himself as he watched Tracey and Daphne make out. This was a scene that he would never forget.

"Do you want to fuck Harry?" Tracey asked Daphne.

"Absolutely," Daphne replied, all of the shyness gone.

"Here, why don't you go on top," Harry suggested.

Harry shifted himself on the bed so that he was lying down on it with a small pillow under his head. His hard cock was lying against his stomach. Daphne made her way over to her and placed one leg on either side of his waist. She glanced over to Tracey who nodded at her to continue. Daphne reached down with her hand to grasp Harry's cock. She angled towards her opening and gently sunk down until the head was pressed up against her entrance.

Exhaling audibly, Daphne sunk down on Harry's cock slowly. She made it partway down and paused, adjusting to the new sensation. After a moment's pause, she continued to sink down. At nearly three-quarters of the way down, Daphne paused again. She leaned forward and looked down at the remaining portion of the cock that was left to fit in her. "You're bigger than I thought," Daphne laughed.

Harry smiled easily back at her. "Maybe you're pussy's smaller and tighter than you thought."

Daphne pressed down again, finally taking Harry's entire length inside of her. Harry could feel her pubic bone pressed up against his. Daphne leaned forward slightly, bracing her hands on the bed on either side of Harry's chest. She started to slowly move her hips, sliding back up. Harry's glistening cock was revealed slowly as Daphne moved upwards. She went to high up though and Harry's cock slid out of her entirely. "Oops," Daphne muttered and grasped Harry's cock again. She sunk back down onto with a long sigh of pleasure.

As Daphne started to pick up the pace while riding him, her breasts were bouncing enticingly in front of Harry. He reached up and grabbed one, running his thumb over Daphne's nipple. She moaned in pleasure and brought one of her hands up to place over top of Harry's, keeping it there. Harry continued his movements. "Enjoying yourself?" Tracey asked Daphne. Daphne merely moaned in response. Suddenly, the bed shifted slightly as Tracey moved.

Tracey moved on her knees to place herself beside Harry's head. Harry's hand fell off of Daphne's breast and Daphne leaned back from hanging over Harry's torso. Tracey moved around behind Harry's head before moving her knees forward to rest on either side of his head. She spread them wider apart and moved her hips down until her pussy rested lightly against Harry's mouth. Tracey was leaned forward to give him a better angle to her pussy.

As Harry stuck his tongue out to start licking, he heard Tracey and Daphne kiss over him. Daphne's hips slowed as she took his cock entirely inside of her. She ground her hips on his, rocking back and forth as she made out with Tracey. As Tracey shifted above him, Harry glimpsed the two girls palming each other's breasts. Tracey lowered her pussy back to Harry's lips and he returned to pleasuring her.

Daphne's hips started moving up and down again as she broke off the kiss with Tracey. She was growing fiercer and rougher as she slammed her hips down, thrusting Harry's cock deep into her repeatedly. The girls above Harry were moaning as they were struck with pleasure while Harry's noises were entirely lost in Tracey's pussy.

"Yes, Daphne, impale yourself on Harry's big, hard cock," Tracey cried out as her body was wracked with pleasure. Tracey was loving every moment of it and it was clearly getting to her. A moment later, her body shook and shuddered and she pressed herself more roughly down on Harry's mouth as she was overrun with a powerful orgasm.

"Ugh," Daphne moaned. "I'm getting real close too."

Tracey recovered from her orgasm a few moments later and moved off of Harry's head. She collapsed on the bed beside Harry and curled up against him, her head beside his. She kissed his lips and smiled. "Make it a good one for her," Tracey said.

Harry returned his focus to Daphne. He started matching her downward thrusts with upward thrusts of his own. He threw his hips up with as much force as Daphne was sending down and their skin was smacking roughly against each others. Daphne moaned at the pleasure of Harry's cock inside of her.

"Fuck!" Daphne shrieked. Her legs shuddered violently on either side of Harry and her pussy tightened up immensely. That tightening was enough for Harry and he came inside of Daphne. Daphne was frozen in pleasure but Harry kept thrusting a few more times as he unleashed spurt after spurt of cum into Daphne's pussy.

Exhausted, Daphne collapsed down onto Harry's chest. His cock was still buried in her pussy. Daphne's head was resting against Harry's chest, facing Tracey. "Enjoy yourself?" Tracey giggled.

"Yeah" Daphne said dumbly, still overcome by her orgasm. She was breathing heavily against Harry's chest.

Daphne shifted forward a little and captured Harry's mouth in a kiss. Then she turned to face Tracey and beckoned her forward. When Tracey got close enough, Daphne gave her a deep kiss as well. "Tonight was amazing," she sighed contently.

"We still need to clean up though," Tracey smirked.

At Daphne's confused expression, Tracey snaked around on the bed to go behind Daphne and Harry. She leaned forward and Harry helped move Daphne forward so that his cock slid out of her. Instantly, his cum began to slip out of Daphne's pussy but Tracey put her lips up against Daphne's opening and caught all of the cum in her mouth. Daphne moaned as Tracey licked her insides, cleaning her up. Once she was done, she let Daphne lie down on Harry's body again.

Then, Tracey took Harry's still semi-hard cock and took it entirely into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it and licking it clean. Once she was content with her job, she gave it one last kiss and moved back to her position curled up beside Harry. Daphne rolled off of Harry's chest onto the empty bed on the other side of him.

Harry wrapped his arms around the girls and they all let out content sighs.

"I think we're done for the night," Tracey said. With a mental thought on her part, the Room of Requirement conjured a thick blanket over top of them.

Harry sighed once more in contentment as Tracey and Daphne snuggled up beside him, both of their breasts squished up against his chest and one of each of their legs draped over his. He could feel the warmth of their pussies on his thighs. He readjusted his arms around them, pulling them tight up against him. Harry turned his head to Tracey who was looking at him with a gentle smile on her lips. "I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too."