
Chapter 29 - The Thoughts On Felix

Unbeknownst to Felix, Severus Snape had been tailing him all night as he ventured into the Forbidden Forest and explored the school grounds. Snape followed him from a distance, keeping a watchful eye on the young Ravenclaw student. Snape's dark, piercing eyes followed Felix's every move as he made his way through the woods and the castle grounds. Snape was curious about the new student and wanted to know more about his abilities and his intentions.

So he shadowed him, watching him from the shadows and making mental notes of his observations.

Felix, on the other hand, was completely unaware of Snape's presence, lost in his own thoughts and immersed in his own world of magic.

One hour later, after Felix went back to his room,

Snape looked at Dumbledore with a tired expression.

"So you were watching him with magic and saw me too."

Dumbledore said nothing and then asked.

"What do you think about him, Severus? If you followed him, you must have decided to do something about him."

Severus thought before answering.

"I just think he is marvelous and not like new young wizards."

Dumbledore sat in his high-backed chair, his piercing blue eyes studying Snape thoughtfully. "Yes, I have noticed the same," he replied, stroking his long white beard. "He seems to have a natural talent for magic, and his control over his spells is impressive for a new student."

Snape raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Do you think he could be a prodigy?" he asked, his black eyes narrowing in thought.

"It's possible," Dumbledore mused. "But we must be cautious not to make assumptions too soon. We do not want to put too much pressure on young Felix."

Snape nodded in agreement. "Of course, Mr. Headmaster. But I must admit, I am intrigued by his potential. Perhaps we could offer him extra lessons or provide him with additional resources to further hone his skills."

Dumbledore smiled at Snape's enthusiasm. "Excellent suggestion, Severus. I will keep an eye on young Felix, and we will see where his talents take him."

With that, Snape nodded and silently left Dumbledore's office, leaving the Headmaster to ponder the possibilities of what Felix Hermian's future could hold.

As Snape left Dumbledore's office, the Headmaster remained seated at his desk, his eyes unfocused as he was deep in thought. He considered the conversation they had just had about Felix Hermian.

Dumbledore's mind wandered back to another student who had once shown such prodigious magical ability: Tom Riddle. He had been a brilliant student but also a deeply troubled one, with a darkness in his heart that had eventually consumed him.

Dumbledore couldn't help but wonder if Felix was a similar case. He had seen enough in his long life to know that great power could sometimes come with a great cost. But he also believed in the potential for good in everyone, and he vowed to keep a close eye on Felix in the coming months.

"I can only hope that another prodigy will not be lost in the darkness."

"There is enough darkness around us as it is."

Dumbledore took a deep breath as he looked at the outside.