

Lora's point of view:

"The red Traud,"

"Ha ha ha ha ha, have fun," says a witch flying next to the red dragon and then she flies into the ground, leaving this huge beast starring at us with its red piercing eyes.

"Are you ready big guy?" I ask Michael

"Always," he smiles as the dragon slowly walks towards us and roars showing us it's huge canines and disgusting saliva.

"A person could build an entire house in that mouth,"

"Look out!" Cari shouts and we all run to the sides avoiding the blast of fire from the dragon's mouth. It smashes the shops and houses on the ground and burns the tree houses with rage.

Nard, Cari and Kasila are with me this side. I shoot my arrow at its cheek, and it slowly turns to us while Liam and the others are on the other side.

"Oh no," I gulp and close my eyes as it roars in my face.

"Sorry," I smile and tries to bite me, I fly up and the others move outwards and I snap my fingers letting the arrow explode.

The dragon roars in pain, swinging its head from side to side

"guys this is it let's do I-" the dragon hits me with its tail and I crush sliding on the ground, it comes running after me with rage but Zelph manipulates the light to shine in its eyes.

That's when Michael runs using his superspeed powers, he jumps high and while it's shaking it's head to see, he comes at it with a punch to the cheek and another under the jaw.

I notice Liam kneeling down holding his heart, he looks to be in pain and Clyden is helping him.

I dust myself off as I rise. Kasila jumps high and comes down with the sword aimed to pierce through the dragon' neck.

The dragon's body is shocked by the piercing of the sword as blood runs down its neck and it smashes onto the ground. Kasila pulls out her sword with the help of Michael while I run to check on Liam

"Is he okay?" I ask Clyden with concern

"Yeah," he confirms

"Okay," I turn around looking at the dragon; I walk closer to it.

"is it dead?" I ask the others and immediately it's eyes open with force, they are black and all I see is death

"Guys it's not over yet," I say as they all walk to me facing the dragon, I take a quick look at the back

"Good, Liam's back," I focus back on the dragon as it rises up.

"Will you ever die?" I ask it and it fires black fire at us, we all dodge it in any possible way. Us who can fly, are up with Liam while Cari, Reseda, Michael and Clyden are hiding behind the trees.

"if we fight this Dragon on the ground it will destroy alot of things, we have to lead it up here instead," I suggest

"She's right, the fire kills everything it touches, some trees and plants on the ground have died," Zelph agrees as we all look down at the damage of homes and the lost dragon searching for us on the ground.

"yeah, let's do it," Liam agrees as he stretches his hand up, lightning starts flashing and the dragon lifts it's head up and waists no time. It flies up to us with its hot, black fire aimed at us, Liam blocks it with a huge white shield.

"come on let's help him," I say and fly closer to Liam. I merge my shield with his and so do the others, we hold on until the dragon stops.

Liam immediately fires lightning at it but it's like we are just tickling it. Syvi flies to the side with fire burning the dragon's skin but the dragon returns with fire and slightly burns Syvi.

"No!" I shout as she falls down, I fire as many arrows at it with rage causing it to roar and come after us.

"Eyes are windows to the soul," I aim my arrow at it's right eye. "Steady…" I let go. The dragon stops and cries in pain

"I got this," Nard says and stops the dragon's wings from flapping. Liam immediately flies to it and pushes to where the open area is and that is the road.

"Come on Lora," Liam says with his hands stretched towards the dragon as he fires lightning, I fly and shoot a arrow inside the lightning and the dragon finally smashes on the ground a bit further from the others. Syvi is also alright.

We all fly down.


Harmony's point of view:

"Oh, Liam," I sigh while looking out the window, "I hope you're fine,"

" I was just an average varsity girl, living a normal life, and fell in love with some random guy I met on the side of a road on a rainy day," I smile as I imagine the day I first met him

"I didn't even know such a world existed, now I carry this heavy mission upon my shoulders and… I'm a princess,"

"Harmony," A voice calls and I turn around to see Disco standing there looking sad.

"Disco, why aren't you with the others?" I walk closer to him.

"Harmony, I know you're trying to not burden me with your sadness," he says and I look down, "I am your staff, Harmony, you and I are one, so I know how you feel and it also affects me too."

"I'm sorry,"

"Just let me be here for you and stop shutting me out," he begs.

I exhale, " I'm just worried about Liam, I guess I'm just scared of loosing him. My life would feel so lonely, and my world so empty without him," I confront him.

"I know, I might understand how you feel," he says as I a take a sit on the bed

"I had a master once, her name was Kelody. We had our happy times, laughing, joking around and some dramatic arguments. One day, we were battling the menace in Musiana, and when Kuro poisoned the music tree, she just froze there and there was nothing I or the guardians could do. Next thing I know, I was back in the staff realm," he sighs, "I long to see her again someday."

"I can just imagine what it's like being stuck in one position for so long, I can just imagine how they are feeling right now," I say



Lora's point of view:

"we did it," I say with relief as we all look at the beast laying on the ground in front of us.

"I think I like it much better this way, it looks cute," Cari says

"Oh come on," I laugh

"Reseda, do your job," Liam says as I turn around to get the child.

"Cari, I might need your help with the tent," I say

"Tent?" Cari walks after me and I laugh

"I don't know what you we can call it, it looks like a tent," I say and we both laugh.

"You know, I've been wanting to ask…"


"Its about Liam, the way he was fighting today was just not like him, he looked weak. I also saw him kneeling down in pain with Clyden as we were battling with the dragon," I mention.

"Yeah, it's quite a long story to explain but, he is under a love potion spell and it's eating him up," she says

"A spell? Did Harmony do that? Was-"

"No, it's Bexy, the girl we used to tell you about when all the guardians came here to visit the queen when she was sick."

"Oh…" I remember as we arrive at the tent and Cari stretches her hand out to it and the straps break themselves in half.

"yep, she's actually dead by now because the headmistress found out and King Michael was informed." she says as the straps fade back into her hand and I grab the child that's seated on the ground in my arms

"She's wicked," I look at Cari with worry and then I look ahead at Liam.

"Master, such an innocent person."

"He will be okay," Cari says as we watch Reseda touch the dragon and it's body comes crumbling down like ashes and disappears into the ground. We hear a sound on our left and we turn to look. The shield finally begins to open up from the ground going up.

"Look who's going to come out," I say to the child in a childish way and I can see the excited smile on his face as he starts to shake himself out of my grip. "wait-wait, she's coming okay,"

"He can't wait to see his parents," Cari says whilst smiling at the young boy.

"Just look at this innocent cute face, why would anyone want to harm such innocence?"

"Some people are just sick," Cari comments.