
Harem king System

I died ......... but that was not the end, they offered me a chance to live again but not in my world, in a different one with a system of my choice. obviously I accepted, but not everything went well ..... because there are ghost beings, warriors, Yokais angels and many other beings in this place ?? !!! I want to go to a world with beautiful women and without dangers and make a harem in that world !!! but now I not only have to live in a world with many dangers ..... now I also have to travel to other worlds and save them from destruction ........ but I will not give up on my dream of doing a Harem !!!! I will achieve it with the help of The System King of the Harem

Lazy_writer · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

Act like a typical protagonist to conquer my neighbor!!!!

At that moment I understood that I made her angry.

Then I knocked again on the door...

"What do you need? ..... I'm busy and I don't have time to waste here with you".

"I'm Shuu Maiko, your neighbor, and I know you're busy but I haven't been able to sleep for a while because of all the noise coming from your apartment ....."

She seems to understand that she is making a lot of noise.

"..... I understand... I'll try not to make too much noise when I work.... If that's all, then I'll go back to work."

"wait!! ....... if it's not too much fun for me I want to ask you what you do that causes so much noise?....."

She looks at me with her characteristic unloving look and answers.

"if you are too nosy to ask, ..... but since it is my fault that you can't sleep, I guess I can at least answer that.

She enters the apartment and gives me a signal to follow her.

I walk into her apartment and in the living room there are lots of notes and books scattered everywhere, I also see a few food wrappers on the floor next to a laptop.

".... What kind of natural disaster happened here that made this place end up like this?!! .... don't you feel sorry for showing such a disaster to a boy?..."

"I barely know you, and I don't care enough about you to care what you think of me."

Her words are cold and cruel just like in the anime, but I already knew she was like that, so I ignore her words and keep talking animatedly.

"So you're working on writing a novel? .... It's unexpected coming from you...."

"you say it like you know me...."

Damn!!.. I talked a lot!! .... fast i have to tell a lie!!.....

"well..... we go to the same school, and you're kind of popular there."

"...…. That explains it."

Yeah!!!.. I saved... if I didn't believe her I would have thought I was stalking her or something.

"Although saying that I work writing would be saying a lot, I haven't published anything yet, I'm still working on the title, I'm clear about what I want to do but I can't think of a good title for the story.

"... have you thought of publishing part of the story to see if it is well received?"

"I was thinking of doing it...."

Great!!!!!.... Then she still doesn't know the main character ..... is an opportunity for me!

".... Don't publish it yet....... If you publish a part and it is not well received you could lose motivation, besides it is difficult for the readers to be attracted to an incomplete content".

"..... you talk like you have experience in this?..... Also, I don't remember asking you for help. .....

"let's say I have some experience in these matters,... and you didn't consult me for help I'm just giving you honest advice, ..... it would be bad if you lost motivation if you got a bad review"

She watches me for a moment while she thinks about my words and after a while she seems to come to a conclusion.

"Haaaaaa ( sigh ) ...."

She approaches her desk, takes some papers and hands them to me.

"If you, Mr. Busybody, will be giving your opinion then do so after reading the story.... That way at least I can know if what you think is sincere... and not just words."

"..... well.... I'll do it,..... "

And so I set out to read the story she wrote...

I read page after page, and after 40 minutes I managed to finish .....

"..... and what do you think? ...." She asks me.

" ...It's good,....."

"If you're just going to say that then I'm going to get angry, Mr. Busybody."

"..... well the story is good and I can understand the characters, but if I'm completely honest ..... lacks content ..... I can't feel that the characters are really loving ..... it's like you can only imagine an ideal love without any real problems.

"... be more specific...."

" Well,..... when I read it, I felt like I was reading a fantasy, that works for other kind of stories but not for this one,..... I think you should make the main characters not only achieve love, as if it was Natura to achieve it..... you need to make them strive to achieve it...... "


"Right now it's a good story..... but it can be improved...."

".........… "

She got up from where she was sitting and went into a room, soon after she came back with a notebook and gave it to me.

"Here I wrote down all my ideas for the story, read it and tell me what you think might work.

Look at the big notebook she gave me and I would really love to read it if it means I'll be spending more time with her,

But if there is something I have learned from watching so many animes, mangas and dating games, it is that in this kind of situation, it is necessary to be uncooperative...... and she would not have fallen in love with the main character if he always listened to her.

Here I have to act like the typical protagonist of an anime harem!!!!!.... Eventually my efforts will bear fruit and I will manage to make her fall in love!

Well, let's start with the performance !!!!


". .........HEEE??????!!!!.....( Shout of surprise).... but this is a lot to read!!.... Besides, it's already very late and tomorrow I have to go to class!

" tsk ( snapping tongue ) ... I guess you're right" she replies.

" hey!!... you just clicked your tongue!!!!.... The angry one here should be me! ... I came here to tell you not to make too much noise because you wouldn't let me sleep! ..... And you put me to read ...!!"

"…. Don't complain so much.... You had the opportunity to be in the house of a beautiful girl,..... you should be happy."

"No beautiful girl would let a boy see all the mess this place is!!!!." I told her as she pointed out all the mess in her home.

"... When was the last time you cleaned this place? !!!!!!"

"..... don't be so picky.....girls don't like that"

" haaaa( sigh)............. is fine I will read it, but I will do it on one condition!!!"

" Tell me,... but I won't do anything lewd "

"I would be an idiot if I wanted to do something lewd to someone while surrounded by this garbage! ..... My condition, is that you let me clean up this place,... I can't stand this mess anymore!!!!"

"....... have the opportunity to ask me something and you want to clean up...... you are definitely a virgin right?

"the virgin girl with the sauce stains on her lip has no right to tell me that,..."

She covers her mouth and wipes the sauce from her lips

She turns her back on me.

"Just do what you want to do.... I'll go to sleep..... I want you to have the ideas written down tomorrow that could be in the story".

She goes to her room.

"Hey!...will you sleep with a guy one door away?..... Are you an idiot?.... What if I attack you at night?"

"I doubt very much that my nosy neighbor has the courage to attack me in my sleep?..... until tomorrow."

And so she went to sleep.


God!!!! She is beautiful but evil! ......

Quiet.... Calm..... we know she's like that at first and when she falls in love she'll be different.... ...

Haaaa( sigh). The way to conquer a girl is very difficult, but I will make it!

Apparently the system reacted to my strong desires because it gave me a new mission.




[A harem king can change from being a nuisance to a girl's destined partner.

Melt Utaha Kasumigaoka's cold heart and make her fall in love with you].

Reward : 1 lottery ticket

golden. And 1 Silver.

No time limit.


Well.... It's time to work.... This is my start as the king of Harem!!!!.


(Time skip next morning)

(Utaha Pov)

I must admit that when I opened the door last night, I didn't expect it would be my neighbor who would come to complain about the noise.....

Some time ago when he first came to my apartment to complain about the noise, he simply reacted like most of the kids who see me at school, even apologizing to me by praising me and telling me many things.

With this, I could immediately understand the character of my neighbor ...... He is a Pervert ... or so it seemed at first.

But the way he looked at me and the way he acted with me last night was totally different ..... it was like someone else was in front of me.

Maybe I misjudged him,.... and although he's a busybody, he doesn't seem like a bad person. The proof of that is the state my living room and kitchen are in.

Both are so clean that I could eat off the floor!

"maybe it's not so bad....."

I noticed that on the kitchen table there was a note he left before he left my house.


[ I also cleaned the kitchen, I can't believe all your dishes were dirty! .... Just because you're a beautiful girl doesn't mean you're forgiven for this kind of carelessness!!!!... I also took the notebook with me, I want to read it again to make a detailed essay that will be useful.... I'll give it to you later]

"If... is not a bad person."

When I was about to finish reading the note, I noticed that behind the sheet he had written something else.

[ PS: I also put in the washing machine the clothes that were scattered in the kitchen...which is what you did so that your clothes would be in the kitchen???..... and I'll give you a tip...to remove the stains from the underwear you have to wash them by hand, because the fabric is delicate ]

"I take back what I said.... . He's a fucking pervert! !!!!!!


This is something like a draft, it is very possible that there are some errors and if you can please let me know to fix them.

tell me what do you think?

I don't have the story planned and I'm just writing as I go.