
Harem Insanity

In a world where the protagonist's journey is threatened by a more capable adversary, the World's Will takes drastic measures. They orchestrate the demise of this formidable rival, masking it as an unfortunate accident, while the true hero, brimming with untapped potential, lies wounded before onlookers and society. But what if this man received a warning in advance? How would he react to this impending danger, and more importantly,How could he withstand the relentless assault of the world's will, determined to hinder his ascent? Armed only with a system that assigns missions, devoid of any powerful skills or items, he faces an uphill battle for survival. Follow along as our protagonist grapples with adversity, displaying resilience and determination on a treacherous journey. Can he defy the odds stacked against him, or will he succumb to the World's Will conspiring for his downfall? Discover the answers in this captivating tale of courage, wonder and lust~ ------------------------------------------- Do you know the trick to making the author of a fanfic upload daily...Give him money even if as little as 2$. For those unable to then give your power stones and review so that it can reach to those who CAN! So if you wish to give me money for my hard work then join my patreon. Patreon Link patreon.com/The_Ghost165

The_ghost · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 8:- improved Strength and Flirting with Sooyung


I woke up with wide eyes with sweat dripping from head and my back soaked in it.

I didn't even properly sleep but I had nightmares that lava was traveling within me and everything in my body burned until nothing was left of it.

All night I did was try to sleep and escape from the recurring nightmare that didn't care wether I was sleeping or not, they troubled me for every moment of the night until dawn came and the sunlight touched the windows of the room, lighting it.


†Kim Min-Ho POV†

Morning sun shone in the air as sun rays lit the room. Sun rays hit the eyes of a young man, short and fat waking him up.


"Yesterday night was such a good and quit s~leep. I wish I get to sleep like this everyday~"

I rubbed my eyes lightly to get the eye gunk from the corners of my eyes as I blinked repeatedly to get used to light.


Where's Jun-Seo, is he in the bathroom?

The bed where his new friend, maybe, and roommate slept was empty with the bed sheets neatly folded and the sheets covering his bed neatly clean and without any folds, just like new bed coverings.

Min-Ho cluelessly looked around the room but neither did he see him nor did he heard him in the toilet.

Suddenly the door of the room creaked as it opened and Jun-Seo walked in looking neat and chill with...

'Wait, why does he look more handsome than yesterday!! Yesterday if he was better than celebrities than than today his face appeared perfect with no imperfect even when scrutinizing his face.'

"Oh, Good morning Min-Ho."

The tiny hairs on Min-Ho's hand stood up instinctively as he listened to Jun-Seo voice

"Woah~ W-Wait, wait, wait What happened to your voice?? Why does it sound so much deeper than before!?"

I literally shouted forgetting my shyful and introverted nature though my voice still sounded soft and shrill like a girls voice.

The voice he had heard yesterday was normal like unique in itself but like everyone itself but today his voice had a lower pitch and deeper tone. A voice that if listened to sent shivers down your spine continuously.

"It's nothing really, yesterday I had cough and throat infection so my voice sounded strange but now I'm all fine."

Jun-Seo gave the perfect amount of information neither too much that Min-ho will suspect him of lying nor too little that will make him ask too many questions.

While Jun-Seo wore a smile and pondered about this since he really didn't want to make things suspicious afterall he couldn't trust Min-ho!

Though Min-ho was was truly feeling jealous and envious as he always had soft and shrill voice and was never able to speak boldly and today someone stood in front of him who was not only handsome no, perfect looking but also had deep voice like a lion's roar.

"o-okay, I guess take care! It's cold outside."

What the fuck did I just say!! I know I'm awkward in conversations but this is just... Sounds so strange.

No, it's that voice that affected me. Yeah, it's strange talking to a person with a voice that sounds commanding.

Though Jun-Seo just shrugged his shoulders as he gave a last glance towards me and started walking.

Jun-Seo walked to his cabinate as he quitely listened to Kim-Ho, seeing that their was no trace of suspicion in his tone, he just took his towel, clothes and bag as he said.

"I am going to go hit the showers. See ya' in class."

"Huh, oh... okay~"

Jun-Seo then left making Min-ho scratch his head in puzzlement as he thought.

"Jun-Seo looked strange today, like completely different as if he had matured. But how's that possible??"


†Kim Jun-Seo POV†

In the solitude of the bathroom, amidst the gentle cascade of water droplets, a lone figure stands beneath the shower, enveloped in a sanctuary of steam and contemplation. With eyes closed and mind adrift, they surrender to the rhythm of the falling water, each droplet a whispered melody upon their skin.

As steam rises like incense, swirling around him in a delicate embrace, the outside world fades into obscurity, leaving only the echo of their thoughts to fill the void. With every inhale, he breathe in the warm embrace of the moment, allowing the burdens of the night to dissolve into the ether.

The patter of water upon tile becomes a soothing lullaby, a symphony of solace that envelops them in a cocoon of tranquility. Beneath the gentle caress of the shower's embrace, tensions melt away, leaving behind only a sense of peace and renewal.

The lone figure, Kim Jun-Seo took a fightung stance which appeared as if a master took one.


He punch forward hard and fast as his first smoothly went to hit the water producing a small area where the water blowed outwards.

Jun-Seo tried again, this time with his other fist though no he didn't stop!

in the small shower room, he whipped his fists straight at the water with his legs hurling dangerous kicks at it.

A human would be beaten black and blue as Jun-Seo every blow appeared smooth and elegant, as if he was not fighting but performing a dance, a art!

While testing his [Combat Arts(7)] he thought what he did this morning. I have done countless tests that closely scrutinized everything from Strength to Agility from Stamina to Constitution from his Reflexes to his perception.

Everything had changed about him, even his speed of thinking had increased exponentially.

He had become smarter and more intelligent.

Not only his intelligence but also his Will, Determination, Creative thinking, Senses and more were increased.

Specially his Will and how could it not after all the torture and enhancement I have gone through stats.

'It was bound to increase after that mind fucking torture.'

Now according to the system and if everything about the stats he, or maybe she, has said is true which I doubt then I can easily, even after eating all the junk food, live for 160 years.

Now that's a lot of time when 10 years are enough completely enough to change the World!!

And after through testing of my powers I can conclude that I have become a... Superhuman.

I was able to lift objects many times my own weight, such as cars or heavy machinery, with relative ease. My muscles have become immensely strong, allowing them to exert force beyond the capabilities of an average human.

I could potentially punch through solid walls or bend metal bars with their bare hands, though I have not tried yet. This level of strength would make me extremely formidable in physical confrontations and allow me to accomplish tasks that would be impossible for most people.

I was able to move with incredible speed, grace, and precision, executing complex movements with effortless fluidity. My coordination with my body was impeccable, allowing me to perform acrobatic feats that seem almost superhuman, such as flips, spins, and leaps with perfect control and balance!!

In addition to my speed, my flexibility had become extraordinary, enable me to contort my bodies into positions that would be impossible for most people.

My movements appeared almost effortless, as if they were defying the laws of physics with their agility and coordination.

My bones felt stronger, my muscles felt tighter and my metabolism had increased. And according to the System, my resistance to illness and disease had significantly heightened.

My immune system had become highly efficient at warding off infections and illnesses, and I would recover quickly from injuries or ailments. I will rarely get sick, and when I do, my recovery time would be swift.

I would stay in my peak physical condition, capable of enduring the most challenging physical trials with ease and maintaining optimal health and vitality throughout my life.

This was all told by the system and I think this was trust worthy information because there was nothing I could be manipulated at if the system gave me wrong information.

And so basically I had become a low tier Superman~

A genuine smile bloomed on my face after all the torture I had gone through. I finished gathering my thoughts and turned off the valve of the shower.

I shaked my head in amusement as my hair whipped my face lightly and water sprinkled to the floor and the walls.

I dryed myself with the towel and wore all my clothes as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Jun-Seo, you have truly became perfect, yet... Bullets can still kill you. I have much more to achieve. More power if I wish to control my own fate."


[In the classroom]

"Kim Jun-seo!" A middle aged man with little hair on head, wrinkles on face and thin body that looked as if never trained called out.

It was the roll call happening in the classroom.

Min-ho who sat behind in the classroom looked around anxiously but could not find his roommate.

Another person even more anxious than him looked at the door as if waiting for it to open yet it didn't.

"Kim Jun-Seo!!" The teacher again called out but in a irritated tone now.

Min-ho was about to give the answer to the roll call when the door suddenly opened.

"Present sir~" A deep and commanding voice called out that sent shivers down the spine of anyone listening.

Every student was surprised as they heard the voice along with the teacher as he too took his head out from his roll book.

A young man with long hair reaching his neck in a stylish hairstyle entered the room.

His face was a marvelous piece of work to look at, with his white skin smoother than women. His sharp jawline that gave a chiseled shape to his face to his sharp nose that looked perfect.

Every muscle on it was refined and symmetrical and the black as ink colour of his eyes hypnotized seemed to draw everyone who staired at him in a blackhole, making all the girls heart pound even faster and guys heart feel palpitation.

He had literally no visual imperfections!!!



All the girls screamed as they openly checked him out. Their ferocious eyes raping his every body part as they giggled and laughed as they blushed like maidens in love.

While the guys were seathing in anger as they looked at the newcomer who stole all the limelight away from them.

'Fuck this bitch' X20

Seeing the previous quite classroom buzz with activity as the classroom hummed with the vibrant energy of students engaged in discussion and activity, prompting the teacher to unleash a thunderous shout to command attention amidst the lively cacophony.

"Silence! And YOU sit down."

Uncaring for the commotion or the teacher, his sharp and piercing eyes like hawks looked around the room to find a empty spot and maybe luck was on his side as the spot next to Sooyung Yang was empty.

His red perfect lips formed a smile as he looked at her which seemed to burn her alive. She looked down on her desk as if afraid to meet his eyes.


A girl literally passed out with a huge smile seeing Jun-Seo's smirk as he walked to the empty spot and sat down.

The teacher had his mouth open at seeing the girl pass out as he quickly shouted.

"Sprinkle her with water!! Quickly someone!"

The class busy excitedly chatting and discussing the newcomer finally noticed that a girl had passed out with a smile, woke her up.

"Damn, this looks like some K-drama na' bro."

A student whispered as another stifled a laugh with him saying.

"Look now she will say - We were previous life lovers."

"And then we will paste the meme, may you end in happiness...hehee."


Out of nowhere they felt deadly chills that froze their spines as a vicious glare stabbed them from their backs.

"Hey, Soojung. A coincidence or something else...that the only empty seat left was next to you~"

Soojung retracted her sharp gaze that promised pain from the two idiots to the handsome~ man next to her.

His one leg above the other with his left elbow on the desk as his face rested on the fist with a slight smile.

"I, I saved that seat for you. Remember you said yesterday to save a seat for you! I did~"

Her eyes curved with her smile telling Jun-Seo of it genuine nature as he looked at Soojung Yang, as a woman, and as a heroine.

His eyes that told the flaws of anyone and anything looking at her could only show her sensitive areas, weak spots and unprotected spots but no beauty flaw!!

I see... That's the difference between normal girls and woman chosen by heavens themselves.

They are beautiful, their face a masterpiece that the heavens themselves crafted. Their bodies the epitome of a woman's body. Their graceful and elegant figure with fat in all the right places.

Even Soojung compared to some of the most beautiful women in the world would not lose as her full ass and thick thicks covered by her blue tight jeans that arose the desires of many.

Her sweater streched due to her big breasts, though lose to Ms. Kang, but are still bigger than most girls.

And with her personality shy and happy for which she loved and cold and uncaring to others was just the most delightful thing about her.


I couldn't control a sigh full of emotions as I stared at her while she seemed to blush, maybe wondering why I was staring so much.

"You are Beautiful Soojung!!"

Her mind seems to short-circuit as her eyes blanked while she sturred to come up with a reply but failed fabulously at.

"Hehe, Soojung you are so fun to tease."

"Hey! What do you mean by that!!" She pouted as her cheeks expanded making her look like a cute panda.


I laughed a little as I poked at her cheeks feeling her soft skin for a second but enough for me, someone with heightened senses, to tell how soft and supple it was.

She blushed like tomato as she screamed like a cat as she gently pushed my hands away.

"Don't do that~"

Yeah, definitely like a cat 0% Damage 100% Cuteness.

But her cute expression vanished as it warped in worry as she asked.

"Oh! And what happened to your voice, is your throat fine! I asked because it was not... This deep yesterday."

"It's nothing really, yesterday I had cough and throat infection so my voice sounded strange but now I'm all fine."

I said smiling lightly giving her the same response as I gave Min-ho though differently, in a lighter tone.

"Though your concern about my health really warms my heart, Sooyung!" I said with smirk.

"N-no-NO! I mean as a fellow classmate it's only obvious that I would ask about your health. Yeah~ it's just that!"

'Ahhhh- I wish I could burry my head in a hole to hide myself from this embarrassment! I could just say that I was concerned for him but why the fuck did I say what I did~ ah!'

I only laughed a little seeing her literally hide in her hands as if that could make the embarrassment not find her.

All class I continued to tease her at every chance I got as I grabbed every opportunity she left for me and seeing her genuine smile I was happy too.

I enjoyed it too, more than treating her like 'something' I have to do, to 'someone' I enjoy teasing and laughing with.


"So what's your last class??"

Huh, that was unexpected but okay.

"It's maths! I remember the name of the maths teacher is Yoo Jin, Ms. Yoo!"



Sorry guys for the irregular update. I was busy binge watching a series on Amazon prime but I have finished it, it was amazing, and now regular updates from now on!

Do you know the trick to making the author of a fanfic upload daily...Give him money even if as little as 2$. For those unable to then give your power stones and review so that it can reach to those who CAN!

So if you wish to give me money for my hard work then join my patreon.

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