
Harry Addams

What if Harry had killed the Dursley, What if Harry got adopted by the Addams Family and what if Harry meets Ciel Phantomhive and he was Harry mate and what if Harry got put into Slytherin how well things change. This fanfic has Yaoi in it if you don't like it please don't read it thank you

Kingleo_Chuenchom · Bücher und Literatur
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

*I don't own the Addams Family as the right goes to Charles Addams, I don't own Harry Potter the right goes to J.K.Rowling and I don't own Black Butler the right goes to Yana Toboso, this fanfic like all my fanfic well have Yaoi or better known as BXB love and Harry Potter well be dark and as always this fanfic well have mention of abuse, rape and cutting if these things trigger you please do not read it thank you also just a reminder that in this fanfic Harrys changed his name to Harefn James Adam as he himself thought that since he didn't know his parents that well he didn't want the name they had given him*

Morticia couldn't help but pick up the young boy who was fast asleep. She sighed softly knowing that they can't go back to America just yet as her new son's adoption papers hadn't gotten approved, as she picked up Harefn she started singing as they walked into the hotel. Morticia could feel the eyes of the people on her but she didn't care. All she wanted was to get her son to there room and let him rest as she and her husband Gomez talked about what they are going to do from here, as everyone finally made it to the room she looked at her husband and said: " my love I was thinking that we should buy a house here in this country" Gomez turned and looked at his wife before asking " Cara mia why do you want to buy a house here?" Morticia just smiled and started explaining how she didn't want their new son to forget his roots and that she felt something powerful and special about him.

While Gomez listened to his wife talk about buying a house his mother and his older brother alongside his two other children sit down to talk about Harry or better known to them as Harefn, as they talked Wednesday come clean on what her new brother had said and to her happiness her Uncle and grandmother were cheering and telling her how they should tell Morticia the news of what Harry had told them. When the twins heard that they quickly got up and walked to there mother and father and said " mother, father we have something to tell you it's about our brother Harefn" Gomez turned to look at the twins and smiled softly before asking the twins what they wanted to talk about, Pugsley being super excited told them everything instead of letting his twin sister Wednesday talk. When Gomez and Morticia found out they were overjoyed and Gomez turned to his wife and kissed her passionately before telling her that they will get a house here and go back and forth from America to England which the kids smiled too as they started to plan how there going to greet their new neighbours when they moved to England, as the family talked excitedly about buying a house they didn't notice Harefn getting up and walking to them while he was rubbing his eyes.

Harefn smiled softly before saying " mother, father are we really staying here?" Morticia looked at her son and nodded before telling him how they were going to find a big house where he can practice his special talent, Harefn froze when he heard her say that and he started shaking he was scared that they were going to hurt him like his old family did and leave him because he was a freak but before he could overthink things he felt someone pull him close and said: " you don't need to worry petit we well always be there for you now and forever." This made Harefn smile and then he looked at his mother and kissed her on the cheek before saying that they all should rest so that they can all go shopping and house hunting.

------ IT'S MORNING----

When Harefn woke up he quickly panicked not knowing where he was before he slowly calmed down and remembered everything that happens and that caused him to smile with joy and pride, as he climbed out of bed and got dress he started thinking about wanting to talk to his mother about getting some girl clothes as well. He knew that he was a boy but deep down he wanted to wear a dress and look pretty like the other girls but there were also days he wanted to be a boy and enjoy boy clothes, his old family made fun of him and beat him up even more after they found out but Harefn knew that he could tell his new family anything and they will still love him the same way they always have. Harefn smiled with that thought in mind and decided that he was going to tell them before they go out shopping today, he smiled even wider and went ahead and chose to wear a black top with a dragon symbol on it before going for his black jeans, as he finished up everything he turns around and walks back out to find his two older siblings getting up and he smiled at them before deciding to find out what will happen if he throws a pillow at them.

Harefn smirked coldly before he grabbed a pillow and threw it with all his strength, he watched as the pillow was about to hit Wednesday but then he saw her move away and grabbed Pugsley instead. He started laughing when he saw the pillow hit Pugsley and noticed the smirk on his sister's face, as he kept laughing Pugsley growled back and threw a makeshift bomb at Harefn which Harefn caught and was going to throw it back at Pugsley when he heard his mother call out and say "Harefn you better not throw that inside" Harefn muttered under his breath before he took it to his mother so she can disable the bomb before it went off, as he watched his mother disable the bomb he looked at her and asked "mother can we go shopping now?" his mother just smiled and answered back "of course dear" Harefn smiled as he jumped for joy and then made his way to the bedroom window and sat down while he waited for the rest of the family to get ready so they could head off. As he sits near the window and looks out he couldn't help but smile for once he was able to be himself and that was the best feeling in the world, as he was lost in thought he didn't notice Wednesday sneaking up on him and trying to attack him but he managed to dodge after hearing Pugsley yell out behind you which earned a very annoyed mutter from Wednesday.

As Harefn looked he saw that his whole new family are ready and he quickly got up and run out of the door excited of course he didn't run out alone Wednesday and Pugsley followed right behind him, Morticia smiled as she turned to her husband and said " mon cher mari am glad that he decided to adopt our little angel he is going to be a good fit to our family" Gomez nodded as he replied back " cara mia I am also happy to have Harefn as part of our family." As they walked out of the room with grandma and uncle Fester Gomez and Morticia knew that everyone was happy to have Harefn in the family, while they all talked Gomez saw the children waiting in front of the elevator Wednesday looking at her family and waved at them to hurry up. As the family reached the children they got on to the elevator and got ready to head down to the main lobby and find a taxi so that they can get to the local shopping area and get Harefn some new clothes that well suit his test, as the made it down to the lobby the children run outside to call a taxi all three of them being to excited to wait for there parents as they all thought that they walked to slow.

As Harefn managed to call a taxi the family split into two Uncle Fester and Grandma and Gomez got into one taxi and the twins with Harefn and their mother Morticia got into another taxi, as the taxi set off Harefn was excited he wanted to get some male clothes but then he decided to build up the courage to ask his mother if he can buy some dresses and female clothes as well when his mother heard him say that she and Wednesday were both overjoyed and they agreed to him find the perfect dresses for him as well as go and look at our houses so that they can possibly buy and move into while they wait for Harefn adoption papers to finalize. As the family talked about what they wanted to buy the taxi stopped and told them that this street was the best to buy clothes and books as well as toys and sweets for the kids, Pugsley upon hearing the word sweet peek up and he quickly open the taxi door and got out followed by a very excited Harefn.

Morticia just smiled as she saw the kids hop off the taxi and started running to the sweet shop she sighed and paid the taxi fee before she followed them into the sweet shop. She noticed that all 3 kids were studying in front of the toffee and the cola bottle gummy stand, she smiled and got a bug and put the toffee and cola bottle gummies into a bag before paying for them and walking out the of the store at first she thought the children didn't follow her and were about to go back inside but as soon as she turned around the kids were right behind with there hands out and Harefn said "mother can we have some sweets now?" Morticia nodded and gave her kid one toffee and 2 cola bottle gummies each before she walked off to find a clothes store. As they walked around they managed to find Gomez, Uncle Fester and grandma all standing in front of a ladies clothing store Harefn became excited and ran up to them before looking at his mother who allowed him and Wednesday to go inside and pick some dresses for Harefn.

As soon as Wednesday and Harefn walked into the shop they saw a red and black dress that Harefn really liked so he walked up to it and took a closer look with a smile he turned to Wednesday and said: "Wednesday I really like this one" Wednesday nodded and told Harefn that she agreed and she too really liked the dress as it suits Harefn, as they were talking a lady walked up to them and said, "hello you two do you like this dress?" Harefn nodded and the lady smiled and took the dress before giving it to Harefn and said " you would look good in this dress" Harefn blushed and took the dress before asking the lady if she could help him find some more dresses which the lady was fully happy to help. After a while, the lady finished picking things out for Harefn and Harefn was happy that he got some really good dresses as they walked up to the counter there mother had come in and paid for the dresses before taking Harefn hand and they walked off to get some male clothes for Harefn before going to get something to eat, as the day went out Harefn started to feel tired and he voiced this out to his parents.

His parents smiled and picked Harefn up before calling a taxi to get back to the hotel and put the kids to sleep getting ready for a whole new day as they finally got a taxi and they got into the taxi Morticia told her husband about the house she found and that she wanted to go and have a look at it when they talked about the house and the kids were fast asleep Gomez decided to tell his wife that after they get out of the hotel he was going to train Harefn and help him understand his powers better. When Morticia heard that she was also very happy the couple kept talking until they got to the hotel and as they got out of the taxi they picked up the kids and took them back to the room and laid the kids down, Morticia turn around and kissed Gomez before they headed to bed as alongside grandma and uncle Fester.