


Harmony's point of view:

Before I know, we emerge out of some huge, orange ball of what looks like water circling. I open my eyes.

"You don't have to close your when you portal travel," Sera says and Liam looks at me.

"It's like an elevator," he says.

"Oh, I'll keep that in mind next time,"

I read on the sign hanging from the ceiling, "teleport of Guan."

A bright blue light shine on Cari, I look. As quickly as it came, it disappears just like that. Her skin is ocean blue, unique patterns of dark-blue covers from her wrist until her fingertips. And then it happens again to Alina, but she doesn't change much, her eyelashes and lips turn grey, small dots run from the middle of her forehead down.

"Oh it's good to be back," Cari admires herself.

I'm speechless.

"Come on," Liam says and we follow him towards the exist made of a glass wall.

The place looks more like a fancy ballroom than an teleportation building.

"Welcome back," says some strange but handsome-looking blue guy with beautiful patterns all over his body. His neck is made of silver iron, a section of skin on the left of his face is surrounded by silver iron including his left hand, I don't know if it's the whole hand or not because he's wearing a long sleeve, brown turtle neck top. Quite muscular too, but not more than Liam or Max.

"Thank you, Tecno" Alina rolls her eyes. "I thought Cari asked for Michael to come."

"Oh come on, you still angry at me?"

"No," Alina states, and he laughs.

"I'll buy you food," he offers.

"Okay love birds let's go, you can buy each other food later," Cari says

Alina crosses her arms over her chest, "We are not love birds."

I giggle

"Oh…" Tecno focuses on me, "Harmony," he realizes and bows.

"Hi..." I awkwardly say with no idea as to how I am supposed to act or speak here.

"Welcome home your majesty," he lifts up his head. The people in the place hear him, and turn to us, chartering. Now they down.

"Uh...what's going on?" I ask.

"The are bowing down to the lost princesses of Musiana," Tecno explains.

The people lift up their heads and go on with what they were doing, but some still can't stop looking here. I went from being a normal average girl, to having people bowing down to me.

"Let's go," Tecno says

"You did come with a ride right?" Alina asks Tecno as we all follow him.

"Of course," he confirms.

"You okay?" asks Liam who's walking beside me

"Yeah," I respond. He holds my hand and smiles. Through the long glass wall at the exit, I can see the world properly. As we step out of the building, a girl emerges out of nowhere and runs to hug Liam very inappropriately ( or at least I think it's inappropriate). Liam lets go of my hand, Alina and Cari walk to me.

"That's her," Cari informs

"Bexy?" I clarify.

"Yep" Alina confirms, we are all eyes on them. Liam pulls her off him.

"What are you doing!?" He asks

"I'm hugging you of course, I missed you." she rubs her hands on his chest, making my blood boil, then I realize that:"he is not even mine. Who am I to compete with such beauty."

The people walking in and out of the building have probably the tension here, as some are looking through the glass front of the airport.

"Hasi lacranto mulao!" he angrily says, the way he speaks his language…


"Why are you like that?" Bexy folds her hand looking at her medium-long, orange nails with her left hand on her hips, "who cares if they are looking at us?" She looks at him.

"I don't want people thinking anything they shouldn't," he responds

"Tecno, where's the ride?" Cari asks with her fancy tone.

"Follow me," he instructs.

"I'll meet you guys there," Liam says

"Okay," Alina nods and we continue walking.

"A carriage…" I say

"Yep," Tecno says as he walks to rub one of the white horse's head.

"You guys still use horses as transportation?" I ask in amazement, "I thought this was the future or something."

"Yes, but let's just say it's part of our culture," he says, "places like Tesnore is where you will find real futuristic things."

"yes, these are specially made for carriages, they don't have wings but they have the power of flight then there are those with wings they are made for-"

"they are made for battle" Alina completes his sentence

"seriously," Tecno says and Alina laughs

"they can fly!?" I ask with astonishment

"yes, of course, can't earth's horse fly?" Tecno asks

"Nope, very boring," Jordan says

"I can't imagine horses that can't fly," Tecno says


"Come on ladies" Tecno goes out and helps us get down.

It was fun getting to know everyone, kept me from thinking: what if we crash?

As I get down onto the tiled road that leads straight to the entrance of the school, I look around at this white, beautiful, double story school with turrets. On the left and right side of the road is a Beautifully-cut green grass yard with stone shaped flower beds along the sides of the road. I can hear music and chittering of crowds inside. My attention is drawn to the doors of the building that are being opened by two men dressed in white suits, and a yellow-ish woman comes out, modestly dressed in a long red and white dress with a par of spectacles. Her hair is divided in the middle and tied at the bac. She walks to us while one of the formally dressed men follows behind her. It's quite a long walk.

"Headmistress," Alina says as the woman approaches us.

She smile welcomingly, "Alina, Sera...Harmony." She rests her eyes on me.

"Hello," I nervous say.

"It's okay, don't be afraid," says the headmistress. I nod with a smile.

"I'm headmistress Ramona, Welcome to Elphia," she kindly introduces herself. I look around at the tall building.

"Elphia…" I smile.

"Come on, follow me."

We follow her to the building.

"Elphia School For All," I read at the top of the entrance.

We walk up the front steps. The guard behind her joins the other guard to open the other side of the two door entrance. The headmistress goes first and we follow.

It's a big ballroom filled with people of different colours and shapes, fancily dressed for the occasion but still respecting their body. I love the music, makes me want to dance. I look up to the long windows on the sides.

"I love the curtains"

"Attention everyone," says the headmistress, and everyone turns their focus to us.

"Come," she smiles at me. I slowly walk forward to her.

"I'm sure you all do not know why we are having this party, and are wondering why we are having it in the middle of such a crisis where our Musiana brothers and sister are in danger, well…I have some good news for everyone of you." She puts her left arm around my shoulders and brings me closer to her. "This is Harmony, the lost Princess of Musiana,"

The whole crowd gasps.

"Is that how we welcome our guest?" She asks.

"Woo," shouts a light-yellow girl behind the back with curly orange hair clapping her hands, and one by one everyone joins in smiling at me. I almost felt like I didn't belong

"Welcome home, Harmony?" Shouts the crowd. I smile and try to get over my nervousness.

Two girls come up to me, the curly orange haired girl with another light-green girl with dark green grass-like hair laying on each other until her neck.


"Harmony," they both hug me, as if we are childhood friends who haven't seen each other in a long time. It takes me some time before them back, this is a lot to process.

"I'm Reseda and this is Teva," says the girl with orange; curly hair; light brown eyes.

"I can't believe you are actually here" Teva says as the crowd slowly cools down and goes back to their stuff. She is so nature like, her light greenish skin matching her dark-green hair. She looks like mother nature.

"Reseda!" Alina calls with enthusiasm as she walks up to us with Cari, while Tecno and Max disappear into the crowd.

"Alina," Reseda hugs her

"I can't believe we are all here" Teva grins as she hugs Cari.

Cari smiles, "Me too."

"Come on, Harmony," says Reseda, "we have to introduce you to the rest."

"You girls enjoy now," advises the headmistress behind us, we turn to her. "Tomorrow it's back to training," she walks away with her hands behind her back.

"Thank you headmistress," my friends say, I just smile.

"Come on." Reseda grabs my hand and we all walk through the crowd, past the guy with orange skin and black short hair, to a group of guys talking, Max and Tecno are with them. They notice us and turn around as we approach them.

"Reseda!" shouts a grey guy with white patterns on his arms looking like tattoos.

"Woah, who's this?" Asks a orange, very muscular guy next to the grey guy. He's huge.

"Weren't you guys listening when the headmistress was talking?" Teva inquires. Everything about Teva is just innocent, even the way she speaks.

"Uhh...we must have gone out during that time," responds the grey guy

"Whatever," Cari rolls her eyes. "Anyway, this is, Harmony."

"Thee, Harmony?" asks the muscular guy

"yes" Reseda smiles at me.

The grey guy and his mascular friend bows, "your majesty."

"Please don't bow," I say

"But we must, you are royalty," says the grey guy

Cari softly laughs, "don't worry once they get used to you they won't even greet you."

"Don't make us look bad, Cari," says the muscular guy as they raise their heads.

"But it's true, when you first met Reseda and Cari you were all like, your majesty," mimics Teva, "and now?" she laughs

"Okay-okay, chill," says the grey guy

"Let us introduce ourselves," Suggests the muscular guy.

"My name is Clyden." Says the grey guy.

"And I am Michael." Says the big guy

"nice to-"

"Look who we got here girls," a female voice interrupts me, the girls and I turn to look.


"What do you want Bexy?" Cari asks

"We came to welcome harmony of course," Bexy claims.

Cari suspiciously looks at her, "And you expect me to believe you?" she scoffs.

"Oh come on, let us get to know harmony a little," Bexy begs. She's our school mate after all.

"Go away Bexy!" Liam orders as he appears from the crowd.

"Oh come on baby," she lustily stares at him, " don't act like you didn't like it."

"Like what?" I question.

"Guards!" calls Liam.

"sSriously, Liam? You are calling the guards on me?" She fumes. Liam just looks at her. "fine" she furiously walks away and disappears into the crowd while her two minions.

"Sorry," Liam apologizes. He seems a little embarrassed.

"well, you are going to be apologizing forever if you don't set her straight," Cari responds and Liam looks at me, I turn at Alina next to me.

"Can you help me get a drink?"

"Sure," she agrees, "come on."

"Where are you going," Reseda stops us.

"to get a drink," I respond

"I'll come with,"

"Okay" I say, and we leave the group behind.


Liam's point of view:

Harmony looks so beautiful. I missed her so much when I got stuck with Bexy at the Teleport. Bexy is going to be a problem for me, she has always been. There's not much I can do, my parents like her and she is, "our kind", whatever that means.

"How can I get some alone time with Harmony?"

Well...today is a big day for her, maybe not today.

I can see my brother on my right saying something to me, but I can't bring myself to listen.

"Hey…" Cari snaps her fingers in my face and I startle.

"Huh?..." I look at them

"You are going to get old quick if you keep thinking too much," Tecno says and I chuckle.

"Come on, here" Max hands me a bottle of my favourite drink. Red nospi.


"so... Are you guys brothers now," Teva asks

"We've always been brothers," I say

"I think you should make a move on harmony before prince charming there wins her," advises Clyden looking somewhere to the left and we all look. Reseda and Alina are not with Harmony.


The guy who thinks he is the hottest guy at the school, all over Harmony. Thunder strike in my body. I turn to walk there.

"Don't do anything crazy Liam," Tecno advises

"I'll try."


Harmony's Point of view:

I really don't like how close this guy is, I shouldn't have insisted on staying when Reseda and Alina went to the ladies room.

"what do you think? Me and you tonight?" Leeyan undresses me with his eyes.

"Yeah, I don't think so," interrupts a male voice and Leeyan turns around and moves away from my face.

"Liam," I run to him

"Oh, thunder boy," Leeyan walks closer to us

Liam fearlessly stares at him with no response.

"Why are you getting involved with someone your parents will never allow you to be with?" asks Leeyan with a mischievous smirk.

"Come on harmony" Liam takes my hand and we walk away.

"yeah, run away Liam," Leeyan laughs. Liam stops walking, lets go of my hand, and thinks for a second before turning around in a flash and strikes Leeyan down with a lightning bolt from his right hand. Everyone turns to watch. Leeyan immediately gets up with his eyes landing on a chair next to him, the chair rises and shoots directly at us with force—following his eyes' direction.

Liam stretches his hands infront and a white-coloured, transparent shield appears infront of us,"get behind me," he commands and rush behind him. The chair smashes against the shield and its pieces fall on to the ground. Without wasting time Liam speeds after Leeyan, punching him with a powerful fist that almost made everyone fall to the ground, Leeyan crashes down, but Liam does not stop and continues punching him.

"Liam!" I shout as I run over to stop him— he still does not stop.