
Harem king System

I died ......... but that was not the end, they offered me a chance to live again but not in my world, in a different one with a system of my choice. obviously I accepted, but not everything went well ..... because there are ghost beings, warriors, Yokais angels and many other beings in this place ?? !!! I want to go to a world with beautiful women and without dangers and make a harem in that world !!! but now I not only have to live in a world with many dangers ..... now I also have to travel to other worlds and save them from destruction ........ but I will not give up on my dream of doing a Harem !!!! I will achieve it with the help of The System King of the Harem

INVADER_WEST · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

Plans, Changes and concern for the Host.

Hello my dear readers,

3 days have passed since I published a chapter, and well I will not go into details about why I do not publish these days

I'll just say it was for personal reasons.

but here I am again to bring you a Chapter fresh out of the oven

hope you like.


(In the carpentry room)

(A few minutes before Maiko arrived in the room)

"Ta-...Takagi-san.....what do we do here?...there are things we could use, but...."

"Silence Otaku fat,.... Close the door so they can't get in..."

Kota Hirano listened to Takagi Saya's words and closed the door.

After closing the door Hirano went to the table in the living room and on top of the table he saw many tools.

"..will you use them as weapons?....."

"You are one of those crazy gun lovers, right? So you probably saw some of these things in action movies, right?

Hirano looked over the table and took a nail gun.

"A nail gun? ...!!...powered by gas?!!..."

"of course it's gas-powered, if it's going to work with a compressor we couldn't take it"

- Pack, pack ( hits )

Their conversation didn't last long because a group of zombies started knocking on the door with the intention of entering.

Takagi-san showed a little fear because he knew that inside the room they had no way to escape, but Hirano was different.

He was using his mind to think about how to turn the nail gun into a more efficient mistress.

"A spare gas container, nails?..... There are enough, "

"Why do you sound so carefree? You idiot! They're coming, they're in the hall!

Takagi-san tried to talk to Hirano, but he was no longer paying attention, Hirano's priority was to build a weapon with the nail gun.

"It weighs about 4 kilos, the same as the old assault rifles. ..... I can't stabilize my posture when I hold the weapon, I will need to build a sight.

"Hey you! Are you listening to me?

"Hirano wasted no time and began building what he needed."

"Hirano!! ...."

In a short time the door could not stand the pressure and the zombies managed to get in,

The zombies attacked Takagi-san, but Hirano had already finished his Weapon, but when Hirano, was about to shoot the zombie that was closer to Takagi-san, a sword cut off the zombie's head.

A strange boy had cut off the zombie's head and he didn't stop just by doing that, the boy started to cut off the zombies that were closer to him, Hirano didn't waste any time and started to shoot the zombies from a distance with his newly armed nail gun.

The strange boy was obviously the Host of the harem's king system, the perverted and somewhat manipulative Maiko Shuu.

If it took a long time here it is possible that more zombies surrounded them, it was necessary for them to leave here now.

".pink-haired!!...take everything that can be used as a weapon and put it in that backpack,!!...quick we don't have time!

Unfortunately he gave those orders to Takagi-san who was well known for having a superiority complex, meaning that she doesn't like people telling her what to do.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" .... I don't even know you!!.. Who do you think you are to give me orders!!?"


(Maiko Pov)

" What the hell is wrong with you?! .... I don't even know you!!.. Who do you think you are to order me around!??"


( Is it really? !!!!! ..... We are surrounded by zombies and right now you have to act like the typical Tsundere girl who doesn't listen to others?!!!!.... ...Calm down Maiko,....calma,.... Remember that she is not mature enough yet,she will get better,.... I hope so :)

Maiko decided to use her [King's HaKi] skill (basic level)] to scare Takagi.


Although the pressure that my haki was giving off was too small to scare someone like the Older or Sakaki-san,... if I use it against someone normal it should be very effective.

And indeed by the face of fear in the face of Takagi my Haki was too much for her,....

( Maybe it was too much?.... If she starts to be afraid of me I won't be able to make her fall in love with me,.... I need her to trust me, not to be afraid of me..... How do I fix this?...!! .... I know what to do!!!)

I cut another zombie and walked over to Takagi,

She was definitely afraid of me, she even took a few steps back.

When I was in front of her I took her hands and used one of my most powerful skills...

The skill [honest Smile] !

I put on the nicest, friendliest smile I could and spoke up.

"Please do what I told you...

"(///.....////)...Wakatta yo....( It's okay) "

It was only for a moment but I clearly saw a little blush on her cheeks.

The skill [ Honest Smile ] is definitely perfect for conquering hearts!

Takagi started to put away all the weapons while Maiko and Hirano continued killing zombies.

In a short time they managed to wake up the room, once again they were saved but only for a few minutes.

".....G- thanks for-"

Hirano spoke to thank Maiko for helping them but Takagi-san interrupted him,


"Leave the thanks and presentations for later, Hirano.... we have to move, if they come back I don't think we can protect ourselves here,..."

"...The big-breasted pink-haired is right,.... We have to move, "


Takagi covered her breasts and looked at me angrily when I heard her call

".it's only you 2?..."


".. For my part there is me and one other person, .... ".

I went out for a moment in the corridor and hit a locker where cleaning utensils were kept.

"You can get out of there now, it's safe"

The locker will be opened and from inside comes the sexy teacher Kyouko,

I hid her in there while I went to meet Saya and Hirano.

She and I got together and now we are thinking about what we will do next.

"... Well, let's move, our priority should be to get out of this place, preferably take a car and use it to go somewhere safe.... "

"Kyouko-san, can you drive a car?"

"…. My car is in the school parking lot, it's big enough to take us all 4 .... But I left my keys in my bag and my bag I left in my teacher's room".

".... That's bad news,...'"

"it will be necessary to go and get them, it is possible that in the teachers' room there are the keys to some other car,..."

"…. But that's not completely safe,...well,.....new plan, "

"Fatty, pink-haired, we're all going to get a car key to get out of here ....."

I watch everyone and they agree with my idea,

"...Well, come on...."

we continue to work our way up to the teachers' room.

"...pink-haired, you and Kyouko get the keys, I'll go check the halls to see if we're safe for now."

"Fatty, you protect them while I'm gone."

"HI! Hirano responded.

I came out of the teacher's room.

( Perfect, everything happened as I wanted, ..... now I need to prepare other things.... )


(Time skip 15 minutes after Maiko left)

(Kyouko Pov )

Everything is very bad, ... Horribly bad!

After I managed to move my legs again, I followed Maiko-san to the carpentry room to look for something I could use as a weapon against them.

Unfortunately the room was being invaded by many zombies,

The image of those monsters still made my legs tremble with fear,

Maiko-kun wasted no time and began to finish off the zombies to get to the salon, to protect me I hid in a cleaning locker, and Maiko-kun advanced.

After a few minutes Maiko-kun returned with 2 students, I know them, both are part of my class.

Takagi Saya and Hirano Kota

It is good that they are well, I know how horrible these monsters can be.

After a few moments it was decided that we would look for the keys to some car in the teachers' room,

We advanced quickly thanks to Maiko-kun, quickly cutting off any zombies that crossed our path and Hirano-kun took care of us from behind by shooting the zombies.

When we arrived at the hall, Maiko-kun said he would come out to clean the zombie corridors,

I really didn't want him to leave, and maybe I should have tried to convince him to stay,

Perhaps if I had done so we would not be in this danger.


A few minutes after Maiko-san left, a large group of zombies appeared and quickly surrounded us.

"There are too many of them! Takagi-san, Kyouko-sensei take a weapon for protection!

Hirano told the two women as he was shooting at many zombies, but they were still being quickly overwhelmed and also, the nails in the gun were running out.

Kyouko-sensei listened to Hirano's words, but Saya's pride would not let her accept Hirano's orders.

"Why do I have to do something like that? !!"

"Takagi-san Watch out!

Hirano's warning came late, a zombie was very close to Saya, she was frightened when she saw the zombie so close

" AAAAAHH!!!!!!!"

she let out a scream out of fear and stumbled.

On the ground Saya watched as the zombie came closer and closer to her and unfortunately for Hirano the nails were gone.


"Takagi-san!!" Kyouko-sensei shouted when he saw Saya's situation but she couldn't help him because she was busy keeping some Zombies away.


Still on the ground and in panic, Saya reached out for something to protect herself,

Luckily she managed to grab a power drill that fell out of her backpack when she tripped.

Even with all the fear Saya felt, she knew that if she didn't use the drill to defend herself, she would die.

So she did what she needed to do to survive.

When Saya said, "DON'T GET CLOSER to !!!!!!," she used the drill through the zombie's head, causing a lot of blood to spurt out all over the place.



All the noise that the drill was making was attracting more zombies in Saya's direction. Fortunately, the noise also attracted the attention of five people who arrived quickly to help.

None of them knew each other, but with one look they knew what they had to do.

".. I'LL GO RIGHT! Said Maiko

"WE ON THE LEFT!" said a light brown-haired girl who was with a black-haired boy.

"TAKE THE CENTER" that was said by a girl with purple hair as she started to move.

Everyone moved in the direction they chose,

Maiko advanced by quickly cutting off the heads of the zombies with ease.

The purple-haired girl was just like Maiko, she attacked with speed using a wooden sword

and for a few moments I watched Maiko intrigued, while he was cutting up zombies.

Finally the girl with brown hair and the boy with black hair also attacked the zombies, they were not as fast or efficient, especially the boy, he looked like a complete amateur fighting, but at least by teaming up with the girl they managed to finish off the zombies.

In a short time the salon was clear of zombies.

Kyouko was relieved, Maiko-kun returned and with more people!

It seems that they will live this day.

While Hirano and Kyouko were relieved Saya was watching the horrible scene she had made with the drill.

You could clearly see that this situation had her on edge.

While Saya was suffering from what happened, Maiko was watching Saya,

On the outside you can see that he seemed not to show any emotion in his face, but in his mind Maiko was impatient waiting for the right moment to act.

( She is about to burst into tears,.... Just a little more,..... A little more and I can act ..... )


Maiko didn't notice, but he was starting to act like a manipulative villain,

First he used his powers to make the zombies infiltrate the school and then he caused a horde of zombies to come to this room to make this situation happen, not to mention other things he did before the zombie apocalypse began.

The system noticed these changes in Maiko and was looking for the cause of this without finding answers.

For that reason the system for the first time did something new, to ensure the mental safety of his host decided to go against her own programming and started looking for some skill that would help the host realize the changes in her behavior.


I hope you liked the chapter,

That is all for now,


if there is any spelling error please let me know to fix it

INVADER_WESTcreators' thoughts