
Chapter 88

A stark landscape, devastated, charred, and completely destroyed by the magical battle. Nothing of the former green and lavish lands could be seen anymore, only death and destruction caused by the battle that was still happening.

Inside the barrier were only five people remaining; the ground was littered with the bodies of the different professors from the three academies.

At this point, the three principals were enraged; sure, they were still alive, but the majority of Magi belonging to their organizations were dead. How could they lead an academy without any Magi?

The majority of their acolytes had already died inside the secret plane.

It had hit the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy the worst; almost all of their acolytes were dead. Only remaining were the elites from the bigger families, who Siley couldn't force into the competition.

Still, it was nothing they could think about now; after all, their survival itself was an uncertainity.

BOOOM The bone shield in front of Siley once again shattered as Harry punched right through it with a fist that was on fire.

But the Principal from Sage Gotham's Hut appeared, and a Wall of Vines sprouted between them and the Dragon in human shape. While a rain of Black Blades flew above them directly at Harry, who blocked them with his scales and an ice armor covering his body.

The teamwork between the three principals was perfect, as if they had worked together for years.

Clearly there is a deeper relationship between the three that had fallen apart in the past and turned into hatred.

Even so, right now none of them could think about betraying the other.

Their teamwork is the only reason why they were able to survive the battle so far. Harry was too fierce of an opponent for them to face alone.

Well, and the fact that the leader from the Lighthouse of the Night was taking the majority of Harry's attention.

"ENOUGH!" The loud voice from the Lighthouse Leader boomed over the Battelfield.

"What? You guys are not dead yet. Why should we stop? I am having so much fun in this dance!" Harry grinned madly at them as he stood opposite his four opponents.

"How long are you planning to keep up that pointless farce?" Siley asked as he starred at his former student in regret. Oh, how far could his Abyssal Bone Forest Academy have gone if he wanted to stay?

A bit stronger, and the boy could have backed the academy to be one of the top forces on the continent.

"Farce? Not sure what you mean? Obviously I am winning! See." Harry pointed at the corpses of the many professors belonging to the three academies.

"Stop playing the fool. They are just fodder in such a battle. We are in a stalemate." The leader of the Lighthouse of the Night said, "You are impossible strong for a Rank 1 existence, and our attacks do no damage to you. That body of yours with that armor, obviously, and high-grade magic armament is too strong. But you don't have the firepower to harm us either. Your spells while transcending a whole rank are just on the level of a Rank 2 magus. Without me, you could overpower these three, but I am here. So how long are you planning to continue this pointless battle? It's been hours!"

The leader from the Light House of the Night was indeed right—that Ice Armor is a high-grade magic Magic Artifcat. The first one Harry had created.

It's called Frozen Star Pendant, a combination of a lot of his research, his first Philosopher Stone, and the Ancestral Sword of House Stark.

Quite the nice item, being able to create all kinds of ice-based weapons and armor.

And he was right on another fact: Harry didn't have the firepower of a Rank 3 magus, only a peak Rank 2 magus, thanks to his Innate Spell Dragon Soul.

For the firepower of a Rank 3 magus, the magic power he could produce was lacking in quality, though he had the quantity.

"Hmm, I was just training and getting a feel for my new body! I got the message that I could stop a while ago. But I had too much fun with you guys." Harry replied.

All four of them were staring at him before the blonde-haired woman asked carefully, "Message for what?"

The Contract Spells and how Harry had predicted had shown that he was crafty. Clearly, if he said he had waited for a signal to stop from someone, there had to be more.

"Not important. You will see soon enough. But the content of your three minds has helped a lot. A Rank 3 Magus is still a bit beyond me, to break in unoticed." Harry said more to himself than to them, "Anyways, it was a lot of fun. But you are right, it's about time to take a nap! See you again in the future."

With a plop, Harry was gone.

"Did he leave just like that?" Siley asked, unbelieving about the sudden change.

A few minutes ago, he was fighting for his life. And then his foe just went away for a nap.

"It seems so? He can even teleport."

"I need to hold a meeting with the other leaders. We need to stop that boy before it's too late!" The leader from the lighthouse came to his senses as he realized how serious the situation truly was.

And he hadn't realized yet how serious it truly was.

Soon after they learned that Sage Gotham's Hut, Whitewood's Castle, and the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy had been raided by unknowns and cleaned completely out.

The fact that the attackers knew how to turn off the defenses and had overpowered any remaining Magi and Acolytes easily made it obvious who was behind it.

Harry Potter's goal had never been to kill them, just to occupy them long enough to completely rob three whole factions and take all their resources.

Thanks to the truth that the majority of the Forces of the Lighthouse of the Night were still there, it got spared from an attack.

Today's events were just a small foreplay for events that would change the South Coast forever. This fact was the one thing future historians had agreed on.

It was the true start of a terrible war.

Before the Lighthouse of the Night and the other great Dark Magi organizations could focus on hunting down Harry Potter and that organization he had built for himself, a different event had occupied their attention.

The appearance of a massive secret plane called the Eternal River Plains with seven entrances. It had been activated by an unknown organization, neither belonging to the light nor dark side, which was occupying one entrance.

This even bound the resources and manpower of both the light and dark sides that they had to occupy the three remaining entrances each.

While they tried to raid that unknown organization for the Seventh Entrance, it was powerful to defend themselves against each of their raids, at least having someone on the level of a Rank 3 magus on their side.

Both Dark and Light had tried to lure the unknown organization called Dragon's Gate to their side to shift the balance in their favor but got rejected.

Neither could they muster enough firepower to take care of them since the appearance of the Eternal River Plains had sparked a massive war that not only let these three factions fight for the rich resources of the Secret Plane but also countless smaller Magi who banded together to get their share, or they outright joined Dragon's Gate, who had very attractive conditions.

After all, Dragon's Gate was granting each recruit access to Advanced Meditation Techniques for just joining.

This war has become known as the Third Great Magus War in the South Coast, an extremely fierce conflict not only happening in the Eternal River Plains but all over the continent. Organizations, markets, and ruins like the Ancient Spirit Slaying Sect had become part of the war all over the continent.

Including raids on the many organizations, but one faction had the overhand in it thanks to their nature. Dragon's Gate.

A faction so secretive that neither the light nor the dark knew any of their bases besides the entrance to the secret plane that was always heavily guarded.

Dragon's Gate has brought out many powerful Magi during that war that were known for their deeds and monikers but not their true identities.

The Demonic Poison Queen, the Lightning Goddess, the Hellfire Demoness, the Barrier Priestess, or the Angelic Messenger, and many more.

And their leader, once he truly made an appearance beyond defending the entrance, the Dark Magi Faction finally realized who was behind Dragon's Gate.

The Demonic Dragon King, Harry Potter.

This news finally sparked an alliance between the light and the dark for the first time in centuries. But the truth behind Dragon's Gate, a Rank 1 Magus that could compete with Rank 3 Magi, was a monster that had to be stopped, or he would destroy the Status Quo.

An Raid Party made up of hundreds of Peak Rank 1 Magi, over 50 Rank 2 Magi, and finally four Rank 3 Magi from both the Light and the Dark, who attacked the Seventh Entrance to the Eternal Rivers Plain from both sides to let no one escape.

Only to face no resistance at all. The place has been completely empty; the resources in the territory Dragon's Gate had occupied in the plane were picked completely dry. They were too late.

The Dragon King had tricked them again. Dragon's Gate had disappeared from the South Coast.


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