

Many millenniums ago the world was accommodated by all the beings [ human, god, wizard and beast] in attainment to that no human will crossover to the dark world where the other beings different from human lived. The human lived together it the witch and wizard cause the Elder sorcerer lord Voldemort [ruler of wizard] is the adviser to the king. While Head god ASGORE and his wife DREEMURR TORIEL are the ruler of both the gods and beast and has one daughter Suzie. Voldemort and Asgore has always been sworn enemies to each other, lord Voldemort never liked the idea of living together with the gods and beast.

On a cloudy morning the bell was rang and to announce the birth of the child the king just had, the bell sound rang all the way to Asgore house near a the town gate, he turned around and to his wife on the bed " Looks like a new reign has been born" said Asgore rubbing his hands on his wife forehead, Toriel smiled and said "Do you remember when Suzie was born you couldn't sleep the whole night you are just looking at her" Agore smiled "I was seeing you in her and trying to imagin what a beautiful and great person she will become

Asgore look down upon their daughter as he tried to imagine how she would grow up to be but then suddenly something happened which made him realize that there is more than only imagination

one of the castle guard came knock on his door to tell him the king wants to see him in the castle hall immediately, so Agore got ready quickly and went out from the room to meet his old friend who also became his rival.

When they reached the hall, the King already waiting for them, he stood up from his chair and greeted his friends warmly before saying "I am glad you could come here today"

Agore replied back "It's not really hard for me since I'm your ally"

King asked "do you know why I ask you here"

He answered yes, "Yes the news is all over the whole town about the arriver of the new prince"

The king sighed and told him "that means it is time to unite all the whole being to the castle "

"But don't worry my lord," Agore reassured him "We'll all be here to rejoice with you"

Head God Asgor and His Wife Toriel were happy after the birth of their firstborn, dress up elegantly to celebrate with the king

Lord voldemort is unhappy with the ideal of inviting the gods and beast to the feast and decided to use it to its own advantage and decided to kill the new prince and lay the blame on the gods and beast. He used his power to create an illusion of the prince dying under mysterious circumstances, everyone blamed the gods and beast for this incident. It was now clear that the humans and beasts must live separately or else face death. But Lord Voldemort didn't stop there he decides to go further by killing Asgor daughter to make it equal for the son he lost during his fight with the gods but the king stopped him and banished the gods and beast to live in the faraway place far from the kingdom. Asgore took all his people to where their descendant came from the from the Undergroung where they can't never come out from unless the find a soul to absorb.

Years later a young wizard Harry was trying out a spell alone in the wood the spell is supposed to be a teleportation spell so he can return home early but instead the spell turns into a portal through space and time and ends up landing in the middle of Asgore and his family in the Underground. He look around "where am I " he asked, Asgore walked towards him and asked how did you get here. Are here because of the prophecy

Harry looked confused "I don't understand? What do you mean?"

Asgore explained that every 1000 years the world needs a savior because of the war between humanity and the gods and beast and the last hero died without leaving any heir behind. So, until someone comes along who will save us, we need to wait till next thousand year to continue our life.

"Wait a minute! You're telling me that I am supposed to be the Savior!" Said Harry astonished "Who says this to you?"

Asgore laughed "you think I believe such thing" he paused "but if you want to prove yourself to me let me give you a test"

"What kind of test" Asked Harry still not convinced

"Let me show you something", said Asgore. He led the boy outside the underground and showed him a forest full of trees and plants but the leaves of the plant started withering away slowly and soon the whole tree will die off.

"Why does this happen?" Asked Harry

"Because the magic energy is running low". Asgore responded "To survive these creatures called wizards drain the magic energy from the land and animals to sustain themselves"

Harry nodded "So how long will it take to fix"

"About three months"

Harry thought "That's too much time for me to waste"

"You cannot help it; this is the fate of the world. If you try to change things, it might end up destroying everything."

"Then what should i do? cause i need to get back home now" Asgore turnback "I never asked how you got here are you sent by voldemort" Asgore lift harry up and strangle him with a " Voldmort is dead and you are nothing but a lost wizard in the devil underground if you are so powerful why don't you get out of here right now

"I don't know how" Harry Screamed.

he released him "You are never getting out of here cause if you want to you have to kill someone are you ready for that

"NO" he said "I can't kill anyone ever again"

"Well then welcome home" said Asgore and left him there.

After some days passed, Harry woke up and found himself lying on the ground with blood coming out of his mouth and he looks at his surroundings, he saw the same forest as Asgore showed him earlier and he noticed something strange about the whole environment. The grass and trees were all withered and dry and the birds singing was almost silent.

"This can't be happening" he said to himself, "I must be dreaming"

He tried to stand up and fell down on the ground. When he stood up again, he felt dizzy and his vision blurred, his head hurt and his stomach ached, he was tired and hungry and he wanted to lie down on his bed and sleep forever, but he knew he needed to leave the forest and somehow reach his destination.

"I need to eat something" he said, but his hunger was unbearable and his empty stomach growled loudly. "I can't keep going on like this" he said to himself while walking towards the river, but as he crossed the bridge, he heard a loud roar and when he turned around, he saw a gigantic beast charging at him.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" screamed Harry, and ran toward the woods. The creature chased after him and caught up to him just before entering the woods, it was huge and covered with fur and teeth and its eyes glowed red with anger and lust. The monster grabbed him and dragged him back to the clearing. He struggled desperately, but the monstrous animal was strong and heavy, the Harry could barely move against the weight of the beast. The creature opened his maw and bit the wizard in two, and he was killed instantly.

Harry awoke with a start, he was laying on his bed with his hands tied to the bedpost and his legs bound, he was completely naked and he could feel the cold air on his body.

"Oh god, I am in hell" he said to himself, "If only I hadn't eaten those mushrooms"

A few seconds later, the door to his room was unlocked and a lady entered the room.

"you must be Harry; my name is Suzie daughter of Asgore" She said smiling "have you had breakfast yet? I am making something delicious today, you won't regret it"

"No thanks, I don't like your father" said Harry "and the food he made was horrible"

Suzie turned around and went back to the kitchen, and he could hear her humming a song, and he could smell the aroma of the cooking meat.

"Are you a vegetarian?" he asked

She turned around with a smile "yes, you see, my mother was a human and my father was a god, so we can't eat human flesh"

"how is it possible to be a god and a human"

"it's a long story, but basically my mother is now a god tell me about yourself" she asked harry

"I don't really talking about that cause i think am full of bad luck"

"oh really" Suzie smiled "well I guess you can call me good luck"

"why is that" asked Harry "because you are the daughter of Asgore who is the ruler of the dark side"

she smiled "yeah I know I am lucky" she replied "so tell me, why is it you don't like my father?"

"He's evil and cruel, he always puts his own self first" replied the young wizard "if he doesn't like something, he just kills it, he doesn't care who gets affected or not, he just wants to win" said harry

"that sounds like something out of a fairy tale, but in the other world that is the norm, no one cares for others, they just use each other and kill each other, and they will even kill their own children to satisfy their greed" said angrily while cutting the vegetables

"that must be the humans then but they are not really like that" said Harry

"no, they are the ones who sent us here, they are the reason why we are here in the first place"

"but they are the humans who attacked us," she gave Harry the food the he tastes the food

'hmmm delicious" she smiled "thanks"

Meanwhile the Asgore brother Adan is trying to convince him to take Harry soul to be able to take revenge on the human for what they did to them.

"They will be punished" he told him

"what if I say no" said Asgore

"then our pain will be in vain"

he shouted" I don't want revenge we are better off where we are"

"then what do you plan to do with harry " "since he can't leave here am planning on adopting him " Asgore said in gentle voice" are you serious?" asked Adan

Adan is bent on getting revenge on the human so he left the angrily

Suzie and Harry sat on the roof of the castle looking at the arena, Harry asked "what do you do in that arena"

it is where the beast and fight to entertain to whole realm" said Suzie

"the beast are humans too" said Harry

"not all humans are alike" said Suzie

"are there humans that are good?" Asked Suzie

"there are some humans that are kind but they are very rare. Most of the humans are selfish and greedy they are using their power to dominate all over the world" said harry

"but aren't you a human yourself" asked Suzie

"I am but I am also a wizard so I understand both sides of the coin. But you are a Gods so I think you would agree with me that humans should not have this kind but some are still good and kind hearted" said Harry.

The sun up this morning every gods and beast are already in the arena to watch the fighting tournament "this is going to be fun!" Said the beast "but you know the rules" Said Adan "only the victor can leave the arena alive" the fighting beast come out and also his opponent "let the fight begin" said Adan the fight started and it was brutal sword slashing each other the crowd are shouting and enjoying the show the god in the arena slash his sword into the beast hearth and won the match, Adan whisper to "Asgore ear why don't you let the wizard fight to prove his skills and show if he is worthy of being your adopted son" Adan stood up "Beast and gods we have a big show for you I am bringing the one and only wizard that cross trough a the portal here to the underground where we were cast by his kind maybe it is time me get back our revenge of accept as one of ours

Suzie turned to Harry "you can't do this he will kill he"

"I have to prove myself " said Harry he stood up and went down to the arena

Asgore came with harry and Suzie and they walked into the center of the ring "good luck" Said Suzie "be careful" Said Asgore "we may lose you as the wizard or win you as my son" He looked at harry "do you think you can beat the beast " "yes" Said harry

Asgore smiled and left "come on let's go!" He said to harry and the two left the arena and the beast came out roaring at Harry running toward him, he use his tall to hit Harry on his leg and hit him on the ground dragging him all over the floor in the arena Harry cast a spell and shot a fire ball at the beast, but instead of dodging, the beast closed his eyes and took the hit, the flame burned his body and he fell to the ground

"you are strong" said Asgore

"thank you" said Harry Adan looked so surprise

"now you are ready to become my son, you have proven your strength and you are ready to be accepted as my child" said Asgore

"I don't want to be your son" said Harry "I want to get out of here and back to my home"

"You are in the underground now you are trapped" Asgore said "I can't allow you to leave, it is my duty to protect the people of the underworld, and you have proved to be strong enough to be a part of the family"

"I have to get back to my home" Harry Screamed

"I can't let you" Asgore said "I can't risk the lives of the entire population of the underground for just one person"

"I can't live in the underground, I can't stay with the monsters" Harry was crying, he wanted to be out of the dark and away from the evil.

"Please" He said

"No, I am sorry, I can't"

Harry began to cry and fall to the ground.

Then Asgore heard a scream "NO!!!"

Harry was in the arena; his clothes was ripped and his face was bloody and bruised. He was covered in blood, his arms were cut, his legs were slashed and his stomach was bleeding.

Suzie knock on Harry's door " I want to help clean your wound is that ok " she said

"sure" said Harry "please hurry up"

"ok" said Suzie and went to the kitchen

"Are you ok" Asked Suzie

"I want to go home but your father doesn't want me to" said Harry

"well you can always return to the human realm"

"no, I don't think I can"

"Why not"

"because I am a wizard and I can use magic and I don't want to hurt anyone"

"but you can use spells to heal yourself"

"but I don't want to kill anybody"

"why not"

"Because I don't think I can"


"ever since mother died have been alone since then, the only person I have is my master professor Dumbledore he is the only who took care of me and teach me my powers"

"oh" said Suzie

"I just want to go home that all" before he could finish his sentence, she kissed him" pls don't go" said Suzie

Asgore receive word that the human army is at the entrance to the underground led by the wizard

"What is he doing here" Said Asgore

"he is here to destroy the beast and the gods" said Adan

"let's see how he will fare against the beasts" said Asgore

"yes, yes" said Adan "how about you and I take the wizard to the top of the tower and see if he is worth to be our son"

"enough no more test Harry is my son" said Asgore

"He will take the human side because he is one of them" said Adan

Harry walked in with Suzie to tell Asgore that he is ready to stay then Adan told him the human is here to attack them thanks to him that if he wants to stay he has to fight and kill the human

"get ready for battle" said Asgore and Adan

"Yes, father" said harry and he and Adan headed to the top of the tower and waited for the enemy "You will never become one of ours no matter what you do" said Adan " you don't know that " said harry

"they are coming" said Adan, the armies and the wizard came in and there was slashing of sword the god are taking the soul of the human and they are getting stronger

"prepare for war" said Asgore

"they are here" said Asgore

"Prepare for the final battle" said Adan

"We will be victorious" said Adan

Harry saw one of his mate "Ron you are here"

"Oh my God Harry you are alive we thought you are dead what are you doing here why don't you come home" said Ron

" I tried but it is not possible I need to kill and take a soul to do that" Harry said

"but we receive a message that you've been killed that was why we attacked " said Ron

"But who would that, could it be a plan for the gods and beast want to leave here but Asgore wouldn't do that" Said Harry

"what are you talking about?" asked Ron "we are here for you and you can leave anytime you want"

"but what if the gods and beast are trying to make us leave" said harry "what would happen to everyone else"

"if you leave the gods and beast would die and leave the underworld" Said Ron "and you know what happens after they left the underworld"

"what" asked harry "the hell comes"

"It all a lie someone brought the human on purpose I have to tell Asgore"

"are you sure"

"yeah" said Harry

"are you going to do it"

"yes" said Harry

"then you are going to do it" said Ron

"yes" said Harry

"good luck" said Ron

"Thank you" said Harry

Harry went to Asgore on the battle field "This is all a trap you have to stop this war the gods are trying to escape to attack the human world" Adan pushed Harry away "That is a lie you are just trying to save the human you can never be one of us"

"but the gods are making me fight the humans so they can leave the underworld" Said harry "you have to listen to me"

"you are lying" Said Adan

"I am not" Said harry "you have to believe me"

"you have made your choice you have chosen the humans over the gods" Said Adan

"Father trust me I swear" said Harry

Asgore turn to Adan and said "how did you know the humans are coming when you've never left here"

"Are you doubting my now brother am your blood" said Adan Asgore put sword on Adan neck "Tell me the truth"

"Well we are to do something and you are never doing anything we were sent away from our home and yet you do nothing but sit around and wait" said Adan

"tell me" said Asgore

Adan took his sword off his neck but he was still scared of his brother. "you are not a good ruler" he said.

Asgore sighed "it shouldn't be like this we are god the people should be praising but since they didn't we shouldn't force them we should always try to find our way to their heart not try to force them" said Asgore

"we have to stop this war" said harry Asgore went to the battle field and shouted "STOP" this war is our fault"

All the soldiers stopped fighting and looked to Asgore "you are right but you are wrong too" said Adan

"you are saying you are going to continue to let the beast and the gods rule over the underworld"

"yes" said Asgore "I can't change the past but I am willing to let the future decide so am letting the humans win"

"I am allowing the humans to choose their own fate" said Asgore "If the human want to continue us fine by me but I will not take any more innocent life, I may be a bad husband I bad father a bad brother or even a bad leader but I think we can also make our own choice let make peace" said Asgore

Toriel and Suzie hugged Asgore "you have done well my god" said Toriel

Harry walked toward Asgore "The prophecy is right you are not only the savior you are also the source of unity thank you" said Asgore Harry hugged him and they laugh.

The human king welcome to the gods and beast to their castle and make a new order that gods and beast can come into the castle as they want

Harry took Suzie to the golden flower garden "My mother use to grow this before she died, they are beautiful just like you" said harry Suzie looked at him and kissed him