

Bexy's point of view:

It's break time, which means most of the students will either be in the cafeteria or at the eating area outside. Zelda wants the helaphim by tonight, this could be my only chance.

"You guys go ahead with the others, I will meet you at the eating area when I'm done," I tell Aliyona and Athena on our way to the cafeteria.

"Are you sure about this?" Athena asks

"If I can't have him, then none can, but I must have him! One way or another. I'll be the next queen of Alanza!"

"I don't think you should force lo-"

"Just go!" I command

And furiously walk away to the staircase.

First I must get the key to the potion room, I can't do this at once. I'll get the key then when everyone is in class, I'll get the potion, hopefully, the headmistress will not notice.

I walk up the stairs and head down to the headmistress's office.

"Can I help?" Harley asks

"Miss Harvil is looking for the headmistress,"

"Can she not come here?" He asks

"It's about Harmony, she's crying and she can't leave her alone," I lie

"Oh, okay, Thank you for letting us know," he says, I walk away and once he enters the headmistress' office, I stop walking.

A minute later, he comes out with the headmistress and I pretend to be on the phone talking to someone

"Where is she?" The headmistress asks as she gets closer to me and I remove the phone from my ear

"The guardians training hall," I respond, and they continue down the staircase.

I slowly put my phone down and walk to her office.

"I have got to be quick," I look around to see where she hangs the keys

"There," I spot the keys hanging on the wooden wall— I walk over.

"Which one is it," I search the wall of more than twenty keys.

"Mrs. Harvil, Mr. Sethock," I read the labels under the keys, " Mrs. Atila," I grab the keys, put them in my pocket and leave, making sure everything is almost the way I found it.

I quickly walk down the stairs, but as I'm about to exit through the middle two door entrance, the headmistress and Harley show up.

"Headmistress," I awkwardly smile.

"I checked the training hall and there's no one, Mrs Harvil also said she was not looking for me," she says with a little frustration. "Why did you lie, Bexy?"

Everyone is looking here.

"Umm... I think I must've remembered stuff from my dream last time, I'm so sorry headmistress," I try not to show my nervousness

"Next time be sure of your information," Harley says

"Yes," I look down

"Are you okay?" She asks

"Yes headmistress, I apologize for my misinformation," I say

" Good, now go join the others," she orders


Harmony's point of view:

"I wonder what that was all about," Cari says.


"Here she comes," I Alina notifies

"Never mind her, let's eat," Cari suggests

"I'm with Cari," Clyden comments and we all laugh.

"I hope you will like what we chose for you," Reseda says

Well, apparently during the second break they have fruit juices and salads.

I look down at the 9 types of fruit smoothies waiting for me to try, excluding the large bowl of fruit salad on the side with 9 different fruits, "Yep."

"Im too young for this."

"Smoothies first, Try mine, you will surely fall in love," Cari claims

I take a deep breath, "Okay, let's do this" I stretch my hand to the smoothies

"Which one is yours again?" I ask her

"That pinkish one," she says from her seat next to Alina

"Oh." I grab it

"Fingers crossed," Cari crosses her fingers with her eyes closed. I bring the smoothie close and take a sip through the straw.

"Mm... I taste cherries,"

"Yeah, they are my favourite,"

"This is good," I put the cup of smoothie down

"Try mine next," Max says and Liam giggles

"Don't start," Max says to him, "Sorry, go ahead Harmony."

"Which one?" I ask him

"Black," Max replies

"Whoa, scary," I say as I pick up the cup

"If anything happens her, Max, you're dead," Liam says to his brother.


"What's going on?" I inquire

"Max has bad taste, he mixes a lot of things and it always turns out horrible, he made Michael sick once," Alina explains

"Seriously?.. That's a rude way to say it, I have at least made something once," Max points out and everyone laughs

"Only once, and Alina was in the kitchen with you. I don't trust that you made it," Michael says


Zelda's point of view:

I just came back from a meeting with headmistress, Haunt, just letting her know how things are going.

"What did you tell the headmistress?" Havoc asks as we are all seated at our group table at the cafeteria.

"Well ladies and gentlemen, Looks like the guardians have more weaknesses than we thought" I evilly smile

"Can't wait to hear this," Freeza say as he picks up an ice block from his bowl and crushes it in his mouth.

"Damn, don't you get tired of chewing ice" Trixy looks at Rozen with a funny face

"Don't you get tired of insects, it's creepy?" Rozen responds

"Says the guy who sleeps in a room full of skulls," Trixy responds

"Okay-okay, stop. Stop acting like damn children," I interfere

"Saripa," Trixy apologizes

"Where was I?" I ask

"The guardians have secrets..." Havoc replies

"Oh yeah, we all know Bexy right?" I clarify

"Of course,"

"Turns out she's out to get Liam for herself," I announce.

"And what do we benefit from this?" Trixy asks

"I overheard her talking to her friends, so..."

"So?" Ozinah asks

"I went up to her and we made a deal,"

"You made a deal with an Elphia student?" Rozen asks in disbelief

"Yes, I told her I'd help her get Liam if she gets me the helaphim"

"Hmm..." Raven evilly smiles, "well done sister."

I smile

"And just how are you going to help her?" Blade asks as Runo stretches his stretchable arm to grab a bottle of water from the counter at the back of me.

"The undead love potion of course," I respond

"Nice work," Cain comments

"Always," I respond

"Did she agree to the deal?" Havoc sips her juice

"Yeah, we meet tonight" I respond

Raven smiles, "This is perfect, once we have the helaphim, there will be less or no Guardians to deal with."

"My intentions exactly," I respond


Bexy's point of view:

Since I came to sit with my friends, I've been quiet, thinking, deciding.

"Once I take that helaphim there's no turning back."

"Bexy," Aliyona calls me, Athena and her haven't touched their fruit salad since I arrived.

"Bexy, you need to eat," Aliyona says

"The break is almost over," Athena adds, and all of a sudden everyone looks at the door.

"What's the headmistress doing here?" Athena asks, I startle and look up

"Oh no…" I start to get nervous as the headmistress walks closer to the crowd.

"Can I have your attention please," she stops walking and looks closely at each and every one of us

"What has happened today has never happened before, and I am very, very disappointed," she says and everyone looks at the headmistress with no clue

"Someone came into my office and took the keys to the potion room," she says, everyone looks at each in shock and I look down

"Now, I'm not going to take you to the counsel, but if you have the keys bring them back before the end of the day, or if you find them laying somewhere, I'd really appreciate it," she says and I look up in relief

"Are we clear?"

"Yes headmistress," we all respond and she departs. Athena and Aliyona look at me.

"What are you going to do?" Athena asks

"I have it all planned out, you just sit and watch," I say as I grab my folk and Pierce through the Copra...it's a banana.


Harmony's point of view:

"I wonder who it is," Alina says

"Why in the world would anyone steal Mrs Atila's keys?" Cari asks as everyone is in their thoughts

"No idea," Max responds unbothered

"I have a bad feeling about this." Tecno exhales

"Me too," Reseda adds

"There are ten minutes left, I'm going to talk to the headmistress." Liam gets up

"Okay," Michael responds, the rest nod.

"You will find me at the hall, okay?" He says to me and I nod.

I smile, "Okay."

He walks away.

"Come on, Harmony. Let's finish up" Reseda says

"Did you try mine already?" Michael asks

"Try what?" I ask

"The smoothie," Michael says

"Oh," I look down at the cup in my hand, "yeah" I look at him

"How much out of 10", He asks

"Uh..." I think for a moment, "8" I say

"Yes! I got more than Clyden" Michael leans forward and laughs as he looks at Clyden on his left

"Chill, you just got lucky," Clyden says and Michael laughs with his deep voice.

"You're just sad," Michael teases him.

"Alina got the highest, nine out of ten, there's one more cup left, let's see who's going to get ten out of ten," Teva says and I look down at the cup

"This looks good," I say as take out the straw from Michael's smoothie and pick up the last cup. It's all eyes on me.

"Try it," Reseda says and I dip the straw into the cup, then I sip

"Mmm..." and I sip again

"This is ten out of ten," I say and take another sip

"That's Liam's one," Max says

"Oh," I look at everyone, " he's a chef?" I ask and they all chuckle

"No," Reseda says

"But I guess maybe he just knows your favourites, from your childhood," Tecno says

"Wow, he remembers a lot," I say

"A little too much," Tecno looks down and everyone is just silent.

"Okay guys, I think there are5 minutes left now," Reseda cuts the silence and looks at me, "Harmony eat some of the salad before the bell rings, you need the energy", she says

"Yeah," I nod and smile as I pull the bowl of fruit salad close to me

"I'll only have this one" I lift up the smoothie Liam made.


Liam's point of view:

"Were the keys still here when you went to see Mrs Harvil?" I ask the headmistress while I'm seated on the chair facing her.

"Yes, I'm sure," She says and I lean back on the chair, trying to figure it out.

"You said Bexy was still in the corridor when you left," I look at her

"Yes, do you think?..."

"It's a possibility" I respond

"But why would she want the keys for?..." She rests her hands on the desk. "That'd make her steal them?"

"I don't know, but if she really stole them, that means it's not something good." I comment

"You are right, but we can't be sure if she did. Let's wait until the end of the day," She suggests. I nod.

"I better go," I get up

"Keep watch," she says

I nod.