
Harry Potter - Scion of House Ignis

After a truck hits his house, Leo slowly bleeds out and dies. Waking up, he finds himself being born again, .. "Congratulations Mrs Ignis, it's a boy!" "I'll name you.. Leo. Leo Ignis." Harry Potter Fanfic. Average words / ch : 1.51K

Loyal_Hunter · Bücher und Literatur
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29 Chs

3 - School and System

* 1 week later *

Well, school sucks.

I know I should have expected it but still, I couldn't help but get a little excited.

Alas, somebody who has already graduated college just can't relate to 5 years who are excited at learning the alphabet.

I've also decided to exercise, I usually just run around the orphanage, help the matron with moving boxes and similar things along with basic moves like push-ups, sit-ups and squats in my room.

After a few weeks in school the teachers finally took notice of my genius and had me doing harder work.

By that, I mean hard for an average 5 year old. So how to write basic words and form basic sentences along with basic maths like 1 + 1.

I've created a schedule for most of the things in my life

7:30am - wake up

8:00am - after doing basic things like brushing teeth and some small workouts, prepare school things then meditate for an hour.

9:00am - Go to school.

3:00pm - Go Back to orphanage

3:15pm - Do physically intensive things like running.

4:00pm - do more exercises in my room

5:00pm - keep practising basic spells until tired

7:00pm - occlumency training (basically just thinking about how to cause pain to people trying to read my mind)

11:00pm - sleep

7:30am wake up

At some point I ended up reviewing all of my Harry Potter book knowledge and I remember most of it fairly well although for all I know this could be an AU harry potter world, it doesn't have to be canon.

I've also wondered about basic things that don't make sense in the wizarding world. For one most people believe you have to be incredibly powerful for wandless magic but, accidental magic is just wandless magic in a highly emotional state.

I remember reading that magic is based on intent, focus and power.

You need to have the intent to do something you can't just say the name of a spell and hope it works as long you have enough magic.

You need to focus on what you're doing. You can't be distracted from your spell or it won't work and finally power.

Different spells need different amounts of power to work, from what I've found your magic almost instinctively knows how much power to use in a spell, of course you can consciously change the amount of power you use as long you know where your core is and have enough control of your magic to change it.

Magic feels like an extra limb, you don't explain how to lift your arm up you just do it just like you don't explain how to move your magic, you just do it.

Nothing of note really happened for the next few years other than the fact I was known as a genius in school because I am learning 13-14 year old work at age 6.

On my 7th birthday something incredibly strange (and awesome) happened. My magical core grew by almost twice the amount!

Before, my core was around the size a pool ball after it grew from a golf ball size most likely due to all of the wandless magic I was doing, but the day I woke up on my 7th birthday it was almost the size of a tennis ball!

I also felt stronger physically, sure it wasn't by a lot but I'd say I could most 10-11 year olds in an arm wrestle even though I'm only 7.

But something even bigger than my core doubling in size happened on this day too.

I have a system!

After getting over the fact my core was so big after waking up I suddenly felt an itch in my mind that I just couldn't scratch and in front of my eyes.. well, mind.. it said,

[System Activating]

[System Activated]

[System Integration Complete]

[Hello young one]

'Young one?' I thought to myself

[That is what I said, young one.]

'You can read my thoughts?'

[Only if you allow it]


'That's a little uncomfortable but I guess it's fine'


'So, what's your backstory?'


'Yea, did you come from another universe or something?'

[No, I was created over multiple centuries by the Ignis family, I am the families greatest heirloom!]

.. 'OK'

'so what can you do?'

[I can do many things]

'such as?'

[I can absorb information from books and others minds]

'I see, so does that mean you can absorb a books information by just scanning the book or something?'

[Yes as long as you touch the book I am able to absorb the information]

'Are you able to give that information to me?' I asked hopefully

[Yes, however depending on the books size, directly absorbing the information can be very painful]

'What was that about reading minds?'

[If you collect sufficient information on mind reading then I can employ it to read an untrained mind and assimilate this information]

'Has anyone else had the system before?'

[The system has been around for over a 1000 years, it has been under many names such as a grimoire, crystal ball, and now a system]

'I see.. and you said something about the Ignis family?'

[Yes, the Ignis family is A Most Ancient and Noble House and an Ignis family ancestor was the co-founder of the Order of Merlin]

'Why are you here now?'

[The Ignis bloodline activates once the body and magic is strong enough to handle it, the average activation age is 13, you are 7 years old which means you are incredibly talented.]

'How are you sure Ignis is A Most Ancient and Noble House? For all you know it could've been destroyed.'

[I have a direct connection with the Ignis Family Magic Signature and The Ignis Family Vault held by Clan Gringotts.]

'I see, do you know why my magic suddenly grew by twice its size?'

[Magical People go through 3 natural magical maturities when they are 7, 13 and 17 respectively. Magical Cores can also go through two separate transformations which happens when your core is at its limit and must transform to continue growing]

'What happens when your core reaches the limit after 2 magical transformations?'

[The only known people to have reached the limit of their second transformation Are Myrddin (Merlin) Emrys, Charlus (Charles) Ignis and Alexander (Alex) Potter.

'Is there anyone alive who has reached their second magical transformation?'


[There are 3 current Magical Humans who have reached their 2nd magical transformation.]

'And they are?'

[Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Thomas Marvolo Riddle and Johnathan Goldstein]

'I kinda feel bad Harry Potter now'



*sigh* I have got to get used to to someone constantly hearing my thoughts.

Speaking of Harry, I found out that it is 1984 at the moment and I was born in 1977 which means I'm 3 years Harry's senior. I've thought about what I would do with Harry and if I should try and use canon to my advantage but eventually I decided that my existence already breaks canon and I'm not even sure if this world is the same as the books so I'll just do whatever I want.

As for Harry, I have no idea what this worlds Dumbledore is like he could be evil, manipulative but good, a senile old man, I have no idea but I bet he's got Harry locked up reeal tight and I don't plan on getting involved with that until I'm strong enough to defend myself. Hmm, maybe if I find out he's abused then I'll help him a bit.. anonymously of course, I'm a very cautious person, if I don't have at least a 90% chance of success and 2 backup plans then I won't do it. I only have one chance in this world and I won't waste it because I was too lazy to hide my tracks.