
Harem Insanity

In a world where the protagonist's journey is threatened by a more capable adversary, the World's Will takes drastic measures. They orchestrate the demise of this formidable rival, masking it as an unfortunate accident, while the true hero, brimming with untapped potential, lies wounded before onlookers and society. But what if this man received a warning in advance? How would he react to this impending danger, and more importantly,How could he withstand the relentless assault of the world's will, determined to hinder his ascent? Armed only with a system that assigns missions, devoid of any powerful skills or items, he faces an uphill battle for survival. Follow along as our protagonist grapples with adversity, displaying resilience and determination on a treacherous journey. Can he defy the odds stacked against him, or will he succumb to the World's Will conspiring for his downfall? Discover the answers in this captivating tale of courage, wonder and lust~ ------------------------------------------- Do you know the trick to making the author of a fanfic upload daily...Give him money even if as little as 2$. For those unable to then give your power stones and review so that it can reach to those who CAN! So if you wish to give me money for my hard work then join my patreon. Patreon Link patreon.com/The_Ghost165

The_ghost · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 7:- Pain and reward (Read at your own risk)

(A/N- This chapter could be uncomfortable for many as the Jun-Seo goes through tremendous pain.)



{Congratulations host, You have gained:-

• 50 Stats Points

•5 charm Status Points

•Fortune - Villain Halo

•Skill - Combat Arts (7)

•Trait - Weakness reader eyes (7)

•One time system clean room

The system hopes that these gift's help you to fight the protagonist's and the World!}

{Should I start the process of integration host}

'Yes, start the process!!'

{Don't worry host, though this process will be painful,you will not die!!}





I suddenly felt something in the center of my eyes, a warm energy as it rotated there silently making my head warm and fuzzy.

It becomes a center of energy as in compressed and rotated slowly between my eyes, in the center.

The warm energy started moving as it moved to my brain and to my legs slowly and nourishingly giving me a comfortable feeling.

'This feels good~'

The energy travelled like this for seven times slowly little by little as if inspecting and providing me a very comfortable feeling in my whole body.

It invigorated my body as the warmth continued to increase little by little, until it reaches a breaking point!

The energy currently in my legs for the eighth time. This time no longer comfortable as the warm energy turned to heat.

The warm energy running through my body now turned into a savage heat that ravaged my cells, dead and defective cells died and new cells were formed in instant.


I clenched my teeth with the bedsheet as my hands grabbed tightly grabbed the sheets as tears run on my cheeks wetting the blanket.

The heat continued as I felt my legs skin, muscles, tissues, cells and everything inside it burn and born a new.

Blood and puss, black like substance flowed out like a river as my legs broke and burst until it mangled together.




I wriggled like a worm or fish on land that was about to die. Like a drowning person I kicked my legs, clenched my hands till tore the sheets.

The energy now so hot that he was not able to think properly as the energy fixed the mangled and broken legs as newer and better, more perfect cells formed strengthening my legs though I only felt unimaginable pain!!!

Though the pain... had just started.

The lava like energy having ravaged the unfit and dead cells in my legs moved to my nether regions as I felt true pain.

Energy heated like magma drilled into my millions of cells in my nether regions as it coursed through my penis, balls, anus, pelvic region.

My penis and balls burned as I felt my anus turned into serring lava tunnel.


I felt as my penis brake with my balls burst apart as every bone in my pelvis tore apart spurting blood all over the bedsheets.

Though I was too dead to react having my mentality and pysche broken to pieces, maybe unable to ever be healed again!!

The energy made new cells as the now absent middle section of my being formed from scratch, better and more perfect.

Leaving behind a pool of dark blood with pitch-black impurities that smelled worse than shit.

Though Jun-Seo was in no mind to praise his new formed anaconda.

The energy absorbed by the new cells now remained just more than half but it made the energy only more hotter and vigorous.

The energy moved to upper area, the abdomen and the chest where the vitals organs of the body rhythmicly worked.

But the energy seemed to have something against that as the moment it reached the cells, it destroyed and burned all the dead, unfit or all of impurities.

The cells hungrily ate the energy though they seemed to overeat and burst open as more and more blood continued to bleed out, form pool and a waterfall that fell from the edges of the bed wetting the floor.

Hair, skin, muscles, tissues and organs bled out of Jun-Seo as his chest and abdomen seemed to melt into the bed.

His intestines fell out from there as more and more disgusting fluid spurted out from his stomach and intestine.

The most impurities were either burned or extracted in the abdomen from the small and large intestines, stomach and more.

The energy worked faster as the body formed new cells that formed the new tissues, organs, skeleton structure, muscles and skin.

His heart which was beating rythematicly, now slowed down until it no longer beat.

His red heart burst as tremendous amount of blood and pitch black impurities bled out.

This happened with all the organs the stomach, the small intestine, the large intestine , the liver, the spleen, the gallbladder, the pancreas, the uterus, the fallopian tubes, the ovaries, the kidneys, the ureters, the bladder, and many blood vessels (arteries and veins).

Jun-Seo just lied there with blank eyes, unmoving expression and drool coming out of his mouth.

Though the energy seemed to work faster than ever as it quickly formed a new heart along with all the organs.

If someone saw the scene happening then they will shit their pants as the energy appearing as threads formed his cells, tissues, organs, bones, muscles and skin.

The new born cells ate the energy like ravenous hungry children who hadn't eaten for centuries and only stopped when they had their fill.



The energy now half the previous amount went up doing the same with his throat.

It reconstructed his throat, the newer formed cells having better voice.



The energy now working on his face as blood, puss, hair, oily substances and impurities fell from his now holled skeleton face.

A true horror sight enough to scare the hardest and fiercest of hearts.

A new face formed looking like before but with no visual imperfections. His eyes capable of seeing further than any human, his noses capable of smell more than any human, his ears capable of hearing further and better than any human, his tongue capable of telling every ingredient in a food and his skin capable what not any human could.

His face though remained stoic as if unfeeling what was happening to his body.

On this day, while his form ascended to perfection, his essence faded into the oblivion of lost thoughts.

The energy now just remained one fourth from the starting total but the remaining energy was more vigorous and hot.

It travelled up slowly at a creeping pace as it entered it's final destination and the only place that could make him 'alive' again.

It unlike previously flowed delicately as it slowly but slowly removed all the dead, unfit, defective, or impurities within his brain and skull.

Though the magic happend when the energy improved his brain as Jun-Seo reacted violently grasping his breaths as if drowning just seconds ago.

All the pain from before hit him like a truck but unlike before where he could only scream in pain and not even form coherent thoughts, now his thoughts, will, determination, senses and everything was far better than before.

Jun-Seo's eyes were widened unconsciously as his mouth opened to scream but he controlled it with sheer will power as the energy continued to improve his brain until it finally ended.


He continued to mouthful of air in his lungs feeling the pain even after the process had completed. His fingers trembling and his legs shaking.

Just as Jun-Seo was trying to voice out anything, all the blood, puss and impurities started to burn lighting the room leaving only embers until darkness again took hold of the room.

Though now no evidence would be found that some one's body was broken and tore so badly that all his blood drained and then he came back to life looking even more perfect.

Jun-Seo looked at everything with still wide eyes, screaming with his mouth open yet no voice came maybe due to his throat just formed being new.


An hour passed like that with the night silent as if scared to make a noise, afraid of the changed fate it had witness this night.

Jun-Seo completely naked in his bathroom still taking deep breaths as a fierce anger told his emotion in his heart.


{Host what happened to your body happened due to gaining an excessive amount of stats out of nowhere. You must understand this host that only after a human trains for years does one stat increase by an increament of 1 as months of training only increase that stats in decimal points.}

{Another thing to understand is that vitality can not be increased through normal method and humans in your world can only increase it .0001 or .001 points through nutritious and healthy food and lifestyle. And with all the trash you humans eat and enjoy that damage your body and vitality that it's absurd you can still live for 60 years.}

{Thus host, due to adding your stats into Strength, Agility, Vitality, Stamina, Constitution, and intelligence, the energy was to excessive for your body but the system somehow still increased all your stats.}

'I see... So it's my fault.'

I closed my eyes as my anger vanished. Looks like the fear of death and excitement of becoming more than human severely clouded my mind that I did something as stupid as almost dieing on my first day of getting the system.

Another mistake I made was that I blindly trusted the system and didn't ask the questions I had in mind thinking they were stupid or unimportant.

'Trusting someone blindly is betraying yourself!'

I have made naive mistakes that I regret but no longer shall I make them again for I will learn from them.

'System, show me my status and attributes panel.'


[Status] [Attributes] [Inventory] [Store]


 || Name - Kim Jun-Seo ||

 || Age - 19 ||

 || Charm - 80 (Full score is 100)||

 || Luck - 20 ||

|| Fortune - Villain Halo ||

 || Skill - (Expand)||

 || Traits - (Expand)||

 || Villain Points - 0 ||

 || Power - BTA(1) but still trash ||

Note:- System Store not yet open. To open it, you need to have 1000 Villain points.

Note:- Only System items can be stored inside inventory. Unopened Beginner's Gift in inventory.


[Expanded Skills and Traits]

[Skills - Combat Arts (7), Reading(6), Breathing(6), Walking(7), Running(6)]

[Traits - Adaptability(6), Weakness reader eyes(7)]

(The ranking goes goes from lower to higher that is from Rank 7 to Rank 1.)


[Status] [Attributes] [Inventory] [Store]


|| Constitution - 19 (9) ||

|| Intelligence - 15 (5) ||

|| Perception - 15 (*) ||

|| Strength - 20 (9) ||

|| Stamina - 20 (9) ||

|| Vitality - 16 (9) ||

|| Agility - 20 (9) ||

|| Reflex - 14 (**) ||

() - Of the 50 Stats Points which were given in the Beginner's Gift, how many were added in the attribute is shown in brackets.

(*)/(**) - Due to the influence of the stats such as intelligence, agility, and more.


A happy smile came over my face as I felt the strength and lightness in my body.

"Seeing my strength increase in real time is giving me a exciting feeling."

'System explain the skill, trait and fortune I have gained. Tell everything about IT!!'

{Understood host}

{Fortune - Villain Halo:- Hides the being from the heavenly will's and fate's influence. The being born with this fortune is destined to fight against the world and protagonist for his own free will and right.}

{Skill - Combat Arts (7):- The lowest rank combat knowledge and body. You have trained for years to achieve this. Your foundation is perfect and even if 10 trained soldiers come your way, you can reduce them to mere helpless babies.}

{Traits - Weakness reader eyes(7):- A trait of an alien species who are said to be the greatest potential to become martial artists, massageist and anything related to body due to this trait. You, a human, has gained this trait even though the lowest rank. It will allow you to see the weakness and imperfections in creations of living and dead. As it is the lowest rank, you can only find some of them.}

"Hmm, everything I have obtained is helpful to fight the protagonists and with my unique ‹Fortune› I am now safe. I will not die in 7 days anymore."

Now the only thing I need to do is diligently fight numbskulls and kill them! So I can continue to have more traits and skills like this.

I looked at the mirror to inspect myself more carefully as I touched the contours of my so trained muscles that they looked perfect.

My handsome face though remained the same but now all the visual imperfections were gone, my skin smoother than before, my body sculpted like a god as it showed perfect striations.

I looked down at my dick which had increased from 8 inch to a fucking 10 inch thick, girthy cock.

Now this is something of a inconvenience, why you ask? Simply because even my original length and girth were terrific to please women but now with this monster cock I don't know if I will still be putting it in their pussy or directly pierce through her stomach.

"I will manage... Somehow! I must If I even wish to fight the protagonist."

A frown suddenly came to my face as I felt pain spike coming from various parts of my body.

I took hold of the basin with clenched hands as I fiercely stared at my reflection in the mirror.

"Why is my body still in pain system... Is body not adapting to my increased power."

{Yes and No, host your body was deconstructed due to multiple attributes such as Constitutio, Vitality, stamina, Strength, Agility and intelligence. These occasionally pain spikes are due to your lowest rank adaptability trait.}

"I see... Just wish I had wore a blindfold when I said that~"

I chuckled though that was interrupted in the middle due to the shooting pain spikes.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror, in my dark eyes as I said with determination that could be found in very few people alive.

"Tatakae... Tatakae!!"

I wore my clothes as I went to the bed to sleep to forget everything that happened this night... To forget all the pain!

I lied on my bed as I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

1 minute

10 minute

30 minute


I woke up with wide eyes with sweat dripping from head and my back soaked in it.

I didn't even properly sleep but I had nightmare had lava was traveling within me and everything in my body burned until nothing was left of it.

All night I did was try to sleep and escape from the recurring nightmare that didn't care wether I was sleeping or not, they troubled me for every moment of the night until dawn came and the sunlight touched the windows of the room, lighting it.


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Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.Like it ? Add to library! I want to reach rank 1 in Collection ranking!!

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