
Harry, key, and the prisoner of Azkaban

Harry and Key become inseparable again because of a serious of events

Ai_Tami · Bücher und Literatur
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2 Chs

chapter 1

At the dead of night, Key and Harry are in a tent that is looking at different things.

Harry is holding a large leather-bound book (A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot).

Key is holding a box and a flashlight, then she sees green glowing light from the box.

A smile appeared upon Key, and she says in a quiet voice "Harry, Harry".

"Key, I'm doing my homework", said Harry.

"Look", said Key, as she turns Harry's head to her box.

Harry sees the box glowing.

"Does that mean you can open it?" Harry asks Key in a whisper, while looking interested and puts his book down.

"Maybe! Should I? What if It's a false alarm? Jayla said "only open it if it's an emergency. What to do? What to do?" Key asks Harry in a whisper, while looking worried.

Harry puts Key's hand on the box, and says "Just do it".

"I don't", said Key, then her eyes glow and she passes out.

"Key! Key! Key!" Harry calls to Key in a whisper, while looking worried. "You better be having a vision".

Key sees her hugging two people that faces are blurred in a forest near a shack, a rat with red eyes, a tree, and her patting Harry on his shoulder, while he is crying. She ends up in a white room and sees the words 'They are coming, watch closely at all kinds of clues. Hope, you have fun'.

Harry is still looking at Key, feeling worried, then Key gets up.

"Key, you're okay", said Harry in a whisper, while hugging Key.

"Did I pass out?" Key asks Harry in a whisper.

"Yes, you scared me, so what did you see?" Harry answers Key in a whisper.

"I saw a shack, two people, a rat, tree, and you crying", said Key in a whisper, while looking confused.

"Okay, that is a lot of stuff for one vision, a shack that could be a place we will visit in hogwarts, the two people probably could be your parents", Harry guessed in a whisper.

"Of course, I was hugging them, so I finally will get to see my parents", said Key in a whisper, with a big smile.

"But, why would I be crying? Did I look sad or happy?" Harry asks Key in a whisper.

"Sad, like you got bad news, but I wonder could that be about or that rat, you know that rat looked familiar", said Key in a whisper.

"Could it be Scabbers?" Harry asks Key in a whisper.

"Scabbers, but he had glowing eyes, kind of weird", Key wondered in a whisper. "Well, I'll figure that out later, for right now I will try to figure what to say with my parents".

"Wait, am I with you when you meet your parents?" Harry asks Key in a whisper, out of curiosity.

"You know I did see you behind me but it was pretty blurry and you were helping somebody to walk, looked like an adult", Key called in a whisper.

"So, all this will happen at Hogwarts, I wonder how all this stuff fits, and also I should get back to homework", said Harry in a whisper.

"How about I help you since I am already done", Key offered in a whisper.

"How did you finish?" Harry asks Key in a whisper.

"Well, I was working on something that reminded me of my homework, so I started in-between when we were on the Hogwarts Express", said Key in a whisper.

"Wait, but you and your friends were having a full-blown conversation you literally told me everything you were talking about", Harry questions in a whisper.

"Well, yeah, but it was mostly my friends talking and I said 'yup', then I told them what I was doing, so I got help", Key admitted in a whisper.

Harry smiles.

Harry looks at his essay that says 'Witch Burning in the Fourteenth Century Was Completely Pointless -- discuss. '

Key puts the flashlight closer to Harry's book.

"Thank you", said Harry.

"Anytime", said Key.

Harry read from his book: Non-magic people (more commonly known as Muggles) were particularly afraid of magic in medieval times, but not very good at recognizing it. On the rare occasion that they did catch a real witch or wizard, burning had no effect whatsoever. The witch or wizard would perform a basic Flame-Freezing Charm and then pretend to shriek with pain while enjoying a gentle, tickling sensation. Indeed, Wendelin the Weird enjoyed being burned so much that she allowed herself to be caught no less than forty-seven times in various disguises.

"Okay, that is weird and I thought it was weird when a fae named Marie Murly actually gave an orphan muggle family a pumpkin and that made this muggle family create a pumpkin fest", said Key in a whisper.

"A pumpkin fest, I thought you were going to say Thanksgiving", Harry giggled.

"No, that was Rainbowl Flew, she grew a vegetable field and gave it to a starving village, so to show her appreciation they threw a feast and this feast became Thanksgiving", Key told Harry in a whisper.

"Did you read all that?" Harry asks Key in a whisper.

"Oh, don't worry it's not in any of your homework", said Key in a whisper.

"Key, I realize you and I live in two different worlds, and I barely know anything about faes except the things you told me, after you help me could you teach me more about faes?" Harry realized/said in a whisper.

"Okay, but first write before we have to stay up all night", said Key in a whisper.

Harry grabs his quill, Key gives Harry his inkbottle and a roll of parchment.

Harry carefully and slowly unscrews his inkbottle, then starts writing.

Key kept an ear out, in case the Dursleys were up.

You see the Dursleys are the reason that Harry and Key never enjoyed their summer holidays. Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, and their son, Dudley, they are Muggles, and they had a very medieval attitude toward magic.

All their magical stuff was locked up, magic was never allowed to be mentioned under the Dursley's roof, which isn't easy because Harry has a lot of homework which is an essay of a shrinking potion that Professor Snape assigned.

So, Harry seized his chance, grabbed all his stuff from Hogwarts and decided that he would finish his homework on the first week of the holiday.

Key didn't want her box to get taken away, so she quickly hid it, so Uncle Vernon wouldn't take it away.

Harry and Key try to stay on Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's good side, so they wouldn't have to worry about much.

But, then one day something bad happens, Uncle Vernon answers a phone call which was from a particular wizard a.k.a. Ron Weasley.

"Vernon Dursley speaking", said Vernon, with the telephone in his hand.

Harry and Key froze as they heard Ron's voice.

"HELLO? HELLO? CAN YOU HEAR ME? I -- WANT -- TO -- TALK -- TO -- HARRY -- POTTER!" Ron announced.

Ron was yelling so loudly that Uncle Vernon jumped and held the receiver a foot away from his ear, staring at it with an expression of mingled fury and alarm.

"WHO IS THIS?" Uncle Vernon roared in the direction of the mouthpiece. "WHO ARE YOU?"

"RON -- WEASLEY!" Ron bellowed back, as though he and Uncle Vernon were speaking from opposite ends of a football field. "I'M -- A -- FRIEND -- OF -- HARRY'S -- FROM -- SCHOOL --"

Uncle Vernon's small eyes swiveled around to Harry, who was rooted to the spot.

"THERE IS NO HARRY POTTER HERE!" he roared, now holding the receiver at arm's length, as though frightened it might explode. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT SCHOOL YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! NEVER CONTACT ME AGAIN! DON'T YOU COME NEAR MY FAMILY!"

And he threw the receiver back onto the telephone as if dropping a poisonous spider.

The fight that had followed had been one of the worst ever.

"HOW DARE YOU GIVE THIS NUMBER TO PEOPLE LIKE -- PEOPLE LIKE YOU!" Uncle Vernon had roared, spraying Harry with spit.

Key was right beside Harry's side.

Ron obviously realized that he'd gotten Harry into trouble, because he hadn't called again. Harry's other best friend from Hogwarts, Hermione Granger, hadn't been in touch either. Harry suspected that Ron had warned Hermione not to call, which was a pity, because Hermione, the cleverest witch in Harry's year, had Muggle parents, knew perfectly well how to use a telephone, and would probably have had enough sense not to say that she went to Hogwarts.