
Harry Potter - Deaths Champion Rises

What is fate had a different plan for the boy-who-lived? What if Death herself had decided to make him her champion just to twist the world for her enjoyment. Follow along as Harry takes a whole new adventure in a world he would have known existed without a seemingly random encounter. There will be many many hardships that will want are young and brave Potter to give up but in the end he will persevere. Watch as he slowly grows from his physically and mental abuse, along with being tortured and experimented on. He will slowly learn the history of who his family truly is and where he comes from. He will gather friends and make many enemies. Eventually even falling in love. All while bring great changes to the world he has begun to venture into. Unaware of the waves he is making in the world. This is my take on the Harry Potter series. There will be moments that i take from the original story because i feel that they where necessary for the plot but for the most part i want this be an all original story. Characters may have varying personalities and behave different then their original counter parts because i felt it necessary to change. I dont own the harry potter series or any of the characters mention except for a few characters that i will create myself. Wish me luck sith the story and try to leave creative tips for me if you can. Also NO SYSTEMS!! hate that crap so much.

RogueAmbush · Bücher und Literatur
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5 Chs

Lordship? Or Courtship?

As the sun rays began to shine through the window of the room onto my face it cause me to slowly wake up. And my rolling over cause both Sol and Artemis to wake up. And frankly i learned the hard way that they are not morning birds, not one bit. After what seemed like hours of being nagged at they both went back to sleep on both sides of my lap. As i laid there slowly waking up fully the door to my room opened and in came the nurse from yesterday. I guess i will be seeing her on a daily occurrence then. In her hands was both a tray of food as-well as a clipboard. She placed the food on the small table beside the bed and then proceeded to give me a quick checkup before telling me the doctor and the others will be in shortly to check on me and ask some questions.

My body was very week especially after all the potions i had to go through last night to get myself in a slightly better condition. Its just small improvement at the moment such as replacing fractured and damaged bones. Or regrowing destroyed nerves and tissue. However most of my scars will remain. They where to sever to be cured by potions. And the nutrition potions i drank where horrible. I think i would prefer to go back to eating my trash pizza then those. But i have no say in the matter.

About thirty minutes after i had eaten my breakfast the head doctor entered followed by the man from yesterday and another woman who was roughly in her early twenties and maybe thirties i would think. She had long black hair as well as black eyes. Decently tall for a woman roughly 5"10 in height i think. When she laid eyes on my the first think i noticed was shock and then a look of concern and sadness followed by anger. All of these emotions seemed to flash in just a brief moment before it was replaced by a calm look. As they approached they all introduced themselves because apparently they just realized they hadn't done it the day before. The doctor was name Mrs Nedino, the guy was Alastor Moody and the new woman was named Amelia Bones. What followed was a recount of everything i told the Moody guy and then her asking to see my memories just like him. Which i allowed.

What followed was her apologizing for everything and then asking if i would like to do an inheritance test. It is something that will reveal my true name and if i have any magical blood and family members which i told her yes to. She left shortly after only to return with a rather short and weird looking person. It was almost as if someone took and adult and made them slightly ugly and then compacted their size to a rather weird degree. I later learned that he was whats called a goblin. Now here cones the funny part. Or so i like to call it however to those in the room it was anything but funny.

"Now before we begin the inheritance test i would like everyone to make a vow of secrecy that nothing in this room will be released without explicit permission from the boy himself am i understood?" Amelia stated with a rather cold and dangerous glint in her eye. Eventually vows where take and the goblin instructed me to cut my palm with the blade and then let some of my blood drop on the paper. This is the fun part.

[Harry James Potter]

[Heir to House Potter, House Peverell, House Black, House Gryffindor, House Ravenclaw, House Slytherin (Conquest), House Wyllt]

[Lordships Available of House Potter, House Gryffindor, House Ravenclaw, House Slytherin, House Wyllt]

[Magical Creature Inheritance]

[Hungarian Horntail Dragon by blood]

[Golden Phoenix by Magic Signature]

[Thunderbird by Magic Signature]

The moment the goblin read over the paper he immediately looked at me and spoke in a fast but stern voice. "Repeat after me immediately boy. I Lord Harry James Potter sole heir of The Most Noble and Ancient House of Wyllt do here by claim my inheritance and all the rights that come with it from this day forward until my last day so shall it be"

After repeating exactly as he said i suddenly felt a surge of power enter my body i had never felt before. It was warm and energizing. I felt so full of energy. What i didnt notice was that the moment those words were spoken the dragon blood flowing through me seemed to have awakened and it cause d my eyes to shift to a glowing bright green jade color and for my pupils to become slits that looked as dark as the abyss. The bindings on my core were also destroyed at that moment. There was no longer a ward or a locator spell and health spell attached to me. This cause my magic to go on a rampage after being suppressed for so long. It took several moments before it all calmed down only for the goblin to instruct me to do the same thing with all the other houses. After we finished with all the lordships i was now extremely confused as to who i was and where i came from along with what do i do now. However i was lucky with the people in the room because they quickly got out of their shock and began to make plans accordingly.

"We need to make sure no one knows about this. You need to secure Gringots immediately I'm sure the goblin king would like to know the heir of Merlin has been born. I will immediately call a wizingmot meeting and see what i can do about putting a lip on this." As Amelie continued to list off orders she was interrupted by the goblin.

"Madam Bones im afraid we cant contain this especially if their are any marriage contracts for any of the houses he has just claimed lordship of. Because if there where then letters have already been sent by owl to those houses letting them know that a new lord had taken up his position and they are required to fulfill their contract or they loose their family's magic forever. And considering that all of the houses he has just claimed are most noble and ancients then i can only speculate he will have a contract for each one. There will be very little i can do to stop this from leaking." As the goblin and Amelia continued to try and solve this issue as soon as possible there where in-fact several marriage contracts being issued to family throughout all of Britain.


Inside of a mansion in a location currently unknown lies a family of four. Two young girls only a year apart and their parents. If one were to look at the girls you would think they hate each other but you couldn't be more wrong. These two sisters where as close as they could be. While the older always displayed a cold and indifferent look she truly cared and spoiler her little sister. On the other hand her little sister seemed to be a great big ball of joy and pranks. Always making every Moment memorable. Both of the parents where currently sitting in the office foe the head of the house when an owl arrived with a letter. The man opened the window and received the letter after feeding the owl a light snack for its efforts. When he looked at the seal on the letter the mans eyebrows raised ever so slightly.

"Gringots? What could those pesky goblins want now?" The man mumbled aloud however it was just loud enough for his wife to here him. After opening the letter and reading it you could see completely shock on the mans face. "Rilly!" The man yelled and with the sound of a light pop a small figure appeared in the room. It looked like a small child with droopy long ears, a long pointy nose, long but thin fingers. Very skinny and short. No taller then three feet. This was the house elf for the family. "Bring Daphne here immediately!" The man practically yelled. The elf popped away and within seconds reappeared with a young girl in tow. "Read this letter" the man threw the letter to his daughter and you could tell that he was angered but also worried. The wife was just silently looking st all this happening and was become more and more worried as time moved on.....

Meanwhile this was happening in several other houses and this was causing a huge stir because each letter held a different name but one thing in common was only one boy caused this without knowing it.